#(Dare I say.. maybe more satisfying than Collide/Act 7?)
fdragon-art · 9 months
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Day 31 (30 Days | Homestuck - Day 17) - Favourite Sprite (Davesprite Crow Strider, as seen in @meraki-sunset's Crow Strider AU)
"Why don't you just ascend?"
A single statement that would alter the course of this timeline to a previously unimagined haven of possibility.
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guardianofjunmyeon · 4 years
Finding Atlantis (part 4)
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: Action/Adventure, Enemies to Lovers, PirateAU
Description:  20 years ago the seas became angry. Unruly and unkind to any sailor, to  any ship that dared venture too far out in her waters. Many a man has  heard the tales of Atlantis, the lost city, the key the ocean. But fewer  men know the tale of it’s missing child. The key to the ocean, the key  to Atlantis but a lost little one. The power one would hold should they  find this child would be nearly that of Poseidon himself. Thus, the hunt  began.    
A/N: HAPPY BAEKHYUN DAY (for some of the world, it’s no longer his birthday here but shush) HERE’S A NEW CHAP!!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18
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Jongin comes into the room with breakfast, early the next day. You shake off the sleep that you were finally falling into. It’s hard to get much sleep when your body is stuck in a position like the one they've left you in.
The exhaustion sits heavily over you, but at the very least you aren’t dying of hunger or thirst any longer. Your hair itches; you sweat through the night and can feel your clothes clinging to you grossly. You can feel the bags under your eyes getting heavier with each passing minute.
He looks at your pitiful state with a sigh as he sits again at your side; his hands holding a bowl of what looks like a basic porridge. Last night you kept your mouth closed and let your own questions fester in your mind, but today you think that you may be able to get something out of the man in front of you.
It’s not like you have anything to lose. At worst you’ll be taken to the brig, but even that is better than another night unable to sleep like this.
You decide to start innocently. “Where did your Captain sleep last night? I’m assuming that I’m in his bed; he didn’t come back here.”
He looks at you with wide eyes. “Baekhyun? He’s been sleeping with the crew. He shares a bed with Sehun; it’s really cute,” he shares with a smile on his face. He lifts the spoon of the porridge to your mouth and you take the spoon between your lips.
You didn’t ask him for all of that other information; you don’t even know who Sehun is. You continue with the next logical question. “Sehun is…?”
“Sehun works with the maps,” is all he says. You hum.
He brings another spoonful to your mouth as you think of how to word your next question. “Are we still headed to turn me in for a bounty?” you ask, adding a slight tremble to your voice to hopefully pull on his heartstrings.
He looks at you quickly, nervously. His answer is a wordless shrug.
“Please, it’s my life on the line. I can’t even know where I’m headed? It’s not like I’m able to get anywhere with my hands tied like this,” you beg. You rattle the cuffs for added effect. “You don’t even have to tell me where the destination actually is. Just if I’m going to someone who might kill me,” you try.
He don’t answer immediately, instead lifts the spoon again. You swallow the food and plead with your eyes whenever he catches yours. He sighs in defeat. “Captain decided to change course last night, I don’t know where we’re headed now. I don’t think you’re going to die.”
You sag in relief. Thank Poseidon.
Jongin watches your reaction closely at the release of the new information. “What did you say to him yesterday? When he has a plan in mind, he doesn’t often change course.”
You decide to share honestly. “I told him that he has the wrong person and that the price for the princess’s return to Atlantis is worth more than the bounty for her.”
“You’re not the princess?” he asks shocked.
“If I was really the princess do you think that I would lie about not being the princess just to save my skin and get some other fake princess turned in, and risk not only getting an innocent killed but also potentially myself?” you ask.
He squints at you as he processes the poorly worded question. “I mean…probably.” The spoon is brought again to your lips. “If you’re not the princess, then who is?”
You shake your head. “I can’t tell you that, kid. I told her I would keep her identity a secret, and that I would get her home safely. That’s all I can tell you.”
“So you’re just trying to get her home safely?” he asks thoughtfully. “That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
“What about the money?” he asks skeptically.
“I don’t care about the money. She means a lot to me, and her safety comes first. If I can ensure that I can get her home where she belongs, then I would give up all the money in the world.”
You end up eating three more spoonfuls as the words settle between you both. You begin to worry that maybe he doesn’t believe you at all and will ignore all that you’ve said to go about his day. You’re counting on him bringing this information back to Baekhyun. There’s a 99% possibility he’s meant to gather information as much as he is supposed to feed you.
