#(I'm usually ready to bite somebody as it is lol)
vanilkaplays · 3 months
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Modders out there just casually committing war crimes again.
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luveline · 2 years
keeping up with me (this is a weird vent but it's not all doom and gloom or anything I'm just rambling cos I don't have anywhere else to say this lol) (pls don't read if it's gonna stress u out!!) tw suicidal discussion (I'm not suicidal, please don't worry) / disordered eating ment
im fighting shame off with a stick lately, im sad all the time and that doesn't make me gross. im really insecure about lots of stuff, and i feel guilt for becoming this overwhelmed because i feel like im being a bad daughter/sister/friend . i hate that being upset or just generally blue can come with so much baggage! and im constantly feeding myself positivity and it's a battle because lots of me feels disgusting but I know that it's okay to take time for myself, it's okay to want to be by myself, it's okay to want space
i know im not alone in these things, and that doesn't make me feel better or worse. I've gotten pretty good at just moving through like without the constant analysis of my feelings, but I do worry im being somebody who isn't redeemable.
beside my writing im really not confident that there's anything in me that is worth being interested in. and THAT is a whole new bag, because again as it usually goes my unhappy mood has come with a lack of motivation to write anything, which makes me feel useless like if I can't be good at the only thing I'm good at, then I'm not good at anything at all. NOT that I was even too good to begin with wh ich is my second bag — I feel super bad for my asks always being off but the "hate" lately has been relentless. I tend to just block and move on (or try, because it definitely has the power to stick in your brain) but i don't know if it's the same person over and over. t it has sapped any want to write that I had left in me. ever since that one I got about love bites I just haven't wanted to write for Eddie at all because I feel sooo stupid — and it isn't fair, bc the generous love I received for it outweighs the mean stuff by so much, but I just can't get to grips with it
it's nice though bc as I write this I'm like are you sure? is that actually what's upsetting you? and i honestly don't know. Everything feels off kilter in a way I can't work out, and it has for a little while. Which isn't to say I'm unhappy all the time, I'm not, I'm usually cheerful and ready to go, but idk ! I've been good at keeping up with everything besides eating, where I'm eating one meal a day and I honestly can't make myself eat more. I don't know why, it's not to lose weight it's just so embarrassing because its like I feel as though i don't deserve to eat properly
I feel like im constantly fighting myself and my logical brain with how I'm feeling. I know people don't resent me but I worry they should. I know I need to be eating properly but I can't make myself. I know it's okay to have writers block but if I'm not writing what worth do I actually have? The answer of course is a lot, my self worth isn't and never will be tied to what 'content' I'm able to create and i don't want to spread that narrative ever but it's still how I feel.
At the end of the day, none of this stuff actually matters. besides some hormone stuff my life hasn't felt this normal and in order in a long time. I can't work out what changed near the end of October to make me feel like this again. I miss writing but every time I try I just stop because it feels pointless. Its like I swapped chronic worrying in October for constant blues in November:( again though, I'm at such a crossroads cos it doesn't feel like a very urgent sadness and I'm not even passively suicidal as I had been in the summer, I'm just sad. I don't think that's a big deal. I'm frustrated at how it's affecting my everything else
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the-satellite · 4 years
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Hello friends and welcome to ☆Hateful Nostalgia☆. I was exposed to the mob talker mod WAY too young bc I was an unsupervised child on the internet watching mod showcases and SkyDoesMinecraft. Looking back these sucked, the stories were often bland and the designs were milk toast at best and tits out at worst. So for the sake of procrastinating on working on anything substantial I grabbed the main 6 I remembered and gussied em up. Redesigns, rewrites, better names, all that bullshit. If your interested in better photos, design notes, story details and rambling hit the basement, otherwise here's a line up you should click for better quality.
Also I wrote all this once before already but I deleted it like a dumb bitch. On the night Unus Annus was murdered in front of my eyes no less. Was a rough fuckin night.
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The Creeper- Kupa. An explosive pyromaniac with a habit of making empty threats and yelling. She protects what she believes to be her territory with a suicidal passion, but if you manage to get her to cool down and soften up she's pretty sick to hand out with. Hard of hearing, has at least one bout of head trauma at all times, and deathly allergic to cats.
Because the creeper is kinda the og I wanted to reference AT2's design more than the others, but I'm p sure the only thing I actually kept was the red hair and brown gloves. Otherwise I was doing whatever. I really wanted to lean into the explody bit of creepers, so I gave her some bite and dressed her in clothes referenced from Irish railroad workers. This may also be why I keep imaging her with a very heavy Irish or Scottish accent, whichever would be most incomprehensible when angry. Every color but her skin was color picked from one of the references, with some minor alterations for makes my eyes happy reasons.
With Kupa I imagine a story line with her would largely be about her as a character and her development than like an actual adventure narrative like everyone else. She starts off ready to blow up both you and herself in a misguided attempt to defend what she sees as her's and opens up and learns not everyone is out to get her. Lots of time taken to understand her childhood and how she ended up how she is. Very simple, probably the default or tutorial run people would go through.
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The Zombie- Bee. The ill husk of a missing explorer suffering from a less than conventional appetite. She wallows in her self imposed loneliness, believing herself to be an irredeemable monster doomed to hurt those around her. What she really needs is a buddy and some clue to who she used to be. Rough voiced, chronically fatigued, and prone to spontaneous combustion in sunlight.
 I definitely consider this one the weakest for design sadly. I imagined Zombies as humans who went into strange caves and caverns and didn't come out for years, only to pop up as completely different people. I just tossed AT2's design. The first thing I did was make her a bit of a genderbent Steve and tinted her green bc Zombies in game are just Steve but green. Tore up her clothes, colored picked the darkest colors I could from the clothes on the in game and boom, Bee. I do vaguely regret not making her eyes pure black but I also still wanted her to be human enough to fit with the other overworld mods.
 Ok so Bee actually has a basic story. When you meet her she's aggressive, but as a warning. She fears the possibility she may hurt somebody so heads for threats immediately. Going back and forth between her cave and village for a while you learn more about the situation with the missing folks who come back and Bee as a person. After a bit you pick her up off her depressed ass and start a nocturnal adventure of refinding your past, adapting to who your becoming, overcoming self destuction, and slow burn babey!!! 
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The Skeleton- Ulna. One of the few surviving warriors of a now destroyed kingdom and dead culture. She spends most of her time now traveling alone, hiding in trees and shooting anything see sees as a threat- which is everything- in the face with homemade arrows. Very much suffering from loss of her home and a bad case of lost purpose. A woman of few words, very antisocial, and naturally nocturnal.
 I came in with the Skeleton wanting to make her seem mysterious, so my first thought was immediately a cloak and a mask, but I wanted her face to like be visible so I went with the face paint. I didn't actually know that I wanted to do under there so I went with wraps that are reminiscent of the original outfit but still not tits out bc it's so fucking easy! Gave her a quiver, color picked the cloak and face paint from the in game model and the wraps from AT2'S art. I did like. Subconsciously draw her eyes the way I do Asian characters but I didn't have anything specific in mind so like go nuts with what you think she is.
 Ulna's deal is very much her lack of purpose or home and the entire thing is about finding that again. She's found sitting up in a tree during a storm pointing a bow and arrow into your face. She eventually let's you stick around until the storm is over and theres some bonding into deep night until the rain stops. You ask if she wants to come with on your little travelling sword for hire business, she says sure, sleep schedule shenanigans, backstory angst, and road trip bonding happens and she eventually decides that helping people is her new purpose and you're her new home
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The Spider- Park. A young adult experiencing the world for the first time through her tribe's rite of passage. She's really just trying to figure out how to live life outside of the cave she's been stuck in her entire life and aggressively trying to be an independent adult despite not knowing anything about being an independent adult. Its projection. Blind in the daylight, naive and excitable, and taken to refusing help at her own risk.
 Ok so. I don't know who looked at the spider and said "purple haired loli with puffy pants" so I once again yeeted the whole thing, only really keeping the kinda cutesy and childish bits. Spiders are a tribe of humans what live in caves unless they've broken off to live on the surface. Kids are kept inside until they hit a certain milestone, where they come up to explore at night. They're usually small and pale, but are pretty kickass when necessary. Again picked the colors off the in game model, played with the lightest gray for the skin, and bc I couldn't figure out anyway to use the stripes so they're on the patches lol.
 Park's meeting is probably the funniest and most meet cute one here, in that she accidentally drops on top of you from a little cliff drop off. Cue loads of apologies and an explanation about the spider deal and being blind in light. She asks for some help getting around and bam babey friendship and emotional attachment! What follows is kinda a buddy of coming of age story with the obligatory goes home and is miserable scene. Generally it's just about being a scared young adult and having someone to fall back on and why that's important. Also crushes and young people being bad at that.
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 The Blaze- Amber. A demonic entity who would let the world burn and the sun die if it meant she'd get her soul back. She's known for being ruthless, taking souls through force instead of making deals like other Blazes. Keeps this forceful nature even once she's become friendly, makes you do dump shit. Territorial, eyes glow and dim with her life, and runs remarkably warm.
 Amber here is the first one I actually did! I was just. Really tired that she was in a bikini. I decided early on I wanted overworld mobs to be human and everyone else was decidedly not, so Blazes are demons who gave up their souls under false pretenses to other Blazes. Because of how little clothes AT2's design wore I had essentially free reign and my thought was immediately to lean on golden knight bc of how Blazes are found protecting fortresses. The gold isn't picked from anything bc I was looser with the colors, but everything else is, and the hair is supposed to represent the smoke. Also the sticks in her hair are blaze rods bc I don't like them just floating around her.
Amber is found in the Nether obviously, protecting a fortress and immediately trying beat your ass and either incinerate you or make you give up your soul. During you prove yourself a p damn good fighter and she makes a deal to show you how Blazes exist and pursade you to give your soul up willingly. Bonding happens and she explains where the souls go and what happened to her. Insert line about how she dug in the sand for her soul until her fingers bleed bc I'm an Arcana freak lol. In general I'd just like her to learn to adapt to who she is now and learning to live life well instead of letting her anger burn her up from the inside out.
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 The Enderman- Violet. A confused but sweet young bit of void created by and connected to the Ender Dragon. Her relationship with reality is tenuous at best and abusive at worst, making stable existence rather difficult. She doesn't know a name, age, gender, anything about herself aside from that she likes sweaters. Communicates primarily through psychic connections, docile and sweet, and melts like a witch in water.
 Violet was incredibly easy, so this may be way short. Endermen are decidedly human shaped void from the End with varying sentience. They're direct extensions of the Ender Dragon, and nobody knows how they're made or where they come from, not even they do. Adventurers who escaped The End say they seem scared of it though. Violet in particular is pretty damn new and extraordinary nonconforming, and I tried to show that with her sweater and ponytail. Once again, literally all colors picked. Definitely the simplest but one of my favs.
Violet is the sweetest meet up I think. As your traveling between villages you notice a strange enderman watching you and plant a little flower in front of her. She picks it and you hear a happy little trill come from you and a pretty voice say thank you in your head. Now you have a tall dark teleporting travel buddy! After a little bit of back and forth she tells you in some broken English that the Ender Dragon made her but she doesnt know how, and that it's bad and needs to be killed for the sake of Endermen and that's the new goal. Spoiler they're the corrupted souls of those that died fighting it, with it gone Endermen are free to exist as their own being and do whatever, hurray!
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rurounidrift · 7 years
June 21 Blurr’s Horror Stream - Blair Witch (2016)
Blurr and his Rodimus spent part of the movie and like three hours after the movie yelling at each other. Drift did his best to outshout Rodimus. Astrotrain helped in spectacular fashion, much of which was sadly lost due to SOMEBODY not doing a very good job at recording the chat. Drift also invited Frenzy and Whirl onto his proposed little private ship. Frenzy accepted, Whirl’s still considering it.
