#(I almost typed ''dope'' instead of ''cool'' and then I was like ''NOPE'')
I don’t think this is along the line of your usual fics, at least I’ve only seen you post one thing in the TDA series, but would you be willing to write Kit and Kieran bonding after Kieran finds out that they’re related? Because I just feel like Kieran would be happy to have a family member that he actually likes, and isn’t a horrible person.
Yes! Kieran would be so happy to have a family member that doesn’t treat him horribly! I also want to apologize for posting this monster of a fic. I just had too much fun writing this! Kit’s POV is something I didn’t know I needed to write until now. ALSO, it broke my heart to write some of this so... You’re welcome. 
Characters: Kit & Kieran bonding times (platonicccc I don’t want anyone thinking this is anything other than platonic because, ew)
Notes: This is a couple of days before Kit goes to live with Jem and Tessa :)
Kit had been staring out into the distance for so long, time seems to have lost it’s essence. He kept telling himself to stop standing there and go back inside. Perhaps he should do some packing, since Jem Carstairs and Tessa Gray were going to come in a couple of days and take him to Devon. But all Kit had done this evening was this; looking out at LA and wondering how his life had changed so drastically in the span of a couple of months.
He had the balcony door open and turned to find Kieran standing there.
“Is it alright if I stay here?”
Kit simply nodded at him and then turned back to the view. It was a really nice view. Nothing like the one he had in his old house.  
Kieran rested his forearms on the railing and looked out at the city, just as Kit was doing. 
“Do you mind if I ask you a question?” Kieran asked. 
“Nope, go ahead.” 
“When you look out at this view,” Kieran said, “do you see what you would consider to be ‘home’?”
Kit shrugged. “I’ve never seen LA from here before, so it doesn’t really look like home. Except for that street over there; I used to pass it when I was going to school in the morning.”
Kieran squinted, trying to identify the street. He didn’t know why, but Kit sort of liked that he was actually putting in the effort to find the street he was talking about. Most people would shrug it off or nod and smile a fake smile, just so that they could end the small talk. It sort of felt like Kieran actually cared about what Kit said. 
“Is it the one that goes along that building with red lights?”
“Uhh,” Kit looked at the expanse of red lights, none of which were near the street he had been talking about. “Not really. It’s the one that has that stop sign at the end of it.”
“I’m afraid I do not have knowledge of what a ‘stop sign’ is or what it may look like.”
Kit’s eyes widened and he bit back the urge to say “wow”. How old was this guy? How secluded was Faerie? He didn’t ask those questions though, because they seemed rude. 
“It’s okay, Kieran. I won’t be offended if you don’t want to keep looking for it. I mean, it’s pretty small.”
“No, I want to find this path you had taken to your school in the past. It feels important.”
“Oh okay. Umm,” Kit looked at the street. “Oh, do you see that green car over there?”
“Hm. Oh yes! I do see it!”
“Okay, to the right of that road, is the street I was talking about.”
“Is there a woman and a man professing their love to one another, for all to see, on the lighter road, beside that bigger, darker road?”
Kit blinked. And then he understood. “Oh, you mean that couple making out on the sidewalk? Yeah, that’s the one.”
Kieran smiled, clearly proud he’d found the street. Kit smiled too, because it had been a little fun. Then his mind drifted and he thought about how Kieran was supposedly related to him. That was really weird. He also looked nothing like Kieran; but maybe that was because they weren’t that related.
“Hey, Kieran?”
“How are we related again? Are we like cousins or something?”
“I think your great-great grandmother was my half sister?”
“Oh.” Kit said. “Well, I still don’t know what to call you. Are you like my great-great-great uncle, then?”
Kieran looked pensive. “Perhaps?”
“I was thinking it was a bit hot, actually.”
Kit felt his jaw drop. What the hell?
Kieran looked at him surprised. “You said you were cold, but I think it’s rather warm outside. Hot, even.”
Kit released a breath in relief. “Oh, oh okay. Thank God.” 
“For what?”
“Oh, nothing.”
They looked out at the landscape in front of them. Kit was going to just let the silence hang, when he suddenly felt bad for his Triple-G Uncle (yes, he thought, that’s what I should call him). 
“Oh, Kieran?”
“When someone says ‘cool’ they usually mean, like…‘nice’.” 
Kieran looked at him and tilted his head to the side. “I don’t believe I follow…”
“It’s like… uh… you see, i—it’s hard to explain. Let me think.” Kit furrowed his eyebrows trying to figure out how to explain. “Well, it’s like saying ‘awesome’ or ‘great’, you know?”
Kieran pressed his lips together. “Oh. That makes a little bit of sense.”
“Oh, really? Cool! I thought what I just said just confused you even more.” 
“No, no. I think I understand now, especially after you used it in a sentence.”
“Huh. And you’re not just saying that to make me feel better?”
Kieran eyed him. “Even if I wanted to, I cannot lie. I’m Fae.”
“Oh, yeah.” Kit bit his lip. “I forget that sometimes.”
Kieran snorted. “I don’t.”
Kit pressed his lips together. He wanted to know more about his ancestors, and now was as good a time to ask. And when would he get a better opportunity to learn? Here was Kieran, who was raised in the Unseelie Court. Just ask, Kit, he thought. Just ask the stupid question already, before you leave and won’t ever be able to know. Just do it. 
Kit almost laughed because that reminded him of a vine he had first seen in second period math. Then, he shuddered because ugh, second period math. That class was torture unlike any he had ever endured. 
Anyways, what had he been thinking about? Oh yes; he had to ask Kieran his question.
Darn it. Just when he was going to ask his question. “Yeah?”
“I do not recall ever having a family member that has never tried to kill me or was cruel, save my brother, Adaon.”
“Oh,” Kit said, eyes wide as he shifted his weight uncomfortably from one foot to the other. “That’s um—that sucks, Kieran. I—I’m sorry?”
“Why do you apologize?”
Kit frowned, “I don’t know. That’s the sort of thing people say.”
Kieran hummed. “You mortals apologize too much.”
Kit didn’t have anything to say, other than ‘sorry’ which would be kinda dumb, considering what Kieran just said. So, he opted for silence.
“As I was saying,” Kieran continued. “I do not think I have had a good relationship with family members for a long time, so I hope you can forgive me if I do not keep good company; I don’t interact well with others because of my upbringing.”
“Oh.” Kit bit his lip, absentmindedly. What does this mean? 
As if reading his mind, Kieran added quickly. “I just thought that perhaps we could try to be each other's family?”
“Nobody’s ever wanted me to be their family member before.” Kit mumbled. 
“I can say the same for myself.” Kieran said. “I thought maybe we could talk and introduce ourselves better. I know family isn’t just blood but—”
“I’d like that.” Kit interrupted, without meaning to. “Get to know each other, I mean.” 
Kieran looked surprised. “You would?”
“Yeah. I mean, you seem pretty dope—I mean, interesting.” 
Kieran smiled. “You, too, seem ‘dope’”
Kit laughed at that. Maybe it would be fun to teach Kieran modern slang. 
“Okay, first things first though, nobody really calls me Christopher, unless I royally messed up. You can call me Kit, instead.”
And so they talked to one another. Nothing too deep. It was the type of conversation that has no real subject to it, and because of that, it was enjoyable. Kit got to ask his question about Faerie and Kieran asked him questions about the mundane world. Kit even showed him the Katy Perry left shark meme. Kieran’s face when Kit told him that there were people inside those costumes could have also been a meme. 
Kit did not know where life would take him. He supposed that living with Jem and Tessa couldn’t be too bad. Who knew? Maybe they won’t ignore him as his dad had. Then again, isn’t that what parents normally do with their children? Just pretend like they don’t exist, except for times when it’s convenient for them? 
It didn’t really matter, not right now. At least Kieran felt Kit was worth his time, and maybe, just maybe, he could have the relative he never had.
Yes, that would be nice.