You finish the porridge; he looks at the bandages around your head. “I’ll be back later to check on your wound,” is all he says. He stands and leaves the room without another word.
You exhale heavily and pray to the Gods that they’re on your side and can help you get out of this alive, with the way to Atlantis, and minimal damage.
Boredom sets in as you’re rocked with the ship alone in the room. Left with nothing but your thoughts, you try to think of an escape plan.
If you are no longer headed to the bounty then you assume you’re headed to his source. You close your eyes and try to think like Baekhyun. If you were in his shoes what would be your plan?
Figure out if you’re lying would be the first step. How else can he do that if he doesn’t take you right to the source and match up what you’ve told him with what the other person has?
But he could leave you on the ship while he meets with them; that would throw a wrench in your plan.
You need to guarantee that he’ll be taking you off the ship with him. You’ll sit in the meeting with him and then once you get the information that you want out of the source you’ll make a run for it. You’ll slam your head into Baekhyun’s and fight whoever tries to stop you…
A hair pin. That's what you need when you get off the ship. To free yourself from the cuffs. Seulgi taught you her little trick, but with your hands above you, it’s harder to free yourself.
And you’d still just be stuck on the ship with nowhere to go.
If you can escape him on land, you can find a way on a ship to Arae. You crew knows to meet you there if anyone is ever separated from the ship.
Memories of the sound of canons flood your ears. Your gut sinks. Your crew will meet you in Arae…if any of them survived the bombing that is.
Eat, sleep, be yanked over to a chamber pot to piss and shit. Eat, sleep, be yanked over to a chamber pot to piss and shit.
The routine gets boring extremely quick.
You count 14 days of being stuck aboard the ship. Only a few days ago were you upgraded from both hands bound to just one. Now you can maneuver yourself enough to go to the bathroom without waiting for one of Baekhyun’s crewman to hover over you as you empty out your body. You can even get a decent night’s sleep!
When you wake up feeling wetness between your legs and smelling the distinct smell of your menstruation, you curse profusely. “Guard! Guard! I’m bleeding!”
You toss the sheets off your body to take in the puddle of blood that has soaked through your pants and onto the light colored sheets of the bed. You watch the door open as a man you’ve come to know as Chanyeol sees the blood on the sheets and then quickly leaves with wide eyes.
The door closes with a slam and you hear raised voices outside. Baekhyun comes storming into the room minutes later.
“I swear to fuck if this is some kind of ruse,” the blood catches his eye and his nose scrunches up in disgust.
“I need some help here,” you say flatly. “I can’t get clean or fix this without both of my hands.”
“Jongin!” Baekhyun shouts.
The man enters the room frantically at the sound of his captain. He looks from Baekhyun, to you, to the blood surrounding you, and you watch the understanding spread across his features. He leaves with a rushed, “Got it.”
“What is he gonna do to help?” you ask angrily.
“He has two older sisters. You aren’t the only human who bleeds from their vagina,” Baekhyun responds bluntly. Two men enter the room with buckets of water and fill the tub across the room. Jongin comes back in with what seems to be a substitute for what you usually use when your cycle hits. You’re as shocked as you are impressed.
Everyone moves around with hushed words and hurried movements as you tiredly watch them with your eyes. Soon enough everyone leaves the room.
Everyone but Baekyun.
“You are not bathing me yourself,” you assert.
“Oh shut up.” He walks over and unlocks your hand. You cradle it to your chest and rub the raw skin. He motions to the tub, and you look between it and him. He rolls his eye and turns to face the opposite wall. You undress while keeping your eyes trained on his back. “Hurry up. I’m not going to look. I’ve seen you naked before, don’t start acting shy now.” He huffs to himself and crosses his arms.
You chuck your boot at his back. It collides with a satisfying thud. He moans in pain.
You sink into the tub with a smile on your face. The two of you inhabit the room together in silence as you scrub your skin with soap for the first time in weeks.
He sighs. “We’re headed to my Atlantis informant.”
You perk up at the sudden information. “Oh?”
“I don’t know if you’re lying or not about being the princess, but they’ll be able to tell me with certainty. Then I’ll figure out what to do with you.” You pause in your washing.
“So you thought about what I said then?” You feel smug.
“Don’t flatter yourself. I just want to know the truth before I turn you in. I’d rather not get killed because you decided to make shit complicated. If you’d just given up the princess then we wouldn't even be here.”
