maybanksbabe · 11 months
sugar baby!r and ward having rough sex in his and rose’s bed, but they don’t realize that Rose is still home and probably now standing at the other side of the door 🫣
Oh -
Oh my god -
I'm about to fuck that old man there's no way I could justify this LORD HELP ME -
The way I feel like Rose would wait until you stopped to knock on the door -
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pinacoladamatata · 2 years
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scene redraw from episode 1 - i am so normal about them your honor!
i think is this the first time i've drawn loustat since. and i am not kidding. 2012.
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sopebubbles · 2 years
Hello! Ive gone absolutely radio silent bc I got a job! And I've been working and resting all these weeks but I'm back today bc I am finally ready to talk about Fighter
First things first, I wasn't sure if I was going to really get into it bc of the themes involved but I pushed through anyway and i really like the story! Val is one of my favorite MC's you've written so far. I love her interactions with all the boys so far, I especially love how Yoongi is already a simp for her and the boys are all slowly starting to see what Tae sees (though the boy meeds to chill tf out and respect some boundaries)
Anyway I love Fighter I cant wait to see how the boys save her from Joaquin's bitch ass and I hope that mf gets whats coming to him too 😡 traumatizing my bby Val all over again like this, he needs to get driven off a cliff or something.
-💜 anon (I believe this is what I changed my signoff tag to? I used to be Team Jimin Leader Anon)
Congrats on getting a job! I know how that can interfere with tumblr time, but im SO GLAD you're here!!!
Im so glad you like her and the story! She needs to be protected so much and i am doing the absolute WORST JOB. Luckily she has yoongi and all the other boys to make it better. Honestly, god bless yoongi, im so weak for him. He's so good and sweet and...oh what was i saying?
Joaquin for real needs to be catapulted into the sun or something. He's horrible. Hopefully he'll meet a just end.
Thank you so much for coming back and sharing your thoughts with me! It means so much!
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wenightmareyou · 2 years
92 Truths
michaela @agentdanaascully isabelle @carefuldaughtercas and i found this old tag meme that michaela and i did in 2015 so we’re redoing it 7 years later! i cant believe we’ve been on here this long jfc
(copying all of my old answers and keeping the funny ones bc there are some gems in here)
Once you’ve been tagged, you’re supposed to write a note with 92 truths on it. At the end choose/tag 25 people. (not doing this lmao)
I was tagged by michaela and isabelle in real life lmao
OPTIONAL: NAME: Kodie AGE: 23 Now here are the 92 questions:
WHAT WAS YOUR: 1. last beverage = Tazo awake tea 😌 2. last phone call = my mom lol 3. last text message = isabelle carefuldaughtercas 4. last song you listened to = heaven help us live 5. last time you cried = today listening to heaven help us live lmao
HAVE YOU EVER: 6. dated someone twice = technically? 7. been cheated on = yup 🙃 8. kissed someone & regretted it = yes 9. lost someone special = like as in died? if so yes 10. been depressed = maybe 11. been drunk and threw up = no 😇 
LIST THREE FAVORITE COLORS: 12. RED (keeping this answer the same as 2015 bc im endeared by the all caps 🥺) 13. black 14. yellow
LAST YEAR (2014) (lmao) HAVE YOU: 15. Made a new friend = yes 16. Fallen out of love = no 17. Laughed until you cried = yes 18. Met someone who changed you = yes 19. Found out who your true friends were = obsessed w the 2014 energy radiating off of this question. um yes i do know who my true friends are and i love them 20. Found out someone was talking about you = yes in a good way? 21. Kissed anyone on your [FB, Twitter, Tumblr Etc] List? = no GENERAL: 22. How many people on your [Fb, Twitter, Tumblr Etc] list do you know in real life = i know so many mutuals irl i have no idea,,,, like 20? 24. Do you have any pets = no :( im definitely definitely gonna get either a cat or a bird after i graduate though 25. Do you want to change your name= I really think I will someday actually <—-awww that was my answer in 2015 and i did 🥰 i love my name now, if anything i could see myself changing my last name someday but that depends 26. What did you do for your last birthday = lmao got boba and watched the lost boys with michaela 27. What time did you wake up today = i think 11?