Tagging some lovely people: @celias @tsccreatorsnet @atla-lok143 @hitheresomeoneusingthus @rinadragomir @youngreckless @aceofjesper @autumnangel20 @julemmaes @cupcakesandkittens @no-scones-allowed @fictionally-fantastic @stxr-thxif @forjordelia @itsdaughterofthemoon 
If you want to be tagged in future fics, notify me! If you asked to be tagged and I didn’t tag you in this post, please remind me (my brain cells are gone at this point)
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shepscapades · 5 years
Yogscast Starter Pack/Master Post
Hello!! I’ve had quite a few people express interest in exploring the Yogscast’s content recently! The yogs fandom’s source of content is a little hard to pin down and it’s kind of a lot of information, so I wanted to put together a more thorough compilation of summaries and places to start for anyone who’s not sure or just curious! Below the cut is my Yogscast Start Kit Master PostTM. 
I hope this helps, and don’t hesitate at all if you have any questions :)
Who are the Yogscast?
The Yogscast is a large group of youtubers who have a history of creating largely Minecraft-based content; they create stories, develop characters, and create lore-filled worlds through the many facets of minecraft that’s essentially been modded to hell.
This content isn’t just in one place or with one group of people, but rather a large collection of pairs, individuals, and groups of yogscast (and non-yogscast) members who’ve created a large number of respective series, often featuring a specific modpack, specific characters, a specific storyline, etc.
For example, Simon and Lewis (Honeydew and Xephos are their characters, respectively) are the main two individuals that started the Yogscast youtube channel,  Duncan later joins them, they become the main three yogscast icons, sips and sjin become the secondary two, and it goes on and on as the fanbase and number of creators grew. This means that, collectively, there are a…. STUPID large amount of different minecraft series that can technically be filed under “yogscast minecraft lore/ universe”.
Most of their series are unscripted, but they follow general arcs or set goals (e.g. going to space, building a jaffa cake factory, becoming proficient at a specific mod, etc). This allows hilarity to ensue when everything inevitably doesn’t go anyone’s way lmao
Oh cool, w. where am I supposed to even start, then
Compilations are always a good go-to if you’re interested in getting a feel for personalities, humor, and content style (I recommend looking up Yogscast Ultimate Edition videos!). If you’re just looking for a place to dive in, you’ve got a couple of options! I’ve sorted everything below by creator, as most yogs creators tend to do series within a specific set or group of people.
Lewis (Xephos) and Simon (Honeydew): These two are the “main two” figure heads of the yogscast! They started the main Yogscast channel about a decade ago and started their minecraft beginnings with the infamous series “Shadow of Israphel.” Xephos, the Spaceman and the one with the braincell, and Honeydew, the dwarven brawn and charisma of the two, also often team up with Duncan, as the three of them are featured in some of the Yogs’ most well-known minecraft series.
              Shadow of Israphel –  The OG series! Started all the way back when Minecraft was in beta, as soon as multiplayer became available. No mods, eventually scripted when NPCs are introduced. Hilarious interactions between NPCS and our heroes, and the nostalgic series that most every Yogs fan holds close to their heart!
              The Jaffa Factory –  Modpack: “Tekkit.” This was the first big modded minecraft series they did, and the beginning of the trend of hosting huge servers that almost every yog member hosted a different series on. Not scripted. Duncan (Lalna or Lividcoffee) joins them for the first time, and from this point on, they become a trio! unscripted and a mess. Sips and Sjin also eventually join!
              Moonquest –  Modpack: “MoonQuest.” Lewis, Simon, and Duncan attempt reaching the moon! It’s… in more than one way, a tad bit disastrous. This is the era when the Yogs started making songs and animations based off their minecraft series! (Watch this!) unscripted and disastrous.
             Yoglabs – Simon and Lewis. This one was a weekly mod review that developed into some questionable behavior via Lewis (Xephos). Really enjoyable, not chronological (each episode is independent, more or less- you can watch out of order)! It spans most of the entirety of their time on youtube. Various mods, just Simon and Lewis. (Watch this!) Most episodes of this series end up with Simon blowing up Yoglabs tbh
 Duncan (Lividcoffee, or Lalna) and Kim (Nanosounds): Lalna, or lividcoffee, is the well-known mad scientist of the server! His personality tends to change depending on the context and series, but when he’s with kim, he’s a friendly goof! Kim/Nano, his apprentice, starts as a true-to-definition noob at minecraft and eventually becomes a pro with magics and whatever Lalna happens to teach her! These two have their own narrative and call their storyline series “Flux Buddies,” which involves them trying to cure Kim’s infection of a magic substance called “Flux.” Good Duo. Pure. Eventually, drama with clones ensue!
              The Apprentice –  Their first series, in the “Tekkit” Era. It’s worth noting that Duncan has a solo series in the “Tekkit” Era called Duncan’s Laboratory as a precursor to The Apprentice as well. The apprentice is worth checking out just to see what happens to Kim, how she becomes fluxed, and what the aftermath is, but that’s p much it imo. Primarily unscripted, save for when Nano becomes fluxed!
              Flux Buddies –  Flux Buddies is the biggest/longest-running series, with several “seasons”. It begins after the events of The Apprentice, with…
              Flux Buddies –  Panda Labs! Kim explores witchcraft, they explore several different facets of science and magic, and Duncan begins the search on how to unflux kim! It’s kind of his fault, so he feels pretty bad about it,,
              Flux Buddies 2,3, and 4 –  A continuation, with more mods and more hijinks! Becomes more scripted as villain characters Lalnable Hector and Specimen 5 (clones of Lalna and Nano) are introduced!
              Flux Baddies –  A spinoff, featuring Lalnable and Specimen 5 as the main duo! Half scripted; an evil perspective on the Flux Buddies plot! This series is hilarious because half the time Duncan and Kim are trying to get stuff done, and half the time they’re trying (struggling) to stay in character as the mega bad-guys of the series.
Sips and Sjin: Sips and Sjin are the famous, much loved duo of the yogscast! These two are the, er. Magnificent, definitely not gay at all nope,, duo in charge of ‘Sips Co.,’ the Dirt Company! CEO Sips and his lackey Sjin (<also architect and farmer) are an absolute disaster. But like,, in the best way possible. They spend the majority of their time in each series bantering instead of getting anything done, but everyone accepts that its just part of the charm.
              Sipsco. (Sips and Sjin Tekkit) –  Modpack: “Tekkit.” This occurs at the same time as the Jaffa Factory! Sips and Sjin build up their dirt empire whilest also making sure to spy on and keep an eye on those weird Jaffa Factory goons and their girl scout cookies. Unscripted and hilarious! These two eventually go over and join the Jaffa Factory boys (Honeydew, Xeph, and Lalna!)
              (Most of Sips and Sjin’s series follow the same formula: Get started, joke around, never really finish the series. Even still, they’re iconic to watch and enjoyable to listen to C: This goes for):
              Volts –  IMPORTANT NOTE: if you decide not to watch any of sips and sjin, just watch this. somehow this is completely unscripted, but THE BEST
              Sipsco Space Program –  Occurs at the same time as “Moonquest”. These dopes try to get to Mars. Clone hijinks eventually ensue, briefly. Unscripted
              Cheat Police –  A pun on the series “Magic Police” (In which Sjin and Duncan attempt to jail all of the most powerful mages on the server). They try to call out all of the “cheaters” on the server. The dopes fool around in creative mode while trying to call out everyone else who uses creative mode.
 Zoey and Rythian: These two only have one series, but it’s one of the yogscast’s most known! Rythian, the serious, vengeful, loner-type endermage and hater of science, recruits Zoey as his apprentice (goofy, friendly, passive, interested in both science and magic)! These two are complete opposites but a much-loved duo!
              The Blackrock Chronicle –  Three short seasons long, this series follows Rythian as he recruits Zoey (and their sharpshooting, mute dinosaur, Teep,) to get payback and revenge on Sjin and Duncan for nuking and destroying the “old world” (The first tekkit server, unrecorded). He’s also determined to prove to them the superiority of his magic and the flaws of science; conflict arises when Zoey, his mage apprentice, also expresses interest in becoming a scientist. This series’ events are scripted, and includes cameos of many other loveable yogs folks (including Nilesy, Duncan, Ravs, and Zylus n Daltos).