You sigh to yourself. “I couldn't do that. I swore a fucking oath. I have to get her home, and neither you, nor any other dumbass pirate lord bounty hunter is going to get in my way.” The water splashes as you scrub more vigorously.
He looks a bit over his shoulder. “Why do you care so much about getting her home anyway?”
“You’ve heard the legends, and you’ve seen it for yourself. The ocean needs her. She needs the ocean, she needs her home. I don’t know what will happen if she’s gone for longer than she’s already been missing. I know that you can sense how much more violent the waters have gotten. Ships go missing every day now. It needs her home, Baekhyun.”
You watch as his shoulders sag and his head tilts to look at the ceiling. Moments pass of nothing but the sounds of you trying to finish washing away the grime that built on your skin. “Are you done yet?”
Taking that as your cue to finish up, you stand from the tub. Dirty water drips from your skin.
You rip the bloodied sheets off the bed and put the time worn blouse you’d been wearing back on. “What am I supposed to wear? My pants are fucking gross; I’m not putting them back on.”
He turns to find you holding the sheet across your waist. “Sounds to me like you’re out of luck.”
“Baekhyun,” you warn.
He rolls his eye. “Just grab something out of the dresser. Don’t get any more blood on my shit.” He points a finger at you in warning. He leaves the room with a solid slam of the door; you flick him off childishly.
Alone again, you search through the dresser and pull out a loose pair of black slacks that look way too big to belong to Baekhyun. You have no luck finding any kind of underwear, so you settle for washing your ruined underwear and pants in the bathwater still sitting in the tub.
You’ll leave them out to dry along the edge.
Another 12 days at sea go by. You’re brought food and then left to your lonesome. You have minimal contact with the crew now that you’ve been allowed to walk around the room not handcuffed to the bed.
You only see Jongin when he comes to deliver your food and pick up the trash. The wound on your head is basically all healed.
Baekhyun comes in every few days or so to threaten you to behave or else he’ll chain you back up. “It’s a privilege, not many can afford, being able to walk around my room freely like this,” he says.
When you aren’t sleeping, you’re praying that your crewmen are alive and well and on their way to Arae recouping.
You know that you’ve arrived at your final destination after 26 days aboard Baekhyun’s ship when you hear sudden shouting about weighing anchor. Like a puppy getting the opportunity to go outside for the first time in its life, you stand and wait by the door to be summoned.
“Come get me. Come get me. Come get me,” you mutter repeatedly under your breath. When the door opens you hold in the exhale of relief you desperately want to release. Baekhyun enters with his eyebrows furrowed at you standing eagerly at the door.
Chanyeol enters close behind. “Clap her in the irons,” Baekhyun instructs. You hold out your hands in front of you with little more than a scoff in reply. The heavy weight of the metal brings your hands back down against the front of your body. Baekhyun walks behind you and blinds you with a thick cloth. He tightens it with a purpose and you grunt in discomfort. You can nearly hear his smile when he says, “Let’s go.”
The sounds of shouting across the ship and on the dock fill your ears. You attempt to catch any sound you can.
“That’s 50 dollars to dock for the week!”
“You’re a bastard John! Give me what you owe.”
“20 to look, 50 to touch.”
You’re relieved to know that this isn’t some abandoned island (again). And that you aren’t going to be left dead with nothing but the key to your cuffs (again).
You stumble forward blindly for what feels like an hour. The blindfold isn’t removed until you’re sat in a chair inside of some place you can’t distinguish by sound.
The cloth is taken away swiftly. Blinking away the confusion and sensitivity to the sudden light exposure, you look around curiously. It seems to be some antique shop. Knick-knacks and jars full of liquids fill the room. You’re sat a small table, Baekhyun sits lounging lazily on your right, and a woman you don’t know sits in front of you.
You look behind the woman and find Chanyeol blocking the only door to the room. Okay. This is doable. You glance around in hopes of finding something around that you could pick your cuffs with.
The woman looks at you with an unreadable expression for all of 10 minutes before her eyes drag over to Baekhyun. “Why have you brought this girl to me Baekhyun?” she asks. Her black hair shines in the candlelight of the room.
“I need to find Atlantis, and I need her to do that,” he says curtly. “First of all, is she the princess, yes or no?” Right to the point.
The woman looks back at you; you look at her.
“No…the sea runs through her, but she is not a child of the sea.”
Baekhyun looks at you and you suppress a triumphant smirk. The woman stands up, she’s tiny you realize, and walks to you. You and Baekhyun follow her with your eyes (all three of them) as she silently unlocks the metal around your wrists. They fall to the ground loudly.
