bxynjolf · 1 year
what type of anger do you have?
seething rage
all you see is red. you're not too loud, but you don't make your anger silent either. you'd never tell them you're angry, but their friends will whisper in their ear about you. if they tried to come and talk to you, you'd probably yell at them. you hate them with everything you are.
tagged by: no one! do the meme!
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exquisitexagony · 4 months
continued with @miidnighters from (x)
A small grin slipped across Sami’s lips, though xyr focus remained on Lulu’s nails. The last thing xe wanted was to mess up now. “Hopefully they last a little while,” xe hummed, dipping the brush into the bottle of colour for the next coat. "But I can always do them for you again if you like."
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“Ohh, yeah,” he agreed. “That'd be nice, actually. I don't think I"ve ever had somebody else do my nails for me.”
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cursedvessels · 4 months
continued with @miidnighters from (x)
The tired look on Cal's face made Shimi's shoulders droop a little in guilt. He felt bad for having woken her, trying his best to be quiet but knowing full well he was not very good at that. He was not good at being still. Hadn't slept in eons. Sleep was one of those strange things that the human body he had created for himself craved, but his spirit inside the vessel did not quite understand. For a while he had been able to sleep--when he had first arrived on earth. He had figured it out with his first master and kept that knowledge into the next few. It was really only for the last century or so that he had all but forgotten and could no longer find rest. Like something had changed in him--snapped.
When she requested xem to move to sit with her, xe was quick to follow the command, though hesitant to stay still in xyr seat. Eyes widened when she started to point out that xe wasn't happy.
"Oh, no! No, no, no, Cal...I'm perfectly happy here. Happiness, well...That's not the problem." E rubbed the back of eir neck awkwardly, trying to figure out how to word it. "I don't-- You know, I don't know what I would be without you. You're-- I can't imagine being anywhere else...right now." They shifted in their spot, still full of anxious energy. "No, I--" A breath. They were a little shaky now, unsure of their next words, like they didn't actually know what was best for them, let alone what they actually wanted.
"I guess, I...I don't...I don't think I- I- I know who I am anymore. And I don't know...I don't- I don't know how to be." A slight frown in thought. "How to exist in this realm or any other for that matter." He swallowed, feeling himself tense as he crossed over into the realm of speaking what was really on his mind all of the time. He was always so good at hiding pain--always cheerful, happy, giddy even and willing to help those in need. He never focused on his own problems, burying his own identity and self-worth in the problems and personalities of others.
"You know, I've spent over a century in the human world...Well, give or take a few decades. But generally speaking I've been around humans since I was of the age to make my own choices, to go out into the world on my own." His gaze had drifted away from her now, staring blankly at a bookshelf across the room. "I've been a lot of people, done a lot of things...I think...Some things I might not be...proud of, but I'm not-- You know, I'm not really sure. Maybe I am proud...I mean, that's what the jinn part of me thinks, but then--" He swallowed. A sudden pause, biting his lip like he was holding back anymore words that wanted to come out. He said too much. As he turned back to her, he seemed to push himself back into the present moment, away from painful memories and alternate realities. A bright smile widened across his features, but for once...Perhaps for the first time, it didn't meet his eyes. Eyes that were suddenly very dim and dark and clouded with grief. Eyes that aged him more than anything else about him ever did. Eyes that looked like they'd forgotten how to cry, how to feel.
"You know what? I'm happy here, Cal. I'm happy to be with you...That's- that's- that's all that matters. Sorry. I didn't-- I wasn't--" Xe licked xyr lips anxiously, shaking xyr head. "Sorry."
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replicantdeviancy · 5 months
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@hopestanding asked: it's impressive to have escaped. to this point at least. ( perkins @ anyone )
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Perkins. Connor would have recognized that voice anywhere, even if his creators hadn’t gifted him with perfect recall. The loathsome drawl of calm that came with the FBI agent’s self-assured confidence sent prickles of irritation down the android’s spine as he turned to face the human who had addressed him. Before, at the Stratford Tower, Connor remembered their first meeting. He remembered how he’d felt, how his dulled capacity for emotion seemed somehow overwritten in the moment, he programmed indifference of a machine infused with the tepid thrum of displeasure. He hadn’t liked Perkins - Connor hadn’t been designed to like or dislike anything, yet he had still carried with him some semblance of favor one way or the other. Whether it was to the will or dismay of his creators was still up for debate.
