#(There was the choice between 'annoying' and 'annoying and embarrassing. With great expense to Sonia's dignity')
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@dcviated asked: Monomono for Wylan and Eira :V
Send 'monomono' to receive a gift from my muse courtesy of the monomono machine! - Accepting! Multis, please limit muses to 2.
For Eira:
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If you sprinkle this rice on the ground, it’ll attract a bunch of birds and it’ll be a disaster. You can eat it by yourself too.
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"I thought this would make a wonderful gift for you, Eira-san!" Sonia smiled, presenting her friend the capsule from the monomono machine: inside, a sizable bag of rice. "It would be lovely to make some new friends together, would it not? We could take the bag to the park and sprinkle it over the ground, near the pond. I am certain we shall make plenty of new avian friends in the process!"
And possibly get pecked. Or have their new feathered friends relieve themselves over the tree branch they'd inevitably be sitting under.
They could, of course, just make rice with it, but where's the fun in that?
For Wylan:
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Underwear that can only be worn by those who can lord over buttocks. They’re unisex.
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At first, Sonia thought the machine was simply playing a practical joke. Inside, some of the capsules had meaningful gifts: a snack, or a notebook, or a ring. Instead, Sonia had put in her monocoins and out had popped...well...that. For Wylan.
And unfortunately, she'd insisted that she'd wanted to get him a gift from the gachapon machine, and now that the capsule was in her hands she couldn't go back on her word now.
"Here, Wylan...for you," She finally spoke, handing it over to him, flustered. Frankly, her reaction was probably worse than the 'gift' itself: it was far more embarrassing, how deeply red her cheeks had turned. "I would say something akin to 'use it well,' but in this case, I am not sure what that could possibly mean."
"I simply wish to reassure you that the machine truly dispenses the most random gifts!" Sonia blurted out, her clasped hands tightening. If it had been her choice, she would've never selected underwear, much less such revealing underwear. Still, she had to wonder: what did it mean to lord over buttocks in the first place?
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