^This one is a must-watch for sure!! A very heart felt and endearing series!
 Strife and Parvis: These two, another well known duo by the fandom, are a fun pair for sure! (They’re my personal favorite, so I’m a tad bit biased,,) William Strife is a no-nonsense, cutthroat business man and CEO of his solutions company, Strife Solutions. Not particularly fond of magic. Alex Parvis, absolutely-all-of-the-nonsense guitarist, chaotic newby who Strife hires? Adopts? Is burdened with? Strife is forced to teach Parv the ways of minecraftia and whatnot, much to Strife’s chagrin. Parv becomes a very chaotic bloodmage.
              Solutions in Chaos –  Their first series, taking place in the Chaosville server. Will, arriving for the first time ever in minecraftia, begins to explore the region before Parvis shows up, exclaiming that lewis sent him to be taught minecraft by strife. Strife now must babysit this child and teach him minecraft. Hilarity and much exasperation ensues.
              Blood and Chaos –  Following Parv’s series with Martyn (Inthelittlewood) ‘Heroes of Mine’ (in which they explore Ars Magica), Parv finds Blood Magic Items and insists that Strife helps him become the most powerful blood mage on the server! Strife does not approve At All n doesn’t really wanna be involved in this whatsoever, but he thinks parv will either destroy himself or destroy the server If someone doesn’t keep an eye on him. So, Mr. Strife must continue to babysit this now dangerous knife-wielding child.
Hat Films: Smith (Alsmiffy), Trott (Trottimus), and Ross (djh3max): These three are a TRIP and have a large fan base of their own. They’re an inseparable gang of swindlers and chaos bringers, and they’re pretty much all sharing the same single braincell. They make everyone else’s business their own business, as their motto is “what’s yours is ours,” and prove themselves to be the havoc-wreaker of whatever server they happen to be on.
              Hat Corp –  This is their first main minecraft series that features them interacting (aka messing) with other people on the server. From “"fairly”” selling land to all of the other groups of people on the server, to starting a dangeorus rivalry with the Flux Buddies, they’re. 100% disaster energy.
Hannah (Lomadia) and Nilesy: Very wholesome good duo! They tend to explore the magic mods, most of the time with Lomadia (powerful witch, owl lady!) teaching Nilesy what’s what. Nilesy is a just a simple cat lad. Likes to sell portable pools, he’s a potion master, he’s a man of the cats.  
              Evicted –  After being evicted from their Tekkit base ‘owl island’ as pirates took over their home, Nilesy and Hannah leave to set up base elsewhere and focus on Witchcraft!
The following series’, Owl Island and Cat Island, are very similar in caliber! Just our wholesome magic animal loving duo doing witch stuff c:
Kirindave, Lyinginbedmon, and Ridgedog: The last extremely notable lore-heavy minecraft characters making appearances on yogscast minecraft servers are regarded as the “demigods” of the yogs minecraft universe. Though they don’t necessarily do a lot of content together, I grouped them together for relevancy sakes. Kirin and Lying, both mod developers and masters at their respective magical crafts, have a bit of a rivalry going on, where as Ridgedog is the kind of “trickster” demigod, doing what he pleases and happily poking fun or messing around with others as he does so. They’re all a lot of fun to listen to and their series are all super interesting, so I’ve listed a few below!
              Ridgedog: Yogscast Complete –  Ridge sets up his base and plays by his own rules to become extremely proficient at a majority of mods in the server. He’s hilarious, plays largely by his own rules, and often does content with BeBopVox, another gaming and songwriting youtuber.
              Kirindave: Chaosville and Minecraft the Hard Way –  Chaosville sees the development of his rivalry with Lying as Kirin masters blood magic and other magics on the server, and Minecraft the Hard Way is the series following that!
              Lyinginbedmon: You can find the opposite perspective of the Chaosville rivalry in Lyings Chaosville S2. As Lying masters witchery, he and Kirin have a dangerous magically fueled ““prank”” war. Lying’s Witch in the Woods follows suit just like Kirin’s Minecraft the Hard Way.
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rktingyan-blog · 5 years
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                    𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐚𝐧 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭; 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬. (𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧)
for as long as she could remember, music has been a part of tingyan’s life. from the worn out chinese records her parents sang along with, to the upbeat kpop songs she enjoys dancing to now. whatever the occasion, tingyan’s not often found without her earbuds in. these are some of her favorites, and the songs which represent her wild side the most.  
not that type - gugudan
i lack a little in patience in calmly waiting i just do what i want i’m different from them i can’t be submissive or gentle i do what i want  i can’t beat around the bush i’m not that type i’m cool like that 
unlike what many may think,  tingyan’s not shy in the slightest of displaying her romantic interest form anyone. she doesn’t see it as being easy at all - everyone has romantic feelings, what difference did it make if she announced hers? she likes flings that go like her life - fast. she’s never one to take things slow, and it’s evident in the way she says what she wants and attempts to get what she wants in every scenario that’s laid out for her.
binu - bibi
they say she’s weird something in her head, doesn’t know if she can hear it do you know how i keep myself clear how i wash it off the smell of alcohol and cigarettes kissy hickey & shit the lie i tell today and the bad decision of yesterday do you know how i keep myself clear i wash them off with soap
sure, tingyan does bad things once in a while. she’s fully aware, and though she’s not too keen on admitting that out loud, it doesn’t mean she can’t acknowledge she’s got a few issues. but the way tingyan lives is so spontaneous that regardless of what trouble she gets into, she tells herself that if she has a positive outlook about it things won’t turn out as bad for her.
touch - anda
because of love, i’m a hurt person i have no money, i’m a hurt person a stupid hurt person you know it. even if my heart is suffocating, tonight i’ll forget it a fiery friday, crazy night touch, touch, touch cuz’ if you gon’ be mine you don’t have to waste your time
there are days when tingyan feels as low as she had been years before, and the true tingyan behind all the lies and masks can be seen. where does she go when she wants to hide these vulnerabilities? the club, of course. to her, wild nights are a way to forget all the stress life brings and simply try to replace the bad memories with better ones.
the weekend - sza
you say you got a girl and how you want me how you want me when you got a girl? the feelin' is wreckless of knowin' you're selfish knowin' i'm desperate gettin' all in your love fallin' all over love, like do it to last, last hanging out the back, all up in your lap like is you comin' home? is you out with her? my man is my man is your man her, this her man too
tingyan is a model, of course, but she’s got another moneymaker she’s more secret about - getting cash by being this woman’s arm candy, this man��s fantasy girlfriend. rather than ashamed herself, she keeps quiet for the negative connotation others see. all types of people are looking for a fun time, so that means several of the people she gets with are married or in some sort of relationship. of course, she’s not their real girlfriend - in most instances, she’s simply there for conversation, and only when she loses her professionalism do things head sexual. but there are the times she grows an attachment to the people she sees, and what once was meant to be a mutual arrangement turns into feelings of bitterness on tingyan’s end when she feels she’s getting the short side of the stick.
dalla dalla - itzy
i don’t care for love there’s much more fun out there in the world sisters tell me i still have a long way to become mature i’m sorry sorry, i don’t want to be mature, nope just pretty but not attractive at all i’m different from the kids i love myself bad, bad i’m sorry i’m bad, i’m just the way i am it’s such a little time to care about what others think i’m busy doing what i want to do my life, i will live my own way, don’t you care cause i’m special, yeah
tingyan was so used to a life of structure and insignificance that, once she got to korea, she vowed to live with no regrets. though she may be called out for her wild behavior and recklessness, she sees it as an act of defiance against the treatment she got back home. in fact, she embraces her changes, living bold and shameless without a care as to what others think of her lifestyle.
roll deep - hyuna (when she’s feeling herself lmao!!)
