#(I added the numbers to prevent cross tagging bexause tumblr is a stupid little bitch!!!!)
jrwiyuri · 3 years
Idk much abt chip but what you've told me so uhhh
Idk,, take this as ur chance to tell me more ig
OMG INFODUMP TIME??? Holy shit babe this is why I love you <3
Anyway I’m literally just going to list everything I really really like about chip
1.) His unwavering faith towards others.
His ENTIRE thing is searching for just lost found family pirate crew which he was on when he was a kid and that in of itself is so sweet and heart breakinh but oh my god he fuckin.. he cares SO MUCH. He cares about everyone so much!!
He cared enough to not fight Gillion even despite the fact that he was angry as hell and Gillion was encouraging him and he cared enough to step up to his old friend and tell them ‘fuck no we’re not going to war!’ Becuase he cares about his friends and he doesn’t want them hurt!!!!!
2.) His name
His name is so stupid and dumb and omfg I love it. He literally got his name because he fucking said ‘chip’ instead of ship when he first met his dad. Like- bitch that’s so fucking stupid I’m making fun of him but also sobbing because that’s so cute and sweet!! And he so PROUD of his name! He could’ve changed it at any point and yet he kept it and he’s proud of it and he names all of his ships after it- and yeah sure most of the reason is probably because he’s just egotistical but fuck man it’s still cute
3.) Relationship with children
Okay listen now technically I’m pretty sure we only had one actual time chip has been with a kid and it’s Ollie (crewmage) but like mAn. God- he likes kids!!! He fucking loves em. He teaches Ollie how to prank people and his humor and he likes him and he sees HIMSELF in ollie! He’s basically replicating what he did with arlin (his dad) when he was still with his old crew and what the fuck if thag isn’t cute then what the fuck is??
4.) relationship with Jay
Listen they are like- truly just peak sibling entertainment. Chip is a genuine bastard sometimes and I think half of the time it’s to fuck with people and half of the time he’s fucking with people he’s fucking with jay. It’s just very funny, I like them.
Okay so he doesn’t like killing people- and idk! That’s just very cool and it tells a lot about him but idk how I’m not good at analyzing. But still! I think it’s very cool that in most situation chip refuses to kill people even when they are trying to kill him and / or have shown that they’re evil in some way. The only exception we’ve had tk this is when a goblin hurt Ollie very badly- which AGAIN another point for the ‘chip kill loves children’
Some people headcannon chip with he/it pronouns, I just think that’s cool tbh. Also trans chip is very nice. It’s cool, I vibe with it <3
He is (as far as we known) the token cishet of the group, which is so funny. Like i want chip to also be queer in some way but god damn it’s so funny for him to be the token cishet HAJDJSND.
He likes coins. I don’t have anything to add except he likes coins and he likes fidgeting with them and I swear to god at one point I think he put a coin in his mouth BUT I could’ve just been reading fanfic and gotten it confused.. (I am so serious btw I literally do not remember if he’s ever canonically put a coin in his mouth or if I’m fucking stupid and thinking of fanfic. Someone please help I don’t know!)
His earring, it’s so cool. I fuckinf want it!! It’s a fuckin battle axe and it’s cool as hell and omfg I want it so badly
He is a bastard. He’s selfish and proud and boastful and easily jealous he likes money and god I love him for all of it!! He’s so flawed but all of his flaws are what makes him so likable and it’s so cool because even tho on the surface he has all of these Aww you can very easily see that when it’s comes to his friends he’ll put them first!! 
Once he got drunk and accidentally married a girl. He proceeded to try and fake his death multiple times so he didn’t have to actually break up with her. This is just funny to me
He is a little fucker and he tricks and pranks people and like half the time it fucking backfires. (Episode 15 my abhorred).
He has an awful sense of style… like I love him but jfc his fashion choices are not it </3 (Casino outfit my abhorred)
I feel like I should mention fish and chips but like.. I don’t even know how?? Like- idk. Mans has a crush on his fish crewmate maybe lmao ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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