#(monomono machine madness)
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@dcviated asked: Monomono for Wylan and Eira :V
Send 'monomono' to receive a gift from my muse courtesy of the monomono machine! - Accepting! Multis, please limit muses to 2.
For Eira:
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If you sprinkle this rice on the ground, it’ll attract a bunch of birds and it’ll be a disaster. You can eat it by yourself too.
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"I thought this would make a wonderful gift for you, Eira-san!" Sonia smiled, presenting her friend the capsule from the monomono machine: inside, a sizable bag of rice. "It would be lovely to make some new friends together, would it not? We could take the bag to the park and sprinkle it over the ground, near the pond. I am certain we shall make plenty of new avian friends in the process!"
And possibly get pecked. Or have their new feathered friends relieve themselves over the tree branch they'd inevitably be sitting under.
They could, of course, just make rice with it, but where's the fun in that?
For Wylan:
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Underwear that can only be worn by those who can lord over buttocks. They’re unisex.
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At first, Sonia thought the machine was simply playing a practical joke. Inside, some of the capsules had meaningful gifts: a snack, or a notebook, or a ring. Instead, Sonia had put in her monocoins and out had popped...well...that. For Wylan.
And unfortunately, she'd insisted that she'd wanted to get him a gift from the gachapon machine, and now that the capsule was in her hands she couldn't go back on her word now.
"Here, Wylan...for you," She finally spoke, handing it over to him, flustered. Frankly, her reaction was probably worse than the 'gift' itself: it was far more embarrassing, how deeply red her cheeks had turned. "I would say something akin to 'use it well,' but in this case, I am not sure what that could possibly mean."
"I simply wish to reassure you that the machine truly dispenses the most random gifts!" Sonia blurted out, her clasped hands tightening. If it had been her choice, she would've never selected underwear, much less such revealing underwear. Still, she had to wonder: what did it mean to lord over buttocks in the first place?
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mudskip-muses · 1 year
Mono mono for Kaz plz uwu
Send 'monomono' to recieve a gift from my muse courtesy of the monomono machine! (X)
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Oh fuck it's a ring, it's a fucking ring. She's going to get the wrong idea, she's going to get freaked out and mad and-
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"T-This is kinda lame, huh? Let me try again-"
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nickelsdrocs · 1 year
monomono //something for bella cause she deserves All the things uwu
@from-across-the-stars | Send ‘monomono’ to recieve a gift from my muse courtesy of the monomono machine!
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Ari stared down at the figurine that popped for what probably seemed like an eternity before turning to face her friend. "You want a little Cupid rip-off? Cause if not, I can probably pawn it off on Kurohana-sama," she joked. She'd never actually do that; the yokai might get mad at her if she just gave him everything she didn't want.
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loststarphounix · 2 years
Pretend to be Tonight - Chapter 1/16
Pretending to be Tonight - chapter 1/16
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Soda Kazuichi/Tanaka Gundham, Soda Kazuichi/Hinata Hajime (speculated)
Tags: Alternate Universe - Cannon Divergence, No Game Spoilers, Slow Burn, Angst, Miscommunication, Pinning, Hooking Up Via Dreams
Summary: Island Time. Gundham wins the Key of Love from the Monomono and begins to have dreams involving Kazuichi. Slow burn.
Read on Ao3
Chapter Summary: Gundham wins the Love Key from the Monomono Yacine and decides to prove that its fake.
Please be mindful of tags and warnings as they pop up! Enjoy!
It all started because of that accursed machine. And, if he was honest, his own pride.
Gundham Tanaka sat in the dining hall in Jabberwock Island’s grand hotel. He had spent the early hours at the farm, hard at work  tending to the many hellbeasts that resided there. He stayed there even after finishing his duties, content to stay there for hours if not for Sonia coming to collect him for a late brunch.
“You have already skipped breakfast and the heat will be unkind to you, if you continue to skip meals!” She chirped, happily dragging Gundham after her towards the hotel.
There was no point in arguing with the dark princess when she wanted something, so he let her lead him into the dinning hall, only removing his arm from her grasp to gracefully sit in one of the empty seats. As Sonia went to the buffet to prepare their meal, Gundham took a moment to look around the room. 
The space was large, the wide windows brightening the room  in the early afternoon light. The hall was filled with stereotypical island tropical resort music playing softly in the background. Somewhere far away, the breeder’s impeccable hearing could detect the sounds of faint waves crashing against the surf. He had to admit, Hope’s Peak really knew how to pick the perfect vacation spots.
Not too far away, he heard the sounds of quiet conversation and Gundham peeked over his shoulder to find Hajime, Fuyuhiko and Nagito alone, cups and empty plates in front of them. The yakuza seemed irritated about whatever they were discussing and the goth couldn’t help but tune his ears into the conversation as he turned back to his table.
“- can’t believe this. You seriously gonna believe this bullshit?” Fuyuhiko let out an exasperated huff. “Seriously, how the hell does a book even fit into a tiny ass capsule?”
“I swear I’m not lying!” Nagito chuckled. “It was a genuine copy too!”
“Still...why would a spell book even be a captcha prize?”
The Unlucky One had somehow won a spellbook from a captcha machine? Preposterous! Gundham thought, scoffing as he poured himself a glass of water. 
Though he couldn’t put it past him, his luck was as fantastical as it was dangerous, but to have a simple spell book that was probably nothing more than a cheap gimmick- 
“Oh, but that’s the thing, Hinata-kun. It wasn’t just any spellbook. But a very rare necronomicon called ‘The Vessel of Ancient Blood’! There was only a single copy ever made because the translator went mad and killed themselves after finishing it! Isn’t that fascinating?”
Gundham nearly bolted up from his seat. His eyes were wide as his hand hovered over the glass. The Vessel of Ancient Blood was indeed a very rare, very powerful tome filled with near lost spells and ritual practices. Written on paper made of ancient silk wrappings anointed with oils and ink made of gold, blood, and obsidian, it was a true practitioner's dream to even caress the leather skin bindings with their gaze. No one had seen the necronomicon since its theft and disappearance during the 17th century.
And for one of his classmates to unknowingly stumble across such a find - 
The temptation of possessing such knowledge clawed at his throat and the breeder considered simply intimidating the tall blond for the book when he heard Hajime’s intake of surprise.