Welcome to the 'speedxstealer' room. The chat room has been cleared by the moderator. Drift: *drift is Ready* B l u r r: / drags self in. well he WAS in a good mood / Soundwave: *Soundwave walks in looking at four datapads, one in each hand and feeler. There's also work on his visor. He doesn't miss a step walking to his usual seat.* Drift: *god drift wishes he could read that well* Soundwave: *Rumble, Frenzy, and Chimera trot in after and poke around looking for fuel.* B l u r r: / climbs over the back of the couch and just sinks down in his seat. Yes, good. / Drift: Blurr. Hey. *leans on* I had a thought since we last talked. B l u r r: Mm...? Drift: Okay. So. I know at least one mech who'd like to fight WITH you, but who won't fight FOR you—like, an alliance but not a crewmate, right? B l u r r: Mhm. Bevel: *trundles in* Drift: And I'm—honestly, I'm trying to cut back on the wholesale slaughter myself, too, so that might be a good thing for me too. So I'd only be fighting in some of your battles, not all of them. B l u r r: Mmhm... B l u r r: / vents/ So, you're not gonna live here? Drift: So, what if, instead of directly joining your ship—I could get a small ship to be captain of, and we'd be your allies? B l u r r: ... /shrugs/ Fine. Drift: ... Is it really fine? partytrain changed their nickname to spacebus. spacebus changed their nickname to partytrain. B l u r r: / right, pulls datapads from subspace. Looking through them/ Just... sign on to this, I guess. /holds it out/ Whirl: *trots on in, making a beeline for his hammock. It takes him a couple of tries to grasp it firmly enough to clamber in* partytrain: *how the *** did he get here* Drift: I mean... I know you were excited about me living here. I was, too. But... well, I think it'd be best for the mechs who want to follow—oh. partytrain: *oh well there's a floor, it counts* Drift: *takes the datapad* What's this? Soundwave: *Rumble squints and abandons the fuel search in favor of knocking on one of Whirl's legs* Rodimus: /Kinda just shoves Drift away and wraps his arms around Blurr in the most friendliest hug he can muster/ Don't worry I'll always still be with you. Won't leave you out to dry. B l u r r: The sign up. Bevel: Hi, Train :D B l u r r: ..... /immediately tenses up/ Soundwave: \\YO, TRAIN!\\ Drift: *IMMEDIATELY draws sword and points it at Rodimus's neck* Hey. Off. B l u r r: Get. Your. Disgusting. Arms. Off. OF. Me. Whirl: *zoops his head out of the hammock* Sup, mech? partytrain: ........ *awkward floor wave* partytrain: *just gonna..... set out some booze as a general offering for anyone who wants to take it* B l u r r: / vents. Who's this new nerd / Soundwave: //You bust your optic or somethin'?// Rodimus: Nah, I think I'll hold onto my bestie a little longer. /Never letting go/ Soundwave: *Frenzy runs over to Astrotrain and quickly mimes putting the booze back* B l u r r: We are NOT best friends. Soundwave: *Then points at Blurr and makes a throat-slitting motion* Whirl: What, is it doin' a thing? *blinks it. Blinks it again* What's it doing? Drift: *slooowly pokes blade against Rodimus's neck* Sorry. That position's already taken. partytrain: what partytrain: what why partytrain: ........ *drinks it, problem solved* Whirl: *i imagine when a mech is fendered enough you can smell the fumes coming out of their vents, and Whirl is the mayor of Fume City right now* Soundwave: *Fwoooooo* partytrain: *hey, hey, standing mayor here* Rodimus: /Obviously has a death wish cause he's not moving/ What taken? Nah, that position was never even open. Soundwave: //It's makin' ya grab like ya don't got one.// B l u r r: Why aren't you on Cybertron? Soundwave: *Jumps and scrambles into the hammock.* B l u r r: With your paper crown and tissue cape? Drift: *it's less of a poke and more of a press* Let go or I slice. Drift: I'm giving you to five. One. Whirl: Pfft, I might as well NOT. Anyone ever tell you--I ever tell you? This. Is a sh itty eye. No lie. *tries, with exaggerated, drunken care, to arrange them comfortably when Rumble hops up* Bevel: *finds a seat wherever Chimera is hanging out* Drift: Two. partytrain: *quietly watchin' for possible murder* Soundwave: *Chimera is coiled up near Soundwave's pedes.* Drift: Three. Whirl: I pro'bly turned my sonar off. One second. *eye slits into a squint; Whirl just sits that way for about te seconds* Yeah, 's off. B l u r r: I will not save you, Rodimus. I'll let Drift stab through me to kill you. Drift: S'okay, I think I've got a clean angle here. Four. Soundwave: //...Well, turn it on, yeah?// Soundwave: *Nudge.* Rodimus: Fiiine /just moved to the other side of Blurr with an arm still around his shoulders. He ain't letting go./ We can share. Soundwave: *Frenzy slowly creeps up toward Train's helm with the intent of giving him a noogie* Drift: I said let GO. Last chance. B l u r r: ... /VENTS AND just goes back to business again/ Anyway.. Drift. B l u r r: / holds out datapad/ Whirl: That. Is a good idea. Very good idea. All right. Done. I know every inch of this damn hammock. This. Damnock. Drift: *aims sword at the arm Rodimus has got wrapped around Blurr* Five. partytrain: *distracted w/ watching for murder and also a bit of a lowkey existential crisis* Drift: *and he awkwardly lunges across Drift to try to stab Rodimus's arm* Soundwave: //Pffft. Least ya can't fall out no more.// Drift: **across BLurr Soundwave: *...Maybe.* B l u r r: [[ LOL ALREADY ]] Drift: ((I swear i know whose name is whose)) Rodimus: (LMAO) partytrain: pirouette)) Drift: ((drift lunges across himself. he's beside himself in anger.)) Whirl: I dunno bout all THAT now. Don't quote me. *nevermind the fact that he never said anything* Whirl: ((omfg drift)) Bevel: *will sit on the floor then and sort of bot watch because Stuff Is Happening* B l u r r: [[ drift jfc ]] Rodimus: (I'm laughing so hard A+) Whirl: *slooowly swivels his helm around to watch the kerfuffle* Wait, are we fighting now? B l u r r: / this is awkward oh my god / partytrain: *just gonna... sidle over closer to soundwave if he'll let him, with or without headfriendzy* partytrain: *weirdly enough trusts u the most* Rodimus: /Has had many people try and kill him point blank. Reflexs kick in at this point and he ducks behind Blurr./ Put that thing away before you hurt Blurr! B l u r r: / flicks finials and snarls / EVERYONE STOP MOVING! Soundwave: *Frenzy growls and follows the hea--oh, oops. Freezes.* partytrain: *freezes like a deer in headlights* Whirl: *just squints at Blurr* Soundwave: *...Frenzy can't help himself. He wiggles a single finger to see what happens.* partytrain: *dead *** still. he is furniture. he is the night* Drift: *he already lunged across Blurr just to get to Rodimus, at best Rodimus can only half-hide behind Blurr from this angle and Drift is more than happy to stab at the other half. Despite the shout.* B l u r r: ... Oh for pit sake. B l u r r: I said STOP MOVING. KNOCK IT OFF. Soundwave: \\HEH HEH HEH.\\ B l u r r: / snarls and scrubs claw down face/ My processor hurts... Drift: I'll stop when he gets off you! B l u r r: OH FOR PIT SAKE. Bevel: *debates offering to help break this up but nah* B l u r r: / Grabs Rodimus's arm and LICKS ACROSS IT/ B l u r r: / opens mouth to bite / Bevel: *Blurr did say to freeze* Whirl: Bite him! Whirl: Get the--do the snack attack! Drift: *... finally stops to see where this is going to go* Rodimus: I'll get off once you put that thing away! /He's not messing up his pai-/ SDFGHYGFDFD!!!!? Bevel: *giggles* Soundwave: //I thought we was here for a horror movie, not a frag show.// B l u r r: [[ imagine rodimus saying that out loud lmao ]] Whirl: *gleeful, drunken (that is to say, extremely glitchy) cackles* partytrain: why not both? Soundwave: \\CUZ HE SAID NO MOVIN'.\\ Whirl: *stops abruptly and peers intently at Rumble* Wait, what. B l u r r: / snarls and shoves a claw in Rodimus's face/ Well well well, look who STILL tastes the same... Rodimus: /yanks his hand away from Blurr fast/ B l u r r: Just like a little TRAITOR glitch. Soundwave: *Rumble gestures to Blurr with both hands.* //He's lickin' him!// B l u r r: / licks denta and sits back in his spot / Drift: *immediately inserts himself into whatever space he can get between Blurr and Rodimus* Bevel: Not moving is boring. Rodimus: /snarls and Blurr/ You're one to talk. Mister I'm so loyal I ran away. partytrain: *..... can he get away with inching closer to soundwave. shield him with ur noodley appendages* Rodimus: at* B l u r r: / oh thank god, Drift is here / B l u r r: I didn't RUN away. Bevel: I do not like this game. Rodimus: You keep telling yourself that Drift: *... wow, Rodimus really looks like Rodimus from this angle. that's. slightly distracting.* Whirl: Oh. OHHH. I thought you meant the biting. Cos I know the. You lot have the thing. Bevel: [[so much purple, i need to change my color Soundwave: *Soundwave casually props his pedes up on train and continues reading. This is his rest now. Nobody hurt it.* Rodimus: (brb ) partytrain: *yeah okay this is acceptable* Soundwave: //Well, yeah. That too.// B l u r r: / snarls and tugs wiring out of his arm . Grumbling to his vacant side / Whirl: *snickers; if you listen close you can hear the ghost of a dial-up connection in there* Y'know what? Y'know what *I* think? Same diff for Teach. boomtank: -what on Cybertron did he walk in on?- Drift: ... Blurr, don't— He's just saying the things he thinks will torque you off, don't listen to him. Bevel: Hi, Blaster boomtank: Ah. Hi Bevel B l u r r: We're not listening to him. Whirl: Eeey, Shovel! Bevel: *grins at Whirl* B l u r r: /scrubs claw up faceplate and down and up again./ Soundwave: //What, killin' 'n 'fraggin'?// His nose wrinkles. //Waste'a good mechs.// B l u r r: / STEAM hiss from pauldrons / B l u r r: / okay he's good. / partytrain: *leans over to frenzy very conspiratorially, talking through the side of his mouth* .... is it a blanket ban on ALL booze or just booze for other people B l u r r: [[ whos ready? ]] Soundwave: ((ready)) Whirl: ((I am!)) Soundwave: \\ALL. HE GOT A THING.\\ Rodimus: We? You talking to those dead guys again? Tell 'em I said hi. Rodimus: [ready] boomtank: ((ready! Whirl: *squints a smile at her and nods; you get it, Bevel. You get the joke* Soundwave: *There's no conspiratorially where Frenzy's involved, Train.* Drift: ((ready)) Whirl: And nah, naah. I mean, that too. But the eatin' body limbs art. Eating parts. Arms, and all. partytrain: *look at this hurt puppy face* ... all? B l u r r: Don't talk to my frames. partytrain: can you put subtitles on whatever it is, the parents are watching a thing)) partytrain: LMAO this is gonna be fun soundless) B l u r r: [[ IDK how to do that on itunes but I WILL TRY ]] B l u r r: ANYWAY, DRIFT. B l u r r: / points at datapad. Is not aware he's yelling / Whirl: Teach. Blurr. Listen up, Teach, I want you to understand--UNDERSTAND here, Teach. How much I'm respecting you right now. AND... Drift: What, yeah? Whirl: How much I'm gonna do it, later. You follow? Y'follow me? Soundwave: //Ohhh. Yeah, that's - nah. Nah.// B l u r r: ... Yes, Whirl, I follow. Whirl: BECAUSE. ...*swivels his helm and regards the screen mournfully* I'm prob'ly gonna sober up like. Halfway through this. But I didn't bring any booze. For YOU. Got it? Make a note. B l u r r: / vents and looks at Drift/ Just fill that out. B l u r r: Yes, I have the note. Whirl: A notation. B l u r r: Yes, I get it. Drift: Whirl! Drift: When you're sober, we've gotta talk. Whirl: Works cited: me. Whirls cited. B l u r r: /sinks down in his seat and twiddles claws in wires/ Whirl: *regards Drift with an immediate suspicious squint* ...aight. boomtank: -has settled into a seat now- Drift: Nothing bad, it's not a bad thing. B l u r r: You know, at least I HAVE friends. Must suck being on Cybertron with everyone who hates you. Drift: *looks down at the datapad* What's it for? Whirl: *antenna pins back* B l u r r: It's the ally thing partytrain: *awkwardly mlems a tiny cube when he thinks no one (blurr) is looking* B l u r r: Like a contract, I guess. Whirl: *and returns his attention to Rumble* Where were we, even? Talking about eating arms, yeah? Drift: Oh. Yeah, okay. What'm I agreeing to? partytrain: *he's totally licking his hands* B l u r r: /shrugs/ I don't know , whatever terms you want, I guess. Drift: *glances at movie* Hey, they're playing Borderlands! Rodimus: /chills in his seat legs crossed at the ankles/ Are you still telling yourself those lies? Hah, at least I rule the entire planet. Rodimus: What do you have? A boat? Whirl: And a puppy. B l u r r: It's a ship, you uneducated fuuck. Whirl: 'S got a puppy, too. Drift: *sheathes his sword so he can hold his datapad with one hand and shove other his hand into Rodimus's face.* Shhh. Sh sh. Shhhhh. Rodimus: /stares at the hand in his face/ Soundwave: //Yeah. Blurr eats arms 'n I say it's a waste.// Soundwave: //Better things for eatin' anyway.// He snickers, proud of himself for that one. partytrain: i haven't seen this before but im gonna say all these kids are dead Drift: *feels around without looking until he manages to cover Rodimus's mouth* Your moustache feels disgusting. partytrain: *mlem mlem* B l u r r: It is disgusting. partytrain: dude does it come of Soundwave: \\THE FRAG YOU DOIN'.\\ partytrain: off partytrain: ....... hands Soundwave: *Frenzy forgets the noogie and tries to look in the hands* Jazz: *well howdy Soundwave, guess who's gonna flip over the back of the couch and land right next to* Sup, buuuuddy. Rodimus: /slaps Drifts hand away/ Its distinguisable partytrain: *casually covers up tiny cube* Soundwave: *INSTINCTIVE WHAP WITH THE DATAPAD* partytrain: i got stuff on em B l u r r: / leans over to mumble to Drift/ It's so we can find him in a crowd of Empties. Drift: Okay, so—Blurr. Ok— *covers mouth again* Okay. So. How about this. Jazz: YIKES! What was that for?! partytrain: *WING FLOOF YES HELLO COMMOTION BEHIND HIS GIGANTIC AFT* Drift: We'll follow you around in space. You can call on us to help you with battles, but we get to decide which battles we want to help fight. Volunteer-only. Soundwave: [[Don't do that.]] B l u r r: / vents/ Yeah, sure, just write it down. Soundwave: [[...Why are you here. Go away.]] Jazz: Blurr's keepin' me on board for a while. Rodimus: /vents/ Jazz: And he said you stopped by, so here I am! Drift: We'll get a portion of the booty only from the battles we actually fight in. So we won't be on whatever... crew salary you guys have. Whirl: *THAT one gets a snicker, Rumble* boomtank: -yep, sinking down in his chair. No idea who's who here- Soundwave: [[Look. Blaster is over there. You're both musical Autobots. Go... connect.]] Whirl: *he's gonna poke his leg out and start gently rocking the hammock* boomtank: -Is he being used as a DISTRACTION!?- partytrain: *still floofy, back to lickin his tiny cube* Soundwave: *Nooooooo of course not. He's just... trying to find Blaster a new friend. Yes.* B l u r r: We don't have a salary, but sure. Jazz: Yo, Blaster! *waves* partytrain: *is pretty sure he'll know if he has to do something about whatever's going on back there* Drift: *tries to balance datapad on his leg so he can type one-handed while still attempting to cover Rodimus's mouth.* Okay, what else? Jazz: *hasn't moved* Whirl: *NEARLY FALLS OUT THE DAMN HAMMOCK* Rodimus: /whispers/ You're poor? Soundwave: *Frenzy tries to crawl up into the hands to check what's really in there. Whatever he had on his hands shoulda been licked off by now* B l u r r: We are NOT poor. Whirl: wHAT THE HELL 'S GOING ON WITH YOUR AUDIO!? partytrain: *licks frenzy* Soundwave: *Rumble yelps and grabs the hammock as tight as he can* boomtank: -REALLY now- Rodimus: /Will bite Drift's hand if it doesn't move/ Soundwave: \\AW, NASTY!\\ Drift: *so bite* partytrain: you asked for it Whirl: *steadies them* Sorry, mech. If we get dumped, I'll break your fall. B l u r r: Look, just. Write whatever you want. It's fine. Rodimus: ... Soundwave: [[Going to connect with someone usually requires moving. Away.]] Whirl: ...floor might be more comfortable, though. B l u r r: / slouches more and twines wires around his digits/ Soundwave: //If ya wanna.// Jazz: Aw, come on, Sounders. I like hangin' out with yah. partytrain: *carefully licks up cube into mouth and crunches it* partytrain: *leave no evidence* boomtank: -and confused waves to Jazz- Whirl: No, I mean, landin' on. ...but if you wanna lay on the floor, I'm game. Drift: Okay. I... think I'm good. Blurr? What do you want? Rodimus: / is contemplating now / B l u r r: What? Drift: In the agreement. Soundwave: //Long as don't nobody block my way it don't matter none.//
Missed a tiny bit. Rodimus started comming Blurr.