You rub your wrist and blink back at her. That makes your life a lot easier…
Baekhyun lets out a sound of disagreement. “Come on Irene, you can’t just go around freeing people’s prisoners.”
Irene glares at him and he quickly closes his mouth. “You know that I don’t work with prisoners in my midst. She is a guest, the same as you are,” she comments. You bow your head respectfully. She places her neatly manicured hands atop the table. “Now, why have you come to me about Atlantis?” The question is directed at you both.
Before you can speak, Baekhyun has already begun. “What do you know about Atlantis? About the missing princess? About how to find it?” he rattles off.
“I thought you didn’t care about some stupid lost city,” you mumble under your breath.
She holds up a finger to silence the both of you. She stands gracefully, wordlessly and walks to the bookcase along the wall by the door. She browses the books, finger dragging across the worn spines, until she stops on a blue backed book just as old as the rest. She pulls it from the shelf and drops it on the table between you all with a resounding thud. Chanyeol jumps in his spot.
“Atlantis has existed long before human civilization,” she starts. She sits down and opens the book to the very middle. “It was created by Poseidon himself as a place on Earth where he could be closer to his element and watch as humanity began to flourish. His children rule the city as he lives among the other Gods. Atlantis is advanced far beyond our years and was lost to tragedy when they demanded that they be worshipped for their contributions to the ocean.
“They were the keepers of the ocean. They do not control it; the ocean cannot be controlled. Rather, they listened to her woes, her joys, her concerns, her anger, and they aided her in her troubles. They angered the Gods by demanding that the other humans worship them, although most of them were human or part human themselves. Their civilization was ravaged with destruction and hidden in the deepest part of the ocean, never to be found by humanity again.
“Atlantians age three times as slow as the average human. There have been stories of people from Atlantis coming to the surface, curious about humanity since its punishment, desperate to live among the humans; however, there are no stories of humans traveling to Atlantis since it fell. There are no descriptions of the city, for it is sacrilegious to discuss with a non native. Because of this, the existence of this city is still believed to be a myth by most of humanity.” She points to a short paragraph in the book. “There are no descriptions, but there is record of the Atlantian return song.”
“Return song?” you ask.
“A song that helps those who are lost find their way home. Only another Atlantian can lead you to Atlantis,” she warns. Her fingers trace the words as she reads. “Follow the sound of your soul, she’ll call out to you to bring you back to your shoal. She’ll fight you to prove that your heart is true, to crush you and build you back stronger in her darkest shade of blue. Beautiful songs will call out to confuse the path, to distract you, but remembering your heart will get you through. She’ll finally take you in her arms again, cradled and safe where all life began.”
You sit with bated breath as she finishes the rhyme. Parts of this you knew, other parts you don’t know whether or not to believe.
Baekhyun asks, “And what about the princess? What do we know about her?” You feel anxiety ringing through your every nerve.
“She’s been missing for 20 years. From what we can tell, she left when she was still young. She has been called by many names, and there are even more descriptions of her looks. But there is only one description.
“Skin smooth and pale, like a pearl hidden far below the waves. Hair as black as the deepest part of the sea. Wide, round eyes, innocent as you can find. Small pink lips like a single petal sitting atop a calm sea. Blue etchings, like waves, will appear on her skin when she is returned home, the mark of royalty by birth.” She says.
You exhale shakily and turn to Baekhyun. “I told you; that’s nothing like me.” You attempt to joke but it comes out shallow to your own ears.
She continues on. “There are many names for those who control the sea: Poseidon, Neptune, Tefnut, Aegaon, Leucothea, Mazu, and Hydros to name just a few. We claim Poseidon as king, as the main God of the seas. Each of Poseidon’s children were created half human, and were born with a destiny tied to the sea. Whether it be to clean it, to create new life, to guide lives lost to the other side, they are taught their respective destiny from the day they are born.” Irene’s eyes lose focus. “The lost child…the youngest…ran away early in her life and has left destiny unanswered. She is destined to save all the seas. That is why she is called guardian. Guardian of the Ocean.”
“Suho…” you whisper shakily.
She blinks and the focus returns to her gaze. She looks to you in surprise. “You’ve heard this name before?”
You nod and inhale. “Yes, I have.” You can feel Baekhyun’s gaze burning into the side of your skull, but you are too caught up in Irene’s words to care. “How would she be able to get home? Do you have any specific way to get her back outside of the song?” Your voice sounds desperate to your own ears.
