#(Seriously Robaire has a problem he lit like 48 separate candles)
cindersfireplace · 7 months
4town Valentine's Day 💘
Jesse, Taeyoung, Aaron T, and Aaron Z walk through the hallway to their hotel room after taking a stroll around the neighborhood:
Taeyoung: There's nothing like bird watching on a calm afternoon.
Aaron T: I'm just glad there was an ice cream truck. That was one of the best chocolate cones I've ever had. Thanks for helping me chase it down Z.
Aaron Z: *walks behind him exhausted* Anything for you buddy 😊
Jesse: You good Z?
Aaron Z: *gasping * Yeah when I catch my breath next week I'll be able to function again 😮‍💨
Jesse: I wish Robaire came with us. It's good to get outside once in a while.
Taeyoung: I'm sure he has his reasons.
*Jesse opens the hotel room door*
Jesse: Yeah probab- sweet cheese and crackers! What's all this!?
*The room is decorated with heart, banners, balloons, pillows, roses, and LOTS of candles*
Robaire: Welcome home my friends! I thought I would put up some decorations for Valentine's Day. *Sigh* Love is in the air.
Aaron Z: I didn't know love smelt like *sniffs* vanilla and *picks up a candle* … Late winter breeze. Whatever the heck that smells like.
Jesse: We were gone for like an hour? How?
Robaire: I'm very efficient when I'm passionate about something.
Taeyoung: So that's why Jess is always yelling at you to do your taxes.
Aaron Z: Were you not efficient enough to get any cookies or candy?
Robaire: That will be for the gift exchange.
Aaron T: Why can't we just buy cards?
Robaire: Because first of all the 4town best friend Valentine's super special gift yearly extravaganza exchange -
Aaron Z: I still say we should shorten the name.
Robaire: -is a time to appreciate each other's gifts and is a testament to how well we know each other. I love giving gifts and I put a lot of thought into them.
Jesse: And I very much still appreciate those custom ‘Art Dad’ oven mitts, but shouldn't we be focusing on our gig that day? The 4townies are so excited to see us perform One True Love live for the first time next week, and after the show I want to go to bed.
Robaire: Then go right to bed on another day of the year but you have to be there for the opening of gifts. Besides we've already drawn names for it so no going back now.
Jesse: Fiiiine if I must.
Robaire: That's the spirit.
Jesse: Uh I think a spirit is what we'll be if all of these candles stay lit. This is most definitely a fire hazard. I'm only agreeing if I get to put half of them out.
Robaire: Fiiiine. If I must.
Aaron T: We've known each other for a while shopping for each other should be easier. Right Z?
Aaron Z: Totally….
*Skip to the day before Valentine's Day at the mall*
Aaron Z: …Not.
Jesse: Come on Z it'll be fine.
Aaron Z: Not when I'm shopping for Robaire it won't. I don't know what to buy and he's definitely gonna try to one up us with his amazing gift.
Jesse: Does anything else in this world motivate you quite like your need to be better than Robaire?
Aaron Z: Absolutely, this is just a continuous priority of mine.
Jesse: So no then. Got it.
Aaron Z: I will search through every isle of this mall if it kills me. I will be victorious.
Jesse: Or you could breathe and let it go…and he's gone. Valentine's is gonna be fun.
*The next day*
Taeyoung: That must have been our best performance yet! Everybody was so excited, and despite my mild fear of heights trying to convince me otherwise, the rising heart platforms weren't so bad after all.
Robaire: Told you it would be incredible!
Jesse: Anyways now that that's over we can open gifts now.
Aaron T: Yeah guys the sooner we get this over with the sooner old man Jesse can take his nap.
Jesse: I'm not ol-
Aaron Z (whispering to Aaron T) You just want to get candy from your gift don't you?
Aaron T (whispering back): Shhhh I just care about Jesse's health…and my blood sugar.
Robaire: Anyways, who wants to go first?
Taeyoung: Me! I got T! Here you go! *Shoves present box into his hands*
Aaron T: YESSS! *Opens package* *gasp* It's a book of skateboard tricks! These are some of the most advanced out there and….a box of chocolate. Thankyou *hugs Taeyoung and whispers* This is why your my favorite.
Taeyoung: No problem at all.
Aaron T: So I guess it's my turn to give and I got Jesse *gives him a very messily wrapped package with 50 bows on it*
Jesse: Geez this looks interesting *opens the box* *gasp* ITS THE SUPER SMOOTH 3000! I've been trying to find this blender for months! My fruit smoothies will be so much better now! Thank you *lifts Aaron T off the ground in a hug*
Aaron T: Your *cough cough* welcome. Could you please put me down now?
Jesse: *Drops Aaron T* I'm next and I got Taeyoung. So here you go?
Taeyoung: *Carefully takes the box from his hand and opens it* Woah! Bird watching goggles! They even have little doves on them! Thanks Jess. I'm gonna have so much fun taking these to the park.
Jesse: I'm so glad you like them. They were some of the best I could find.
Aaron Z: I guess Robaire and I are last. You can go first Ro 😊
Robaire: No, I insist. You go first 😁
Aaron Z: Well this day means the most to you so you should go 😊
Robaire: And I like to share that joy with my friends so you should go 😁
Aaron Z: You.
Robaire: You.
Aaron Z: YOU.
Robaire: YOU!
*While these two keep going back and forth Taeyoung and Aaron T give each other a look and then open the presents themselves (whilst Jesse has too little sleep in him to deal with this)*
Taeyoung: Wow Robaire this is a really nice Destiny ‘s Child record.
Robaire: That's the exact one we listened to when we first met 🫢
Aaron T: Dang Z you got this cool basketball trophy. It even says ‘best basketball player I know ‘. Nice Sentiment.
Aaron Z: That was one of the first things I told you that I dreamed of receiving 😯
*They hold the gifts in their hands for a moment appreciating them*
Aaron Z: *clearly struggling* Th-th-th-
Robaire: Are you trying to say thank you?
Aaron Z: Nah I'm trying to say ‘That's all folks’. Yes I'm trying to say thankyou. Anyways thank you … for … this.
Robaire: Then I guess I want to say thank you too…I guess.
Jesse: Awww this is too sweet.
Aaron T: Maybe it wasn't about who got the best present after all?
Robaire: Mhm. Even though we all know it was me.
Aaron Z: Wh- if anything it was me!
Robaire: No you didn't!
Aaron Z: I got you the record that you sorry self was too BROKE for when we first met!
Robaire: I got you a CUSTOM TROPHY 🏆! Do you know how much that is in this economy?!
Aaron Z: But did I ask-
Robaire: But my-
Aaron Z: No but Robaire answer the question. Answer the question! Did I ask though? Did I?
Robaire: No but you can't just throw that in my face when I'm trying to be nice.
Aaron Z: Clearly not nice enough to admit I'm better…
*Senseless arguing continues in the background*
Jesse: T! They were this 🤏🏻 close to having a nice moment.
Aaron T: Sorry, I was just trying to bring some positivity.
Taeyoung: I'm positively sure they will be arguing for a while so I'm just gonna go now.
Jesse: Agreed. *yawn* 🥱 I'm going to sleep.
Aaron T: And I shall consume all this chocolate within the hour. I love Valentine's Day!
*Later that night Aaron Z and Robaire go to bed setting their gifts down on their night stands smiling at them and then turning the lights out to sleep*
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