🚨THERES NO 28 🚨 
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for = for Panic! to finally start releasing new music <—LMAOO RIP AT MY 2015 ANSWER 💀 uhhhh the mcr shows this fall/seeing rhys darby on monday!! 30. Last time you saw your mother = maybe a week ago? 31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life = I wish I could drive <—KEEPING MY 2015 ANSWER BC I STILL CANT FUCKING DRIVE but yeah god i wish 32. What are you listening to right now = the hum of the refrigerator/michaela and isabelle also filling this out rn 33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? = tom my best friend tom who’s tom? wambsgans 🥺 but no irl i dont think ive ever met a tom, i just have the fictional one i rotate in my mind 34. What’s getting on your nerves right now= waiting for a text back 🙄 35. Most visited webpage = tumblr dot edu dot gov 37. Nickname = i dont have one :(  38. Relationship Status = single 39. Zodiac sign = scorpio 40. He or She = they 41. Elementary School = tbh i wonder w old ask memes like this what kind of response they wanted. like are they asking the name of your school? are they asking if you enjoyed it? if you remember elementary school? bc honestly i do not remember elementary school, love and light 42. High School = again what do they want w this?  43. College = i miss it! a little bit! 44. Hair color = dark brown/red 45. Long or short = short 46. Height = 5'4" 47. Do you have a crush on someone? = no <3 48. What do you like about yourself? = i like to think im funny 49. Piercings = none 50. Tattoos = none 51. Righty or Lefty: righty
FIRSTS: 52. First surgery= wisdom teeth 53. First piercing = ears but i let them close 54. First best friend = her name was haley 55. First sport you joined = I’ve never actually done a sport before <—love the way i flat out lied when i did this in 2015 lmao. i did cross country for a few months when i was 13 56. First vacation = mexico 58. First pair of trainers = i’m sorry this is such a funny question i don’t know why someone would remember this
RIGHT NOW: 59. Eating = nothing 60. Drinking = tazo awake tea lmao 61. I’m about to = make lunch 62. Listening to = isabelle and michaela still lmao 63. Waiting for = a text back still!
YOUR FUTURE: 64. Want kids? = hmmm maybe? that sounds like a question for future me 65. Get Married? = ^^^ 66. Career? = finishing my last year of law school rn so probably a lawyer unless something drastic happens lmao
WHICH IS BETTER: 67. Lips or eyes = still both! 68. Hugs or kisses = kisses 69. Shorter or taller = taller 70. Older or Younger = preferably same age <—jfc this is still so true 71. Romantic or spontaneous = both! 72. Nice stomach or nice arms = not to be like all stomachs and arms are nice but they are :(( 73. Sensitive or loud = both 74. Hook-up or relationship = no comment 75. Trouble maker or hesitant = sun in trouble maker, rising hesitant, moon in hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER: 76. Kissed a stranger = yes 77. Drank hard liquor = yes 78. Lost glasses/contacts = yes 79. Have dated = yes 80. Broke someone’s heart = i think so? 81. Had your own heart broken = yes 82. Been arrested = no 83. Turned someone down = yes 84. Cried when someone died = yes 85. Fallen for a friend = i’m gay of course
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 86. Yourself = yes 87. Miracles = maybe? 88. Love at first sight = okay like yes but not in the way where you’re literally in love with them? but i definitely think you can have one interaction w someone and *know* if you had more time together you would fall in love 89. Heaven = yes maybe kind of but also no except when its yes but not actually yes no <3 90. Santa Claus = no 91. Kiss on the first date = lol yes 92. Angels = im copying isabelle and michaela and saying cas 
this was so fun, i cant believe we’ve been on here long enough to make these answers dated and cringy. i’m not tagging anyone but do if you want to! if im still on here in seven more years i’ll do this again lmao
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littlenekosfan · 4 years
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Freund schild...? what a particular name...
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shattered-catalyst · 3 years
Saying Rictor cannot be a Druid is Racist and supporting Racism in the Druid community
The whole argument for it being a "closed" religion is to protect its "purity" aka WHITENESS. The only true closed druidness is ancient druidness which is closed because the ancient druids are dead which is like a Thing we can all understand. they have perished. eons ago. NOTHING IS BEING APPROPRIATED. THE DRUID CULTURE IS OPEN.