there’s never anyone who doesn’t know me wherever i go, they wanna touch me look, this was always my swag if you have a problem with that, just give them water it’s all because i’m the best it’s because i’m pretty it’s because they’re all jealous baby i’m bad all day it’s all because i’m the best it’s because i’m pretty it’s because they’re all envious sorry, i’m a dope girl
after tingyan got surgery, she got a surge of confidence that simply cannot be missed. of course her views of herself have got her called names such as conceited and snobby, but she really doesn’t pay people any mind. she knows what she’s capable of, so she doesn’t let others invalidate her, so is sure to remind anyone who tries to cross her of it.
gogobebe - mamamoo
it’s ok to not be fine it’s ok not to be ok be thick-skinned and have fun drop drop drop gogobebe throw out the suit and tie dress code: bling bling bling you and i, we mix and match don’t avoid it, drunken drunken gogobebe be thick skinned and party go crazy, have fun don’t need no wrong & right on & on on & on
while she still does have some insecurities, living in gangnam has taught tingyan to live confidently. almost everyone she crosses in the district exudes self-acceptance, and that’s what she’s trying to do. slowly, she’s getting to know who she is and is enjoying living her youthful years experimenting and just...having fun! she’s lost a lot of the strict routines she once had, instead living for her own enjoyment rather than the fulfillment of someone else.
black magic - little mix
take a sip of my secret potion i'll make you fall in love for a spell that can't be broken one drop should be enough boy, you belong to me i got the recipe and it's called black magic
tingyan is the (self proclaimed) queen of charm, using her charisma and looks to get ahead. she’s known to be a flirt in most scenarios, and even if she has no true interest in you, it simply isn’t a conversation with her unless some sort of pickup line slips out. she likes to joke that she’s an enchantress, and despite the illegitimacy of her claims, that she can seduce anyone.
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shesawriter39049 · 6 years
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“We all have needs part 2 Sneak peek”
* Disclaimer This fic does contain sex*
“Trust Nobody “ ( Song Reference Selena Gomez Cashmere Cat Tory Lanez ) -In the future I’m changing the name of the series if it continues the song fits perfectly ! “
If we can get part one up to like 50 or so likes and there seems like there is enough interest I will post the full part 2! Also again typed on my phone so ignore any punctuation issues !
 “Oh for fucks sake ! “ I slid my phone off the bed in frustration! My eyes still felt a bit hazy ….Thank god my body barely knew what a hangover was . But fuck was I running behind ! We had the AMAs tomorrow which meant I should’ve started my fittings hours ago . My phone kept buzzing from under my bed until I rolled my lazy ass over and answered it “yeah …I know I just woke up ! I’m sorry !” Spitting it out before my business partner Jeremy had a chance too ! I heard him huff and could already feel his sass through the phone.  “Girl ! Your going to give me gray hair AND more importantly ...you’re  ruining my Botox …Miles and Jordan will be over in 30 with racks ! … I also sent you some ideas for our live stream pre-show .. I need you to look over and send me back confirmations before 5 o’clock! Oh and I -“ I have known Jeremy for almost 10 years he’s is a Spitfire and a ball of energy and always sounds like he’s had three red Bulls and six espresso shots no matter what time of day ! But I wasn’t even anywhere close to being alert enough to handle everything he was throwing at me.
 “ OK! Okay! okay! Jeremy.. baby ..I love you but I just woke up just send me all this in a voice memo and I swear I will handle it!” He growled in frustration before hanging up on me “yeah love you too … “ I scoffed under my breath sarcastically before dragging myself out of bed he was right though I had way too much to do today and I actually honestly didn’t have time at the moment to look at my phone. After everything he threw at me it kind of slipped my mind that Tae had possibly texted me after hopping in the shower and going to all my meetings it wasn’t till around 6 o’clock my time until I actually had time to sit down and look at my phone.
 I plopped back on my bed eating my sushi and nothing but an oversized T-shirt finally getting to my messages and looking through all of my tagged photos from the night before confirming the ones I did or did not want to re-share. I noticed the text was actually a picture message and I was right it was him he took some of the photos that we did last night and added some really cool filters and effects on them . It kind of slipped my mind while in the moment that when I was doing my research on the boys I did read something that noted that he was actually really into photography. I could feel myself blushing as I looked down at my phone “Holy shit these turned out dope as hell …but I mean not surprising considering what you were working with ;)” after I sent that message actually immediately after I started texting another one feeling the need to apologize since it was damn near eight hours before I responded to him. I saw his text bubble popped up but he stopped typing once he saw mine “Also my bad ! Today’s been hectic And I completely overslept ! This is the first time all day I’ve had to just relax!”
 But to my surprise instead of a text my phone rang . And my heart dropped into my pinky toe ! I took in a deep breath gathering myself together before I answered the phone. “Hello….”
 I could hear a low chuckle on the other end of the line before he responded “Hey …” God this man's voice ! It sounded huskier them usual though so he was either tired or maybe just performed? “Again I’m sorry I -“ “No you’re good no need to apologize . we all get busy plus you don’t owe me anything so it’s not even like you had to respond to begin with! “
 “ Well actually according to the terms of your drunken proposal I do kinda owe you something don’t ? “ I could hear him Scoff on the other line before he responded clearly he didn’t like that too much .
“ It was in a drunken proposal it was just a proposition... like we talked about we’re both busy we both have issues trusting people but we still both need things . I like to think I’m a pretty decent judge of character that’s why I don’t have many friends…And from talking to you it feels like we’re both in the same boat … your body really ..really liked me last night -“ he let his words trail out slowly and I could literally feel myself getting turned on just thinking about last night . “ all I’m saying is we’re both in a position of have plane will travel …but it’s only if you want to you don’t owe me anything ! Last night happened because I wanted to I mean let’s be real if I wanted it last night you were you were definitely willing and I could have had it . But I chose not to ..and just give you what you needed . Because fuck did you need it ! “ he chucked low and dark and I just rolled my eyes … I was annoyed but he was right ..” oh don’t act like you Didn't need it …or that you didn't finish once you got to your room “
 “Mmm I never said I Didn't ….” his tone changed it was like I could feel him get hard over the phone . “Did you think about …me coming all over your face ..while you got yourself off ? “ I heard him inhale deep and slow over the phone …hell I was working myself up while teasing him . “Mmm..I did …I could still feel your nails clenching my hair as you came…” my whole body was getting hot at this point ..all I could see at this point is him between my thighs ..” OK so back to this proposition…”
 “It’s simple …when you need me … you can have me ..and when I need you…”
 “Andddd when …do you need me ? “ I almost Didn't wanna know the answer to that, I actually wanted to kick myself for splitting that out.  . I could feel myself running down my thighs the more he talked. “ Well I’m in London right now …But I mean …I could use some company this weekend while we’re in Amsterdam for 2 days ..” The fact that he was in another country kind of threw me off for a minute the fact that he was able to fly overseas and still have time to text me while my ass took eight hours to even get my day together was mind boggling! But that also meant I wouldn’t see them at the AMAs tomorrow. “Wait …your in London ? ..you guys aren’t going to the AMAs?”
 “Nope ..which kinda sucks because we haven’t been to a lot of American award shows. Buttttttt we have 2 shows at the O2 Arena which is pretty badass ! “
 I could feel him smile through the phone so it was clear he was very proud of himself. But he should be “ Hell yeah that is badass! God I love London ..and the O2 is a hell of a venue …sooo Amsterdam huh ?”
 “ I mean yeah ..if you want …are you free this weekend ? If so I’ll fly you out likeeeee…Friday and -“ The minute I heard that I was not having it …I’m more than down to have a exclusive fuck buddy . But I’m not letting him pay for my flights I’m more than capable . “Ugh nooooo, I don’t need you to pay for me I -“
 “ Stop, it’s not like that ! Trust me I know you can pay for it …but this situation was my idea . And I’m the one initiating the first time so I think it’s only fair that I pay for your flight and hotel ! ..You can buy me Sushi or something ! “ we both laughed but I still wasn’t fully comfortable with him paying for my stuff . “I don’t know Tae , I’m not -“
“Chris..as long as your comfortable with the situation ..I don’t give a fuck what you say I’m not asking if I can pay for your flight and room I’m telling you ! Now let’s try this again…would you like to come down to Amsterdam this weekend and ride my face again ?”