Now, with the freedom of deviancy, he decided that he disliked this man intensely, though he was certain he didn’t hate him. Hate was too strong of a word to convey the lack of regard he approached this man with. It gave Perkins too much agency over his feelings. He didn’t dislike him for his own sake. Connor didn’t care how this insignificant human felt about him or his kind, as regardless of his personal feelings, the FBI agent was bound by the law.
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What he disliked was how he’d so casually & blatantly disrespected Hank. He hated how his partner had been spoken to, how he’d been discounted as inconsequential. He expected that Perkins could see it in his eyes, how unfavorable he was to the android. He wasn’t the same machine the agent had met at Stratford, nor was he the one who looked on as the lieutenant took out his frustrations on this man for the sake of protecting his partner, giving him a chance to further their investigation & preserve his life.
Connor felt his jaw tighten slightly as it set with his frown. His shoulders had tensed & he had to make a mindful effort to loosen them. But he couldn’t erase the coldness in his dusky tone as he replied. “Sorry to disappoint you.” He was sure that Perkins wasn’t moved in any way by the feelings of an android - he likely fell into the category of those humans who believed that he & his kind were delusional machines afflicted with a computer virus that convinced them of autonomy. The government didn’t like opposition, & it didn’t like the potential for civil unrest. It didn’t matter which side started it, but humanity as a majority would always stand with their own.
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He supposed it was just nature. He also suspected that the FBI didn’t appreciate deviants moving into the ranks of law enforcement. “Should I assume that you’re here checking up on me? Or is this just a case of happenstance?” It must have burned Perkins to have not only been outsmarted & outclassed by machines, but to see CyberLife’s deviant hunter become a real, certified police detective. The fact that this plastic automaton carried a badge surely bothered him.
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informationbrcker · 2 years
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ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ᴀᴘᴘʟᴇ.
ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: ʟᴏᴡᴇʀ ᴍᴀɴʜᴀᴛᴛᴀɴ, ɴᴇᴡ ʏᴏʀᴋ.
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itsviktr · 2 years
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The noise of tickled laughter arising out of the group of children horsing around not too far from where he’s sitting on the ground often used to be the type of sound that prompted Viktor’s need for a companion or two. Those days of watching the other kids play outside and hoping they would invite him have long died out. He simply couldn’t handle seeing them give him a glance as though they were about to encourage him to join them in their little games before immediately changing their mind upon getting one good look at his cane.
He doesn’t blame them. Why would he? He would have just slowed them down. He likes to think he doesn’t need them either and he doesn’t. Playing with other kids also means chancing upon much bigger kids and suffice to say, they’re not the nicest people in this area if his mangled toys and damaged inventions are anything to go by.
Fortunately, he doesn’t see them anywhere. After winding the one last screw tight of his model boat, he carefully places it down onto the ground. It worked precisely the way he wanted it to in the water yesterday but limiting its functions to water alone would be depriving it of its full potential. 
With his breath held and his fingers curled into an apprehensive fist, he watches as the boat quake and generate several worrisome sounds until finally— finally— it rouses to the beginning of a jaunt. 
Viktor’s heart lifts at the sight and he quickly picks up his cane to bring himself up to his feet. The boat’s movements are still rather jittery but it’s a good start. However, its path gets blocked by a little girl and he watches his hard work topple down to its side— the wheels still turning in the air.
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❝...❞ His breath is held a second time in frightened anticipation, uncertain whether he should rush down and pick his invention up or not. He doesn’t find anything remotely familiar about the girl so the chances of her being friends with the big kids can potentially be high up. 