Like I'm sorry did that post just infer a Mexican man cannot practice Druidism??? Before you say anything ask yourself are Black Celts and Brits allowed to practice? OHhh thats right because that post infers only people BORN IN IRELAND or traced back to Druids can be Druid so if someone is born in Ireland its fine but if they arent theyre SOL. Cant trace your roots back or “prove” youre “Irish” enough? Wow all this is such horrible langue and Im hoping youre all recognizing it for the gatekeeping language that it is by now.
By believing that post you are aligning yourselves with white supremacy rhetoric. 
The only citation a National Geographic article? Shameful. When you come for the Druid and Pagan sides of Tumblr you bring Facts: but one national geographic article? Thats like going to a new age bookstore and buying one book and claiming you’re a practicing witch
Youre literally co-opting something thats happening in the Pagan Community: aka the white hate movement - and trying to use it to hate on Tini Howard for your own flex points.
I expected better from the OP and the person who hearted the post. Seriously you two.
You gotta understand your reach for hate spamming is harming actual practitioners and speaking over us is not okay!
You don't need to be initiated into a Grove to be a neo druid (shortened just to druid) you can just follow the tenants and rituals and practice as one to be one.
There is trouble in Ireland with catholicism and celtic pagan worship (NOT druidism NOT the same thing)- no ones shocked there- but no one in the rictor tag has any business bringing that up because quite frankly it's not your lane unless you're:
In Ireland
  Active in the Pagan Umbrella community for more than a few years (because its a complex topic and you can't just Google this shit you have to actually synthesize and know what's going on)
a practitioner of witchcraft because you had to study druidism or paganism for at least a year or so while researching your own craft which means Tini Howard can call me up any time and we can chat about Druidry and Rictor all we want.
As a druid it was very hurtful seeing that post especially in a safe place. I'm not about to police the internet but JFC guys take that shit down please and educate yourself so you dont spread white nationalism.
How about some resources on race in Modern Druidry?
How about actual practitioners talking about what I believe is the best post I have found to date that summarizes what is happening with the Celtic Pagan community. There are aspects of Irish Paganism that ARE semi- closed!!! And people ARE appropriating those but that's not related to Druidism AT ALL.
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dauntless-dragayn · 5 years
liveblogging She ra s3 reactions part 2
time for pain babay!
[ part one ┊ part two ]
episode 4
Oh Boy i can already feel the tonal shift
“The Moment of Truth” WHAT a title
Hordak youre assuming your general will give a fuck
Entrapta: “Ooh you have a wip now?” THE ENTIRE FANDOM WHEN CLIPS WERE DROPPED
this isnt related to anything but Angela’s wings are so pretty 🤩
Oh shit Glimmer just called her out big time
The mural in the background of this scene is pretty
Adora needs a chance to fuck Hordak up and not just rant at him That was satisfying tho Her angry voice / growl, yunno?
no dont go to SHADOWBITCH for help
Why is she lounging in her ‘prison’ wtf
“Let me out.” Ive never heard of a WORSE idea
Uh oh Shadowbitch knows exactly how to appeal to Glimmer
Tag yourself im Bow shaking his head in the background
Oh finally Entrapta finds out the truth, this has bothered me for a while
“Catra was my friend too, but she makes bad decisions!” okay honestly this is a little too relatable - having to watch your friends fuck up their own life because they wont listen to you or reason
Mermista telling Shadowbitch to shut the fuck up is iconic
Angela flying through the hallways :0
Fuck im worried about this I dont trust Shadowbitch
Wait “her”? Froggo person is a her? Aiight
I see the Princesses are now occupied and wont be in the way during thematically relevant scenes
i dont like.. Glimmer and Shadowbitch working together but I must admit theyre a force to be reckoned with
I do feel bad for Catra tho The last thing she needs is more lies from Shadowbitch
This connection is hurting Glimmer!! >:U
Catra unhinging, thats what we’re watching
The significance of Catra using a taser rn is that thats what she uses to tase Adora when she first defects
So i guess that Catastrophic Event just happened huh
episode 5
wh.. what
bitch you did not dream that shit things are NOT perfect
But at the same time its.. so nice to see Catra and Adora getting along
Their flirting .. 💕
“Do you have a concussion or something?” or something..