“And that was just - what? Just sitting in the machine like a plastic whistle or something? Should we even be able to have something like that?!”
“I’m still calling bullshit! If you have it on you, then show us.”
Air hissed out from Gundham’s teeth as he forced himself to stay as still as possible. He just needed the fool to brag as he waved the book under his audiences noses and then he would corner him after and -
“I hate to disappoint you Ultimates, but unfortunately...I returned it.”
Pale hands clenched in front of him as Gundham’s nostrils flared in fury. Behind him, he heard Fuyuhiko suck his teeth as Hajime made wordless, keening noises.
“The fuck! You just returned a fucking evil spell book!”
“As rare as it was, I don’t have a desire or need for more money. And since the darkarts aren’t my speciality...I decided to just put it back and try my luck on something else.”
The fiend! 
To throw away such vast dark knowledge-
“But you could’ve gotten something much worse because of your cycle!” Hajime cried out, only for Nagito to chuckle.
“Actually, I was truly lucky and received a few bottles of Ranmu.”
“What the fuck is even in that thing? Bet you get sick and die from expired soda.” The yakuza sneered before they lowered their voices to a more sedate level.
Gundham strained his ears, but the conversation seemed to steer to the validity of the soda’s freshness, just as Sonia returned to their table with a large serving tray filled with fruits, cheeses and breads. She placed it gently on the table, grabbing two smaller plates and seemingly unaware of the breeder’s disgruntled aura.
It was only when she placed a plate with bread and various fruits in front of him with a soft thud that Gundham snapped out of his stupor.
“Is everything alright, Gundham?” Sonia asks, spearing a strawberry with her fork before dainty biting it.
Gundham looks down at his plate, his expression contemplative. He could tell Sonia about The Vessel of Ancient Blood, of its powerful rituals and the potential of expanding their magical auras to the point of being near indestructible. She probably already knew of its existence and what its hidden teachings could prove to them. But something held his tongue firmly in his mouth.
While she was indeed a powerful mortal, Sonia was still a fledgling - a new blood in the world of magic and rituals. And though she was a quick and avid study, it would be beyond the pale to have a novice in the presence of such dark magic. 
Sonia was his pupil, but more importantly, she was his friend. His first real, genuine friend . He would never forgive himself if she succumbed to a force with a willpower and constitution more powerful than her own. It would be better for him to risk his own soul than to have both of theirs in jeopardy.
A delicate hand draped on top of his fist and the goth looked up to find Sonia staring at him, her expression filled with such warmth and concern that it made him blush. 
Ignoring the warmth of his cheeks, he unclenched his fists to grasp her hand in his own. Chuckling darkly under his breath, the breeder gave the princess a wicked smile as he boasted. “Worry not She-Cat! I was only communing with the dark forces that surround this Island and declaring myself the true ruler of this realm!”
The look of concern shifted and narrowed into something more sly, but she didn’t comment on his lie. Instead, she simply nodded and went back to her food. A single glance at his own plate made the goth quickly reach for butter for his own roll and valiantly ignored his warming cheeks as the princess gave a regal nod of approval as he ate.
They ate in relative silence, breaking out into snatches of conversations and calling out to the trio as the boys left the dining hall. It was peaceful and he found himself soon full and letting the Devas run around the table.
But soon the temptation of the necronomicon overcame him once again and after excusing himself, Gundham collected his Devas' and made his way out of the hotel. As the lobby doors closed behind him, Gundham turned towards the direction he knew the Monomono machine was located. He began to make the journey over there, when he saw a flash of bright pink hair.
Kazuichi Soda was alone, seemingly heading towards the beach if the towel under his arm was any indication. The mechanic was in a wildly printed shirt and a pair of longboard shorts that stopped past his kneecaps. It seemed he was going to enjoy the day sunbathing.
Gundham was tempted to follow him - very tempted - but didn’t. 
As Kazuichi vanished from sight, Gundham forced himself to continue to quest for the necronomicon. He could find the other later.
The Monomono Yachine was located far away from where Kazuichi was heading, which was a blessing for the breeder. The pink haired man made his distrust of Nagito Komaeda known for all to hear and wouldn’t take his word seriously. Gundham knew the other was telling the truth about obtaining and releasing the Vessel of Ancient Blood back into that gapcha machine. An overzealous sophiant he may be, but Nagito didn’t lie for the sake of it.
Still, he didn’t think he could explain to the mechanic what exactly he was doing there just on the word of the cursed lucky student.
A breeze picked up, swaying the palm leaves that shaded the machine from the blistering sun. Gundham fished in his pockets and pulled out a measly five monocoins. Not nearly enough for a thorough search, but hopefully the dark forces were on his side in this endeavor.
Decision made, Gundham inserted coin after coin. Four pulls proved useless so far and the breeder feared his last one would as well. Manifesting possessing the book with all his might, the breeder inserted his last Monocoin. This time, the machine let out a loud, cheery tone, its lights flashing before dispensing the capsule onto the sand. 
Bending down, the breeder picked it up and stood. Popping it open, he frowned at the contents.
A key. Or what looked like a key. It honestly appeared like a cheap child’s toy.
Very gimmicky, painted gold and a big, false red gemstone set under the shape of a heart. It was gaudy to even his tastes. Just as Gundham was about to throw it back into the Monomono, he felt a presence behind him.
"Upupupu! Well look who won the perverted perverbile lottery!” 
Scowling, Gundham turned to face Monokuma, who hid behind his paws as he giggled. Crossing his arms over his chest, he glared down at the robotic bear.
“You horrific fiend! What is the meaning behind your words? I have won no such ‘lottery’!”
“Oooh, but you did!” Monokuma snickered as he pointed at the key clenched in the breeder’s fist. “That, my dear, obliviously moronic student, is one of the rarest prizes in the Monomono Yacine! It’s called the Key of Love!"
Gundham raised a single eye ridge. 
“Yes indeedy! The Key of Love! It can unlock the deepest, darkest thoughts and desires of whoever you think of! Whoever you want will be transported in your dreams like a prime day deal! Or something like that. I got bored while making it.” The bear scratched his rotund belly before continuing. “Ya just put it under your pillow, think about the person ya want and boom! Instant ticket to Bonetown, USA!”