Drift: ... You okay? Rodimus: /is totally watching the movie, but seems bored with it/ Drift: And don't say "I'm fine." Jazz: *grins and looks at both. Company! * B l u r r: ... I'm okay. B l u r r: / LOL he tried / partytrain: *.... are you sure you don't want to encourage afterburnering* boomtank: -plops down in open space- ...hi? Jazz: Yo. Soundwave: [[Greetings.]] Drift: ... You know what I mean. B l u r r: I'm fine. Whirl: I make other people my furnitue. M'good at it. Soundwave: [[Have you been doing well?]] B l u r r: / screws up face/ I'm tired. Rodimus: B: ::So you're bff is leaving you out to dry?:: B l u r r: That's all. B l u r r: R: :: He's not leaving me out to dry. He's still helping. :: boomtank: Fairly well. I mean, all things considered Drift: ... You know you're not. I know you're not. B l u r r: I'm irritated. Rodimus: /Actually doesn't like horror movies. Doesn't know why he comes to these/ Drift: I could kick him out if you want. B l u r r: .. .No, it's fine. Soundwave: [[No worse than other nights?]] Whirl: *now very attentive to the screen, wide optic, perked antenna, the works. He's gone from being somewhat indifferent to 1000% focused* Soundwave: //Ha, Loud Rumble.// Jazz: *leeeans over Soundwave to watch the movie * Whirl: SNRK. partytrain: are they dead yet Whirl: It's you. Only, louder. Soundwave: *Not-so-gently pushes Jazz's face away from himself with a datapad* boomtank: Nope. Think the worst nights are behind me Whirl: Plot twist: istead of the characters in the movie dying... Jazz: *rude* Whirl: We die. Whirl: It's the perfect crime. partytrain: lame Whirl: You done it again, Teach. Soundwave: *Rumble moves to cover Whirl's mouth before realizing he... doesn't really know where to cover* Rodimus: B: ::Oh really? What if he doesn't come in time? Hmm?:: partytrain: of all the movies to die to i don't think this is a good one B l u r r: / Glances over datapad and just shoves it in his subspace / boomtank: Jazz? What are you doing? Whirl: *blinks and follows the hand with his helm* B l u r r: We can steal you a ship, I suppose. Jazz: Just buggin' Sounders. How you been? Jazz: Wait, yah just answered that. Soundwave: [[You admit it.]] partytrain: *gently stretches beneath the footers and waits for jazz to get in position.... somewhere off to his left or right side, down the wing.......* Jazz: Anyway, I'm stuck on this nightmare ship for a while. Soundwave: //...Look, I was gonna shush ya, but I dunno where the speakers are. Help a mech out, huh?// Drift: ... Blurr, I wanna lean on you but I can't lean any further over without uncovering Rodimus's mouth. Drift: You're gonna have to come to me. boomtank: -gigglesnort- Bevel: But Lane made all the noise to scare them. B l u r r: / just flops against him / boomtank: Do you need help? Whirl: Pfft. Internal. *dips his helm and pushes it against the hand, like an enthusiastic horse* Down in my chest. Nobody can shut ME up. partytrain: *PHUNT, engines are go* Drift: *wraps arm around Blurr* Jazz: I dunno, man. I can't go back to Earth ye-!!! boomtank: -!!!!- Jazz: *hello goodbye. Where am I? No one knows. It's dangerous * Soundwave: *Soundwave is DELIGHTED* partytrain: whoops, sorry dude Rodimus: /Will make this a Blurr sandwich so help him/ partytrain: *turns them off slightly two seconds too late boomtank: -scrambles out of the way of FIRE- Jazz: *HI WELCOME TO BRIGHT LINE DEFENSE * Jazz: *it's called a Cyberformed wall* Soundwave: *Soundwave pings Astrotrain a promise of the biggest cube of booze* Drift: *what the hell just happened across the room?* Drift: *Drift cracks up* partytrain: *does he have a wall on his *** now* partytrain: *was this really worth it, soundwave* Soundwave: *Rumble doesn't really know what to do with the helm butting his hand so he just gently pats it* Soundwave: *It was so worth it.* partytrain: *........ yeah probably* B l u r r: / vents and just scrolls on a datapad. / boomtank: -is over the couch, thanks- Whirl: *gives the Cyberformed wall a brief glance but seems more interested in the movie. And is bat. Loud, hoarse stage whisper* Why do I gotta shut up? B l u r r: / trying to ignore Rodimus and just enjoy the present company / Whirl: *pat Soundwave: *Soundwave stretches out even more. Now there's a nice wall separating him from Jazz (and, unfortunately, Blaster). He's so comfy.* Jazz: *huffs* Man, yah made more of 'em show up! *brushing smoking runes on his arm * boomtank: -peers back over- /RUDE/ B l u r r: Can you not abuse the relic please? B l u r r: It's expensive. boomtank: -pointing at 'Train- Soundwave: //Ah, the sayin' we was all gonna die scrap. Like jokin', all "shhh".// partytrain: simple malfunction, won't happen again partytrain: *has the straightest face he can muster* boomtank: ........ Whirl: *deep breath, Raises his head. Stares into middle space as he feels the wisdom of the ages settle into his brain* OOOoooohhh. Okay. B l u r r: Well, if you malfunction again, I will /fix/ you. B l u r r: Permanently. B l u r r: He's expensive. B l u r r: If you damage the goods, he won't be worth as much when I have to give him back Soundwave: [[...Give him back?]] partytrain: *wings sink down* B l u r r: Although, he's obnoxious, so I suppose it was amusing. Soundwave: *Stares at Blurr.* [[Who's taking him?]] B l u r r: Yes, give him back. B l u r r: No one. I'm keeping him FROM someone else. boomtank: ....? Jazz: Yo, it was not my fault he found me, man. I was hidin'! boomtank: Jazz? Whirl: I'd killem. Soundwave: [[Who?]] Whirl: Just. Pam. Nobody'd ever find em, in the woods. boomtank: Who are you hiding from? Jazz: That bag o'rusted bolts, man. boomtank: Names Jazz Jazz: Damn bounty hunter came barrelin' from space like Drift: *attention torn between the movie and the drama with Jazz.* Jazz: "You're gonna come with me cause my creators are pisssed at yah" Jazz: And I was like "Wait, how are there two of us?" So here I am. Whirl: .......*the most surreptitious sideways glances* Wait. Y'mean Lockdown? Like the Lockdown from your 'verse? Bevel: *also having trouble paying attention to the movie will all this drama* Jazz: Yeah, that one. Whirl: *nods slowly again* Whirl: *mental....... images...................* B l u r r: / vents and shifts a little/ Anyway. Drift. Like I said, we can steal you a ship if you really need one. B l u r r: Wasn't planning on it, but it's not hard to find one. Soundwave: [[-Lockdown- is after you? The one with the spark extracting device?]] partytrain: *has no idea who the frick they're talking -- well ok that would be kind of dangerous* Jazz: Yep. But I ain't got no spark to extract, yah know? Soundwave: [[You have an All Spark.]] Jazz: I /AM/ the All Spark. Drift: Oh, I was—I was gonna buy it. On Cybertron. B l u r r: ... Ah. B l u r r: Well, that's fine. Bevel: *attention now totally on Jazz* Really? Drift: ((would they stop making those sounds with her leg my god)) Soundwave: [[Yes. You are. And if he extracts that?]] Whirl: Better let him, Teach, he's LOADED. Rodimus: (whys her lep sound like it breaks every time she falls?) B l u r r: [[[ oh my god i know ]] Whirl: Drift is stupid rich. partytrain: *... he's carrying around a bunch of dead people??* partytrain: *how long has it been since h'es seen tyran documentaries..... hAS he seen those* Jazz: He can't extract it. Jazz: We're combined. Soundwave: [[That's little better.]] partytrain: she's gonna be missing a foot partytrain: aww its still there Jazz: He seemed to listen to me for a minute. Jazz: Got him to go back once and he came back full force. partytrain: ITS GIVING FOOT BIRTH Rodimus: /flinches as whats on the screen/ Jazz: Says his creators wanna see me brought back? No idea. Rodimus: (also can't type tonight) Drift: ((*silent high pitched scream*)) B l u r r: [[ bLEGH ]] Soundwave: *Soundwave's hands curl and uncurl* boomtank: So you're staying here until it's safe? Jazz: Blurr came and got me. Jazz: Said he's gonna take me to someone who can keep me safe. Soundwave: [[Who.]] B l u r r: I said no such thing, he's a filthy liar. Soundwave: [[Another name. Now.]] Jazz: Who was it? B l u r r: Yeager. And his bumbling band of Autosnots. partytrain: ........ *leans over conspiratorially to frenzy again* is he full of dead people? jazz i mean B l u r r: [[ im offended that she has my name ]] Soundwave: [[A human?]] Soundwave turns to Blurr. [[You're trusting the All Spark to a fleshbag?]] Rodimus: /mumbles/ Autosnots that ya like so much Drift: *shOVES FACE* B l u r r: / lifts claw and leans over to Rodimus/ Yes, he likes me VERY much. Soundwave: \\UH. MAYBE? PROBABLY.\\ B l u r r: So much so that I'm technically part of his CREW. boomtank: I could help, if you want? partytrain: *makes a face* B l u r r: / looks to Soundwave/ And I trust Cade Yeager to keep him safe. Drift: Yeager, though, Blurr? He's kindaaa... not very competent. Soundwave: *Glance at Blaster.* [[How?]] B l u r r: No, but he'll put himself in harm's way for his kids. B l u r r: The Autobots are like his kids. Drift: Yeah, but there's a lot of competent people who will do that. Soundwave: [[Bravery is no cover for incompetency.]] boomtank: Taking him in? B l u r r: Well, it's not my universe's problem. THAT is sitting next to you. Whirl: Hhe. Heh heh HEH HEH HEH. Whirl: *laughs loudly; his vocalizer is glitching badly* Whirl: TEACH. So. You buddy buddy with a human now. Huh. Rodimus: /shoves Blurr as he stands up and walks away/ Whirl: Nice. Jazz: I dunno, I think I'd trust this Yeager guy. He seems kinda chill. Drift: *rude gesture at Rodimus as he passes* Soundwave: [[He is a -human.- At least Blaster is one of our kind.]] B l u r r: I am NOT buddy buddy with a HUMAN. Soundwave: [[And capable of broadcasting long distance if something happens.]] B l u r r: / scrubs claws down face. Digging them in/ partytrain: peters dead Whirl: Yeah you are! *cheerfully* I knew you'd come around. B l u r r: I'm NOT! B l u r r: / scratching on his finials. He's having such a bad day omg. / Drift: *wraps arm around Blurr* boomtank: I mean...I'm not pushing, but we'd welcome you if you say yes Whirl: Good job, Teach. partytrain: i went pee who died)) Drift: ((the black guy)) Drift: ((because apparently we haven't stopped doing that yet)) Jazz: I dunno... kinda made a deal with Blurr though. Bevel: [[Next up will probably be his girlfriend who has a ghost or something growing out of her foot B l u r r: [[ omg i know right? ]] Drift: Hey Whirl, how close to sober are you? B l u r r: [[ i was not aware he was gonna die first. I apologize ]] boomtank: What type? Jazz: The secret kind. Drift: ((it ain't your fault they pulled that bull)) B l u r r: [[ my book wont! ]] Soundwave: ((man don't you be apologizing for hollywood types making the same dumb stereotypical asshat moves as always)) Bevel: [[srsly, not your fault B l u r r: Regardless... /vents/ You have to agree not to fight with my other alliances... since that;s what you are. boomtank: ((yeah, it's like a horrible formula they keep reusing Soundwave: [[He does not like this deal. It is unsafe.]] Whirl: *to Drift* More than I'd like, really. Drift: Who are your other alliances? Jazz: It ain't that unsafe. Jazz: Blurr's never actually hurt me. partytrain: well that wasnt weird at all partytrain: *pokes frenzy* you got any more snacks? Soundwave: [[The -human- part, you rune-covered--]] B l u r r: The Tyran Autobots. Soundwave: *Frenzy nods and hands over a handful. It's like nothing to Astro's big mitts, but still. He tried.* boomtank: Well....if you need a place to stay, or reinforcements, you have my comms., right? B l u r r: / mumbles to Drift/ JT and his band. Jazz: ' Course I do, man. I won't hesitate to ask for help. partytrain: .. *delicate nibbles to make them last* Jazz: * looks at Soundwave* Yah know, you really DO show concern. Jazz: *SMUG* Bevel: *grumbles to herself about all the loud noises in this movie* Whirl: ...*peers at the screen; attempts to mimic the buzzing noise* partytrain: the suns not coming up, duh Soundwave: [[Do not take it personally. It is about the inside, not the shell.]] Jazz: Suuure it is. Jazz: *reaches over to poke with a claw* Soundwave: *Slaps it away* Drift: ... *murmurs* I won't start a fight with them. But if they start one, we'll defend ourselves.* B l u r r: ... /vents/ Sure. boomtank: -can you two not, he's in the middle still- Jazz: *snickers and leans on Blaster instead* Soundwave: @Blaster: [[If he moves to you, you must do your best to defend him. If you are both found, call him. He will do what he can.]] Soundwave: *If the Tyran Autobots fail... well, they'd better not.* boomtank: @ Soundwave -If he does, if Lockdown comes for him, he will be facing the Autobot army. But I will call- partytrain: weLP Whirl: PFFT. Drift: ... What happened? Rodimus: What just happened? B l u r r: Wow. She's dead. partytrain: dONT BREAK VOODOO THINGS Whirl: She snapped the thing in half--the thing with her hair. partytrain: IT WAS HER boomtank: -and pats Jazz's head- Drift: Oh. Whirl: Then the girl snapped in half. Rodimus: Ah.. Soundwave: //What the frag? How'd that work?// Whirl: *clicks his claws ominously* Maaaagic. Drift: Sympathetic magic. Soundwave: *Soundwave debates something for a few seconds. Then decides there are some things worth the hit and pings Blaster a thank-you.* Soundwave: //...Not for nothin', but wouldn't sympathy magic be the helpin' kind?// partytrain: she's black, u know she dead)) Soundwave: //Ain't that what it means?