draconscious · 1 year
@analuein sent: « "Don't you dare!" » / 'don't' starters - accepting!
Clair merely arches an eyebrow in response to Thorton's threat. She's not intimidated in the least, and remains quite cross with him. The Factory Head is definitely still in trouble.
She pinches the Brain's latest gadget--a futuristic, data-gathering rover--between gloved fingers, holding the machine at a distance like it's some disgusting bug. To be fair to Thorton, his pathfinder is a gorgeous technological marvel, but such innovations are still not appreciated or allowed in the Dragon's Den. No exceptions. And while some of her younger Gym Trainers may have a more lenient approach to this traditionalist rule, Clair wields the Clan's prohibition with an iron fist. She has to. (It's about respect.)
Thorton's wandering rover was all set for its execution--an unceremonious dunk in Blackthorn's lake--but the panicked Brain had arrived at the eleventh hour, all shrill protests and red-faced pleading. In the past, Clair might have simply ignored the Head's blustering, but she's not as absolute or cruel anymore. (Jagged edges add a sloppy element to her otherwise sharp personality.)
So, with a sigh hissing out of the corner of her mouth, the Gym Leader pauses...and proceeds to hold out Thorton's invention in her palm. "Hmph. Take it already."
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"And just so we're clear, your toys are not allowed in the Dragon's Den, Factory Head or not," Clair growls, jabbing a finger into Thorton's chest with her free hand. "...Do we have an understanding, Brain?"
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