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sherokutakari · 6 years
I’m gonna do something I never do, and that is write a reaction post for an entire goddamn season of Voltron. Spoilers will ensue.
Firstly and foremostly, I think we all need to heave a big ol’ ball of fuck you at the creators over Adam, and WHATEVER ship name you call him and Shiro by.
That was not representation
That was not “respecting your lgbt+ fanbase”
That was a straight up Bury Your Gays trope, and I am sick
Although if we’re being honest with ourselves, it can’t even really canonically be BYG at this point because
was it even touched upon in the season that Shiro and Adam had been a couple. We had some heavily subtextual lines but had we not had direct confirmation outside of canon that Adam was Shiro’s ex, it would have just been another ship. Klance has more frequent and meaningful interactions. Shieth has more frequent and meaningful interactions. Hell, much as I hate Allurance personally, and as stunted and forced as that relationship is, even they have more frequent and meaningful interactions. Even goddamn Acxa/Kieth have more on-screen dialogue about romantic feelings than goddamn Adam/Shiro.
And I promise this reaction post won’t all be ship related, but on the subject, they did both Klance AND Allurance dirty, too
With Klance the hints and baiting from cast and crew are undeniable. Now being a pretty low-key Klance shipper, I have not compiled all the evidence thereof like so many other blogs have, but at the least
at the very least
we were told to expect more time for Kieth and Lance’s relationship to develop again, much like it had in season three. Outside of them saying each other’s names first in battles, we basically got diddly.
In fact, we got Lance saying Keith should be set free from their weird ass test because he’s an amazing leader, and half Galra, and called him the future. What a great start, right? And wow! Keith even also chose Lance!!!
... so that... he wouldn’t have to spend time with Lance ever again.
What in the actual hell?
Also wasn’t there an interview or something that said Keith and Lance got stranded on the astral plane while the rest of Team Voltron were “asleep for a long time”? Hope is in the stars? Et c. whatever??? Idek anymore. There’s so much crew talk involving Klance that I can’t remember even HALF of it at this point.
I absolutely hate the idea of this ship just because of the lack of, or at best one-sided build up, but I know a ton of people were looking forward to it under the right circumstances
Something like Lance and Allura actually, I don’t know, talking to each other about this type of thing? The fallout of Allura’s relationship with Lotor? Lance maybe NOT taking an interest in Romelle just ‘cause she’s there?
But no, we got a suddenly blushy Allura, who had previously shown NO interest in Lance and in fact still chose Lotor over him after learning about Lance’s feelings, being all “come back safely~”, and then newly introduced characters having to be like OOOOOOH THE PRINCESS LIKES YOU TOO. I HAVE TO SAY THIS OUT LOUD OR THE AUDIENCE WILL NEVER BUY IT. THIS IS TOTALLY NATURAL.
Come on.
And correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t there something about Lance pairing up with someone who “isn’t what he wants (Allura since day one) but who he needs (shut up, we all have theories on who this is and I’m not fighting anyone over it,) so did they just drop that bit for him?
And what about Lance being Allura’s rebound being referred to by (I think) Joaquim as being “a disservice to both those characters”
Meanwhile Lance’s promised development has STILL
We got him being very competent in battle and... still... being belittled by his teammates at every opportunity. Like ha ha I get it Lance is the cheap shot comic relief but all Lance really seemed to develop this season is a Millennial’s nihilisticly suicidal sense of humor. Which I mean #Mood but we still haven’t addressed Keith’s suicide attempt, and Lance has already DIED (and not talked about it,) and is making outright “Don’t worry, we’ll all be dead soon anyway” jokes. And when he and Veronica were about to die and Red saved him, that was just Red saving his Paladin like always, not Lance successfully calling him to Earth. (As evidenced by the other lions all lighting up and flying away, and the like two second shot of Red just... sitting there, entirely dark.)
Not only that but we’ve seem to gone backwards? Where was his sword Bayard, hm? Why did he unlock traditionally “Keith’s” weapon (albeit a different style sword,) if that wasn’t going to come into play once Keith was back?
and SPEAKING OF KEITH AND LACK OF DEVELOPMENT well firstly a pause, for the lovely Keith and Hunk scene. That was a long time coming and absolutely wonderful.
But suddenly Keith is just... IN leader mode? No adjustment period, no getting reacquainted with the rest of the team, not even a scene to talk with goddamn Shiro over being more willing and able to accept leadership. Two years in space with one other person and an animal, not matter how cool that animal is, does not suddenly a leader make. Oh, and there was no follow-up whatsoever on said two year time gap either, by the way.
And Krolia just leaving again, after making a big deal about not doing that again?? Like hey son we had a fun and terrifying vacation on an enormous space whale, but once again, mission above all else, peace out. They definitely couldn’t just bring Kolivan with them until he’d recovered and have a few scenes to put a proper plan in action that may still have had Krolia leave, but at least have it make sense. Nope, better just leave right now immediately while Kolivan is almost dead because there aren’t quite as many knives in this wall as their should be.
MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE RANCH GALAXY GARRISON, no one had ever thought about MAYBE defending the earth against POSSIBLE ALIENS when the Kerberos team disappeared!! We’ve known since season one they knew it wasn’t pilot error! We’re told this from the files Pidge is going through!!! WHY WAS AN ESTABLISHMENT CALLED THE GALAXY GARRISON SENDING PEOPLE ALL THE WAY OUT TO OUR FARTHEST PLANET, WITHOUT HAVING ANY SORT OF PLANETARY DEFENSES IN THE WORKS
But instead, let’s just macguffin our way out of danger for half a season straight.
Can’t fly the Galra pod Shiro crashed it? Or the Altean ship Sam brought?? No worries, we SOMEHOW got Navs up and running well enough to make simulators for how to fly them just in case
We have good pilots on the simulators now? Good thing Sam knows how to actually build the things!!
The ships are short range and burn through non-crystal powers quickly? GOSH if only we had some of the season’s first episode’s macguffin left HAHA JUST KIDDING WE DO
The lions can come to you, but can’t actually do what you want them to? WHOOPS THEY CAN NOW, IF YOU JUST CONCENTRATE EVEN SUPER DUPER HARDER
Oh no, we built a giant ship! But it won’t!!! Run without a crystal!!!!! or like 7 super massive blackholes!!!!!!!!! Coran: CHECK OUT MY BLING
But Coran, your bling is too small! Look at how big the bling hole is, and your bling is just too smol! Bling: BITCH IT’S MAGIC
- d e e p   b r e a t h -
Like don’t get me wrong, there was still a lot about this season I liked. I mean I stayed up just to finish watching it all the way through. But with how hyped it was, and honestly how positive the reviews mostly were, I was expecting a better. A lot better.
They did Adam dirty.
They did their (largely lgbt+) fanbase dirty, while patting themselves on the back for idk thinking they pulled another Korra? (Which, haha, no.)
They did lots of ships, characters, plot lines, and honestly their own universe dirty.
I’m hoping to hear more from the cast and crew soon, about things in this season, things in the upcoming season, and honestly just what the heck just happened. Because tbph? For once, Voltron has actually left a very bitter taste in my mouth.
And I want to believe they can fix it before it’s too late.