// partytrain: OH HEY NOT YET)) Drift: You link two things by attaching them to each other with parts of themselves. Like, if you trade badges with someone, then you—share traits with each other, basically. B l u r r: / Mumbles and types on datapad. He's organizing / Bevel: Trade badges? Drift: It's not sympathetic like—like oh, I feel sorry for you. It would be more accurate to call it EMPATHETIC magic. What happens to one thing, the other thing feels. B l u r r: [[ yo like can they not with her leg ]] partytrain: wait what why would you trade badges B l u r r: [[ im having a frighten ]] Drift: Yeah! Your Dece— er. Your faction badges. B l u r r: [[ YEAH IM NOT WATCHIN THAT ]] partytrain: *chirrup?* B l u r r: [[ YALL TELL ME WHEN ITS DONE ]] Soundwave: ((*SCREAMS* i am not lookingtgkgh)) Whirl: *peers* Bevel: [[NOPE partytrain: i will watch for u)) partytrain: ITS GONE)) Drift: ((it's still going)) Whirl: Something done crawled up in there. Drift: ((... it MIGHT be over but i don't trust it)) Drift: ((yeah, it's safe)) B l u r r: [[ i do not do bugs under skin. I am TERRIFIED of that really happening to me ]] partytrain: that particular bit is done, idk whether they'll do it again or not)) Drift: Usually lovers do it. If you trade your badge with soneone you love, then a part of you is there to protect them when they're in battle, and vice-versa. boomtank: -pings back a cheerful 'you're welcome'- Soundwave: //Huh. I never heard that one.// partytrain: nO ITS NOT Whirl: Me neither. Soundwave: //...Wouldn't, y'know, actually helpin' 'em be better?// partytrain: *distracted from squinting @ drifticon* B l u r r: / typing on his datapad / Drift: Well, you might not be there. Like, maybe you're across the battlefield from them and can't get there in time. Drift: Or maybe you've been stationed across the galaxy from each other. Whirl: Setting their opponents on fire is more romantic, if you ask me. Whirl: But wh--yeah. Whirl: What he said, partytrain: *.... quietly takes mental notes* Soundwave: *Soundwave's spark twinges at the bit about not getting across the battlefield in time.* Drift: I mean, obviously, if you're THERE, you want to actually save them yourself. Trading badges is like a... a way to give them extra protection in case you CAN'T be there. Bevel: That sounds like a nice thing. Soundwave: *...He quietly pings Buzzsaw to make sure he's okay.* partytrain: *would it be hella obvious if he swapped out a wing symbol for overlord's boob symbol* Drift: I've never heard of Autobots doing it. It might only be a Decepticon thing. Which makes sense, I guess. Bevel: *has no symbols to trade with anyone but it sounds nice in theory* Soundwave: //Why's it make sense?// Soundwave: //Autobots don't give a frag about their squeezes or what?// partytrain: you're down a LEG don't CLIMB THAT B l u r r: She's gonna fall her asss down. Whirl: Never heard of it either, but 's not he sorta thig I'd hear about, anyway. B l u r r: [[ NOPE I KNOW HERE THIS IS GOING ]] Whirl: Regardless of what type-a badge I got. Drift: Since Deceptibrands are made of a piece of your spark casing. It turns out Autobots don't do that. They just... hand new recruits a badge. partytrain: huh Soundwave: //...F'real?// partytrain: so like a sticker B l u r r: [[ nah ill be back ]] Drift: Yeah. Just like that. Like a sticker. partytrain: weird B l u r r: [[ i predict whats gonna happen and its gonna be gross ]] Whirl: *that reminds him, h's still gotta find some back alley doctor who'll weld his spark chamber shut* Drift: Like the shame badges they give you if you lose yours, except Autobots never even get a real one. partytrain: *gently touches a wing* B l u r r: Badges are signifcantly important. They shouldn't just be given away. partytrain: *probably sohuldnt have to specify his own idk if anyone else is a flightmodel besdies sounders* Whirl: I been blown halfway to hell so many times, there's no way a badge'd survive. Soundwave: \\YEAH, SAME.\\ B l u r r: I keep mine safe. Drift: Yeah. Yeah. It's literally a part of you. Whirl: *excuse you, best flight model in the room* partytrain: i managed to keep these somehow Soundwave: \\PIT, I THINK MINE GOT BLOWN OFF LIKE... A YEAR IN.\\ boomtank: -still absently patting Jazz's head, watching the movie in mild horror- Drift: That's why you'd only offer it to somebody who you trust with having literally a part of yourself. partytrain: i think its cause wings're more likely to be protected anyway partytrain: sheer dumb luck honestly Jazz: *grins and just lets a pulse of happiness flood his field* Whirl: *nods* You can't get into actual, real, GOOD fights and keep some piece of metal on you pristine. It's not a good fight until you're mostly blown away. partytrain: yes go into the murder hose partytrain: house Soundwave: \\HAHA, MURDERHOSE.\\ B l u r r: Mine's always been safe. I keep it that way, though. Drift: Hey, I went out on a battlefield over a dozen times to pick up the shrapnel of my own armor to get my badge back. B l u r r: I never let anyone harm it. Drift: You take care of that. Whirl: My original one is long, long gone. partytrain: *gently elbows* you're a murderhose Soundwave: //So's ours. I mean.// Well, they died. //Yeah.// partytrain: dude that's not peter either Soundwave: *Frenzy elbows back and snorts* Whirl: And, sounds to me like you had a lot of free time. *snorts* Whirl: But whatever foats your boat, mech. Drift: AFTER the battle is done? Sure, you've got time. There's always time between battles. Whirl: Nobody's carving ANYTHING out of my spark chamber. Nobody's touching it. Whirl: Nobody's even SEEING it. Soundwave: [[Finally, a sensible mech.]] Whirl: And, we kept outselves busy, in the Wreckers. partytrain: *absently scratches at his chestplates* B l u r r: They're /always/ busy. Whirl: *nods at Soundwave; he is eminently sensible. ......no he isn't* B l u r r: / grumbles and keeps typing / partytrain: wow cat i didnt need emphasis)) Whirl: See, Teach gets it. Drift: ((*ominously scratches at his chestplates*)) partytrain: dfghjk partytrain: )) Soundwave: [[He doesn't understand why anyone would risk it.]] B l u r r: [[ why would you go IN to the house? ]] Drift: Is she fo—why is she following him in? Come on. Whirl: ...*lapses into a long silence; thinking about the Wreckers isn't the best idea now* boomtank: -hums and responds in kind ignoring the movie now- partytrain: gotta have that murder quota Bevel: I think there was something outside in the trees. Drift: *glances at Soundwave* Because you think you've found something worth the risk. Jazz: *pats Blaster and keeps the pulse flowing. Welcome to the all sparks nice EM Field. It's powerful and kind atm * Soundwave: *Well, outside of carrier business. But Decepticons poking their claws into his spark? No. No. Not even when it was freshly formed and he was loyal.* Whirl: Nothing's worth the risk. Soundwave: [[A badge is not worth that risk.]] partytrain: *more scratching* partytrain: gdit kittenS)) Soundwave: ((this hole, it was made for me)) Whirl: ((DRR... DRR... DR.R...)) partytrain: saME)) Drift: ... It wasn't just the badge. The badge is the faction is the Cause. It's all... it was all the same thing. Soundwave: ((i would rather stay in the box)) boomtank: -it's a very weird EMF but it's nice, and Jazz's. Happy pulses from himself leaning into Jazz in return- partytrain: i got 3 kids gettin all up in my business why)) Jazz: *grins and just settles for this happy cuddle pile* B l u r r: [[ hhhhh im scared of crap like this, too ]] partytrain: just partytrain: go back partytrain: ok butters is running interferance)) boomtank: -Yaaaaay. Cuddle are good for ignoring what is on screen- B l u r r: /vents and keeps typing. Is trying to stay out  of this whole conversation / Soundwave: ((god this is so uncomfortable)) Jazz: *snicker* So, maybe I'll hit yah up and we can hang out sometime. Whirl: *falls silent again, cycling a long sigh and returning his full attention to the screen* Soundwave: //Swear it's like runnin' the Underworld.// partytrain: frag you too, lane B l u r r: You know, humans act like that hurts. Whirl: Tunnels that small? boomtank: Sounds good. Whenever you got some time. Jazz: Probably soon. Blurr lets me do whatever, honestly. Drift: ... She's a fighter. I wasn't expecting that. Soundwave: //Sometimes. 'N scrap chasin' ya, 'n not knowin' where ya - PRIMUS// B l u r r: / oh? A monster? / Rodimus: (my poor heart omg lol ) Whirl: Pfft. It had MY proportions. partytrain: ... didnt james die Drift: Apparently not. boomtank: Cool. So it's probably my schedual that needs work Whirl: I'm not particularly scared of the underground, but I do't think I could deal with tunnels THAT small all the time. Drift: ... Either that, ir he's dead and this guy is a trap. Soundwave: //Sometimes they're real big 'n stuff too. Jus' sometimes they ain't.// partytrain: ugh tiny tunnels Drift: ... Do you think she thinks they're rude? Talking about her like she's not even there? B l u r r: I think they're rude. partytrain: is he dead now? Drift: She keeps almost turning around! What's wrong with her! Soundwave: \\SO WHAT, THEY GOTTA STAND IN THE CORNER FOREVER?\\ Rodimus: (Soo is that a demon or something or some alien? im so confused ) Drift: Look at the corner, you know better! B l u r r: Wow... she's stupid. B l u r r: [[ im down for whatever it is. ]] Drift: ... Does looking at her through the camera count? B l u r r: [[ it's tall and lanky ]] Whirl: Oh hey. partytrain: its a squiggly friend!)) Whirl: Because they stretched her. B l u r r: Technically you're looking at her, you idiot... Whirl: That's why she's all gangly. partytrain: cameras count, dude B l u r r: What a moron... Drift: What if she just... closes her eyes and feels her way toward the door? B l u r r: Humans are so stupid. Soundwave: //Welp.// B l u r r: And uneducated. Drift: Don't turn around. It's a tri—you moron. Rodimus: Whelp... Whirl: She might accidentally grab a fistful of witch. boomtank: ..... Drift: The rules don't say anything about touching the witch being dangerous. partytrain: did it not occur to you the same voice in the same tone might be a TRAP Soundwave: //...What, that's it?// Whirl: No, but it might not be pleasant. partytrain: they're all dead partytrain: what else are they gonna do partytrain: weekend at bernies? Whirl: *swivels his helm around to give Rumble a dry look* Apparently so. Soundwave: *Grunts* B l u r r: / looks back at dataapad / partytrain: i escaped the kittens by sitting w/ the laptop on my knees while im laying down)) partytrain: so far its working)) B l u r r: So who's running Cybertron while you're recklessly away from it? Whirl: *shifts and streeeetches on the ground, pushing himself into a sitting position* B l u r r: / looks up at Rodimus / partytrain: this song <3)) Bevel: I did not like that movie. Soundwave: //Reminds me of that plant.// B l u r r: <3 ]] partytrain: feed me, seymour? Soundwave: //Naw, naw. The one that could do, like, phones 'n people talkin'.// Whirl: Hmm. B l u r r: The Ruins. B l u r r: / scrolling down his datapad/ Soundwave: //That's it!// B l u r r: mmhm. partytrain: oh Whirl: When you said that, reminded me of the fungus movie. partytrain: ........ by the way where the hell am i right now B l u r r: My ship. The Emperor. Whirl: Snack Attack Central Hq. partytrain: its.. very shippy... 10 outta 10 B l u r r: Mm... thanks. Soundwave: //What fungus movie?// Whirl: The one where they replaced the baby. partytrain: *awkward potato rolls out from under soundwave's footers.. also the wall if that's still there* Soundwave: \\...HOW'D YA GET HERE NOT KNOWIN' WHERE YA ARE?\\ Whirl: And then that guy became the new fungus king or whatever. partytrain: ............ i have no idea partytrain: the door, probably B l u r r: Hn. Soundwave: *Soundwave lets him up* Soundwave: *Pat with feeler.* Jazz: *oh yeah. Swipes the wall away* Soundwave: //Oh yeah, that one. Man, humans got problems with forests.// boomtank: -Good Jazz- boomtank: -The wall is not needed now- Whirl: *nods* Whirl: Probably a good idea to avoid 'em on principle. partytrain: *is pat* partytrain: forests *** suck partytrain: low hangin branchs n tree demons n slag B l u r r: sounds like a place I'd go. B l u r r: / swipes screen clear and tosses datapad aside Drift: Oh. Yeah. The fairy movie. Soundwave: [[He likes the look of them.]] partytrain: someone got around my defenses and into my face)) Bevel: Looked like you. Whirl: Never spent much time there. Soundwave: *Soundwave looks at Bevel* Jazz: *yaawns* I love messin' with this mech's music, man. *nudges Blaster* Jazz: So, y'all wanna party sometime? Jazz: I don't know half of yah, but we can party hard. Soundwave: [[Rude. ... But true. And amusing.]] Bevel: *grins* Soundwave: \\...WHAT KINDA PARTY.\\ partytrain: yeah that Jazz: Uh, a PARTY, mech. Jazz: A JAZZ party. No one throws a party like me! Soundwave: *Rumble looks at Whirl* //Yer tall. Probably knock your helm on a branch or somethin'.// partytrain: bro i've never been to a jazz party partytrain: i wouldn't have a frame of reference Whirl: *grave nod* Probably. partytrain: for ovbivous reasons Soundwave: [[That's because everyone else throws -good- parties.]] B l u r r: / vents/ Oh. /glances at Drift/ And I need you to put every single nameof this crew you're assembling. Whirl: Gangly, too. Easy to get tangled in things. B l u r r: / hands datapad/ Just keep that until you figure it out. Drift: Ssso far it's just me. Drift: Hold up. B l u r r: Mm. Jazz: Well, lemme tell you. Jazz: My parties even get Optimus outta the room. Drift: Hey, Frenzy! Wanna join a small ship that's allied with pirates? *points at Blurr when he says "pirates"* partytrain: pirates? Soundwave: //What kinda place ya like best? Not countin' air.// boomtank: -pats, giggling slightly- Sounds like fun partytrain: ........ *omg is that why he has the eyepatch* Soundwave: \\YEAH! ... WAIT.