#(Mostly she's just strange. I'm sorry Demon!Ryuji)
Continued from here for @electricea!
In the middle of the night, down a dark and dimly-lit hallway beneath a thousand-year-old castle, no one looked twice at the fact the future monarch was chatting with someone who didn't even need to put one foot in front of the other to get around. Instead, Sonia easily fell into conversation with her demonic houseguest, as if he were any other normal, mortal, friend taking up a room at the royal residence. "The Church isn't right about a lot of things," She quipped as she beckoned him into her hobby room. "Blame centuries of using fear and a very specific interpretation of ancient texts to control and extort their followers, though I won't deny they provide comfort to some. Still, what a pity that you're not mostly what horror stories are made of: what a tale it would be for one day that demons rise up and fully enslave humanity to their wicked deeds!"
"That prospect is far more interesting than either of us being locked up or contained somewhere," She continued, watching his reaction to her occult collection with rapt interest. Eventually, it would all be moved to Boudry House where it would be put on proper display in her private quarters, but until her own royal residence finished refurbishments, her collection, and Sonia herself, would reside at Novoselic Castle when home from university. "And since I've been pretty much told from the day of my birth that I'm not normal, I suppose it's appropriate then that I am not afraid of you. Besides: part of existing in this world is learning about it, and what's beyond it. You are...an ambassador of sorts, from where demons reside. Yes, that makes sense: though most of the ambassadors I know wouldn't cause mischief! Still, let's go. I'll take you back here before sunrise, you must let me know if sunlight troubles you and I'll see what can be done for necessary movement during daylight hours. However, if you'd like some noodles, I'll have to get them delivered to my quarters above ground: the staff don't like this room. They find it creepy, not soothing as I do."
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She led the way back down the hallway and up the twisting stairs to the secret door in her closet, back through the racks and shelves of attire and accessories until they reached her expansive bedroom. "Please, sit wherever you like," She smiled, nodding to the array of chairs and sofa that made up her private sitting room. "I'll need to telephone to the kitchens and you'll need to conceal yourself when the tray arrives, but I hope it's to your liking!" She advised, reaching for the cordless phone on her bedside table. "Perhaps you could spend a few minutes in the bathroom? Just until the staff leaves, of course!"
A quick phone call and sentences exchanged in rapid French later, a knock came at her bedroom door thirty minutes later. Gesturing for Ryuji to hide, Sonia waited until he was well and truly concealed before letting the footmen in, insisting they arrange the silver tray at the small table in her sitting area, uncovering the plates, silverware, and goblet before taking their leave.
"You can come out now, it's safe," She called out, gesturing to the empty chair the meal had been arranged in front of: short, tubed noodles, covered in a thick cheese sauce with chunks of peeled and boiled potato, topped with pieces of cooked bacon and caramelized onions. A small bowl of pureed apples had been arranged at the side, alongside a sparkling soft drink in a crystal glass. "This is a national favorite, of children and adult humans throughout my country!" Sonia grinned, taking the seat across from him and pouring a glass of water for herself. "This is alplermagronen: pasta and potatoes with cheese, bacon, and cooked onions. Traditionally, applesauce, or cooked and mashed apples with sugar and cinnamon, is served with the dish. Please, eat as much as you like!"
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