Irene taps her nails on the table, “The ocean already wants her. It calls out to her. She must follow its song and the rhyme of her people to return. I fear if she doesn’t return soon then the ocean’s anger may be irreversible.” Her eyes lock with yours and you see wildness in them. The calm look she sported when you first met is long gone, replaced with insanity. Her hands grab yours and squeeze tightly, almost painfully. “You must do whatever you can to get him back.”
“Him?” Baekhyun mutters at your side.
Irene stands abruptly and begins searching through all of the things in the room. You feel sick. “Him?” Baekhyun whispers to you in question.
You don’t get the chance to respond. Irene hands you a compass and a map with shaking hands. “This map will help you find your way to and from Atlantis when used with the song. The compass will guide you to the thing you want most in this world. Use both of these tools to aid you in your travels. It will be dangerous. Be careful traveler.” She squeezes the objects in your hands and shares her hope, her trust in you through her look alone.
You clutch the objects as if your life depends on it and stand from your seat. Baekhyun scrambles to his feet after you.
“Thank you Irene. How can we repay you?” he asks genuinely.
She shakes her head. “The promise of saving Atlantis is enough. That and bring this beauty back to see me once you’ve completed the mission….if you survive that is.” The wildness from before, the insanity are gone without a trace. She winks in your direction and you smile slyly in return. Oh…
Baekhyun squawks in indignation. “Let’s go,” he grunts as he shoves you out of the room and out of the shop.
Once out in the open air again, you spin on him. “I’m gonna fuck your informant,” you tell him gleefully. He scoffs.
“She would destroy you.” He reaches out towards the objects still clutched to your chest when you jerk away from his reach. “What are you doing? Give them to me.”
“No, she gave them to me.” Chanyeol takes a step forward and you snap your eyes to him. He stops. “She handed this stuff to me, and I have the princess. It’s clear as day that this is a mission for me.” You glare at him and he glares back.
“Well I’m the one with the ship and crew. We blew yours to smithereens, remember?” You sneer at him.
“Yeah and now we’ve just got to fucking hope that the princess survived!” you hiss.
He’s right, but you’re also right. You start to feel hopelessness sinking in at being alone. No crew, no ship, no Suho.
“Captain?!” you hear. You blink in confusion and turn around to look for the source of the voice. There are lots of people around. This must be a popular port. You frown as you take in your surroundings for the first time.
“Wait is this…” you squint as the buildings gain familiarity. You gasp.
Arae. Oh Byun Baekhyun you dumb motherfucker.
“Captain!” you hear again. You find Junmyeon in the crowd, running towards you at full speed. His body collides with yours and you hug each other as if you’re the only thing keeping the other alive. You sag in his arms, the weight of relief pulling you down.
“I thought you all died,” you whimper into his ear.
He pulls away and takes you in. “No, most of us are fine. They just damaged the ship so that we couldn't follow you. The mainmast was broken in half but we’ve been able to fix it while we’ve been here.” He speaks so fast that he runs out of breath.
“Most?” you ask.
He looks down and takes off his hat. “We lost a few men to the destruction.”
You exhale heavily. You’ll have to hold a vigil for your lost men when you all return to sea. You suddenly remember Baekhyun and Chanyeol behind you when Junmyeon nudges you with his boot.
They watch your interaction with wide eyes. You can see the gears turning in Baekhyun’s head. You shove the map and compass in Junmyeon’s arms with a bit too much force. “Take these back to the ship and don’t stop until it’s locked safe in my chambers.” He looks down at the objects in confusion. You steal the sword off his side and flick your eyes in the direction he came.
“Okay,” he says worriedly. He makes off with your new treasures and you turn your blade on the men left with you.
“Looks like things have changed boys!”
“Sounds to me like you still need some men for your crew,” Baekhyun offers slowly.
“No thanks to you. You’re the reason they’re dead.” Your face twitches in anger.
“Me and a few of my men could be of use to you right now don't you think?” You furrow your eyebrows. “You need some men and I know that you aren’t going to just pick a few men off the streets here. That would spark the attention of other pirates and then you’d be not only trying to get to Atlantis, but fighting off every man who chased after you for the princess. You need experienced workers, and I’ve got them.”
You curse under your breath. He’s right. You hadn’t even thought that far ahead. People talk, and if the Storm Chaser is suddenly looking for men that puts you all in the middle of open season. They don’t have to know why you’re doing it or what you’re after, they’ll attack first and then figure out why after. You huff.