\\ Looks at the Boss. Boss has been listening. He nods. \\YEAH! UH, THE BOSS GOT FINAL SAY ON WHAT I GOTTA DO, BUT YA BET I DO.\\ Whirl: *stares rather blankly into middle space for a long moment; his vice is rather flat when he speaks, at last* Don't really have one. Soundwave: *Frenzy bounces in place, ready to about vibrate out of his armor plating* B l u r r: / dont ask him that omg / Drift: Okay! *looks at Blurr* That's one. partytrain: *HES MORE TACTFUL THAN THAT* Drift: Whirl! How sober are you? Soundwave: *THE LOUDEST OF WHOOPS* B l u r r: Mm. Soundwave: //How c--oh, sorry. Drift's talkin'.// B l u r r: / leans over to mumble to his vacant side / partytrain: *he is going to look at the host w/ a new light tho* partytrain: *big flowing pirate cape + tricorner hat, thats what he needs* Whirl: *blinks and regards Drift with a half-lidded optic* What do you want? Drift: New ship. Tiny crew. Allied with Blurr. Lots of fighting. Quests and goals TBD. I want you on it. Whirl: *regards him rather blankly* I'll get back to you. Soundwave: *Rumble's visor blinks out and back* Jazz: Yah know, though, I might end up goin' back home. Soundwave: //You ain't gonna jus' jump?// Jazz: *flashes visor* I don't wanna leave my mechs behind. *most of them are dead lmao* boomtank: Hmn? Really? Drift: ... Okay. Let me know. Whirl: *swivels the blank stare to Rumble* No. Drift: ... I really want you on the crew. *that's all he'll say. he's leaving it at that.* Soundwave: //Huh. 'Kay.// Soundwave: *Soundwave remembers this from the nemesis movie. He scoots further away from Jazz.* Whirl: *there's a long pause before he says anything* Why? Jazz: *wiggles* partytrain: *awkward wing flicker* Jazz: Yeah, really. *looks at Blaster* It's been hard, man. I'm lookin' all over for anyone who's left. Jazz: There's gotta be some. Soundwave: *Frenzy nudges Train with a foot* Soundwave: \\PIRATE?\\ boomtank: -almost falls over becasue WHY Jazz, don't move- partytrain: *makes an i don't know sound* partytrain: *wings are perked up tho* Jazz: *snicker* Drift: Because I can think of, like, ten Autobots who kick as much *** as you, and out of those ten you're my favorite. boomtank: -huffs and pokes- Jazz: *pokes back with a grin* Drift: ((AS$, LIVESTREAM. AS$.)) Whirl: *at last ahs an expression, and this time it's faint suspicion* Whirl: ((whirl kicks all the asterisks* Drift: *Drift figures that's as close as he can get to saying something actually NICE about Whirl before Whirl recoils.)) boomtank: Yeah. There's got to be some. Good luck finding them Drift: ((there shouldn't be a )) there)) Jazz: Thanks, mech. partytrain: *leans over to frenzy conspiratorially..... way down low, bc he's half standing* i dunno if can deal with no booze though Soundwave: \\SO JOIN DRIFT. BET HE GOT BOOZE.\\ partytrain: was this a conscious choice or the magic of shuffle)) Whirl: *finally looks away and goes back to staring into middle space for a bit before he ooks to Rumble again* Why're you so surprised, anyway? partytrain: sssooo... the fighting... quests optional thing..... is that autobot-only or Soundwave: \\DO I LOOK AUTOBOT TO YOU?\\ B l u r r: If you have questions, you should probably ask the Captain. partytrain: WELL I MEAN B l u r r: / scrolling on datapad/ Just saying. partytrain: autobot-preferred?? i dunno partytrain: ..... wait i thought you were the captain Soundwave: //Dunno. Usually you're, like. First in line for fightin' 'n scrap.// B l u r r: I AM the Captain. B l u r r: I don't care what faction you're from boomtank: Welcome, Jazz Bevel: I am not an Autobot. Whirl: Fighting, yeah. Locking myself up in some small ship with a bunch of chuckleheads, maybe not. Whirl: Well. Chuckleheads and Drift. *be honored, Drift* Soundwave: \\HEY!\\ partytrain: .... do you care that i'm a functioning alcoholic partytrain: apparently there's a thing B l u r r: It depends. Whirl: Chuckleheads and Drift and Frenzy. partytrain: *submissive wings* Soundwave: \\THAT'S BETTER.\\ Whirl: *looks to him* You're gonna be on board? Soundwave: //What, me?// Whirl: Well, I was asking Frenzy, but sure, same question. Drift: *is officially Not a chucklehead. is VERY honored.* B l u r r: It depends on how you are when you're drunk. B l u r r: / still typing / Drift: Rumble's invited too, but I think he wasn't interested. Soundwave: \\ME, YEAH. WHEN I CAN.\\ partytrain: *..... makes a general gesture towards self* partytrain: this is how i always am B l u r r: / looks to his vacant side/ Honey, you weren't functional. You were very dysfunctional. Drift: ... And right now, the list is just Frenzy, me, and maybe you. No chuckleheads so far. B l u r r: / looks to Train/ Then I suppose yes, but the second I see a problem, I'll start tearing things off. B l u r r: Starting with your wings. partytrain: wait what kind of problem Drift: I mean, that might change. Every crew can handle at least two chuckleheads. B l u r r: / looks to his vacant side and tilts his helm/ ... / mumbles and motions to Train. Shakes again/ B l u r r: Like you can't do your job. Whirl: We made do with one hundred and ninety=eight chuckleheads, back on. ...back home. Soundwave: //Eh. Maybe if somethin's -real- worth seein'. I was kinda thinkin' of goin' construction again. Make somethin' nice. Not all scrap 'n rocks all the fraggin' time.// boomtank: -yawns- Jazz: *frowns and chin hands* boomtank: -he needs a nap- Whirl: *nods slowly; that seems like a worthy enough plan* Drift: *"home." deflates a little.* partytrain: s'not a problem, served in the war well enough B l u r r: Then you can stay, I guess /gets up and hands a datapad/ Fill that out. Soundwave: *Rumble caught that 'back home' thing.* B l u r r: / twitches finials and starts talking to both sides. Hello it's council time / partytrain: *tbh not phased at all by talking to dead people, still thinks you would look cooler w/ a hat* B l u r r: / make him one and he might be amused / partytrain: *takes datapad, then pauses* what's your policy on personal freedom? partytrain: KEETS NO)) B l u r r: I don't care what you do, just don't stab me in the back Whirl: All right, losers. *this is said perhaps without the gusto it usually is; Whil gatehrs his feet under him and rises* See you guys later. B l u r r: Or I will remove yours. partytrain: cool Soundwave: //...Seeya, mech.// *Frown and leg bop with fist* B l u r r: / waves at whirl / Bevel: Bye, Whirl partytrain: *he's barely literate, he's gonna have to take this back 'home' or its never gettin done* Whirl: *he does not react to the bop; gives a slight head bob to the room before he turns and leaves* Drift: ... Whirl. B l u r r: / he can teach you how to read / Whirl: *pauses in the doorway* Yeah. Drift: Whether or not you decide you wanna come... come talk to me soon, okay? boomtank: -okay, he should be going home now. He's tired- Whirl: *regards Drift with a blank expression for  moment, and then goes; what that look was supposed to mean is anyone's guess* boomtank: -up he goes- Rodimus: /Is still here, just chilling with a cube/ Drift: *Drift thinks that look means "you're gonna have to hunt me down with a tranq gun, fragger"* B l u r r: / stands up and stalks over to Rodimus/ You. B l u r r: Stop comming me. Soundwave: *No reaction to the bop has Rumble chewing on his thumb and thinking. He's probably gonna stay that way for a bit.* partytrain: ..... also what's the policy on that guy-- oh okay you're dealing with it Whirl: ((PFFT NOT A BAD GUESS DRIFT)) Rodimus: Why? partytrain: *.... wait if he leaves will he find this place again* partytrain: **** guess he's campin out* B l u r r: Because we aren't friends. B l u r r: I don't go through boyfriends like Kleenex /hissing at him. Quietly / B l u r r: I have a spot with the Tyran mechs because I am capable and a good soldier for them. B l u r r: Why do you have to make everything I do such a pathetic attempt? /leaning SUPER close/ partytrain: *just gonna crash behind this couch to give ya'll some privacy* Drift: Because he has no natural supplies of self-esteem and so has to steal everyone else's to maintain his own. Rodimus: /Is trying to lean back with his cube to his lips. He looks at the giant mech going behind the couch then Blurr/ partytrain: *u don't see anything* Jazz: *leans back. He's gonna watch this shiit show* Rodimus: /Looks at Drift with a frown and honestly ya'll should give him credit for keeping quiet for so long/ Rodimus: /but since Blurr wants to poke the hornets nest/ boomtank: -annnnd he's heading out. Waves on the way to the door- G'night! B l u r r: /snorts at Drift. Truth / Jazz: *waves at Blaster* boomtank: ((thanks for the stream, gotta go now, g'night Bevel: *enjoys quiet time with Chimera on the floor while this goes on* B l u r r: [[ ni ni ]] Bevel: Bye, Blaster Soundwave: *Chimera hasn't been given outside attention in a long, long... LONG time. It quietly coils around her arm and squeezes.* Rodimus: /He finishes the cubes before crushing it/ So quick question...whats your current boyfriends name? Weren't you dating that cog fanatic or something? B l u r r: Shut up. Rodimus: What happened? B l u r r: / no seriously shut up / It's Roadbuster. Bevel: *will pet him then* Rodimus: No no no. The last time I talked to ya you were gettin' really close to some giant 'Con. B l u r r: / grabs his jaw with his claw/ I am serious, shut up. Drift: *droning from the couch* He can't reply to your actual accusations because he knows he's got no leg to stand on so he's taking cheap shots at your love life. Soundwave: *Soundwave starts turning his head over in Rodimus' direction* Soundwave: *Is this about the mysterious JT?* B l u r r: / leans closer and gets in his face/ I will leave your planet alone, but keep your mouth shut. partytrain: *peeps over couch back* B l u r r: At least I /have/ one... Rodimus: /is very much grinning now and completely ignoring everything else./ partytrain: listen... LISTEN... does anyone have an extra stylus or is it okay if i use my fingers Drift: I've got some! Drift: They're not styluses. They're tiny swords. partytrain: dude partytrain: i want to stab my form Drift: I collect them, actually. Here, look. *stands, rummages around in his armor pockets, and pulls out a handful* Here. Rodimus: /He grabs Blurr's wrist/ Finding loving and friends all in the wrong dimension Rodimus: love* Drift: They'll probably break first, to be honest. They're from Earth. All genuine human-made swords. B l u r r: / snarls and yanks his claw away/ I don't need to keep to my universe... B l u r r: That one's gone. partytrain: wait they're real swords? cool partytrain: .... *LOUD SWORD NOISES* Rodimus: /Makes sure he still haves Blurrs hand in his grip/ And why did you leave? Rodimus: Nothing to go back to in your universe? B l u r r: Master is /gone/ B l u r r: There's nothing else there for me. Rodimus: Wow... partytrain: *the tiny screeching is not working he tried* B l u r r: Wow /what/ ? Soundwave: *Hmm. Nothing else. Well, at least the swords are interesting.* Rodimus: And you call me pathetic? You're really something. B l u r r: Pardon? B l u r r: You're clinging to a throne you STOLE! Drift: Mad that you're not worth coming back for, Rodimus? *obnoxious peanut gallery* partytrain: *after the initial distraction screech he is being hella careful w/ .... aw *** it broke* B l u r r: / snorts at Drift. EEEEY. nice one / Rodimus: /glares at Drift before his face breaks into a smile/ You know what? B l u r r: What? Drift: *looks at the broken sword in dismay* ... Here. Try this one. *offers a rubber sword. it's bendy.* partytrain: *immature wiggling first* Rodimus: No matter how many times you say I stole it, it doesn't really matter. Because guess whose ruling the entire planet with bots who are ACTUALLY loyal. I mean, Prime wasn't really liked. B l u r r: / snarls / partytrain: *okay actually he might be distracted w/ the bendy whoops* Drift: Better to be feared than loved. partytrain: *wiggle wiggle wiggle* Drift: *THE PEANUT GALLERY WILL NOT STOP* B l u r r: He had loyal followers. And he was ten times the Autobot you are. Rodimus: Better to be feared than loved? /he laughed/ How long do you think fear last in those you keep close by? Hmm? Bevel: I can fix that, Drift. Rodimus: Honestly I don't think both of your processors can even balance the two out properly B l u r r: Look what Magnus turned you into... partytrain: THEY KNOCKED DOWN MY WET PRESERVED SNAKE)) Drift: Sorry, are you saying that your closest followers DON'T fear you? Drift: I think that says more about how fearsome YOU are, doesn't it? B l u r r: You're a sniveling brat on a chair. B l u r r: Magnus turned you into a sniveling PRINCE! Rodimus: Do you two even listen? B l u r r: I have selective hearing. partytrain: *wiggle wiggle wiggle* Rodimus: Obviously B l u r r: Do you listen to yourself? Rodimus: I do. And look at where its gotten me now Drift: I'm listening. I'm hearing a lot of posturing and a so-called great leader of a planet who apparently has nothing better to do with his time than neg a pirate captain. B l u r r: You listened to Magnus, who acted just like you are now. B l u r r: And he got his face RIPPED OFF for it! Rodimus: Magnus was an idiot anyway.... B l u r r: Oh, so you don't miss him? B l u r r: Not one bit? Rodimus: ... B l u r r: The mech who was SO HAPPY to see him out of prison? Rodimus: Magnus. Was an idiot B l u r r: He was your /boyfriend/. Rodimus: And that didn't last very long did it? B l u r r: Isn't he dead? partytrain: *goes to poke drift for a bigger one.... he's embroiled in Drama..... just gonna sink back behind the couch with loud rubber wiggle noises in his wake* B l u r r: / looks at Drift / Drift is right. You're just feeding your own ego... Drift: *mumbles* Who was going on a minute ago about how his followers were SO LOYAL to him? Drift: And who was going on about how somebody goes through boyfriends like tissue...? Bevel: *will fish out one of her own styluses to slide over to Train* partytrain: *they dont wiggle tho* partytrain: *will totally double hand it* B l u r r: Tsk... / nods with Drift / Rodimus: /growled at being double teamed/ Drift: Sad. He's totally projecting his own issues. Rodimus: /also realized he was still holding Blurr's wrist/ Bevel: *enjoy* Rodimus: You wan to know something about Magnus, Blurr? B l u r r: Oh what? Rodimus: You'd think you'd pay attention to the fact that the mech always had his own interest in mind. And what did you see? Me tag along? B l u r r: ... /vents and flexes claw. Trying to tug his wrist back/ Drift is right, you're projecting. /vents/ You always followed Magnus. Soundwave: *Soundwave tucks all four datapads into somewhere in the gaps in his chest armor and motions for Rumble and Frenzy to follow him home. Chimera can stay with Bevel a while* Jazz: *grins at soundwave* See yah, buuuddy. Soundwave: *The contact with someone who isn't judging or ignoring them will do them good* partytrain: *nooo his security person :c* Rodimus: /he laughed/ Magnus, was always in the front. Magnus was always getting the attention. Magnus claimed he was going to take over the Autobots Soundwave: [[He's not your -buddy-. But he has no doubt he'll be seeing you.]] Jazz: Oh, I'll come visit! Soundwave: *Telepathic groan.