Monokuma laughed crudely and the sound grated Gundham’s ears. The depravity of this disgusting being knew no bounds. It sickened Gundham to his stomach.
“Are you quite done? Your vulgarity is nauseating.” Gundham scoffed. “And what you are implying is simply impossible! As if this childish toy could possibly weld the power of dreamwalking!”
Monokuma huffed, unsheathing his claws as he growled. “Hey hey hey! Don’t go insulting my power like that! It can too have someone in your dreams for you to have your ruthless way with them. Just imagine it! Why, I bet a chuinnbyou like you must be a real pent up perv!”
The stuff bear began to pant and grunt. It made the breeder sneered down in disgust.
“Bet you have all kinds of filthy fantasies. Maybe even got yourself an animalistic kink! Like biting or - or maybe even cannibalism like a praying mantis! You’re such a naughty boy, Gundham!”
“Enough!” He roared, ignoring the bear’s raucous laughter as he unfolded his arms and shifted into a fighter's stance. “Leave the Overlord of Ice before I show you my true power!”
Monokuma waved his arms around. "Whatever! I’m totally bored now. Do whatever you want with the key I don’t care! Here’s an idea, why not give it to someone who will actually appreciate it?! Upupupu!"
As fast as he appeared, Monokuma disappeared. Gundham held his stance for a little longer before releasing it. The Devas removed themselves from his scarf and as he opened his hands to welcome them, he realized he kept the key firmly in his grasp. Frowning, he considered what he should do, when a voice called out to him.
Looking up, he saw Kazuichi walking over to him, his face a mask of confusion. Gundham looked down at his Devas' as the mechanic reached him.
“Yo Hamster-chan, was that you screaming? I thought someone was getting murder over here!”
Chuckling under his breath, Gundham shaked his head as his Devas' positioned themselves on his shoulders. Subconsciously, he pocketed the key into his pants pocket.
“Do not be foolish! As if any mortal on this pathetic island could best me!” He boomed. Crossing his arms, he regarded the other. “But your concerns are appreciated, Tamer of Automations. I see you are enjoying the harsh light of the Sun Goddess.”
Sharp teeth showed behind pink lips in a big smile. “Yeah, the weather was perfect to work on my tan! But I forgot I promised Chiaki and Sonia I’d help them with Chiaki’s StationPlay.” He seemed to hesitate then, teeth worrying his bottom lip before he rushed forward. “Do you wanna join us? I mean! Sonia probably would love to have ya there and we could co-opt after!”
The invitation was a tempting one.
After their initial spats and claims of rivalry and distaste for each other, the two had called a ceasefire of sorts. Their fellow classmates had forced them down and ‘talk it out’ and at first it was a disaster, but after Hajime more or less told them their similarities and Sonia commanding their cooperation, the two entered a tumultuous companionship.
It had been very fragile at first and though the two still had moments of bickering, it wasn’t as bad as it was in the beginning and it grew to be something resembling a friendship. The mechanic was still more interested in being around the princess, but he did seem to enjoy Gundham’s company. Kazuichi’s change of heart towards him did not help the small flutter of lust and desire that seemed to fester and grow with each laugh or interaction they had.
Dismissing the growing flutter, the breeder mournfully shook his head.
“I’m afraid I must decline your generous invitation. My Four Dark Devas of Destruction have not yet consumed nourishment and I fear the heat of the day might try to overtake their energy.”
Understanding slowly dawned on Kazuichi’s face and he gave the other a weak smile. It tugs something inside Gundham and he feels a moment of genuine remorse.
“It's cool dude. Can’t have the little guys die of heatstroke,” he gestured towards the Devas, who chittered and chirped at him. “But maybe we can hangout some other time?”
“But of course.”  He agreed, expression softening.
Kazuichi looked so sad that the breeder couldn’t take it for long. His cheeks warmed as the mechanic beamed at him and the flutter began to beat harder against his chest. Gundham valiantly ignored it as he bashfully covered his face with his scarf.
“C-cool! I gotta go. But -uh- I’ll see you later, ok?!” Kazuichi called out, racing down the beach.
Gundham stood there, watching as Kazuichi once again disappeared from his sight. He hid deeper in his scarf as the Devas’ played on his shoulders. In his pocket, the ‘key’ burns like a ember of hellfire through the fabric of his jeans.
The walk back to his cottage was uneventful.
He was temporarily waylaid by Nekomaru and even Nagito, who gleefully told him about his Monomono escapade and offered to give the necronomicon to the breeder the next time he won it.
“I should have held it for you! Of course you’d like something like that Tanaka-san! How could I be so stupid!?”
That conversation rubbed salt into the metaphoric wound, but that’s what he deserved for eavesdropping and going off on half baked information.
As the door closed behind him, Gundham turned just enough to lock it before sighing in relief. Taking his jacket off, he placed it on the coat hanger that stood by the door and then he began to take off his boots. After placing them by the door, he made his way further inside his temporary home.
It was told to them by Usami that the cottages were all specialized just for them. No two were the same and they all centered around their interests and Ultimates. Gundham’s was filled with bookshelves filled with animal academia and magical tomes. Hamster tubes were assembled and installed into the walls of the cottage, as well as several pens that were built high and low into the walls. The main pen was a large, glass monstrosity that was almost as long as the table it occupied. The table was flush against the wall and was opposite of the giant king size bed that occupied the majority of the bedroom.
Gundham made quick work crossing the room and gently placing each Deva into the giant pen. They nuzzle his cupped hands before they jump out of his grasp, giving love nibbles on fingers before they settle in the nest. He watches them for a while, face soft and serene before he turns towards his bed.
As he settles on the edge, something nudges at him. Shifting slightly, he feels the key move and pokes at his leg. Gundham freezes.
Slowly, he puts his hand in his pocket and pulls it out. He raises it up to the ceiling, inspecting it with narrowed eyes.
“It can unlock the deepest, darkest thoughts and desires of whoever you think of! Or something like that.”
“Something like that, indeed.” He muttered, glare narrowing as he continued to stare at the chipping spray paint and fake gemstone.
