#(Not as often as Digimon though ... because yeah main childhood Special Interest resurfaced with the fanbase revival)
koushirouizumi ยท 2 years
* (re)-Introduction Post (Short Intro)
(Because I have determined no rbs / reblog controls are at least working on most new posts, and it is a Best feature)
Hello! If you're new here, please refer to me as "Chai". If we're in a Digimon-specific group I often use "Kari", but that's more of a former penname; not a name I use irl. Some friends may also refer to me using another name/nickname. They are allowed. If you see people using this name, do not assume they do not know, but I do not appreciate strangers using it if we have not met and introduced ourselves, or if you've only spoken to me (in DM or 'via tags' or post replies) once. Please don't do it. Basically, if you're a mutual who has spoken to me through Digimon fandom / or I'm following you, "Kari" is probably fine. "Chai" I started using some years back. Yes, it's actually also a Jewish name, and also the name of my Grandma's Grandmother, so it's not like I'm pulling that name from nowhere... So, please respect this fact. Thank you.
My pronouns are They/Them, especially if you do not know me or have only spoken to me once.It'd be cool if that was respected too. If you have 'trouble using them in your language' I can make accomodations but instead ... I'd appreciate seeing your effort in using them when you're clearly speaking to me in English... Please understand. Thank you.
I have an 'About' and an 'F.A.Q' that explain most of the rest. If people care to read them, they can be easily found. Yes, I've been using my old blog to link them, but if I can move the pages over here now, I might, since my old blog is now also glitched with an issue hitting my Drafts page (can't scroll past first 2 pages of literally hundreds of old Drafts there, too) so I'm still waiting for Tumblr to actually get back to me on that.
Please do not follow me if you can't respect my Interests.
The end of Summer is a difficult time for me due to many family deaths that have occured over the years in this timeframe, with a string of three anniversaries in a row particularly, and that one includes my Jewish grandmother (the most recent), who passed around a little over a handful of years ago by now. During this period I'm pretty much remembering my family, and I'd appreciate some understanding and compassion. Please do not approach me if you're just going to be extremely rude and/or pushy in general or I'll probably end up Blocking you. I have those rules for a reason. Please actually read them. I get it, some people do not care to read Abouts/FAQs ever, but this is important if you'd like to communicate with me in depth, and I'd appreciate that being respected since you're choosing to Interact. I've gotten a lot of questions over the years and they tend to be repeating, so I include the important questions and resources over there. Before asking me for 'resources' on Jewish topics + Issues especially, please look there, thank you. I've linked to multiple reliable sites you can use covering a variety of topics.
If you're new to my blog and haven't introduced yourself to me, Honestly, I really do appreciate an introduction (If we share Interests, I also love talking about them!!) But again, please be polite if you do message. Please read the 'F.A.Q' too. I don't mind chatting about any of my fandoms or favorite characters or ships / Special Interests, but I do have boundaries online, and I appreciate those being respected too.
If you're wondering why I never have Anon on, it's because of incidents in the past affecting the Jewish community. (I wish I was kidding.) If you ever try to not so subtle send me anything antisemitic, ever, you're instantly perma-hardblocked across all accounts and I'll likely never lift it. Don't f*cking do it.
When I'm blogging or talking via Messages this way, I can sound hyper-formal at times, but outside of such blogging, I may drop the hyper-formality in chats and such. If you'd prefer that way of communicating, please ask me (once & politely, please, is fine), however, I tend to remain hyper-formal with people I don't know very well, and it may take me a long while to 'warm up' to you so to speak. Please be patient with me as I understand how to communicate with you. Thank you.
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