* Rodimus: I may have tagged along, but I never followed him. I'd think you'd know me better than that by now. partytrain: wait, wait, frnzy partytrain: frenzy Soundwave: \\WHAT\\ B l u r r: I know what you are. You're a snake in the grass. partytrain: *gets up, scuttles over, and noogies him* partytrain: there B l u r r: Master never trusted you. That's why I was second and you weren't. Soundwave: \\AAAAAAAARGH\\ Soundwave: *wriggles free and runs to soundwave blowing raspberries the whole while* partytrain: *allows his captive to escape with a bit *** eating grin* partytrain: bye kids, have fun Rodimus: /stands up and drags Blurr with him/ B l u r r: / is dragged? Yikes / B l u r r: / WHY IS EVERYONE TALLER THAN ME / Rodimus: /HAH/ partytrain: *platform heels* Drift: *to his feet. grabs a sword.* Hey, hey— B l u r r: / glances at Drift and then at Rodimus / B l u r r: / holds up a claw/ Hold on, I want to see what he's going to try and form. B l u r r: He's not that highly educated. He needs to think  of his words. Drift: ... *scowls, but doesn't attack. but moves to the side so he CAN.* B l u r r: And he better choose them /wisely/. partytrain: *is just awkwardly standin in the room now rip* partytrain: *call him when there's screamin* Rodimus: What? Can't fight your own battles now? Do you always have to have Drift with you? /he lets go, or rather just tosses it/ B l u r r: / stumbles and rubs his wrist/ I don't need Drift to fight my battles for me. B l u r r: I can fight by myself. But we're not fighting. Rodimus: Yes you do B l u r r: No, I don't. Bevel: *will bring Chimera back later then, for now she's gonna keep petting them. it's soothing and a nice distraction from all the drama* Drift: You know what this is called, Rodimus? Drift: It's called /loyalty./ Drift: Apparently you can't recognize it. partytrain: *scratches his chestplates* Rodimus: Ahh, loyalty Rodimus: But how far does yours really go? B l u r r: ...Drift is my best friend. B l u r r: He's not like you. Rodimus: Is he? Drift: Wanna find out? partytrain: *yeah he's gonna go hide behind the couch but better this time and hopefully wake up later* B l u r r: He is loyal. Rodimus: I don't need to find out from what I've already seen. B l u r r: I trust Drift with everything I have. Rodimus: But answer my comm, Blurr. What will you do when you're bestfriend can't come and help you? B l u r r: I'll fight by myself. Like I always have. Rodimus: Oh? Is that so? B l u r r: Yes. That is so. Drift: *... "comm"? Rodimus was COMMING Blurr?* B l u r r: / hyes yes he was / Drift: *oh goddammit he touched Rodimus's face all night for no reason* Rodimus: What will you do if he told 'no'? B l u r r: / u enjoyed it somehow / Rodimus: /You know you wanted to touch his face/ B l u r r: He just did and we're still friends. B l u r r: Drift has rights to choose whatever he wants. He's not chained to me. Rodimus: How cute. Rodimus: Did you hear that Drift, you're not chained to him? Do you know what that means? B l u r r: Will you get to the point and stop dancing? Drift: It's probably not a very good point. B l u r r: a dull point. Rodimus: /enjoys dancing/ partytrain: i might be imagining that literally)) Rodimus: Lol dancing?) partytrain: 'get to the point and for gods sake stop moving your feet')) Rodimus: Fine fine fine. partytrain: *aggressive cha-cha slide* no)) Rodimus: didn't Roadbuster die? Rodimus: Killed by humans or whatever? Rodimus: Didn't that whole universe go through an entire purge so some slag like that? Rodimus: And you're still hangin' around? B l u r r: ... It's a different one. Rodimus: ...a different one? Rodimus: So? What happened to....JT? Or whatever his name is. B l u r r: He's gone. Rodimus: So what are you on? /he counted on his fingers/ Mech number 5? B l u r r: ... /frowns/ It doesn't matter. B l u r r: / it's 6 / B l u r r: / possibly 7 / partytrain: *same* Rodimus: Ever stop to consider that every single bot you attempt to be loyal to in some shape or form...just ends up dying or leaving you. B l u r r: ... /twitches claws. / Rodimus: Lets see if I can remember some of their names. B l u r r: ... Stop. Rodimus: Dodge? B l u r r: Stop. Drift: EVERYONE dies or leaves eventually. That's because people die and people move in different directions from each other! Drift: Loyalty's got nothing to do with it. Drift: Loyalty makes them stay LONGER than they would have otherwise. B l u r r: / oh god thank god for Drift / yeah. Drift: If you're loyal to a mech for a thousand years and then they die, that's a thousand more years you'll have with them than you would have if you'd shoved them away at the start. Rodimus: /laughed/ Shut up Drift! Longer than they would have otherwise? Rodimus: Please Rodimus: Didn't one of your boyfriends try to kill you or something? Is that loyalty? B l u r r: ... /twitches finials/ Velocity did- it doesn't matter. B l u r r: You weren't loyal to me and we were partners! Rodimus: Does it? B l u r r: Every mission, who was it? You and I! B l u r r: Then you got this idea in your head that you could lead better than Master could and it tore us apart! B l u r r: You shot my jaw off, Rodimus! Rodimus: Why would I be loyal to YOU when all you do it stick up for Prime?! B l u r r: Because he was MY PRIME! Rodimus: YOUR PRIME IS DEAD! Drift: And now we're getting to the root of it. B l u r r: ... /has a murderous look on his face / Drift: You're just jealous he wasn't loyal to YOU FIRST. Rodimus: And for someone who was oh so loyal was BLIND. To what our so called master needed. And look at where your loyalty go him Rodimus: Dead. B l u r r: ... I didn't kill him! Drift: Otherwise why would it matter to you if he was loyal to someone else first. B l u r r: / looks at Drift/ Is that what he's saying? Rodimus: /snapped at Drift/ And so what? Drift: He's trying. Badly. Apparently loyalty was supposed to make you a trained medic who can identify internal diseases at a glance. Drift: So what? So you look like a jealous, petty idiot. You're trying to convince Blurr that he's wrong to be loyal because you're oh so sad that he wasn't loyal to YOU in the exact way YOU wanted him to be partytrain: *wait what he was not expecting Died of Plague, he thought it was gonna be Died of Shot* Drift: Sounds to me like YOU'RE the one who has a problem with loyalty. Not Blurr. B l u r r: I was loyal to my friend until he stabbed me in the back. B l u r r: We were /friends/ once. Drift: Backstabbing. That's a Rodimus problem. Not a Blurr problem. Rodimus: Once. /vents/ I don't have a problem with loyalty. I know where my loyalties lie and I know how to maintain my loyalty with others. B l u r r: So why do you say the things you say to me? B l u r r: / he's asking super honestly/ Drift: Because he's still jealous and bitter that you didn't put him first. Drift: And because he wants to see you fail out here. Because if you succeed, it means he's wrong about loyalty, he's wrong about you, and he's wrong about how he runs his life. B l u r r: ... Rodimus hates being wrong. Drift: *honestly Drift is going 40% on what Rodimus has said, 30% on what Drift knows about his OWN Rodimus, and 30% just saying whatever comes into his head to drown Rodimus out.* partytrain: *lowkey enjoying how they're speaking around the 'enemy' while he's Right There* Rodimus: /better believe it/ Rodimus: /SG is just a messed up place don't come here on vacation/ Drift: *he doesn't care about being right so much as he cares about completely discrediting Rodimus in Blurr's eyes. The more Drift can cut him down, the less Rodimus's words can hurt Blurr* partytrain: *ok but if rodimus starts bringing out the stick effigies it's time to go* Drift: Yeah? Does he? No surprises there. Bevel: *has learned so much just sitting here hanging out quietly with Chimera wrapped around her arm* Rodimus: /is seething right now. He knows how loyalty works. He knows very well/ B l u r r: / as does he / partytrain: *peeps helm over couch to watch for Blair Witch ***, just in case* Rodimus: /But Drift just keeps on talking and he can't handle it any to the point he rips off his *** moustache. -gasp-/ partytrain: .... it comes off? B l u r r: / oh my god / Drift: ... *crACKS UP* partytrain: it *** comes off Rodimus: (im sorry i ccan't stop laughing ) Bevel: *chokes* Drift: *DOUBLES UP LAUGHING* B l u r r: K-KYAHAHAHAHAHAA!! Drift: *drops his sword so he can put his hands on his knees* Oh— Oh Pr— *wheeeeeeze* P-P-Primus... B l u r r: / cackling behind his claws / partytrain: ...... dude partytrain: can i try it on Rodimus: ( ican't...omg my sides hurt) Bevel: [[omfg i cant Drift: *he can't breathe* Rodimus: /lets them have their fill for a moment/ partytrain: *listen you don't get to be smug MISSING A MUSTACHE misteR* B l u r r: / wheeze/ You are so stupid! Bevel: *gonna just lay down now so she can laugh into her own hands, don't mind her* Rodimus: /gives Train the 'stache so he can have it or whatever/ partytrain: ............ partytrain: *sticks it upon the end of his nose bc it is too small for his face* Drift: Whah— wh-wha.... What's, that... s-s-supposed... *wheeeeze* Drift: m'dyin. partytrain: *purses his lips and tries to look dignified* partytrain: you're right though this does feel kinda gross Drift: *looks up. CRACKS UP AGAIN* Drift: *waves astrotrain off. no. no. take it away.* partytrain: *the mustache falls off* Rodimus: /doesn't even seemed phased with the laughter/ Do you know why I where that thing? Drift: Oh—ohhhh... i knew it. Drift: s'gonna be a... big... symbolic hooha. partytrain: *sticks it on his forehead as a unibrow instead* hm? Rodimus: /rolls his optics/ Bevel: *giggles* Drift: *still giggling* Drift: *sits down to catch his breath and pick up his sword* Rodimus: /crosses his arms over his chest/ Drift: *waves vaguely at rodimus* Just, get on with it. partytrain: is it made of dead people partytrain: it's totally made of dead people Rodimus: /Nope. Nah.He too salty at you Drift./ partytrain: ..... is it secretly a batarang B l u r r: ... spit it out, Rodimus partytrain: are you secretly batman B l u r r: / crosses arms / partytrain: *still wearing it as a unibrow* Rodimus: You say I don't know anything about loyalty? Think all I know how to do it backstab people? B l u r r: That's all you do. Rodimus: How long do you think I was loyal to Prime? B l u r r: Not very... Rodimus: And why's that? B l u r r: Because you wanted his spot. Rodimus: HAH. Please. B l u r r: You did. Rodimus: If getting rid of him meant, taking his spot then. Fine. Rodimus: I wanted his spot. B l u r r: ... Why would you want to get rid of him? B l u r r: He was perfect... Rodimus: You can even say getting that spot was mostly out of revenge really. Perfect? HAH! B l u r r: Revenge for what?! He was rising us to the top! partytrain: ... so whats it got to do with the face squiggle Drift: Get on with it! Rodimus: And to get to the top he needed an army! One that he didn't care what happened to. As long as he got it. /which Rodimus did admire/ Because of our so called loyalty every single Wrecker is dead. Rodimus: But its okay right? B l u r r: We did what we had to... B l u r r: He did what he had to. B l u r r: We've all done what we had to! Drift: You ARE aware that soldiers die in a war, right? Drift: Like... when you sign up for an army... you're signing up for a chance to die. partytrain: yeah that's like... the first thing they tell you Rodimus: There's a thin line between common sense and knowing when to be stratigically smart. About something. Rodimus: I'm well aware that bots die. Thank you Drift: That's a thing that happens. When you join an army. The leader decides he needs to throw soldiers at a problem and not all of those soldiers will come home. B l u r r: It doesn't change the fact that we do what we have to to survive, Rodimus. Drift: Really? Because it sure sounds to me like you're complaining about soldiers dying.
I missed a lot, the chat was exciting. ;;;; a lot of arguing happened. the mustache migrated to Drift who wore it for .2 seconds before passing it back to Astro, who put it on his butt and started mockingly rephrasing everything Rodimus said. Rodimus claimed that he turned on Optimus to get revenge for the deaths of all the Wreckers.
