#(Sneaky edit because I totally forgot one of my muses oops!)
cfmanymuses · 2 years
NAME: Sarah (my actual name) or Phantom, I’ll answer to both. PRONOUNS: She/Her. PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Tumblr IM or Discord. Feel free to ask for that, btw.  NAME OF MUSE(S): Oh boy. Let’s see... Cindiri Arethan, Verena Austus, Astra Alcyone, Alessa Rivers (she’s not finished), Namira Alinor, Horatia Mortalitas, Ace Heart (he’s not finished), Gwen Forrest, Loren Walker, Phoenix Silent-Steps, Mary Decker, Cody Rivers, Moana Ngata, Daynasa Lavellan, Lotus Ninox, Tala Nashor, Jessamine Lillista, Zunemira Padmini, Antonia Rivers, and Vadania Yaeldrin. I also have a handful of NPCs, just people who are relevant to a few muses stories.    RP EXPERIENCE / HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): I’ve been doing this for about fifteen years? Maybe sixteen? I started when I was in high school, and I’m thirty now. Dammit, now I feel old.  PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: Tumblr, Discord, Skype (very rarely, didn’t like it), deviantArt’s chatrooms (where I started!), email once or twice. BEST EXPERIENCE: It’s really hard to say, I’ve enjoyed a lot of threads and stories over the years. RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS: I’ve said it a few times, but excessive purple prose makes my brain switch off. I’m not hating on people who write like that, I just can’t deal with it. Godmodding annoys the hell out of me, too. FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: Fluff and angst, yes please! *grabby hands* I can’t make myself write smut, though.  PLOTS OR MEMES: Memes, definitely. There are so many good ones! Am I saying this because I suck at plotting? Yeah, maybe. Still, memes are fun. LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Both, I don’t care. I have a tendency to get really wordy, never feel pressured to match me 💜 BEST TIME TO WRITE: Afternoon/evening on a work day, if I’m not playing games with friends. Probably the same on my weekends, too, I have to have time to be a responsible adult, ugh.  ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): In some ways, yes. They all have little bits of my personality, which is probably not a good thing haha.
tagged by: No one, I stole this off @roguishexile ^^ tagging: You! Steal it and have fun!
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