 Lonnie’s voice is so cute ive forgotten omg
“I cant believe you like me, thats so embarrassing for you!” AHH SKDNFJ CUTE
This is like. Fanfic material
Too good to be true tho and also too terrible bc Adora is still trapped in the Horde
Does Regelio just never talk I love them
Shadowbitch treating Catra well? Them not hating each other??? Fake news 
“Everything is perfect.” Theres that phrase again
“I do not. Like you.” AT LEAST SCORPIA IS HONEST
Who tf is this lizard person with hair in the background
Adora is remembering shit!
this would be so scary i feel rlly bad for Adora
Dissociation be like-
“Everything’s perfect.” STOP SAYING THAT
“Everything will be perfect as long as we stay together.” :(((
This is INSANE
“Its like time and space arent working right” you dont say..
Why is Scorpia the only other person to act like they remember? Besides Catra in that one moment ,,?
“Just go with it okay?” Yeah like thats what youve been doing..
Gonna reiterate: this is insane!
Hahaha Adora and Catra are alone in a closet kiss- Sorry this is all just So Much i needed to break the tension
ADORA JUST TASERED CATRA I- I mean Payback i suppose
She took her with her to the woods aw
“As much as I wish things could be the way they used to be, we can’t go back!” hey im Feeling things
“Dont you get it? Im NEVER going with you!”
softly but with lots of emotion: fuck
Why does this old witch lady function in the au
“This happened before with Mara!” o- oh.
Im so confused
This is intense as all fuck “Bow and Glimmer! I need to find them!” love will save the world
CATRA IS ALIVE?! Catra is.. oh god. Oh what the fuck
episode 6
Oh Glimmer and her mom getting along.. havent seen that in a while
Bow is.. scholarly
Well at least theyre still friends
“Woah you look different than your mural..” lol
Where do I recognize Micah’s voice from??
Glimmer’s outfit is a little different and I dont like it
Adora talking up her friends to prove she knows them is everything
okay Angela looks fierce as fuck here
How.. lucky that they just warped to Entrapta’s side
Trapped between realities.. uh oh
Whos gonna die in the portal
“That portal is centered on you!” FUCK?
her friends monologuing about her- BEFORE THEY DISAPPEAR I- //WIPES TEAR
i was LITERALLY about to say ‘where’s Catra. this is the perfect time for her to show up.’ Lol. I was right!
HEY ADORA demon version 😬
Catra this is all YOUR fault fuckin hoe
All their past battle spots..
“I didnt break the world. But I am gonna fix it. You made your choice. Now live with it!” i have. no words
watching Catra disappear still hurt me .
.. ANGELA! Wait Wait Angela No
She cant go
Glimmer would be an orphan
“And now I chose to be brave. Take care of each other.” Im not crying you are Im not crying Adora is I am
That glare at Catra, holy shit
Glimmer didnt even get to say goodbye to her mother. Their last talk was a fight.
Bow pickin up Glimmer!
im gonna cry AGAIN
//whispering/ does that mean Glimmer is queen?
Oh fuck Big Baddie found Etheria
I was not prepared for this at all
anyway UH. if any of yall wanna yell with me feel free to respond or send an ask or a message or whatever. lets suffer together
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bananonbinary · 5 years
u know what i put it in the tags of that post cause im a gentile and didnt think my addition would be wanted on the actual post, but fuck it here:
yall aren’t being woke with your “religion is all backwards and stupid and oppressive, unlike me, an enlightened person.”
like. a) you do realize that entire attitude is a white colonial attitude used to justify manifest destiny? that Christianity is The One True belief and all else is savage and stupid, and we must educate the poor dumb natives with their backwards ideas? you arent being rebellious by turning that idea towards abrahamic faiths, cause you arent even targeting christianity specifically, you’re just attacking the same people the christian church likes to attack.
which brings us to b) the idea that all religion is probably basically the same, by which you mean christianity, is ALSO a shitty christian-centric idea, and i cant believe i have to explain that. saying “all religions are oppressive and homophobic,”  or even “all religions that draw from the torah in some form are oppressive and homophobic,” is such a cold fucking take like jfc take a religious studies course or like, talk to a jewish person or muslim once.
i know taking colonial and/or conservative attitudes and putting them in a new hat is sort of tumblrs specialty, but yall really need to think about this shit before you just repeat it.