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adaine · 6 years
tag game
thanks bb @brooklynbabybucky ilysm
drink: raspberry peace tea
phone call: the b*nk
text message: emerson 
song you listened to: i’m listening to the smartphone hour rn
time you cried: hmm a few weeks ago in montana
dated someone twice: nope
kissed someone and regretted it: no kisses for me
been cheated on: no
lost someone special: yeah. my grandpa but it was 2nd grade
been depressed: oh yeet
gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
favorite colors: ever favorite colors doesn’t make sense but green and black
made new friends: yes!!!
fallen out of love: lmao nope
laughed until you cried: yeah i’m a messy bitch
found out someone was talking about you: no solid proof but yeah lmao ik yall aint slick
met someone who changed you: my friends at college really changed me but i met them like a year and a week ago but i didn’t know them well at all at first so i’m counting it yes
found out who your friends are: yes lmao i have
kissed someone on your facebook friends list: nope
how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: almost all
do you have any pets: not anymore rip benji and pierre the real ogs
do you want to change your name: nope
what did you do for your last birthday: my dad and brother came out a few days before for thanksgiving and then all my friends forgot about it lmao but we ended up eating expired cake together
what were you doing at midnight last night: trying desperately to go to sleep bc i had to be up early today (didn’t fall asleep till 2am)
what is something you can’t wait for: everything w my study abroad specifically the sigrid concert and the skam convention, going back to laramie
what are you listening to right now: pitiful children
have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah lmao that’s my cousin’s name. it’s also the name of the white gay guy who lived on floor 12 last yr and dropped out for his rap career
something that gets on your nerves: people touching me w their f**t
most visited website: discord bc i have the computer app but i use the site instead lmao
hair color: brown but i currently have parts of it dyed blue
long or short hair: medium but i’m never cutting it this short again bc my sister told me i looked like lord farquaad
do you have a crush on someone: yuppppp
what do you like about yourself: my brain i guess like the intelligence part tho not the mental illness part
want any piercings: a cartilage piercing would be cool but i won’t do it bc i can’t even keep my normal earrings in consistently
blood type: no idea
nicknames: jules
relationship status: single and lonely!!!
zodiac: sagittarius
pronouns: she/her
favorite tv shows: skam, dark, la casa de papel, sense8, andi mack, ik there’s more but also i hate watch half the shows i watch so lmao some used to be my faves but now i’m bitter
right or left handed: right
ever had surgery: no
piercings: just normal ones, one on each side, probably nearly closed
sports: soccer and softball from preschool through 8th grade, basketball 1st grade and then 4th-8th grade
vacation: i think last vacation was my fave place on earth, glacier ntl park
eating: we had portillos yeet!
drinking: last non-alcoholic drink was what i said before but i had malibu and grapefruit juice the other week yummie
about to watch: nothing tonight but i’ve been watching cloak & dagger and tabula rasa
waiting for: september 29 when i leave for england
want: to see my friends
get married: please!!!! i want this!
career: bioelectrical engineer but also being an author would be dope on the side
hugs or kisses: i’ve never been kissed so hugs i guess
lips or eyes: eyes
shorter or taller: taller
older or younger: choices that make you go hmmm (but i am friends w more younger ppl and i’ve had crushes on a few but not like way younger gross)
nice arms or stomach: stomach bc mine uglee
hookup or relationship: relationship
troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker i need excitement
kissed a stranger: nope
drunk hard liquor: yeet
lost glasses: lmao yeah but bc i wear contacts usually
turned someone down: yeah my friend asked me out over email in 6th grade deadass
sex on the first date: that would require two things to happen that i’ve never done so no
broken someone’s heart: don’t think so
had your heart broken: in a friendship context yeah
been arrested: no
cried when someone died: yeah but not at the time like after
fallen for a friend: lmao yep. i’ve also done it in the opposite order where i’ve fallen for someone and my lack of flirting ability made us friends
yourself: sometimes
miracles: meh
love at first sight: i guess
santa claus: no
kiss on a first date: yeah 
angels: no
best friend’s name: Amanda
eye colour: blue
favorite movie: romeo + juliet
favorite actors: tarjei sandvik moe, lisa teige, natalie portman, mark hamill, alfie enoch
tagging whoever bc im a failure
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2020 Hyundai Elantra
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Rental cars are so great- it’s like getting to sidestep your daily driver for a car mistress, or car gigolo. Not that I have any desire to do such a thing, as I’m in a perfectly healthy relationship with an older Volkswagen. But she needed a few days off, and with this virus business I didn’t wanna Uber, so a rental it would have to be. Wanting to save money to put towards the Jetta’s possible costly maintenance, I first checked Turo, which was crazy cheap, but all they had available were a bunch of 2012 Fiat 500s. Fun fact- when my Honda got stolen in 2012 I tried to rent a car from a company through my insurance- all they had available was a then brand new Fiat 500, but they couldn’t let me rent it they said, because it kept breaking down on them. Back in 2012. So no thanks on the same car eight year later. I moved on to Enterprise, and I decided to go with the lowest-priced deal possible, which promised a Mitsubishi Mirage or similar. I’m furloughed at the moment, so this thing would just have to get me home from and then back to my mechanic’s. I could deal with an economy car just for that. 
The plan was to meet the rental agent at the repair shop where I was leaving my car, sign some stuff, and then take off in the Mirage or similar. Wanting to socially isolate as much as possible, I decided to wait in my car until the rental agent and the employee who was driving them back to their office both showed up. First, I saw a brand new Hyundai Elantra with out of state plates and a barcode on the windshield pull into a spot. I figured that was the shuttle back, so I got out of my car, figuring my rental was right behind the Hyundai. And sure enough, moments later a Chevy Sonic pulled up. A Sonic is similar to a Mirage, right? I immediately noticed that the Sonic was absolutely filthy and kinda dented up, which, whatever, I’m renting from the bottom shelf, but also that the driver was an elderly man with no face mask. Huh. Well, okay. “Is that mine?” I cheerfully asked the man, who looked back at me completely bewildered. “No” he said gruffly, and then started taking some boxes out of his back seat. Oh man, should I have upgraded to Compact or Standard? Could Economy really be this bad? But just then- “Excuse me, sir?”, I heard from the direction of the Hyundai, “I’m with Enterprise! We have your car right over here!” It turns out they upgraded me two full vehicle classes- score! So the Elantra was mine, the rental agent’s shuttle was a Chrysler Pacifica that rolled up a few minutes later, and that dirty Sonic was a parts delivery guy. Oops.  
Even though I have a perfectly valid credit card and a perfectly legitimate checking account, when I signed the Enterprise agent’s iPad iFelt like Preston in Blank Check pulling off one of his many bullshit “Mr. Macintosh” transactions. Like, handing over a piece of plastic and scribbling incoherently with my finger on a tablet screen = unlimited access to a brand new motor vehicle? Whaaaat? But it seriously was that easy! Plus, COVID-19 precautions meant my agent just straight up left the keys in the ignition with the car running- one less point of contagion. He was super nice though, and wiped down everything before leaving the car to me. Of course, I pretended that we were both criminals and he was cleaning his fingerprints off a getaway car before handing it over to me for disposal. I also kept thinking about the rental car scene in the awesome buddy-comedy My Fellow Americans in which a little Hyundai is used as a punchline-
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Spoiler alert- things go really, really well with the Lexus-
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Jesus, what was it with abusing rental cars in 80′s and 90′s comedies? The poor things got less than no respect. 
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Insane that twenty-four years later, the two brands really aren’t a whole lot different anymore. Side by side, my brand new Elantra and a Lexus IS don’t even look particularly dissimilar from one another, save for the latter one’s more pronounced gaping O face. Even with a more staid design, the Hyundai certainly doesn’t at all appear notably goofier or cheaper in comparison.
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Once inside, the Elantra seemed like a nice enough place. I went to grab a CD out of the Jetta (Yes, like a grandpa I still listen to compact discs in the car, don’t judge) and then realized upon closer inspection that the Elantra didn’t even have a CD slot. Since I couldn’t understand the deal with the satellite radio- it seemed to me like the previous renter had only activated five stations, and they were all Catholic talk radio stations- I just defaulted to my favorite local FM channel. Whenever I’ve been given a rental car in the past, I compulsively have to see how loud the volume on the stereo will go before it starts hurting my ears. And I’m happy to report that the Elantra was capable of boosting “High” by The Cure to an acceptably window-shaking volume. With that important business out of the way, I could see what else was up with this car. It had a sportshift kinda gear box, I guess Hyundai’s is called SHIFTRONIC®. 
