#(I'm not gonna begrudge anyone for going 'yay yahoo he's miserable'; readers bring their own experiences to a story. Death of the author.)
ckret2 · 6 months
I feel like "Children of the O. D. D" by HarleyPoe fits him too. On another note despite Bill being a tyrannical figure I feel really bad for the guy. I can't imagine not being able to become yourself again that would be torture. I equate Bill's situation with Discord from mlp where if he tries to be normal he just disappears. He needs to be the person he is or he's not Discord. I know Bill being human is the point of this whole thing. He's supposed to be human so he can learn a lesson about consequences, still must suck though.
I can see it, you've got the culty religious overtones, the weirdness, and the trouble with authority.
He can be both tyrannical and suffering, and acknowledging one doesn't negate the other. You can feel bad for him, I wrote him super sad so that you would. This suffering doesn't undo any of the wrongs he's done, it doesn't improve the world, there's no justice in it; it's just suffering.
I'm gonna give this little bit away, since it's not really a spoiler so much as it is simply something that hasn't come up: Bill isn't a human to teach him a lesson or to punish him.
Bill's a human because if the Axolotl didn't turn him into something powerless, he would've just restarted Weirdmageddon; and, out of all the powerless things he could have been turned into, a human would be EASIEST for him because he knows humans backwards and forwards and he likes Earth.
The human body isn't a punishment being inflicted on him; it's a containment measure to prevent the apocalypse.
It's just that the only containment measure that could hold him happened to require stuffing him into a form that makes him miserable. It does feel torturous, it does suck, and it isn't supposed to give you grim satisfaction at a villain getting his comeuppance; it's supposed to hurt.
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