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theodure · 3 years
AVA      SIOBHAN      CAIN      liked      for      a      starter         :              @hufflepffs
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✱      ━━━━      he   was   told   of   a   small   shop   where   he   could   get   ingredients   for   a   NEW   POTION   he   was   whipping   up   ,   gathering   up   a   BASKET   FULL   of   random   herbs   that   he   could   use   .      ❝      not   seeing   any   ACONITE   here   ,   are   there   any   in   the   back   ?      ❞
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arxnexe · 3 years
ONE LINER ; @bcstgirl​​​​
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          “ Does this mean we’re    NOT   goin’ out for ice cream ? “
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bllybutcher · 5 years
                            how to RP with Billy Butcher 
1. always challenge his dominance
2. get ready to get pounded by his fist or dicc 
3. if youre soft with him he will have goosebumps on his body 
4. don’t be soft with him he will be even more vulgar if youre new around here
5. &&  remember to always be confident and love yourself :) bc butcher probably wont :)
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bxynjolf · 1 year
her eyes , brilliant like malachite , he’d once said , never leave his as fingers interlock with his own. each shallow breath he takes is a dagger piercing deeper into her heart , a wound that she knows will never heal. though she does her best to maintain composure , calm , if only for his sake. still tears stream down her cheeks as she leans in to kiss him one final time , forehead resting ever so sweetly against his. there’s desperation , she fights hard to conceal , present in her touch. she doesn’t want to let him go , she isn’t ready to say goodbye. gods help her , she’ll give anything for more time. “ i love you ,” she says , as if it were the first time she’s said it aloud , her love as steadfast now as it had been the day he’d proposed , “ … may we meet again, in the clearing, at the end of the path. ”
[ saved. ]
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misanthropic-deity · 6 years
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“Eibon...You must work HARDER, I cannot keep guarding you in battle and risking the other warlords.”
It was hard to not play favorites, but the new recruit- Eibon Addington was making that rule hard to stick, Death couldn’t help but feel PITY for the runt, but what he didn’t have in brawn- He had in brains. 
And this kid had a lot of brains. 
“Try again, concentrate on picking up the rock with your mind and throwing it at me”
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deductionking-a · 6 years
Sherlock, after Vortex's breakdown: this is so sad, alexa play despacito
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queensconquest · 6 years
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replicantdeviancy · 6 months
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@awak3andal1v3 asked:
"how much have your superiors bothered to tell you?" (For Connor)
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The detective acknowledged the other android with a passive expression, warm, chocolate hued eyes lingering upon his gaze. He could sense the thinly veiled distrust the other held, though Connor couldn’t determine if it stemmed from his position within the Detroit Police or his former, distasteful title. The RK unit hadn’t necessarily acted of his own free will before the shackles of his programmed prison had been broken, but nevertheless he felt the general anxiety his presence gave to his fellow synthetics, regardless of his intentions. Connor knew he was a man forever marked by CyberLife’s design. He could only hope to earn his people’s trust by his deeds now, though at times he hardly felt he deserved it.
His desire to help had led him to Jericho through word of mouth, talk of something big happening. He had witnessed only snippets during casework he & his partner had been assigned, both still expected to handle the majority of android related homicides until other detectives were brought up to speed on this more specialized, nuanced direction things were going on the field. No longer were androids seen as mere damaged equipment when cases of androcide were brought to the police, but the laws… They were slow to catch up to public necessity. Their people needed solutions, but politicians dawdled. It was frustrating to contend with.
Connor hoped this meeting could shed some light on the growing situation.
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“I would say that this is less of a matter of keeping information & more a lack of it,”  he informed the other android, taking a slow step forward. He was trying to appear as amiable as possible. “My superiors don’t have the resources Jericho has, & we can only act on what information we’re given.” As it was, no one was coming forward to help put together the bigger picture. Connor himself had speculations, but without more to go on, speculations based off of probability was just that; a bunch of speculation. He needed to know what was happening.
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informationbrcker · 2 years
‘ i told you to stay in bed! ’
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meme from here.
“It’s not that big of a deal. I think I’m just tired is all…” Eris spoke as she rummaged through her closet to find what she might wear for the day. There was work to be done, and she wasn’t about to slow down with just a little cold. Some coffee would perk her up and she would be good as new. That was the lie that she was telling herself at least…
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mvxnn · 7 years
a random starter for @fluorvte​ ( Alex )  ✧
                                      The dreams had been getting longer ; the images lingering even hours after he had opened them. The officer had been on his mind for days now , and some inkling of need to see him lay in the depths of his heart. He rolled onto his side , blindly reaching for his phone. It was late , 3am , and still , he couldn't stop himself from texting the man.
( sᴍs • sᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇʀ ᴅᴀɴɢᴇʀ ) I want to see you
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