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whaechan · 5 years
Get to know me tag
So I’m finally lowkey trying to go through the stuff I’ve been tagged in, and seeing as I’ve been slacking for months and there are a few different ones, I’ve decided to just mash some together, so this one will have questions from different tags in one, aye
Anyways, I got tagged by @wegojeno @neoculturexo and @starryyuta - Thanks! and sorry for getting to this so late jfc woejfkls
Name: Mieke
Nicknames: Miek, Mike, Milkje, Ponyo
Pronouns: She/her
Zodiac : Taurus
Age: 22 
Height: Like 178cm
Haircolor: Light brown/dark blonde? though I dyed it a while ago so there’s like a purple’y hue to it
Time: 7:30pm
Favorite Fruit: Mangos 
Favorite Season: Autumn!
Favorite Animal: Owls
Favorite Fictional Character: Eh... can’t think of anyone right now oops
Favorite TV Show: At the moment maybe... Sherlock??
Cats or Dogs?: I like both but if I had to pick one maybe... dogs?
Do You Have a Tumblr Crush?: My girlfriend??
Favorite Artist: Not considering kpop? Maybe Brendon Urie?
Song Stuck in My Head: Miss you by Eric Nam
Last Movie I Saw: The new fantastic beasts movie, i think?
Last Thing I Googled: Munchausen by Proxy.... lmao thats kinda weird, sorry bout that, dont question it
Other Blogs: @diva-booseungkwan
Do You Get Asks?: Ehhh sometimes
Why Did You Choose Your User? Because, wae, haechan? thats all
Following: ..... 927. I really need to go through that at some point jfc
What Are You Wearing: Pajamas
Dream Job: Honestlyyyy i have no idea :))))
Dream Trip: I mean not to be /that/ guy, but south korea? japan? also wanna go back to london aye
Favorite Food: At the moment this fried rice dish my girlfriend makes, i fucking love it jfc
Favorite Song: At the moment... we go up by nct dream
Play or Played Any Instruments?: I used to play the guitar, but i quit and im really sad about that :((((
Favorite drink: Coke tbh
Are you older or younger than your ult: Older by four years oof
What do you notice first in a person: ... Their teeth(aka smile) .. I’m a dental nurse okay you cant blame me lmao ;;;;;
Put your playlist on shuffle and list the four first songs:
HOTSHOT - Body talks
Nick&Sammy - Summertime
Fall Out Boy - Save rock and roll
NCT DREAM - Walk you home
Do you believe in ghosts: Yes! I want to film a buzzfeed unsolved ep with renjun (or all the dreamies) please, thats my only dream
Do you drive? If so, have you crashed: I’ve had my drivers license for nearly five years now, never had an accident (though  people drove into my car while it was parked twice..)
Languages You Speak: English and Dutch
Random Fact: I cant wait for the sweet release of death
I tag: @johntenctzen @justalittleproblem @yellow-sprout @jaeyongg @starryncity @melonmark @haechanti @marksleepy @luwoof
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yeoldontknow · 7 years
Wow I just found your masterlist and I've been reading through everything. Mourning Air is so realistic it made me cry. You handled the complexity of those emotions so well. Kai is my bias and I guess that made it worse in a way 😅 And also I see your asks about Bangtan University and I can officially say Saturday will be my favorite day for a while! Have a great day! 💗
hello sweet anon!! i cant believe Mourning Air made you feel this way. oh hun, let me hold you *snugs* SOMEONE GET ME SOME KAI FLUFF, STAT. i truly appreciate your compliments about the writing, honestly nothing really makes me feel as good as the knowledge you felt something while reading and that you (hopefully!) enjoyed the story.
honestly, im going to make a tag now called Saturday Support for all of us to excited to cope for Bangtan U updates. @kpopfanfictrash and i are living for this universe-ity, and im swerving all over the damn shop unable to stay in my hobi hoe lane because educator!BTS is like...probably my limit, you know? like anything more than this and i will DIE. i need a fan jfc
(on my phone so cannot gif, but imagine there is a nice happy kai here to comfort you
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paintingraves · 7 years
Tagged (yes, again)
(ily people)
Was tagged by @funkzpiel​ (my love!!!!) (´∀`)♡
Rules: 1. Always post the rules.
 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you.
 3. Write 11 questions of your own.
 4. Tag 11 people.
1. What is your favorite, weird comfort quirk?
anything warmth related, so - put on my panda kigurumi and wrap myself up in a blanket, or eat some chocolate cake out of the oven, or make myself a water bottle and clutch it close to my chest until it grows cold, or hug a pillow, or find myself a nice spot of sun and sit down and close my eyes and bask in the feeling. 