As if this little key had any power at all, let alone the power of entering someone's mind and dreams. It was all ridiculous of course. 
But what if it wasn’t? 
The thought of pink hair and rose colored eyes filled his vision and Gundham’s face darkens as he lowers his hand. A frown tugged his lips as he ruminate and turned the key in his hand.
It could be possible...After all, Gundham has done and seen things many would call ridiculous or impossible. And he had done it with much less than a gaudy trinket. 
However...to be able to dreamwalk...
Gundham’s eyes focus on the key again, fingers running down the smooth edges. After a moment, he turned towards his pillows and hefted himself up. He thrusted the key under them without a second thought, knowing that, if he made himself think about it then he'd retreat and throw it away. 
“I shall show that demonic creature that the Dark Overlord will not be fooled by a simple child’s toy.” He muttered darkly, neck darkening as he pushed his pillows back in place.
This was the only way to prove it for sure. If it works, then he could use the key to heighten his dark powers and if it doesn't...then he can have the satisfaction of gloating in the robotic bear's face.
He removes his scarf and with tender movements, folds it before placing the bundle on the bedside table. He returns to the bed, not bothering to take off his clothes as he lays on his back. The sounds of the Devas running and playing in their pens and tubes filled the air, their claws clicking against plastic.
It was rhythmic in its familiarity and helped create the perfect meditative state their owner needed to fall into the trance of calming breaths. Soon, before he knew it, he fell asleep.
“-ham? Gundham?”
Gundham blinked up at the blinding lights that made his temples throb. He took in the obnoxious pink paint and cherub monokuma morale that was painted on the ceiling before realization took hold.
This wasn’t his room.
Sitting up in the bed, the breeder looked at the room in front of him. It was clad in various shades of pink, the closest in the corner that burst with clothes and rags and the bed that overtook half of the room and took it all in. Gundham took it all in and could only look on in wonder.
It appears that he has been teleported to another realm! But where exactly was he?
He froze.
That voice...it can’t be…!
Turning to his side, surprised that he now even considered looking over there, sat Kazuichi at the otherside of the bed.  When their eyes meet, he gives the breeder a slow, sultry smile as he purrs. The dark intent in the tone sent shivers down Gundham's spine.
“Well, hello there.”
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bubblyqueer000 · 2 years
📚Byakuya Togami x Ultimate Violinist!Fem!Reader (NSFW)🔏
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Another cross-post from AO3 of this butt face!! He makes me so mad!! GRRRRR へ(⚈益⚈)へ
TW: Mild degradation
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"Yes, I know how to play a few basic instruments. Piano, flute, violin-" Byakuya listed prior to quickly being interrupted.
"Really!? You know how to play the violin!?" You said, getting maybe a little too close to him, causing him to scowl. After a few moments of this, you realized what you had done, backed up, and nervously fingered the scroll of the violin that sat upon your lap, careful not to mess with the finely tuned pegs. Byakuya rolled his eyes and looked back at the novel in his hands. It goes without saying that you are the ultimate violinist at hope's peak academy. It had been five days since you were trapped in the place where he had originally gone to perfect your already keen fiddling skills, surrounded by various other prodigies.
After the execution of their classmate, Leon Kuwata, the library the two were currently sitting in had opened up, and since it had, Byakuya spent all of his time there to read mystery novels. While most of the others found this silly considering the circumstances, you understood that he would most likely be hungry, having skipped breakfast to get there early, so you decided to bring him some french toast and civet coffee that you had gotten out of the monomono machine. After giving him the food and stumbling through some small talk, there you stood, embarrassed and trying to find a way to continue the now extremely awkward conversation.
"Sorry... But I didn't know that you liked the violin! I've been playing since I was little. That's where I got this scar on my finger. What's your favorite type of music? I've been playing a lot of jazz recently-"
"Are you finished, woman? I'm trying to read." Byakuya snarled and glared up at you. You paused for a moment before a dejected look found your face.
"I'm sorry for being so annoying. I'll leave you alone." You said quietly, grabbing the neck of your violin, and starting to exit when you heard him speak again.
"Frankly, I prefer classical music over jazz but I can tolerate either," Byakuya said matter of factly as you reach for the knob of the exit door.
And that was all that it took to commence an unlikely friendship - if you could even call it that. Every morning you would go into the library with a piping hot cup of black coffee and meet Byakuya who would usually have something interesting to talk about, whether it be an interesting book that he had been reading or something about the violin, and they both would try to ignore Toko watching jealously from behind a bookshelf. It was a routine that you had gotten quite used to, which made it all the more surprising the day it was finally broken.
"Y/N, come with me for a moment, I have something I'd like to discuss with you," Byakuya told you, and before you could say anything in response, he stood up and left you sitting there, alone at a reading desk. "Well, are you coming?" He asked, now in the hallway.
"Oh! Yes of course!" You shouted, hastily stood up, and ran over to join him on his trek through the red-lit corridor, down a staircase, and finally to his dorm. A part of you began to panic. Why was Byakuya trying to get you alone? What would be so important that he couldn't have just told you in the library? Was he going to hurt you? Or worse... Kill you? He almost certainly had the intelligence necessary to get away with such a crime. The thought alone made your heart skip a beat. Could his companionship all have been a farce to lure you into a trap?
"Don't keep me waiting any longer than you already have." He said, now inside of his room, making you shudder.
"S-sorry..." You blushed and slowly walked into his frigid room, shivering as you did so. The room was relatively normal for Byakuya. It was basically empty except for his bed, a few drawers, some other accessories that came with the room. The only thing that seemed out of the ordinary was a desk and a few shelves covered with books, most of which were probably taken from the library.
"So... What did you want to-" At this point, you should have been used to Byakuya interrupting you but nothing could have prepared you for what was to come. He pinned you against the wall and roughly clashed his lips into yours, his tall figure blocking the room's light and casting a shadow onto your face. A rush of surprise shot through you as you pressed your hands into his shoulders, not entirely sure whether to push him away or pull him deeper into the kiss. Finally, you choose the ladder and pull him closer by his upper arms, with perfect timing as he begins to nibble lightly at your lower lip. You open your mouth, allowing Byakuya to slip his tongue inside of it, and tightly grab your waist with his right hand, while the other leaned against the wall upon which you were pinned. Moments pass and at last, he pulls away, you gaze up at his muscular face making your eyes meet, the dimness of the room accentuating his perfect jawline.