B l u r r: To the end of my ember's lifespan. Rodimus: That's not very far. Thats something every Autobot swears to when they join. B l u r r: It is far for me. partytrain: *may have gotten distracted by his own butt bongos* B l u r r: I already went further than anyone else. Rodimus: And you're proud of it? B l u r r: ... /looks to his vacant side./ ... /looks back at Rodimus/ B l u r r: ... /cringing from the side/ B l u r r: Yes. Rodimus: /recalls something/ What exactly happened to Dodge? Drift: ... And I'm proud of him. Drift: *astro's falling down on the job, drift's gotta step back up* Drift: *hilarious bongos tho* B l u r r: / tenses up a little / I killed him. partytrain: *he tried so hard man* Drift: *you did great* Rodimus: /stares/ Why? B l u r r: / glances at Drift with a little smirk / B l u r r: Because... he was... it was an- he was lying to me. B l u r r: He lied to me. Rodimus: Every bot lies Blurr. B l u r r: He was going to go to the Decepticons and tell them all of the secrets he knew and I knew he'd tell them. He was too nice. B l u r r: I knew he'd tell. I knew he would. partytrain: *going to go back to mockingly wiggle his buns in time with rod's words* B l u r r: I panicked. I panicked so I killed him so he wouldn't tell... Drift: It's a fitting punishment for treachery. Drift: *knows the true story. backing up blurr anyway.* partytrain: *doesn't know the story, taking it at face value* Rodimus: Is this coming from the Decepticon turned Autobot? B l u r r: Leave Drift out of it. Drift: *big shrug* I'm ready for someone to come for me. Rodimus: You killed him so he wouldn't tell. And I'm sure that made Prime very happy. B l u r r: It did. B l u r r: He was proud of me. Rodimus: What is he your dad? B l u r r: ... No. partytrain: *wiggle wiggle* daaaaaaad B l u r r: He was more important to me than anything else.... partytrain: daddy help theyre being mean to me B l u r r: / it's hurting him to lie. Literally. His insides hurt / Rodimus: more than Dodge and everyone else I see. B l u r r: ... /picking at his arm / B l u r r: Dodge never left me Rodimus: He didn't? Does his frame move Blurr? B l u r r: Yes. B l u r r: / he sees it in his mind / Rodimus: Does he talk to you? B l u r r: Yes. Rodimus: /knows this/ Rodimus: Has anyone besides that idiot /he points at Drift/ Every acknowledge that they are alive? B l u r r: It doesn't matter. Rodimus: Ever* Rodimus: Does it? B l u r r: To me they are alive. And he isn't an idiot. Drift: Soundwave has. B l u r r: It doesn't matter! Rodimus: Yes it does. partytrain: ghost bros are cool too partytrain: i dunno what your problem is Drift: ... Hasn't Whirl too? Rodimus: You know very well what happens to an ember when it goes out. Drift: *has no idea if Whirl has. But thinks that would be the kind of thing Whirl would just shrug and go along with* Rodimus: Just the way you here Dodge. Do you hear Prime? Rodimus: hear* Rodimus: (man I can't type tonight) B l u r r: ... No. Rodimus: Why? B l u r r: I don't think he wants to talk to me. B l u r r: Whirl has, yeah... B l u r r: / shifts a little / Rodimus: Why wouldn't he want to talk to you? Weren't you important to him? partytrain: *sad bongos* Drift: Didn't you say you feel Optimus on a different level now? Like... higher than Dodge. B l u r r: I feel Master in a way that fuels my movements. B l u r r: He is the guiding force behind everything I do Rodimus: But you don't feel him enough to give him the same spot as Dodge. Drift: Know why Optimus doesn't talk to you, Blurr? B l u r r: I do... / shifts more. He's starting to internally panic / Drift: Because Dodge and Velocity talk to you because you own them. You control them. You kept them from leaving. B l u r r: / looks at Drift / Drift: You don't own Optimus. You've never owned Optimus. He's not under your power, he's a power over you. B l u r r: ... T-that makes sense. Drift: He's moved past the need to talk. He sends his messages to you in other ways. Drift: HE controls YOU. That's why you feel him as a force guiding you. He doesn't need words to steer you. He just does it, like you're his puppet. partytrain: *this is far beyond bongos.. he's just gonna sit his *** down and go back to workin on this datapad with his bendy sword* partytrain: *rip mustache* Rodimus: /snickers/ His puppet? B l u r r: .. /lifts claws and scrubs them over his faceplate / Drift: *drift is like 99% sure blurr would be into being optimus's puppet* B l u r r: what do you want from me, Rodimus? partytrain: is it a frag? cause it don't look like he's interested Rodimus: Thats pretty good though. You really were his puppet. Drift: ... He wants to make you feel bad. Drift: That's all. That's all he wants. B l u r r: I wasn't... Rodimus: You did everything for Prime. Gave everything for Prime. Prime made you feel special. Drift: *drift was wrong, blurr isn't into being a puppet. damn.* B l u r r: Yes, he did! B l u r r: He made me feel like an actual person! Drift: *oh okay, that's what we're going with* partytrain: *morE FURIOUS SCRIBBLING* Rodimus: Prime said to go left. You went left. Prime said to kill someone you actually liked, and you killed them. B l u r r: Yes. I did. Drift: The only thing Rodimus wants is for you to feel bad, Blurr. Rodimus: Do you enjoy being used like that? B l u r r: I don't feel BAD FOR DOING WHAT I DID! Drift: He doesn't want to have an actual conversation with you. He doesn't want to make any progress with you. He doesn't want closure. B l u r r: I WANTED HIM TO USE ME! Drift: He wants you to feel bad. Drift: Why are you listening to him? B l u r r: Because he gets under my PLATING /looks at Drift/ Drift: Why not just kick him off the ship. partytrain: oh, dude, i can totally help with that partytrain: he looks like he weighs 2 pounds Drift: What about him deserves ten seconds of your attention? B l u r r: ... /just stares at Drift / I don't... B l u r r: I don't know... /scrunches up face. His processor is whirring loudly / partytrain: *getting up with grabby hands at the ready* Drift: Nothing about him deserves your attention. B l u r r: He was my friend once... Rodimus: ...... Drift: *stands up and walks to Blurr.* Yeah. I know he was. Drift: But he's not anymore. And you don't owe him anything now. Drift: You don't owe it to him to hear him out. He doesn't deserve that chance. B l u r r: ... He was my partner in the Seekers. Drift: And he's just gonna use it to try to hurt you more. partytrain: *approaches roddy as subtly as he can manage* partytrain: *awaitin your orders tho boss* Rodimus: /Even Blurr and Rodimus don't understand the relationship they have. Its this weird thing. They hate each other but of to keep each other at arms length./ B l u r r: / yep / Rodimus: (but have*) Drift: *puts hands on Blurr's shoulders* He threw that away. B l u r r: ... We're like rivals. Drift: I've had a rival. Drift: He's not worth your time. B l u r r: ... /vents/ I suppose. partytrain: *expectant chirrup?* B l u r r: / glances at Rodimus/ Rodimus: /groans/ Whatever Blurr. You keep telling yourself you're the perfect soldier. Rodimus: Keep telling Drift how you only ever served Prime. Never a Traitor. B l u r r: I'm not a traitor. Drift: ... You don't have to look at him. Rodimus: Aren't you? B l u r r: / flickers optic/ I'm not... B l u r r: / looks at Drift/ I'm not a traitor. I'm loyal to my Prime... Drift: I know you are. Rodimus: You think no body knows how you left Magnus to go to Prime? B l u r r: I didn't leave Magnus. B l u r r: I never served him. Rodimus: Oh? You didn't? B l u r r: / or so he's convinced himself / I didn't. Rodimus: No. Rodimus: Everyone knows Blurr. Drift: Wow, huuuge treachery, leaving behind a treacherous leader to serve the true leader. B l u r r: No one knows. B l u r r: / looks at Rodimus/ Stop talking. Rodimus: Every Autobot knows. B l u r r: They don't know ANYTHING! B l u r r: YOU don't know anything! Rodimus: You want to talk about me and Magnus? Lets talk about YOU and Magnus! partytrain: *frag it he's going for it, will attempt to scruff rodimus* B l u r r: / pushes away from Drift and stalks over to Rodimus/ There was never MAGNUS AND I. Rodimus: In fact! Lets talk about how the Autobots practically disbanded because you LEFT! B l u r r: SHUT UP! B l u r r: / reaches for his chainsaw/ Get off of my ship. Drift: *would cut in, but looks like Astro's dealing with it* Drift: *that sounded like an eviction order to Drift* B l u r r: It wasn't my fault... I tried. B l u r r: I tried the best I could, they just WOULDNT LISTEN TO ME! Rodimus: /now they're all up in each other faces. But he's out. Please he's dealt with Skyfire he just slide on away from the room/ I wonder why? Rodimus: /hes out/ Drift: You don't have to explain yourself to a traitor. partytrain: *gDIT HE WANTED TO DRAMATICALLY TOSS HIM OUT* B l u r r: / Frustrated snarl scream and just throws chainsaw at the couch/ partytrain: *petulantly flings the mustache out in his place* Rodimus: /try harder!/ B l u r r: / kicks over a table. Digs claws into some of this table / B l u r r: / shouting at his empty space council / Drift: *... hovers nearby.* Drift: *will intervene if Blurr starts hurting himself. otherwise, will let him get it out.* partytrain: WELL partytrain: that was fun partytrain: im just gonna.. i'll sleep here, ok? *awkwardly perches on couch w/ datapad* B l u r r: /claws into his finials and just kicks over something else and wheezes / partytrain: *couch w/ datapad and chainsaw B l u r r: Oww... ow ow. /doubles over and grabs helm/ I don't want to be here... partytrain: *ahh, just like home* B l u r r: / i mean technically that can be ur home if u want / partytrain: *eternal couch crasher* B l u r r: / DID U LEAVE UR MOUSTACHE HERE THO RODIMUS OMG ./ partytrain: *idk people use this sometimes* partytrain: *it's in the doorway* Drift: ... Hey. Hey. *bends over a bit to gently wrap arm around Blurr's back.* Let's—let's sit down, okay? B l u r r: / flickers optic a little and jumps like a scared cat/ ... B l u r r: ... You're still here? B l u r r: / looking around/ You're still here. Drift: Of course. Always. Drift: I'm not leaving you, Blurr. partytrain: *writing 'this is super gay' in the margins of his datapad to be deleted later* B l u r r: ... T-that's okay. I'm ... I'm fine. It's fine. / trying to process / Drift: *just this once, Drift won't argue.* B l u r r: / moves to sit down and just sort of half on the couch, half off / partytrain: *yes hello* partytrain: *maneuvers so he's not taking up all of it nad keeps his big trap shut* B l u r r: / trying to process everything as fast as he can./ B l u r r: He's gone, why am I still mad... B l u r r: / scrubs faceplate with claws/ Rodimus: / Because deep down youu love him / Drift: Because that's what he wanted. B l u r r: / GET OUT U / B l u r r: / u love me first / B l u r r: He gets under my plating, he always gets under my plating... Drift: Because he spouted slag things he knew you were insecure about. partytrain: *smells like AXE body spray all of a sudden* Rodimus: / its tru im terble.  / Drift: The things he says don't hurt because they're true. Drift: They hurt because you're already nervous about the decisions you made. B l u r r: ... But what if they ARE true? Drift: They aren't. B l u r r: What if I'm not the person I think I am...  /which isn't much of a person, honestly / Drift: And what's more, he doesn't care if they're true. He only says them because he wants you to—to feel exactly like you feel now. Drift: Blurr, who in the universe could possibly know you better than you? Rodimus: /Me/ partytrain: *THERES THAT SMELL AGAIN* Drift: He betrayed you. He hurt you. He left. He only knows about you from a distance now. B l u r r: ... We spent a lot of time together. He knew a lot about me. Drift: Yeah, you spent, what? A few hours with him a day, thousands of years ago? Millions of years ago? Drift: You live with yourself every second of every day, 24/7. B l u r r: ... Yeah, well. B l u r r: It's not exactly a joy ride. Drift: You know yourself better than he ever could. He only saw a tiny bit of you. B l u r r: / vents and just buries helm in claws / B l u r r: I bet this is easier for normal people. Drift: What he's doing is like—is like, opening up a book to a random page, and studying one word with a microscope. And then using that analysis to describe the whole book. B l u r r: / makes a muffled noise / partytrain: ugh i hate it when people do that Rodimus: /smells like death and bath and body words thousand wishes/ Rodimus: works* partytrain: what if that one word's like... crustmuffin. now oyu're a crustmuffin and you don't even know what that IS Drift: Heh. B l u r r: ... I just thought we were done. B l u r r: But everytime we talk, it's like we want to say something, but we can't. Drift: He's focusing in on what he knows about you. He knows you're loyal—he knows that MATTERS. And that's why he's got to pick at that, from every angle possible. B l u r r: / vvents and just sinks into his corner of the couch/ Drift: ... He just wants to hurt you. That's all he wants. partytrain: *scratches at his chestplates again* B l u r r: He's always wanted that. Drift: He doesn't want to say anything else to you. Drift: You shouldn't—you shouldn't give him opportunities. To say what you think he wants to say but can't. B l u r r: ... /glances at Drift and just looks back at the wall / Drift: Even if that thing is really there, it doesn't matter. It's not as important as what he's ACTUALLY saying to you. Drift: And that's anything he can think of to tear into you. B l u r r: Dodge says... he knows why. B l u r r: / vents slowly./ He knows why I let him talk. Drift: ... You wanna make up with him, don't you. B l u r r: No. partytrain: *CALLED IT* Drift: Then what? B l u r r: If I let him win, then whatever we had before he turned on us was a lie. B l u r r: Which means he used me. Which makes him just like Velocity. B l u r r: It makes me look stupid... /grits denta/ I'm not stupid. B l u r r: / frustrated noise. Presses claws over optic and eye patch alike / Drift: ... You're not going to win by arguing with him. partytrain: he's *** stupid Drift: Because he doesn't care. He only wants to hurt you. Drift: He IS stupid! Did you hear—everything he SAID is stupid. He doesn't care about being sensible. Drift: The best way to win is to tell him to frag off and not listen to him. partytrain: literally all he did was come in and be a shitheel Drift: He just—tossed slag left and right that made HIM sound like a moron. B l u r r: ... /just sinks down and vents slow/ B l u r r: I miss my Prime. Drift: ... *shoulders sink* Drift: *he misses his Prime, too.