2. Tumblr Crush
@funkzpiel​, obviously, she’s gorgeous. @alysae​ is so cute. @kamikazesoundsociety​ makes me swoon with every word that she writes, i can’t even. @second-salemite​ is fucking adorable ?? also gorgeous writing. @qed221b​ is so nice and hER ART IS WOAH SLAY ME. @questionartbox​ is so talented i’m screaming. 
etc etc, this list could go on for hours tbh (°◡°♡).:。
3. Beach or Mountains?
Mountains all the way ! they big and pretty and nOT overcrowded. 
4. What’s one big fear you are trying to overcome?
5. Favorite dream you’ve ever had?
jfc, dude. do people really remember that kind of things ? because i don’t XD i do remember multiple bad dreams, tho. 
6. Do you believe in ghosts?
i don’t really care tbh 
7. Fanfic you would recommend to others/really touched you, etc.?
oh goodness. alright so Secrets by @qed221b​ split my heart into multiple pieces, 10/10 would recommend. 
any fanfic written by Mercurial Tenacity is gold on a plate - if non con, dubcon and dubious morality issues are your thing. but each fic will leave you feeling as if they just dissected what makes us human, the good and the bad, and makes you realize how complex and beautiful humanity is. at least that’s how it feels for me. 
something that really touched me... 
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken by CorgiGal is utterly amazing. Goldgraves. love, between two deeply flawed human beings, who stick together and just love each other, and fight together through it all. it’s depicted perfectly, it feels so real. 
also i remember reading one fic about each Queenie peering into the mind of each FBAWTFT character to discover their most hidden kinks - and I can’t, for the life of me, find it again, but it marked me because each fantasy was described raw and visceral, without shame, and most of all - it fit. it fit every single character. it made sense for them, in a weird way, to fantasize about this thing in particular. truly incredible and now i want to read it again and im frustrated because i cant find it aRGH. 
the list could go on tbh i should make a proper fic rec bc listen this fandom has so many talented writers i can’t even 
8. Fan Art that everyone needs to stop what they’re doing and look at?
anything and everything by @questionartbox tbh. she so good. 
9. Fanfic premise you wish someone would write, but haven’t seen yet?
more modern AUs i guess ? there aren’t enough of that in the fandom :D also, more porn involving Graves getting wrecked pls and thank u. i don’t have any specific idea in mind tho xD 
10. Dream house/job?
dream house is for now just l e a v i n g home and getting a nice, small flat somewhere to start living by myself  ❤︎ and dream job... I guess being employed in an agency who needs more graphic designers somewhere would be perfect. you work hard and get home at the end of the day and sleep. i don’t think i’d be able to work independently as a graphic designer without guidance. 
11. Something you’re really proud of (fandom-related or otherwise)?
right now, my last fic, Guilty - I’ve been receiving so many nice comments and support on this honestly i’m screaming ?? otherwise i’m proud of having found an internship somewhere nice and really interesting to work at - i’m so busy idk what to do with myself and i fucking love it. 
i’ll think of some questions later im too exhausted rn skjdkjdkdn sowwy. 
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dreamrlu · 7 years
Apparently this is a tag game?
Tagged by: @bird-ly​
RULES: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged.
🌸 LAST… Drink: Grape juice  Last phone call: Best friend Last text message: Best friend Last song I listened to:  Desired - Never Fall In Love Again (ft. コンシャスTHOUGHTS)  (haha don’t judge me...) Last time I cried: Yesterday.  I was drunk and watching Voltron (again...) and then I saw Lance.
🌸 HAVE YOU EVER… Been cheated on: no Kissed someone and regretted it: no Been depressed: ya Been drunk and thrown up: no but i felt like throwing up Kissed a stranger: no Drank hard liquor: I-- yes.... Lost glasses/contacts: no Been arrested: no Turned someone down: no cause im not able to please kill me Cried when someone died: none of my close family or friends died so....i cant really say i have--
🌸 IN THE PAST YEAR, HAVE YOU… Made a new friend: yes and i’m so glad i have cause i was a weird stuck kid!  but not anymore cause i have new friends! Laughed until you cried: all the time.  i cry when i laugh. Met someone who changed you: not sure tbh...dont think so but idk Found out who your true friends were: only some. Found out someone was talking about you: ya..