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I messed around with it, it seemed responsive. Downshifts really did slow the car considerably, and upshifts seemed to make it go faster, but I don’t know, my foot was also on the gas, so maybe it was just a placebo effect? Either way, I’m a big fan of manumatics- it’s always good to look down and see the little S and the plus/minus. It’s a welcome bonus touch, like when a deli sandwich comes with a pickle. Even if you’re never going to want or use that pickle, it’s just nice someone made the effort.
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Next, I needed to push this “Drive Mode” button and see what that did. Sadly, hitting it did not cause toothpicks to dispense from the sun visor and “Nightcall” by Kavinsky to boom over the sound system, lame. But, instead, it pulled up this dope TRON-esque graphic of the Elantra on the touch screen-
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I just love it when digital renderings of cars appear on their dash screens. Second only to visual equalizers, they’re my favorite completely unnecessary yet supremely cool thing that a display can offer me. The fun cartoon in the Elantra explained that I had the choice of three modes- Smart, Normal and Sport. The Catholic talk radio renter had been driving it in Normal, no surprise there. I was on the highway at this point, so I decided to get crazy and punch it into Sport. And believe it or not, it made a huge difference! I once drove a Mini Cooper S with a manual, and while Elantra Sport Mode certainly wasn’t that vivacious, it was much, much more fun than Elantra Normal or Elantra Smart. Okay, full disclosure- I didn’t even bother to check out Elantra Smart- I spent too many years driving a Prius to care to see what the “nerd setting” felt like- I can imagine vividly, thanks. 
It wasn’t until I arrived home that I even bothered to see what the key situation was. Like I said, they were theoretically in it, as the engine was on, but not until pulling up near my house did I think to make sure that they were actually in the car. They were though, dangling from an ignition cylinder the way car keys are supposed to. I myself hate proximity fobs, push starts and such- they make me feel too disconnected. I have too many years of the muscle memory of my fingers gripping a physical car key, turning it, and feeling the vibration of the engine starting to ever get used to anything else. To me, that sensation also turns a key in my brain, and once that’s turned, it is like “Okay, we’re operating a car now, pay attention”. Without that ritual, I can’t focus on my driving quite the same way. I would imagine it would be similarly disorienting if suddenly all cigarettes just came magically lit right out of the pack, long time smokers would say “What the hell? I enjoy the act of flicking my Zippo, that’s part of the whole thing!” You know? Lucky for me, the Hyundai had keys-keys, albeit surprisingly budget looking ones-
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My friend’s mom had a 2004 Elantra that he’d borrow and I’m fairly certain the keys for that thing looked almost identical. A quick Google search proved me right.
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C’mon Hyundai! This thing was a two-thousand and twenty! And it wasn’t even the base model. Not even a switchblade? Or a buttons-built-into-the-top-of-the-key type deal? Nope. Key and separate fob, 1995 style. Oh well. Since I’m on furlough at the moment, I didn’t really have anywhere I needed to go, so I just left the Hyundai to sit until the Jetta was ready. When I got word that the VW was all put back together, I headed back into the countryside in the Elantra.  
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Enhance! It’s hard to tell, but that’s a genuine Passat W8 all-wheel-drive wagon in front of me. 
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When I got closer, I noticed that it was full of yard work equipment, and getting pretty beat looking. Sitting behind it at a red light, I noticed the two young guys in it were rocking out to music. It was warm out that day, so since we both had our windows down I could immediately recognize Kid Rock’s “Cowboy” slapping through the Passat’s Monsoon speakers. The two guys nodded along with it enthusiastically for a few moments before starting to laugh and changing tracks on either a mix CD or a Spotify playlist or whatever. Ohhhh, they were rocking out to it ironically. The plot thickened. If it was a mix CD, were they driving a borrowed car and laughing at someone’s taste, as my friends and I did when we commandeered a dad’s Lincoln LS and found “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins deep within the trunk mounted CD changer? Or were they a couple of Gen Zs cycling archaeologically through a Woodstock ‘99 playlist on a streaming device of some sort? I’ll never know. Anyway, bawitda-back to my story about the Elantra. I had to put a bank-busting $3.12 worth of gas into it so that it would have a full tank before dumping the keys into my mechanic’s after hours slot and happily reclaiming the Jetta. Not that there was anything wrong with the Elantra- as has been stated endlessly elsewhere, it’s truly amazing how far Hyundai has come over the last twenty or so years. I guess the rental company wasn’t as enthusiastic about the little car’s innovations or maybe they were just used to them, as I got a call from my mechanic a few days later telling me it still hadn’t been picked up. I called the rental people who assured me they would be coming to grab it, they had just been busy. Since my mechanic has plenty of land, and since my credit card had stopped being charged, I left the situation at that. I’ve heard nothing further, so for all I know the car either got collected or it’s still just sitting out there in the fields, now in use as the nicest chicken coop in all of the Amish Country. If that’s the case, those chickens are in for a real treat! Hopefully they’ll have more luck figuring out the satellite radio than I did.  
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survivorwakea · 5 years
Episode #3: “New Tribe New Tribulations.” - Ben
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That joint tribal went almost perfectly besides the fact that a dean voted for me for whatever freakkkkiing reason, but I really came out of that tribal with close allys in Johnney and Chloe from the other tribes so I really think that is dope I would type more but I’m shot
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wow ladies so im sitting on the toilet rn and i am fucking shaking in my boots. do u know how worried i am rn. im so worried. johnny said at the joint tribal that we were SOMEHOW not a part of that the 13 of them had already gotten to know each other and meet each other and everything that hit me rly hard bc like.... shit. shit shit fuck. fuck fuck shit. fuck. they’re friends already and more likely than not lono is gonna get picked off one by one at the tribe swap or whatever im literally so scared
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Omg omg omg I just went to like my first ever live tribal and it was soooo exciting omg omg omg. I really loved having the chance to sort of better connect with these people and have a moment with them that you wouldn't otherwise have really. And, I survived so that's a massive plus as well!! Eek I'm just so excited right now to be playing this season and everyone on the other tribes seem so active and happy and I'm really looking forward to getting to know them more throughout the season. It sucks I had to lose Dean but we all have to make sacrifices somewhere.
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Just got on new tribes and I’m pleased. I think I should be able to make some strong connections here. Elmo’s on my tribe and that really helps. Also talking to Joey and he seems pretty cool. Hopefully we do a good enough job on whatever song we choose so none of us have to go home. Hopefully Johnny, Justin, and Taylor are alright. I still kinda don’t know what I’m doing or where I am. Didn’t realize until half way through the last round that all 3 tribes were at the combined tribal. I thought there were 10 of us and that it could be a split vote. True flop? Yes. Maybe I’ll decide to get it together.
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After a really crazy tribal council, we swapped and to be honest I don’t feel as bad about this as I probably should. I feel like during the joint tribal I bonded well enough with Chloe, Thomas and Taylor where I think that if we go to a tribal I have enough bonds started that will keep me safe at least for another round and on top of that we also got Cullen on our tribe which is honestly the best case scenario because that could honestly be a free round!
Trust Rankings (Early AF) 1. Chloe 2. Thomas 3. Taylor 4. Randy Who’s Cullen?
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Well I knew I was going to be talking about the swap eventually. Cullan just got evacuated which is sad and I hope he is doing okay. I'm glad I swapped with Chloe and I feel Adam and Taylor are staring to see me and Chloe as a duo, which can be either good or bad. Randy I need to talk to more. Taylor and Adam both said they would be a number to me and Chloe if we need them, but I hope to hold that off for a little while.I just want to win this next challenge and avoid tribal :)
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WHAT IN THE ABSOLUTE FUCK DOES THOMAS THINK HE IS DOING RIGHT NOW?   Taylor has messaged me saying last night they spoke to Thomas about maybe us 3 working together and that Taylor thought maybe Thomas should message me first about it. But here I am with Taylor messaging me about it and no word at all from Thomas. I've given Thomas a chance to bring it up, I've been sat talking to him about how he's now finished school so he has more time to play orgs. This could so easily lead into a conversation about how Taylor messaged him. But instead he's just said "Im gonna go get a slurpee" well while you're out go find someone else to work with you because you're gonna need all the help you can get because I'm fucking coming for your bitchass now and I'm not gonna stop until it's red raw from taking all these hits from me.