"I shouldn't have expected anything less," Byakuya says snidely, causing your head to tilt and your expression to contort into pure confusion. Without warning, you're lifted off of the ground and thrown onto his bed. "I wouldn't look so surprised if I were you. You didn't think this would all stop after that, did you?" Byakuya questions while taking it a step further and climbing over top of you.
"I- Well n-no... But this is all still really surprising..."
"And for what reason might that be?"
"I guess I just didn't think that you... Liked me... Like at all... We can keep going... If you want." He stares down at you, face devoid of expression until finally, he smirks.
"Good answer."
"I... What?" You say, almost stupidly. Byakuya chuckles and continues to kiss you, this time more intensely than the last, his tongue slipping further into your mouth than before. He stood up and began to pick you up with him. Despite not knowing quite why he was making you do it, you stood, out of an attempt to not upset Byakuya, who now stood tall in front of you.
"Strip for me." He demanded, still sans any emotion. Your eyes shoot open, full of surprise and shyness. Regardless of this, subsequent to a quick sigh, you grab your sleeves, pull your arms through them, and slide your torso out of your shirt, not without your face flushing a deep red from the unbearable humiliation. After this, you pull off your pants and look away trying not to shiver, half out of the low temperature of the room and half out of fear for what was to come. The only thing leaving you unexposed was your cutesy-looking panties and bra. "I don't recall telling you to stop." Byakuya cruelly remarks.
"I-I'm sorry I'm just... Embarrassed." You admit and look away, prompting him to grab your chin between his forefinger and thumb and tilt your head until your gaze meets his, and he inches closer to you.
"I apologize if this is too much for you... Is it?" He asked, his cool breath tickling your bare skin. You hesitate for a moment.
"No... It's okay I'm just not used to this." Byakuya's lips curl into a mischievous, sort of serpentine smirk. Hearing him speak so sweetly was a nice break from his usual bitter attitude, but much to your dismay it didn't last long.
"Well then, hurry this along, I don't have all day."
Your small, shaking hands reach behind you and begin to slowly unhook your bra, slide your arms through, and allow it to fall to the ground. The same is done with your panties and finally, you are totally nude, all of your clothing discarded on the floor.
"Good girl," He took a moment to look you up and down, drinking in every curve on your beautiful body and every humiliated look that your face had to offer. It was all becoming too much for him, which became abundantly clear as his pants grew tighter. Byakuya unbuttoned his pants and removed his shirt until he was simply wearing a tight pair of black underwear with a yellow trim.
"Well?" You gaze down at his massive bulge, entranced by its huge size, stopping when you finally hear his commanding voice.
"Sorry! I'll do it!" You exclaimed and rushed to crouch before him as if you were bowing down to a king. With one hand you massage his large, clothed member and with the other, you tug lightly at his waistband and pull down his underclothing revealing his enormous cock. For an instant, you just stare at it, even more surprised than before when it was covered, but it wasn't long before you remembered the task at hand. Your hand gripped onto Byakuya, making him wince from the contact alone. You take his loud gasps as encouragement to continue and stroke his shaft in your petite hands. "Am I doing this okay?" Byakuya continues to let out small moans and then nods. "Should I..." He stared down at you with half-lidded eyes, glaring.
"What?" Byakuya snapped, his voice full of annoyance.
"... Please don't make me say it."
"Do it." He said, as he finally understood what you meant, causing him to regain his sneer. You look back down at his dick, intimidated, and open your mouth to allow the precum-coated tip to enter. Byakuya's grunts become more plentiful as you begin to bob your head forward and backward along his shaft. He grabs your hair tightly and forces his member further into your throat, making you gag loudly out of surprise. You gaze up at him, tears pricking the edges of your eyes. "What? Can you not breathe with my length in your throat? That's quite unfortunate. You had better finish me off quickly then." He said with mock concern and continued thrusting forward into your throat. Your right hand wrapped around the end of his large shaft that your mouth couldn't reach and your left held his balls, making your lover huff.
His hands grasped your hair tighter, pulling you faster as he chased his orgasm. The bobbing of your head continued growing at the same pace as Byakuya's quick intakes of breath, as did the moving of your hands until finally, you felt him release deep in your mouth. He pulled his cock from your throat, a wispy line of saliva and cum still connecting them.
"Swallow it all." He commanded, tilting your chin up so you were looking directly at him. Scared to deny him, you swallow it all at lookup afterward. "Good girl," Byakuya praised while picking you up bridal style and dropping you gently onto his bed. "But we're not done yet."
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nagito-kissmaeda · 2 years
if it isn't real, why does the sun still burn?
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Komaeda Nagito x Talentless!Reader
Summary : Like most people visiting this tag. You have always dreamed of meeting Nagito Komaeda for real, what you would do, what you would say? Things don't go as planned.
AKA: Reader from our universe ends up in danganronpa and is just trying her best to keep everyone alive. and maybe to make komaeda kiss her.
Contains: she/her pronouns, panic attacks, too much self indulgence
read on AO3
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Hanamura’s cooking was enough to keep you going for the rest of the day. At his insistence you did also grab yourself a sandwich for lunch, though other than that you spent the rest of the day walking around the island by yourself. A trip to the central island quickly confirmed that there really was no way to get across to the bridge to the second island without being torn up by a monobeast. You figured that the power Monomi was using to destroy the beasts herself grows stronger with the collection of hope fragments, based on what Naegi said to you on the day you arrived here.
Luckily, most of class 77B seemed to be getting along decently well, but that still didn't guarantee it opening before the two week cutoff that Naegi set for you. So, you just needed to make sure no one died before then. Once the gate is open, you’ll just need to make a mad dash for the ruins and input the code.
After your investigation, you headed back to your cottage and collapsed onto the couch, already exhausted from a day of using way too much mental energy, plus the island is a lot bigger than it looks like it is in the game. It was a good few hours of walking, and your lazy legs really aren't built for that sort of exercise. The sun is just beginning to set outside of your window, and you decide that you can’t be bothered to go and get dinner, instead munching on a bag of chips that you got from the monomono machine on the beach.