🌸 GENERAL: How many people on tumblr do you know in real life: like-- 2 maximum Do you have any pets: no but i used to. Do you want to change your name: no What time did you wake up this morning: 12:08 pm i think.  its the week end.... What were you doing last night: celebrating my trip to china with my friends, playing video games and drinking.  but i swear im a disciplined person and i get good grades at school and stuff jfc. Name something you cannot wait for: voltron season 3 my trip to china Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no for the exact name-- but if Tom is the abbreviation for Thomas, yes.   What’s getting on your nerves rn: stress, stress, STRESS Blood type: O+ Nicknames: Lu, or Laurie if you know me irl. Zodiac sign: Leo Pronouns: she/her Favourite tv show: if we count out anime, Voltron Hair colour: a very very dark brown, like almost black but not it. Long or short: so long they reach my ass Crushes: no Tattoos: no Righty or lefty: lefty
🌸 FIRSTS… First surgery: ive never had any surgery in my life First piercing: ears.  yep, kinda boring. First best friend: Her named was Ariel (dont make any mermaid jokes) and i think i was like 3 First sport you joined: uh....does dance count? First vacation: Antigua to join my best friend on her 1-year long trip!  I was 10.
🌸 RIGHT NOW… Eating: nothing Drinking: nothing I’m about to: finish writing this long ass post lmao.  also prepare my suitcase for my trip. Listening: Tokyo Machine - FIGHT, and my mom rambling Want kids: no, but things can change i guess....
🌸 WHICH IS BETTER? Lips or eyes: eyes, although lips are also 👌 (especially for girls) Hugs or kisses: both, but hugs are 👌👌👌 Shorter or taller: Taller Older or younger: Older Sensitive or loud: sensitive Hook up or relationship: relationship Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
🌸 DO YOU BELIEVE IN… Miracles: depends--  Love at first sight: no Heaven: no Santa Claus: no
I tag: OK i dont know 25 people but i’ll tag as many as i can!
@effervescentaffections @toxic-geek @d-eli-cious @gayasgay @doki-kong @yester-darling @tulipedunord 
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itsjesperfahey · 7 years
i was tagged by @wylanvanxck in this ‘proud nerds network tag game’ so thank you!!! i actually really love these tag games so continue to tag me in them!
1) what is your name? aleah
2) how old are you? 16
3) what kind of blog do you run? i have 5 lol, my main is a one direction blog and the others are voltron, steve universe, a video game blog and a book blog (this one)
4) what is your biggest nerdy obsession? video !!!! games !!!!! im the biggest gamer EVER lol like wow (i want to design a video game and go into that industry !)
5) who is your favorite character of all time? jfc this is a hard question but probably jesper (my url !)
6) what is your favorite book of all time? tbh........six of crows rip
7) what is your favorite magical creature? dragons !
8) what made up object do you wish was real? does pokemon count? if not then the wands from wizards of waverly place
9) where do you wish you went to school? pacific coast academy (aka zoey 101 lol)
10) name your favorite ships. wesper, kanej, klance (voltron), larry (1d), niam (1d), viktor & yuri (yoi), felix & marzia (youtube), malec (shadowhunters, EXCEPT I DONT WATCH THE SHOW AT ALL IVE JUST SEEN GIFS AND CLIPS BC OF MY FRIEND WHO WATCHES THE SHOW @MARIAN )
11) which character do you want to marry? JESPER FAHEY
12) what is your favorite song? um i dont really have one but atm its probably shape of you by ed sheeran
13) name three facts nobody knows about you. (this applies to tumblr people not my friends irl) again, im a HUGE ASS GAMER LIKE YOU CANNOT FATHOM HOW MUCH OF A HARDCORE GAMER I AM. hmmmmm, i can wiggle my ears. and also i HATE bananas and cantalope and apple sauce and cheesecake :)
14) list your least favorite books. why are they your least favorite? ‘hush hush’ and ‘city of bones’ were just,,, SOOOO BAD UGH. they were just HORRID i couldnt finish either of them. poorly written and cheesy plotlines, seriously guys dont read them.
