#(Sometimes my notifs don't show things and I know I have people writing me starters so I don't want to ever /not/ reply to those.)
synthctic · 6 years
Quick note, if you ever tag me in something (starter, greeter, or otherwise), and I don’t like the post, I may have missed it completely, so this is an invitation to IM me a link to it if the need arises. It’ll never bother me, I actually prefer it so I can respond to everyone who writes me something. 
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serabellymrph · 2 years
RpThreadTracker - A TLDR Guide
So, since my xKit Rewritten tldr guide went pretty well, I'm opting to do a little guide on something else that's really helped me keep track of threads, which is rpthreadtracker. This will just be a one-post psa/guide on how to use it and why I highly recommend it over other tracking methods. It works really well on mobile, too--hooray mobile users! I have done methods myself such as filling out a form every time I start a new thread, keeping a google doc, all that thing, and they all suffer from one key issue: I FORGET TO UPDATE WHEN I GET A REPLY OR NOTIFICATION.
What rpthreadtracker does is it takes out the middleman when it comes to Tumblr: notifications. No more relying on Tumblr's notifications/your replies getting lost in notifications. You will still have to be diligent for @ mentions for starters or the like, or threads you haven't added yet to the tracker; however, that is the ONLY time you will have to worry about it. Once you make your first reply, the tracker does all the work for you.
But wait--I run multiple blogs across multiple accounts! That's too many thread tracker accounts to track!
Well--in RPThreadTracker's case, sideblogs and main blogs are treated all the same. You make an account, and that's just your hub. This works for both multimuse and single-muse blogs, and can work if you have a mixture of both.
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It's pretty simple to add characters. The character's full name goes in the first, you won't ever have to change the platform as it only works for Tumblr, and the character url identifier is your blog name.
Adding threads is just as simple:
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You select the character from the dropdown (identified by both character name and blog name) to link that thread to that specific character. The title's just for you, I often pick memorable titles for it, usually something to do with the prompt if it was an ask, or the theme of it.
Post ID is where it gets a little more complex. When someone has answered your sent ask, this number needs to be the post ID of YOUR reply, not theirs. This is sort of where it gets a little hinky; you'll have to either draft that ask right away, or reply to it right away. I recommend drafting it, then filling out everything except the post ID in this section. What this will do is mark it as "awaiting starter" in your tracker (you can also do this for asks you've been sent and are in your drafts--just add all the necessary content minus the Post ID, and you'll know which ones you owe) and you can still track it until you update it.
Partner URL Identifier just allows you to filter away any notifications that are not of the partner you're writing with. For multi-person threads, this won't be useful, but if you find people tend to reblog your RP posts (or you don't care if they do), then you'll want to fill this out. This means that it'll only track when THAT partner reblogs your post, and no one else. This can be great if you post an open starter and a few people reply off the same post; you can have multiple tracks for different muns, and keep up with each interaction without having to have separate threads for them (you may want to, though).
Description and Tags are self-explanatory. I sometimes like to tag mine with the different memes, or when I start archiving threads, I'll mark them as Completed or Dropped so I can sort my archived threads (as I archive threads for a few months before untracking them in case the mun returns and does want to continue--I just no longer consider them 'active' threads).
Now--your dashboard:
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This is a great, at-a-glance view of where you're sitting threadwise. This can tell you whether maybe you need to slow down on your threads, or whether you're doing okay. Yes, mine shows me at 95 active threads (with a few I need to add), but I only owe 6, so I know I've made pretty good headway on those. If you're someone who runs replies off the queue, that's also there too--I don't, so mine says 0, but sometimes I will use the "queued" function for drafts I know I have finished but just haven't posted yet, as I kind of enjoy spamming the dash with replies.
Not sure where to start on your replies? There's a function for that!
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It picks from your reply list for you. You can just do that if you don't want to work through in any particular order, but just want to get a few out and don't know where to start. I personally don't use it because it's not my style, but for the indecisive, it can be great!
Finally, the sorting:
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There are so many options for sorting, it's crazy. These options are available on the all threads, your turn, their turn, archived, and queued sections. You can sort by all of your characters, whoever posted last, the last date posted, and what partner's being tracked.
You can also look at your characters at a glance to see how much is going on with them, set certain characters to inactive, or see which of your characters is most popular:
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As you can see, my Weiss and Salem are my most popular muses/have the most threads... but I've probably had them the longest in the most active verse of all my muses.
There are other things you can play with too, such as the public views tool, but that's an advanced tool that I'm not really going to cover. But hopefully, this will be helpful to yall!
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the-rovarians · 3 years
This will probably go through a lot of changes, as I've never made one of these before, so please bear with me here.
No godmodding - This should be common sense by now, but I'll put it anyway, as it's especially important with these being my OCs. There can be exceptions (since we are dealing with aliens here) for hypnosis and mind control and such if we've discussed it beforehand
Replies/Responses - I try to respond to everyone as soon as I see your notification. Nine times out of ten, if I haven't responded, I haven't seen it yet (though Tumblr sometimes eats my responses). I'm also a working adult.
Absence/Reduced Activity - I sometimes go away for horse shows out of state. I will do my best to announce ahead of time when these will be, and I will either be scarce or absent altogether during these.
Reminders - Please wait at least 24 hours before sending a reminder about a thread.