You idlily wonder what Komaeda is up to, because there is little more that your useless brain can think about when left to its own devices. It’s almost 8:30pm. He’s probably just in his cottage if he isn't with Hinata anymore.
You can’t stop thinking about him.
For the first time in years you feel like a schoolgirl again, ironic, considering that you technically are a schoolgirl again. Your heart is doing a pathetic little flutter in your chest at the thought of him and you just want to rip it out. The cushions on the couch do little to muffle the scream you release into them, burying your face into the plush fabric and just letting out all of the stress you have been clinging to. Komaeda isn’t supposed to be real, any and all interest you have in him isn't supposed to matter , but here you are, trapped in a simulation with him and unable to keep your head straight whenever he speaks to you.
He must think you’re a fucking idiot. Along with being talentless.
You scream again. Tears wetting the couch cushions as you begin to sob. Aren’t situations like this supposed to be fun? That’s how they always are in fiction, you just get to play around with your favorite characters for a little bit before going home, this is nothing like that. Not only are you saddled with the responsibility of keeping everyone else alive, but also this stupid crush that isn’t likely to go away anytime soon.
It feels unfair when your moment of vulnerability is interrupted by Monokuma’s eargrating announcement. To be honest, you had almost forgotten that it would happen this soon. If tonight is Monokuma’s one man show, it means that tomorrow is...yeah…
The party.
Monokuma is going to reveal the truth of everyone’s lost memories, the existence of a traitor, and Komaeda is going to start scheming.
The reminder of that is painful. How quickly he must have started planning to send the letter the very next morning after Monokuma’s announcement. You find yourself frowning, it’s weird that you keep thinking about things in past tense when they haven't actually happened yet. Having memories of something that occurs in the future makes you feel almost woozy, it’s hard for you to stand yourself up from the couch, and even harder to walk to the door. You manage though, on shaky legs and with uneven breaths.
While the walk ends up being mostly solemn and introspective, you are quickly startled by a loud yell of your name, followed by the sound of feet hitting the gravel very fast. Before you even have time to turn around and figure out what the hell is happening, you are knocked to the ground with the force of another person colliding into you at top speed. The gravel scrapes your sunburn in a way that isn’t pleasant, and the wind is knocked right out of your chest.
“Surprise!” The person sitting on top of you suddenly exclaims, “It’s me! Ibuki!!!”
You blink a couple of times, finally absorbing the fact that, yes, it is Mioda on top of you.
“Uh, hey there.” You wheeze, “nice to uh…see you?”
Mioda squeals, baring her sharp teeth in a wide smile, “Nope! It’s nice to see you ! You and Ibuki haven’t had much chance to talk yet!” She rifles through the pocket in her skirt and pulls out her handbook, shoving it in your face and tapping at the screen with a nail painted in chipping black polish, “See! We have none of the friendship thingos!”
“Oh, yeah. You’re right.” You wriggle a little bit under her weight, “I would love to get to know you more, but you’re kinda squashing me.”
Leaping to her feet, Mioda lets out a shriek, “AHHHHH! I can’t believe Ibuki made such a bad first impression! You aren't too squashed are you? Haven’t turned into a pancake?”
You let out a little breathless laugh and pull yourself up from the ground, “Not yet! I’ve still got all three dimensions, aha.”
“Hmmmmmm, I think that’s going to be my first question!” Mioda starts, looping her arm around yours and tugging you in the direction of Jabberwork Park, “What kinnnnnnd, of pancake are you? Ibuki would be…..hmmm” She taps a finger to her chin, “whipped cream with sprinkles and chocolate syrup- wait no! Strawberry! Or, both! Probably both!”
You blink, trying your best to keep up with Mioda’s rapid conversation, “Um, probably vanilla ice cream with strawberries and banana?”
“Ooh! Fruity! You have good taste!” She says, turning and giving you an overexaggerated wink, “Have you been enjoying your island vacay so far?? Ibuki has actually been having a pretty good time!” Her face turns serious, mouth turned down in a frown, “It would be more fun if we didn’t have to kill each other”
“Mioda-san.” You begin quite seriously, grabbing her hand to stop her from walking and looking her straight in the eye, “Nobody is going to kill anyone. We’re going to have lots of fun on this island together, okay?”
Mioda blinks at you for a moment, but then surges forward to wrap her arms around your shoulders. The hug is tight enough to be near suffocating, and you are suddenly absorbed into a cloud of what you think is bubblegum scented body spray. It’s a little overwhelming, but you find yourself sinking into her embrace, “You are such a nice person” Mioda says, words a little muffled by her face being crammed into your shoulder, “Ibuki is so glad to have met you.”
Generally, you have to force yourself to accept a compliment, your instincts being to push back against them and say something horrible about yourself in response. But Mioda’s sincerity makes it almost impossible to do anything but accept her words as completely genuine, and deserved .
It’s still a little bit awkward, and the words feel strange on your tongue, but you manage to say, “Thank you, Mioda-san. I’m glad to have met you too.”
The two of you continue holding each other, and from both your pockets, you hear your handbooks beep.
Mioda squeals and reaches into her pocket to show you her handbook where there is now one hope fragment listed under your name, “Ahhh! FRIENDS!!” She hugs you again, somehow even tighter.
You laugh as best you can with your lungs being crushed and say, “Officially friends!”
Mioda rocks the both of you from side to side a little, chanting ‘friends friends friends’ over and over. She’s cute. Her enthusiasm is a little tiring and you can feel yourself already getting exhausted just by being around her, but it’s hard not to love Mioda. Especially when she so vehemently loves you back.
“Ah. I was wondering what the commotion was about.” A voice says a little further down the path, Mioda is still holding you in a tight enough grip that you can’t turn around and look, but you have spent enough nights listening to his voice lines that you know Komaeda when you hear him.
Mioda must notice you stiffening in her arms, because she pulls back and gives you a concerned look, “What are you so worried about?” she says, shaking you back and forth a little, “It’s just Nagi-Wagi!”
Komaeda laughs airily, “Ah, a nickname from an ultimate, what an honour!” his eyes pinch in the corners when he smiles. You can tell he hates the nickname.