15) what characters are your role models? inej ghafa and jesper fahey for proving POCs can be just as badass and amazing and strong and intelligent as white ppl, steven universe for showing me everyone and everything deserves love and a second chance (unless they prove otherwise), pidge from voltron for showing teenage girls can be as smart and strong and useful as men, the list goes on and on really
16) favorite video game? i cant believe youre actually making me choose.... im gonna do top 3 which is skyrim, overwatch, and dragon age inquisition (but liKE ALSO THE WITCHER 3 AND BIOSHOCK INFINITE AND DRAGON AGE ORIGINS AND DISHONORED 2 AND WATCHDOGS 2 AND POKEMON FUCK-)
17) are you proud to be a nerd? why? yes because i get happiness from the things i love and why should i feel bad about that??? girls dont have to love ‘feminine’ things, they can love electronics and technology too !!
18) tag 10 people. i have like 5 people to tag and ive already tagged them today and i dont wanna be annoying :((( so i dont really have anyone to tag. however if you see this and want to do it, say i tagged you and do it!
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gojuo · 7 years
did you finish the v route yet? what did you think abt it?
bruh……… im burnt out i have no idea what i should say im really just gonna die……………………….
jesus im still in shock i finished the story 2 days ago and im….. im really….. idk how to explain……. jesus……..
listen, back when this game first came out and i finished my first route i still remember begging cheritz to let me romance v…. back in summer 2016 it was only me and 3 others in the v tag crying abt how v deserved none of that and now 1 year later….. his route came out………………. dude like i got no words to explain how grateful and thankful and whatever-ful i am to cheritz like i really cannot believe they made a v route im still in shock they made it ????? im really gonna die i love v so much like i could never in my life imagine theyd make a route for him i really teared up when i found out they made his route bc god……… v… jihyun kim…… jesus fucking christ he did not deserve any of the bullshit hes been though and after finishing his route i really am just so sad for him, for everything that hes been through up until all the other routes and especially in seven’s route (ughhh i dont wanna think abt it), like after his route ive got this newfound appreciation ??? for the entire tragedy that was his life my god he did not deserve anything that happened to him in all other routes……………………..
but onwards to his own story……. you really need a higher level of intelligence to understand what happened in this route. you really need to be smart to understand everything rika has done and has said and thats the reason why this ugly stupid ass fandom is still saying dumb shit like rika deserves happiness, v is also at fault, v traumatized rika like god…….. shut the fuck up all rika is is a selfish criminal w those annoying evil savior complexes and hers wasnt even interesting………….. like everytime she talked w any of the rfa members i could just hear the idiots on this hellsite saying dumb shit like “see! v hurt her too!” jesus she isnt real but she still manages to manipulate real life people jfc cheritz did a great job writing her…
OK I NEEDED THAT TO GET OFF MY CHEST now to really talk abt v’s route: it was deeply philosophical and since this route wasnt abt romancing v but to save him from his suicidal tendencies and abusive relationship i kinda felt distanced from the characters… ???? idk man it was weird bc i felt like i couldnt really create a bond w the characters as much as i did w them in other routes…. the fact that v was incapacitated most of the time also put a damper on the gameplay. BUT im also glad it was not that romantic of a route????? jesus this route was executed so perfectly but also left me feeling distanced from them all??????? IDK MAN I CANT EXPLAIN bc like v is in no place to start a romantic relationship w anyone and im so glad our role as the mc was to make him love himself rather than making him love us and the fact that he did 2 years of soul searching to heal????? god cheritz youre so pure thank you so much for that words cant describe how happy i am to see v finally happy and safe AND ALSO V AND JUMINS FRIENDSHIP?????? THEY LOVE EACH TOHER SOO MUCH????? THATS WHY FUCKIGN SECRET ENDING 01 HURTS SOO OMYCH FUCKING MOREE>??????????????? GOD I HATE 707′S ROUTE ugh another thing…. for s*eran fans…… v had to die for him and 707 to be happy now he died for v to be happy and honestly???? im not that sad abt it i mean its not like i believe saeran should die or anything but yall really dont know how much 707′s route and secret ending 01 broke me in regards to the treatment of v god i only went through it once and ive never done it again and i never will….. its just so fucking unfair and im honestly so glad v is finally happy and healthy even if it was at the expense of another…… sorry guys.
anyways i cant wait for the after ending where i get my v x mc bed scene to wash out that cursed day 8 cg and to shove it up rikas jailed ass :)
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