“Why should I trust you? What do you gain from this?”
“You shouldn’t trust me,” he admits. “And as for what I would gain…let’s say I’m doing this to appease my…curiosity,” he purrs. You grimace. “Also part of the reward money. Double what I would have gotten for the bounty.” He’s too bold.
“You’re the one with nothing to offer here. How are you trying to haggle me?” You scoff.
“Listen, I’m willing to work with you on this. I trust Irene’s words, and for some reason she thinks that you can get this job done.” He rolls his eye dramatically. “I’m willing to call a truce, and work together on this. Besides, me and my crewmen have our own debts to pay. We need this money okay? You can use me and my men however you need us.” You weigh his words and search for signs of dishonesty in his eye.
“How do I know you aren’t going to cross me and steal my ship and leave me marooned on an island?”
“You just refuse to let that go, huh?” he growls. You lift your sword to his throat. “It’s your ship, it’s your crew. I just want the money and to see the city okay? If any of my men or I give you any reason to doubt our commitment to this cause, you can kill us.” Chanyeol squawks at his side. “After this is completed…well then I can make no promises. We can go right back to trying to kill each other.”
You ponder it. “Okay, we’ve got a temporary truce.” You lower your sword. “I hate to admit it, but you are good at what you do. We could use you and a few men.” He perks at the praise. “Don’t get a big head,” you warn. “I wouldn’t need to use you all if you’d just left my crew the hell alone like I told you.”
“We didn’t even-”
“Uh Captain?” Chanyeol’s voice cuts off whatever Baekhyun was preparing to say. He motions in front of himself; both you and Baekhyun turn around to see where he is pointing behind you. A woman with long bright red hair and red lips to match is approaching your group. “An ex?” he asks Baekhyun as the angry woman stalks over. Her skirt barely brushes against the ground, raising dust.
“No,” Baekhyun says just as you say “Yes.” You swallow and plaster on a tense smile.
“Joy…” You hope you don’t sound as nervous to see her as you feel. Her hand comes across your face in a hard slap. You wince and cradle your burning skin. “Okay yeah I deserved that,” you admit.
“Bold of you to show your face here after leaving me high and dry a year ago,” she fumes.
You smile sheepishly. “Sorry. There was an emergency and I didn’t have time to leave a note-”
Her anger melts into curiosity at she finally takes in the men behind you. “Who’s your friend?” Her eyes slowly look Baekhyun from his head to his toes and back up once more. He puts on his best smile. You try your hardest not to retch.
“Not a friend,” you mutter and she walks pasts you and starts to flirt boldly with Baekhyun. Chanyeol looks at you uncomfortably as they share flirtatious touches and smiles. You shake your head slowly to yourself in aggravation. You don’t care that they’re flirting, but you do have a job to do, and your face hurts now. So you aren’t in a great mood. You manage to slide between the two of them as she laughs at something that he said that, objectively, wasn't very funny. “Joy, I’m really sorry again. I promise I’ll make it up to you the next time I’m here, but we,” you motion to the men behind you, “really have to get going. We’re already behind schedule.”
She pouts at you and then jabs a finger in your shoulder. “You’d better make it up to me,” she demands. You nod dumbly. She breaks out into one of her most beautiful smiles and kisses the corner of your lips. “I’ll see you around,” she looks behind you again and smirks at Baekhyun. “And hopefully, I’ll see you around too cutie.” With an air kiss in his direction she saunters off.
You exhale in relief. Baekhyun stands at your side with a cheesy grin. “I’m gonna fuck your ex.”
“No, she’s going to fuck you,” you correct.
“Potato, potato. This isn’t my first pegging, Captain,” he says.
Your breath catches. You fake gag to hide the heat you feel rising in your neck at the thought of Baekhyun being pegged by Joy. Or better yet the thought of you pegging him.
“Chanyeol, go bring Jongin, Sehun, and Seungri here to board the Storm Chaser.” His voice breaks you out of the thoughts you feel immediate shame for having. Get yourself together.
You shake your head. “No not Seungri. I hate that guy and I don’t trust him.”
Baekhyun nods slowly. “I don’t either. Always hated the guy,” he agrees. He shoves you in the arm, hard. “See, we’re getting along already.” He turns back to Chanyeol. “Bring Kyungsoo instead. Kill Seungri while you’re at it.” He waves his hand dismissively. You hold back a snort. Maybe working together for once won’t be so bad.
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