You swallow, “Are you on your way to the park too?”
“That much should be obvious.” Komaeda replies, his smile turning less friendly and more mocking when his eyes meet yours, “Did you get lost? Is Mioda-san helping you find your way?”
Mioda breaks into a boisterous laugh, feet wide and hands on her hips, “Nagi-Wagi’s got jokes! ” She laughs again, “She didn’t get lost, she’s just hanging out with her new friend Ibuki!”
Komaeda hums, “So, you’re making friends. Good for you.” he continues walking in the direction of the park, passing by both you and Mioda before shooting a glance at you over his shoulder, “Try not to be late.”
His hair looks very pretty in the sunset, you find yourself musing. Watching him slowly walk further down the path. The wind rustles around him, occasionally making his baggy shirt press flush against his form, revealing just how thin he is underneath it. The absence of his coat makes him appear smaller, fragile. Your heart is slowly working it’s way up the back of your throat.
“I left the coat in the dryer.” You whisper, still watching Komaeda’s slowly retreating form, “I should have given it back.”
Mioda gives you a look, “You gotta stop staring at him or we’re gonna be late!!”
“Huh?! What? I’m not- aha. I'm not staring- AHHH!”
Mioda is a lot stronger than she looks, hoisting you up onto her back where you cling for dear life, “What are you doing?! Put me down!!”
“All aboard the Ibuki Express!!!!!” She yells, tightly gripping your thighs and sprinting off down the path to Jabberwork Park, “Choo Choooooooooooo!”
For the most part, all you can do is grip her shoulders and just pray she doesn't drop you, but despite everything you find yourself smiling as Mioda laughs beneath you. Plus, the confused look Komaeda gives the two of you when you sprint past him makes all the fear worth it.
You find yourself not paying all that much attention during Monokuma’s little performance. Your heart goes out to Usami (now Monomi) as you watch Monokuma use her as little more than a puppet in his game. She's kind hearted, and clearly cares quite genuinely about all of the students on the island, including you.
The hush that falls over the class when Monokuma reveals the first motive sends a chill running down your spine. At least two years of their lives, gone. You know for a fact that it is closer to five, maybe even more. Despite how much you want to save everyone, knowing that after they escape the program they will still have to come to terms with being remnants of despair before all of this, it’s hard to even think about.
You will either just go back home, or stop existing. None of the horrors that happened during the despair era will have any affect on you.
It would be nice if you could stay back and look after them, comfort them. Komaeda especially is going to have a lot of trouble coming to terms with what happened to him during that period, and knowing that no matter how hard you try there is nothing you can do to help once he wakes up, it makes you sad.
Things change when Monokuma reaches the notion of a traitor hiding amongst the group, you had been so caught up in your own head that you didn't realise until it had already happened, that everyone’s eyes had now turned to you.
“Upupupupu~ Looks like we already have an early contender!” Monokuma explains, pointing at you with a stubby paw, “Better keep your door locked tonight, kiddo!”
Everyone quickly averts their eyes after Monokuma’s outburst, like they are ashamed to have blamed you so quickly. It makes sense that everyone would consider you a good candidate for traitor, given your talentless status, but something about it still hurts.
“Anyways! That’s it for our show!” The bear exclaims, taking a bow and yanking Monomi down with him. The poor rabbit quivering in his grasp.
There is eerie silence where Monokuma expects there to be applause, it only makes him burst into laughter.
“Aw! Lighten up, kids! We’ve got lots more fun ahead” He kicks Monomi to the ground and points out into the crowd, “Now get some sleep! You need a lot of rest at your age, my stupid sister and i are going to have a grown up chat, so scram .”
There is only more silence as the class exits the park. She’s trying hard to hide it, but you can hear Saionji sniffling and Hanamura just keeps muttering that none of this can be real. No one says a word as they decide to head back to their cabins. But you stand alone for a little bit, staring up at the sky.
You need some time to think. You had hoped that the time you had spent with your pseudo classmates would be enough to make them trust you at least a little bit. All you can do at this point is pray that you’ll still be able to stop the first murder, even with everyone walking on eggshells around you. Mioda didn’t seem too bothered by the news, it’s likely that it would take much more than a little rumour by Monokuma to waver her trust, but the same cannot be said for the likes of Togami and Hinata, as suspicious as the two often are. Togami will be a problem, hopefully he doesn't plan to keep too close an eye on you at the party.
Stopping Komaeda will be hard enough. Stopping him in a way that makes sure no one suspects him of attempting murder will be even harder.
There’s no way that you’ll be able to get to sleep, so you head back over to the first island and down to the beach. Maybe listening to the ocean for a little bit will help you to relax, it’ll also give you some time to untangle the mess of thoughts in your head.
The air down by the beach is a little colder, the wind bites at the bare skin of your shoulders and the salty air stings your eyes. The ocean is familiar to you, comfortable, despite everything you feel yourself starting to calm down.
But your heart stops when you see him, sitting in the sand with the pale light of the moon catching in his hair. It doesn’t seem like he’s noticed you, if you really want to, you could just turn on your heel and head back to the hotel like you never even saw him. There’s a thundering in your chest, you can feel your hands growing shaky as your legs seem to disobey you and walk down onto the shore. You kick your shoes off, and dig your toes in the warm sand like you’re trying to ground yourself.
He must hear you stumbling through the sand, his head inclining slightly in your direction when you take another step forward. Komaeda makes no move to get up, still facing away from you and watching the ocean, even as you find yourself standing right next to him.
“Uh…hey…” You say.
Komaeda peers at you from the corner of his eye and replies, “Hello.”
“I just…uh…” You dig your fingernails into your palms, trying to keep your voice even, “I want to apologise for not giving your coat back. I washed it this morning, but I forgot to take it out of the dryer before I left. I can give it back tomorrow?”
Komaeda chuckles, “I have plenty in my wardrobe. No need to apologise.”
“Oh…but, you’re-” you gesture loosely in his direction and he turns his head to look at you properly, “-you’re not…uh, wearing it?”
“I don’t wear it everyday.”
Yes you do!! You scream internally, horrified at how easily he has managed to make you look like an idiot.