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New Tribe New Tribulations. I stayed with Elmo which is good, and I have been chatting up the rest of the tribe. Jared seems nice and I've floated the idea of working with him at a potential tribal. I've talked less with Lily, but she seems nice. People I've talked the least with are Ian and Joey. Joey never responded to my messages, and Ian I just don't talk to lol. I'm pretty confident ian would stick with me and elmo and I think we could successfully target Joey, especially if we hold the milo 3 over their heads and threatened rocks.
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So, my premonition was most indeed correct. We ended up swapping from 4 tribes to 3 tribes. Not that that’s a totally bad thing. I mean, looking at OG tribes on Haumea 2.0, I’m in a 3-2-1 majority. And we had a music video challenge. My tribe lip synced to I Write Sins Not Tragedies. The question is, will we be pouring the champagne in victory? Or will the goddamn door be closed on one of us at tribal council?
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whew. sorry i haven’t made a confessional yet i’ve been busy. but now i feel like i’m gonna leave out important info so let’s hope i don’t. we swapped tribes and that was... a bummer. i had my 3 person alliance over on my other tribe and i had elmo! i miss elmo so much and just hope we meet again soon. i don’t really loooove my new tribe.. i like justin of course and i think i’ve been hitting it off with johnny. and strayed talking to anbel a bit. tried to talk to bodhi and asya but nothing really clicked. here’s something interesting.. justin told me he went idol searching and he looked where i looked round one and where i found the idol. he told me that a power was there but it’s now gone and he told me that johnny told him he looked there but said he just drowned in the vortex and didn’t say anything about a power being there. so i think johnny just messed up his words but now justin thinks johnny has a power and i’m just letting him think that and throwing scenarios out there and i can let johnny take the blame hehe. i also went idol aka advantage searching somewhere and i got somewhere asking if i’d be willing to give up 2 votes. i thought about how during the joint tribal a vote was missing so i assumed whatever power is there, somebody has it. so i said nope bye i want my votes! i told justin about this so i can kinda pin asya having this power since she was at the joint tribal and she’s on my tribe now so it could be a good excuse to vote her off if we ever go to tribal and i can be safe another round.
so now justin thinks johnny has the idol or some kind of power even though it’s really me who has it. and thinks asya has whatever power she got for giving up 2 votes. idek if asya is the one who got that power but i needed someone to pin it out so we have an excuse to vote her out and i can stay safe.
i also wanna apologize for whatever spelling mistakes i make and if i literally don’t make any sense at all. it’s so hard to type up exactly what i’m feeling and put it into words kdkdkdkd.
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Trust List:
1. Joey 2. Anabel 3. Elmo 4. Ben 5. Bodhi 6. Lily 7. Randy 8. Ian
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so we swapped which is great! the initial numbers are 3-2-1 and im in the 3 so that's great! however ian isnt the most socially active player so i think he could easily be the target of the 2 and the 1 and i dont think either ben or myself would want to pull a rock for him right now
i think i will hint him to get close to like lily or someone so in case we ended up losing a challenge she'd want to target joey instead of him. thats the goal. i dont want to lose ian bc basically if lily sides with joey in that situation, jared will be the decider and while i do trust jared, i think it gives him too much power yanno and it might be enticing for him to stick to his OG tribe ally rather than two ppl he met at the swap
im not sure how that will go but i hope well hehe! ALSO I FOUND AN IDOL, ZACK'S INFORMATION PULLED THROUGH!!! i havent told anyone yet, in fact host made a mistake in the beginnin sayin that it was already found and then said like 1h later, oh u actually have an idol and that got me SHOOK TO MY CORE! the awk thing is that i told ben already that i didnt find it so hdiasfahsdif! i just hope that when / if i tell him, he wont be too upset with me bc i right now i consider us p close!
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It’s hot as hell where I am right now. Better to be sweating over the heat than sweating over tribal, I guess.
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I got tribe swapped fucked and im annoyed.
So i got put on a tribe full of STINKY stinky players. And the challenge is a lipsync so im like "submit the lipsyncs ASAP" and theyre practically more than useless and do nothing. So we submitted practically nothing because theyre so fucking bad at time management. And now we're at tribal.
Nobody talking to me about the vote, so I'm going home. I'll try and pull a stunt but idk. Wish me luck
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Milu 2.0...hmmm... Where do I begin? 🤔 So my feelings on the tribe are mixed. Adam, Tom and Chloe were all part of the previous joint tribal so I had already had conversations with all of them. It made it easier to socialize when the swap actually did happen. Tom seems like a cool cat, and I had approached him with the idea of him, Chloe and I grouping up. Chloe seemed more than okay with it, but Tom never talked to Chloe about it like he said he would. That raised some red flags for me and Chloe. Adam and Randy I didn't feel as comfortable to begin with, but in the past day or two Adam has really came around and proposed we work together. Thus CAT was born. It's maybe not something long term but I think I could have great allies in Chloe and Adam individually. Tonight's vote is probably the most uncomfortable yet. Nothing feels solid, everything feels very much in the air, even if I have a majority alliance. This game is a rollercoaster and tonight I'm teetering on the edge and I have that sinking feeling in my gut. All I can do is put blind faith in my people and hope for the best.
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Milu 2.0...hmmm... Where do I begin? 🤔 So my feelings on the tribe are mixed. Adam, Tom and Chloe were all part of the previous joint tribal so I had already had conversations with all of them. It made it easier to socialize when the swap actually did happen. Tom seems like a cool cat, and I had approached him with the idea of him, Chloe and I grouping up. Chloe seemed more than okay with it, but Tom never talked to Chloe about it like he said he would. That raised some red flags for me and Chloe. Adam and Randy I didn't feel as comfortable to begin with, but in the past day or two Adam has really came around and proposed we work together. Thus CAT was born. It's maybe not something long term but I think I could have great allies in Chloe and Adam individually. Tonight's vote is probably the most uncomfortable yet. Nothing feels solid, everything feels very much in the air, even if I have a majority alliance. This game is a rollercoaster and tonight I'm teetering on the edge and I have that sinking feeling in my gut. All I can do is put blind faith in my people and hope for the best.
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This confessional is for the Third cycle where the end result was 4-1 (Randy, Tom) Loosing this challenge as honestly a rally hard pill to swallow I was absolutely pissed if we’re being honest, pissed at the fact that the final product was my video that as supposed to get snipped and trimmed because I didn’t know legit anything about that song or even lii syncing. I think me competing and being the one that submitted helped me when it was time to vote somebody out because I was told by basically everyone that sending me home would have been a silly decision. I honestly think my only option was too got out Randy because I think I’m solid with everybody else individually where I was trying to force something with Randy. If we lose again things will honestly go from 0 to 100 real fast as I don’t think anybody knows if Tom and Chloe are actually tight or what the deal is there but that will one hunger percent come in to place. All in all very successful round for me in my opinion. I think I need to be careful not to build this huge target on my back but I’m staying focused and just plowing through
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I’m doing wonderful! As far as this game is concerned, Jared and I are tighter than Ralphie May’s(RIP) pants. We know what each other is doing, and we communicate CONSTANTLY. Ian is tricky to get. He just says “Oh, okay” to everything, its as if he’s building up a wall to prevent me from having a social game, it’s highkey INFURIATING. I LOVE LILY, she’s an actual angel, and she’s a good player. I like Elmo alot, he’s definitely at a disadvantage due to his timezone. As far as everyone else, I’m getting closer to Asya as we’ve put our “beef” aside and we realized we’re friendly. Johnny and I have known each other for 3 years, he was the first person I knew in this community, he was the first person who hosted me and got me into this community, he’s going to always be like a brother to me.
Cullan is removed from the game. Randy is voted out 4-1.
0 notes