* Drift: I know. B l u r r: I miss someone perking up when I walk in B l u r r: instead of just... B l u r r: empty halls. partytrain: *well now he feels like an even bigger awkward potato* partytrain: *does he miss His Megatron? ...... maybe* Drift: ... You know I perk up whenever you walk in, yeah? B l u r r: Yeah. B l u r r: But, you don't live here. B l u r r: No one lives here. B l u r r: / except Train maybe  if he wants to / partytrain: *he's stranded in the multiverse and doesn't actually live anywhere either* Drift: I'm gonna be coming over a lot more. B l u r r: ... /vents and just covers faceplate with claws/ B l u r r: Yeah, I know... B l u r r: / boyfriends like kleenex is bugging him, too. / B l u r r: / but he's just going to move on from that / Drift: I mean—I'm mainly doing the ally thing so that Frenzy can come along. Drift: but honestly we're gonna be like, a trailer hitched to you. B l u r r: I guess. B l u r r: / vents/ It's probably better no one lives in the main ship anyway... partytrain: *could probably liven up the joint but he doesn't know if overbuns owuld be allowed* B l u r r: It B l u r r: is usually the first thing they blow up. Drift: ... Pff. partytrain: ....... Drift: Hey, if they ever blow up the main ship, you're welcome on mine. partytrain: eh frag it, i blew up once, s'fine Drift: *turns and STARES at Astrotrain* Drift: ... Looking pretty good. *thumbs up* B l u r r: I've been blown up before, too. B l u r r: / vents long and just looks at his vacant side/ I lied to him, anyway... B l u r r: I'm not proud of what I did. To Dodge. Drift: *nods* B l u r r: I never was. I just wore it like I was because it made my Master happy. He understood my pain and thanked me. Drift: I know. Drift: *arm squeeze around Blurr's shoulders* B l u r r: ... I'm so tired of reality. partytrain: dude, samea B l u r r: /slow blinks it out / partytrain: same* Drift: ... yeah. B l u r r: But the last time I was tired, I was dead for three weeks. Drift: *sounds nice tbh* B l u r r: / it was / B l u r r: ... you know. Rodimus is the only mech left from my verse that actually still contacts me. B l u r r: Maybe that's why we keep letting him bother us, hn. partytrain: ....... *comes to the realization that no one of his unverse contacts him* partytrain: *eh, their loss* Drift: S'not worth it. partytrain: ... *goes over and picks up the mustache fro mthe floor, offers it to blurr ceremoniously* Drift: I mean, I'm fine. And I haven't heard anything from my universe since— partytrain: this is all you need of that guy honestly Drift: *chokes up.* Drift: *... pretends it was because of the mustache* B l u r r: / lifts claw to pat / B l u r r: One of these days, when I finally die, someone is going to say, "Remember that pirate? He was pretty okay." B l u r r: And I can live with that. Drift: If I outlive you, I'm gonna say a lot more than that. Drift: Probably starting with "dammit Blurr" and "who gave you permission to die". B l u r r: ... Oh, yeah. B l u r r: There's that. B l u r r: ... /glances at Drift/ Hey. Uhm. B l u r r: Do you wanna stay over? Drift: God, yes. Drift: *he is SO tired of going back to an empty bed.* B l u r r: Hey, mech. What's your name? partytrain: uh-- astrotrain B l u r r: ... Blurr. partytrain: nice to meet you, captain partytrain: ... sorry about the shenanigans B l u r r: / weh he got called captain / B l u r r: ... I don't care about those. Listen, my ship docks soon. Drift: He's the cool triplechanger. B l u r r: / looks at Drift / We can crash in the room. If you want. Drift: Sounds good. B l u r r: You can pick any room you want to, Astrotrain. B l u r r: Just let Dart or NOS know. B l u r r: Oh, and if you see a really tall, skinny mech wandering, don't panic. B l u r r: He looks terrifying, but he's harmless. Drift: Don't talk to NOS, he's a creep. Drift: Just talk to Dart. B l u r r: Mhm. partytrain: honestly i was just gonna chill out in here 'til i figure out how i actually... got here? but if you guys have already claimed it i'll figure something out partytrain: maybe the flight deck B l u r r: No, my room is a little further bac. B l u r r: *back B l u r r: We're landing on Earth, so don't freak out. It's safe. Drift: You sure? B l u r r: Yes. Roadbuster lives there. B l u r r: I visit him enough to know I won't die. partytrain: *ew, earth* s'cool, i'll just.. not go down planetside partytrain: had enough of that to last me three lifetimes Drift: Heh. It's not a bad planet when you aren't fighting on it. B l u r r: Well, I have to keep my end of the deal with Jazz. B l u r r: Even though he couldn't do what he was supposed to. B l u r r: Anyway. Come on, Drift. Before I pass out from this processor ache. Drift: Want me to carry you? Drift: Wait, lemme rephrase that. Can I carry you? partytrain: oh uh-- *offers chainsaw* partytrain: probably shouldn't recharge on that B l u r r: / reaches for chainsaw. Nuzzles the blade a little and hangs it on his back again / B l u r r: ... Uh, will it cheer you up to carry me? partytrain: *.......... trying really hard not to ask if that's also made of dead people* Rodimus: (good night guys. thanks for letting me crash the party) partytrain: *when in doubt it probably is* B l u r r: ( ur always invited ) Drift: ... Honestly, yeah. Little bit. B l u r r: ( u and ur stache ) Rodimus: (keep the moustache as a gift ) partytrain: blurr can frame it as a trophy)) Drift: ((drift still wants to know wtf it is)) B l u r r: Then go ahead. B l u r r: Im dizzy anyway. Drift: ((HE NEVER EXPLAINED WHAT IT'S FOR)) Drift: *scoops up blurr* Just give me directions. Rodimus: (lol. Well I just have it hc that he wore it on a dare and it got stuck...or something idk) partytrain: *has couch to self ...... it is small. most of couch to self* Drift: ((Omfg)) Drift: ((after he was so dramatic about it)) B l u r r: [[ LOL ]] partytrain: *has answered exactly 2 questions on the form!* Rodimus: (I think the dare  was from the Wreckers? I don't know I have read that over agina) B l u r r: / hooks claws into Drift's armor/ Well, you'll want to go down this hallway, then left into the lift. Go to the third level and head straight down the hall. Rodimus: (Also im still laughing at that) Drift: *and absconds with the blurr* B l u r r: / yay sleepover! /
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rockcandyrebels · 7 years
A Really Important Chapter
So let's see...how did the last dream end? With Kysme jokingly saying "that totally makes me wanna kiss you" and Liyah just going "Well, why haven't you?" not so jokingly...
I assume there wouldn't be a real action taken right now? Instead, Aaliyah just...turns her head back towards the sky, silently. "I kind of mean it, Kysme. Why haven't you kissed me yet?" And there was silence, or at least a certain type of white noise in which you know somebody is talking, but the words fall on deaf ears. (I imagine Kysme replies dumbly, "What do you mean", or a variation of that)
" Actually, no, I have a better question- do you think there could ever be anything between us? I don't mean anything casual or like friends with benefits sort of shit. Could you see us being more than friends, the meaningful way?" No white noise, only silence. Aaliyah probably huffs, her face feeling kind of hot on account of being embarrassed. She shouldn't have brought this up, but oh well, it's already up. She might as well continue. So she does. "You don't gotta lie to me or anything, coddle my feelings or some shit. I just wanna know! And I'm not trying to force anything on you, because I don't really know how I feel about you either. I know that I care about you at least, and sometimes i mix feelings up within myself. I just want things to be clear. So..." She'd blow a strand of hair out of her face with a sigh. "Yeah."
There, she said it. Now all she has to do is wait.(edited)
And that's when things got unclear because how the fuck am i supposed to figure out meaningful dialogue for kysme by myself-
My girl.
//Clutches chest
The bravery-
GOD YEAH tbh I think the whole journey of this dreamscape just...came from that talk a long time ago? Me asking you if you think that kysme could toy with the fact that the two could be something more? (Rightly named in the blog "something more") basically just liyah putting her heart out on her sleeve all vulnerable and what not and trusting kysme to be serious with her for a second.
if only I could be like that in real life tho, shitttt
I feel serious Kysme would be silent a lot since he's actually taking time to chew over his words before spitting them out. So yeah those silences are something-
Oh gosh, glad that was right on the mark then. Don't take too long though, Kysme. Liyah might start feeling real silly, getting up and trying to brush it off like
Memphis-Rex :
And hmmmm. I feel like he might counter with a question first. After a tense moment he relaxes back into the grass, staring at the sky as well. "I don't know. I don't usually feel this way about people either. Am I even worth a genuine effort at something more? I fuck up so easily."
In that brief moment his tough guy persona slips aside, and you can see his own insecurity of losing things he cares about and his fears of being emotional.
Maybe, for once, his voice sounds gentle.
Kysme is fully aware of how shitty he can be. Sometimes he can't help it. In a way, he doesn't want to be the one who hurts her.
Would he be able to forgive himself for such a thing.
Oh, hey Memphis?
Fuck you???
This hurts more than it should?? Vunerable Kysme????ouch???
Lmao you can sleep now though if needed, you'll be rewarded a nice piece of HC. Thank you for your efforts.
His response would make liyah do a double take-turning her head to watch him again, her face obviously surprised by his change of tone. Wow. Just wow. Imagine her mouth opening to form words, though not being able to really say anything at first. Just studying his face.
"You're worth it."
Not a general, safe, 'everyone is worth it', or a shrug and wishy-washy kind of deliverance. It would be said with a quiet kind of conviction, like she actually means it. Because she does. And she smiles a bit at that, fondly. "Trust me, Kysme. I've been through the ringer a couple times with this kind of shit. Fucking up comes with the playing field- don't be so hard on yourself."
And I can see her doing something sweet, like reaching out and grabbing a hold of kysme's hand, gently so. Something to know that she's there, that she hears him. "But someone else's words probably mean nothing when your mind is convinced. Maybe you have to convince yourself that youre worth it, yeah?" She'd sigh, still her hand on top of his, a comfortable sort of silence.
There's gonna be a pause as he relishes the sensation of her hands on his. You know with how often he takes her hand jokingly to stare at its glistening surface, it's probably the first time she held his hand of her own accord. He'd bite his lip, say something like "I'll work on it." Another moment. Then, a careful movement as to not crush the arm that was previously holding his hand, he rolls over to lie on his side, closer to her, propping himself up on one elbow. There's this intense look in his candy colored eyes as he gazes down upon her face, and this time he doesn't hide it (recap-- the time he'd get distracted looking at her while she talks about movies). He's just taking it all in, up close, straightforwardly. "...But we can change one thing first." He says, referring to the earlier question of why he hasn't kissed her yet. And---
(ok if Aaliyah isn't down with this we can always change it XD)(edited)
Pt. 2--- Hypothetically speaking, if they do indeed get together, I feel nothing too much will change about their dynamics? They still have their silly banters and teasing, but finally they're not repressing their feelings so it feels more..liberating? To show some act of affection.
And I'm not saying Kysme becomes perfect boyfriend material immediately. He still makes her eyes roll to the sky with his stupidity. ("Shit, he's the biggest dumbass in the world but he's my dumbass" suddenly crosses my mind)
But there are some subtle changes in the way he acts now.(edited)
Is she going to feel bothered by his habit of occasionally sleeping with strangers (seeing her past with another pretty boy cough cough)? Cause I think the amount of times he fools around will dwindle if he's in a relationship but habits/hobbies die hard...He would try to be transparent about the matter though.
(First of all aaliyah is down yes of course the fuck you think memphis //still reading/)
(And you woke up?! Now?!)
(also doesn't hurt to double check lel)
(LOL my body must have realized that I was missing straight up PERFECT QUALITY HCING)
(And true! Okay hold on while I respond something good.)
Oh gosh, your respond to the HC kind of like, feels like the perfect end already, but I will add on one thing to it- the idea of Aaliyah's heart thumping faster and faster as she realizes what exactly kysme is about to do. A loud thump, thump, thump pounding against her ears. Her eyes growing wider and her heart jumping at her throat, because holy shit...is he really gonna do it? Is he really going to do it? and when he does do it, its like something clicks in place with her head. Something nice and tender and a little scary. She'd close her eyes and sink into the kiss almost immediately, moving her hands up to cup his cheeks and hoping to god that that burning sensation comes soon- it would be safe to assume that she herself has been guilty of wondering how it would feel on her lips, sue her. (If it does come soon then she's probably left breathless and panting and if kysme asks if she needs a second she just goes "Fuck no." She was waiting for this kiss, even if she didnt think she was ever going to get it. (stay tuned for pt.2)
And I was gonna say that too, tbh! Like...they didn't need much to shift at all- theyve always been pretty comfy with each other and to the outside viewer it probably doesnt look like anything at all has changed unless they spot some nuances (like couch hand holding, aaliyah not complaining when the guy touches her, even if he grabs her by the waist or something, her sitting on his lap while watching a movie, etc) It just kind of...comes naturally. Liberating, as you say. Just...everything is right for once. (Also don't mind me but I totally wouldn't mind if this became non-hypothetical, if ya know what I mean, hueh hueh. //rubs my grubby raccoon hands together/).
The stupidity becomes endearing in a way, exactly as you say ("my big pink dumbass").
No, I don't think she's going to be bothered by it if he's honest about it (and as long as he saves his sweetest parts for her, you know? Like don't go confiding in strangers when you have a perfectly good girlfriend here to cuddle with.) The issue that destroyed her and Samael's relationship, besides the politics, was the lying to cover the hookups and the using and emotional abuse. It wasn't the fact that Sam was sleeping around, its the fact that she was the last to know, usually through other people. And what a shitty feeling is that. So even if he still has trouble with the deep conversation portion or the relationship, as long as he isn't lying to her face on petty shit, she wont make a big deal about it. Maybe even jokes about it when he tells her. ("Oh, cool. So is that the one you were talking about organizing the threesome with?") And that is to say that although she herself isn't someone to sleep around, I could see her branching out herself, once or twice. Lol (also speaking of which if we are going down this road she 'll likely tell him about that whole relationship fiasco, get ready for that can of worms kysme)
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