#(Shh you didn't see her liking that 18+ fanart/fic)
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@ahogedetective asked:
6. do you have any ship bias with your muse?
22. is there any ship you will likely never play?
(and!!) 39. does your muse have a celebrity crush?
Shipping Questions for the mun - Accepting!
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6. do you have any ship bias with your muse?
My ship biases tend to be writing partners who reply to threads and, if inclined, plot and/or chat with me OOC about our ships, fandom, life in general, etc. Overall, it's that simple for me! While my DR canon ship preference for Sonia is Sonia/Gundham, it doesn't mean it's my bias. Most of my favorite ships for her on this blog are with crossover and OC muses: to the point that I don't think I have active ship threads/interactions with DR canon muses right now.
I don't like bothering mutuals too much if they aren't terribly chatty about their muses and threads, but for me, replying to threads and plotting/sharing excitement about the ship really is how I maintain interest in writing them. I just try to be as invested in the ship as my writing partner is: it doesn't always work, but it's generally a good rule to follow.
22. is there any ship you will likely never play?
Beyond my list of NOTPs I listed in another reply, I wouldn't enjoy playing anything yandere long-term. Same thing goes for Remnant of Despair-verse threads or anything with abuse (sexual is already a firm no, physical and emotional are also very likely nos unless I really trust a mun and it's plotted). Unless I had something cheerful to counter it, I think: I think it would be a problem for my mood. And in Sonia's case, she can't do polyamorous relationships: it would never last for her, and she'd be deeply insecure the whole time. And while I would write cheating threads with her, those have the potential to break a relationship for good with her. A very high potential: it really needs to be plotted. Tread carefully.
39. does your muse have a celebrity crush?
This is really funny to consider! Mostly because Sonia just isn't the person to fall in love with celebrities: because she spends so much of her life being put on a pedestal for her looks, her wealth, her royal status, etc. she is deeply uncomfortable doing that to someone else. To the point that when it comes to actors in dramas, movies, and so forth, she's far more likely to be a fan of the character they're playing rather than the actor themselves. It's also why Sonia never really got into idols or idol culture: she finds the idea of idols, hosts, and other careers that pretty much rely on fan worship to be insincere at best, bordering on offensive at worst. She's likely taking it a bit personally at times, considering how often people praise her and value her for things that either fade or will eventually be unimportant. When it comes to musicians, actors, and others in similar professions, she might like their line of work: their songs or movies or what have you, but not really be obsessed with them as people.
tl;dr - If your muse is a musician/singer, actor, model, or some other sort of celebrity, it is very unlikely Sonia will have a crush on them for those reasons. She actually has to get to know them.
I think the closest 'celebrity' that would qualify on this blog would be @dxfiedfxte's Minato, honestly. Mostly as Sonia had been a fan of his show Paranormal Quest long before they met, and when they did she was far more of a fan of his show and in love with his job, as opposed to crushing on him as a person. It took her awhile to untangle those feelings later on, that she wasn't just in love with what he does but with Minato himself.
His interest in the paranormal did help attract her to him, though. Someone who not only doesn't find her hobbies dumb or dismissive of them but actually likes them? And not just to impress her? That's rare, where Sonia's concerned.
Sonia's real 'celebrity' crushes are, more often than not, fictional characters: attractive vampires, demons, other supernatural creatures, otome game heroes, Dracula, Sir Thomas Sharpe (from Crimson Peak), Gomez Addams (basically her dream spouse as a child), and Jack Skellington? She loves them.
Basically give her a combo of tall, dark, brooding, possibly flirty, adventurous, possibly dealing with past trauma, good with animals and/or people, encourages/has an interest in her hobbies and passions, deep down probably a good person even if they likely don't realize it yet, and someone whose affections she actually has to earn and doesn't just offer them blindly because she's royalty?
Yeah. She's all about those sorts of characters. She might be a princess but she's also a fan of 2D love interests. Let her go to fan conventions and she will invest in way too much merchandise. The thirst is real: especially when her own love life proves to be disappointing.
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