#(JKNDFJKSDFDS... Reggie goes from 0 - 100 and while he is adorable; I still apologize XD)
ducktales-wco-oo · 5 years
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[Steelbeak @ Bushroot - aflockoffeathers] ❛ you should be kissed — and often — and by someone who knows how. ❜ (casually just gonna yeet this in here :'D )
- ✩ { @aflockoffeathers​​ } ✩
{ ☆ } Reggie had liked Steelbeak from the start. From the first moment the rooster politely spoke to him, had gotten close without even seeming to bat an eye at the plant-duck’s appearance or at the enthusiastic way he’d explained his plans... Steelbeak had been so patient, so civil and understanding and- and NICE. Reggie hasn’t had much experience with people being nice. Granted, the other male is a villain— technically he could be considered one too, but Bushroot tends to overlook this in favor of being wildly misunderstood —but he still manages to be preferable to the majority of St. Canard citizens.
Humpf... And yet people wonder why the city is near-constantly in peril.
Most would consider them enemies, or at least on opposing sides. That’s what spurred their first interaction. Steelbeak has bosses in F.O.W.L and while Bushroot tends to do a lot of solo work, there’s no denying that he’s firmly ensnared in the Fearsome Five. One doesn’t just STOP working for their leader Negaduck. Two factions with their own plans for St. Canard, their own views on how things should and will play out. With disposable pieces littering the chessboard of a city, as they plot on how to overrun it... But Reggie isn’t like most.
He doesn’t give a damn about taking over St. Canard— most of his large-scale plans are spur of the moment endeavors, brought on by a temper and the ability to DO something about it now —and is more concerned about not getting hurt by Negaduck than whether or not his leader’s vision ever comes to fruition. Loyalty to Negs is non-existent and loyalty to his ‘friends’ in the Fearsome Four spans to not hurting them unless absolutely necessary. But automatic animosity towards someone else simply because they are ‘against’ them?
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Yeah... Not a chance.
With the entire world seemingly out to get him, Bushroot has learned not to be picky when it comes to those who aren’t. Steelbeak’s bosses might be less-than-friendly, but the rooster doesn’t seem to have any personal vendetta against him. That’s good enough for Reggie. MORE than good enough. Made apparent by how at ease the plant-duck appears, practically beaming as he enjoys his ‘competitors’ company. Leafy tail has been wagging near-non-stop now, vivid blue hues riveted on the other male’s face, openly appreciating every little detail, from the softness of his feathers to the shine of his beak. Simply breathtaking...
And Bushroot doesn’t even HAVE breath to take anymore.
Non-existant breath hitches when Steelbeak suddenly breaks the silence— a rare moment of it, since Reggie had been enthusiastically rambling on about God-knows-what science-related topic —smile growing bigger and eyes shining with a giddiness incapable of being contained. Evident by the way he has to bite his bottom lip to stifle an embarrassing squeal, face rushing with a flood of warmth that overtakes his fluffed feathers. This is it. It’s actually happening... He KNEW IT! He just kind of knew that Steelbeak liked him! 
❛ you should be kissed — and often — and by someone who knows how. ❜
Why else would he call him babe? Or Doll? Or be so nice? The statement confirms Reggie’s suspicions because obviously, the rooster is talking about himself... Yeah. There’s no other explanation. “I bet that you probably know how-” No thinking, just speaking. He responds, heart fluttering and lavender tufts fluffing as he takes Steelbeak’s hands in his own, “-since you’re so good-looking and just good at things in general-” Gaze is sheepishly averted, as he adds with a chuckle, “People probably want to kiss you all the time...” Reggie does. “I don’t know about me, heheh... But someone like YOU definitely should be kissed a lot.”  
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“A whole lot...” Cue vibrant blue hues peeking upward, gaze hopeful and face dusted a light green as Reggie says, “I could do it.” Tail is wagging in overdrive, Reggie moving closer as he eagerly continues, “I could kiss you as often as you wanted! I’m not very experienced-” At all. “-but I’m a fast learner and I could give you all the affection you deserve! Not just kissing either...” What does he mean by- “I can also cook and shower you with gifts and remind you how amazing you are.” Oh. “... Would you like that, Steely?” { ☆ } 
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