Content - There is almost nothing I won't do, and I do make exceptions on some things, so it's best to ask me first. But as a rule of thumb, I will not do sex stuff on this blog. (It's physically impossible for these people anyway, without turning them into humans.)
Tags - I'm working on getting better at tagging, especially when a content warning is needed. I will make a separate list for my tags that explains them, as there may be triggering content such as violence on this blog. I will do my best to tag everything correctly, but if I miss something please don't hesitate to discreetly tell me about it (no need to publicly shame me for an accident)
Crossovers - I'm open to doing them, but only if I'm familiar with both fandoms. This is so I can get a good feel for what the other character is like, otherwise I'm not going to be able to write with them very well, and that's not fair to you. If you want a crossover, just pitch me your idea and I'll tell you if I know the Fandom or not (letting you know in advance: I don't know any videogame fandoms, so I likely will not do those.)
Interaction - Non selective, I'll RP with anyone. I do ask that you respect my wishes if I tell you something is making me uncomfortable and I'd like to change it/drop the thread. This goes both ways. I will respect if you say this to me
Changing or Dropping Threads - i have no problem if you need/want to change or drop a thread. All I ask is that you tell me. This is especially important if you want to drop a thread. You don’t have to tell me why (unless you want to), but just say you want to drop it so I’m not looking for a response that isn’t coming.
Ask Box - It's always open, and I love love love having stuff in there! I reblog a lot of memes and things, send me as many as you want! Also, you are more than welcome to turn my responses into threads (because nine times out of ten, they’re already a thread in my mind.) **This is a multi-muse blog. If you don't specify a muse when you send me something, I will pick one randomly**
Memes - You can send me memes from any time, even holiday memes. I will answer. All I ask is that, unless it's a sentence starter, you tell me what meme it is. This is especially necessary for symbol memes, as the same symbol often appears in multiple memes. **This is a multi-muse blog. If you don't specify a muse when you send me something, I will pick one randomly**
Magic Anons/Asks (M!As) - I do accept them, as long as the ask adheres to my rules. Same rules as memes (tell me what M!A list it's from, especially if it's a symbol). Please specify the duration (how long the effect lasts) in number of posts instead of an actual time. I find this to be a more manageable way to do these. Also, you do not have to send it on anon. M!As will not affect any threads already in progress, and posts on those threads will not count towards M!As **This is a multi-muse blog. If you don't specify a muse when you send me something, I will pick one randomly**
Reblogs - Please do not reblog any RP thread you are not a part of. You are welcome to like the post and leave notes on it, but do not reblog it. Any non-RP post you are more than welcome to reblog unless the post or its tags says not to
Changes - I will announce when I change something on any of the Important Information pages. The announcement will include a link to the updated page.
No hate - Please be considerate and respectful to the mun.
Misc. - If there's anything I missed or any questions you have, you are more than welcome to IM me or send an ask. I will help you as best I can. (Keep in mind that the Rules page is still a work in progress and will probably go through a lot of changes before its completely done)
Be creative and have fun! That's why we're here after all.
Now that's done, it's time to do.......uh.........whatever our characters decide to do
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farewellmongrels · 3 years
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⌲ this account will contain triggering themes ; canon-typical gore / violence, cults, zombification, death, etc will all be present ! i'll tag things accordingly ofc, and if you need something in particular tagged don't hesitate to let me know! all trigger tags will just be tagged as the trigger in question without any decoration so the filtering (hopefully) works. i.e., a post with gore will just have the tags 'tw gore' and 'tw blood' alongside all my usual tags.
⌲ please don't rush me for replies ! i have adhd and that makes it hard to write sometimes ! if you're consistently pushing me to reply i won't hesitate to hard/softblock.
⌲ i'm mutuals only, but if i don't follow you back, feel free to dm me ! tumblr is awful and i might've just not gotten the notification.
⌲ don't hesitate to send me starters out of the blue if we're mutuals ! i don't mind at all. my dms are also always open to plot !!!
⌲ i'm not interested in writing lewd threads; accts that primarily post lewd content please dni ! ( nsfw jokes, suggestive flirting, etc is totally fine though! )
⌲ i'm down for ships with chemistry ! having your muse flirt with deacon is ok ( and encouraged tbh i think it's fun ) regardless of ship status ! if someone is writing sarah and wants to write about their marriage, i'm fine with that from the get-go ! you are not required to write them together if you don't want to, though !
⌲ doubles of other characters are fine ! i won't have a main system set up here. i like to see how different people portray the same characters ! i won't follow back other deacon accounts, but if you have a multi-muse account with deacon on it, that's fine !
⌲ i portray deacon as a transgender man, and i'm ftm too. i won't accept bigotry/fetishization ic or ooc about this. i'm also not cool with people trying to argue with me about my headcanon regarding this.
⌲ this account is 18+ with no exceptions !
⌲ if you ever feel the need to unfollow, that's totally okay ! just softblock (or hardblock, i'm not the boss of you) if we're mutuals ! i won't ever bother you about it, and i expect the same courtesy.
⌲ dni ; rpf accounts, lewd-only/lewd-focused accounts, supernatural (the show) accounts (multi-muse accounts with 1-2 spn muses/accounts who sometimes write in the spn verse are okay!), minor/adult shippers, incest shippers.
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