“But wouldn’t it be weird for me to keep it anyway?” you reply, “It’s probably best that I give it back.”
There’s a playful glint in Komaeda’s eye and he says, “I don’t think it would be weird. Unless you were planning to do something weird with it.” He smirks, “you weren’t, were you?”
Your face flushes, “I…no! Of course not! That’s…that is why I’m planning on returning it! I wouldn’t do anything weird!”
He laughs, “You’re very defensive, but don’t worry, I don’t really think you would do something like that.”
You aren't sure how to respond, you just dither awkwardly. Komaeda gives you a knowing look, and gestures to the sand beside him, “Sit, if you’d like. I’ll be here for a while longer.”
Your heart thumps, and even though you feel yourself shaking, you manage to sit down next to him.
How do you tell someone you’ve only known for a few days that you’ve been in love with them for years?
Komaeda looks beautiful in the moonlight, legs crossed and looking up at the sky. The warmth in your heart blooms all the way up to your cheeks, he is so close to you that you can hear him breathing, it would only take a little shuffle to the side for your legs to be touching.
You swallow and turn to face the ocean instead, trying your best not to make a fool of yourself again.
“So.” Komaeda says cheerfully, giving you a half smirk, “Are you the traitor?”
That sets your heart racing twice as fast, “Huh? What? No? Of course not!”
Komaeda giggles a little, resting his chin on his palm, “Oh, of course you wouldn't admit it, even if I was right. I just figured there would be no harm in asking.”
“Well, are you the traitor?”
“Nope,” Komaeda says, loudly popping the p. He’s grinning at you almost mischievously, you can tell that he is toying with you.
It’s kind of. Nice? To see him playing around, even if it is making things harder for you. Despite all its shortcomings, being talentless means (at the very least) that Komaeda is comfortable around you. Comfortable enough to tease you even, and that actually feels kind of good.
“What are you doing out here this late anyway?” You ask, wrapping your arms around your knees, “It’s probably not safe.”
Komaeda hums and doesn't turn to look at you, “Just thinking some things over.”
Just planning my own murder , you correct in your head, “Still, everyone is on edge, you should probably get back to your cottage soon.”
“It’s very kind of you to worry, but I'll be fine.”  you notice that he’s picking at his cuticles, “What are you doing out so late? Not concerned about your own safety?”
“Oh, uh…” you suck a break in through your nose, relishing in the ocean air, “No, not really. There are more important things to worry about right now.”
The two of you fall into silence. The only sound being the waves hitting the shore and the wind dancing through the palm trees. Your heart has finally calmed, beating slow and steady in your chest as you feel your breath slowly meet pace with Komaeda’s.
It isn’t an uncomfortable silence, but you quickly find yourself lost in your head once again, thinking about what will be set in motion come the morning. Komaeda is far too tenacious for a simple prodding from someone like you to stop the plan that he is currently cooking up in his mind.
He must be able to tell how hard you are thinking just by looking at you, because he rests a hand on your bare shoulder, quickly startling you back to reality. A bizarre reality where Nagito Komaeda is currently touching you.
“Ah, sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you” He pulls his hand away, “There’s really no need for you to concern yourself with our current situation.” He shoots you a wide smile that makes you feel weak in the knees, “I have faith that the ultimates will be able to overcome this despair, it’s the job of trash like us to help when they need us to.”
You shuffle a little closer to him, placing your hand on his knee in a way that you hope is comforting and not creepy, “You are worth something. You know that, right?”
Komaeda’s smile turns confused, “I- what?”
“I’m going back to my cottage for the night. Just- just be careful.” You stand from the ground, quickly dusting the sand from your dress, worried that you’ve well overstepped your bounds much too early. But hearing him call himself trash in person it just…it hurt . You couldn’t help it, you got too personal, you touched him, “Do you want me to return your jacket or not?”
He blinks up at you, the light of the stars caught in his eyes, “keep it.” he breathes, “you might need it again, skin cancer is no joke.”
“Yeah.” you reply, looking down at his bony arms and near translucent skin, “It isn’t”
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sir-sunny · 3 years
if you're not sick of headcanons I'd like to propose
chronic angry-crier Hajime and chronic happy-crier Nagito
At all times at least one of them is crying
i love thinking abt hajime crying when he gets mad (i have this scenario in my head that takes place somewhere in between chapt 4 and 5 in which hajime is trying to deal with the fact that he doesnt have a talent and nagito is just rubbing salt in the wound. hajime tries to ignore him and not let the insults get to him but he gets to the point where he's so annoyed with nagito, he can't form any sentences and he just stars crying and stomps off. and nagito has to like take a second cuz he's hit with overwhelming guilt)
and YES happy crier nagito hhhgh omg okok imagine hajime off handedly giving nagito a gift from the monomono machine and nagito is so grateful that he starts tearing up. hajime just panics like "hhh are u ok?? what did i do wrong???" ajsdghgasf
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takonei · 4 years
Beta AU - Main story, Chapter 3, deadly life (Part 7)
Note of the author: ... Damn this Deadly life is long. I know there were two deaths but still.
Chapter 3: What is beyond humans’ control - Deadly life
“Huh?” the girl blinked.
“I said...” Rantaro gripped his podium. “How do you know what a curare is?”
Shuichi was confused. What’s a ‘curare’ anyway?
“Um... I think I heard it once but don’t remember who said it...” she replied, tapping her cheek.
“... That’s a lie and you know it.” Rantaro became more and more nervous. “I never mentioned anything about curares. I never even said the word, and I don’t think anyone here knows what it even means.”
He turned to the rest of them to see if he was right.
And he was, since everyone glanced at each other to see if anyone knew.
“I mean, I do know but...” Tsumugi pondered. “I don’t remember mentioning it, but I could be wrong, since the past few days have been erased from my memory.”
“Still...” Rantaro turned back to the craftswoman. “Curare is the scientific name for what I described as ‘paralyzing product’ so that everyone would understand.”
“But you couldn’t have known that unless you read the label on the bottle.”
“I... Think I do remember now! I did see it when I checked the shelves in your lab once because I was looking for painkillers! But that was even before the disease!” she joyfully replied.
This looked incredibly suspicious anyway. And Rantaro seemed very skeptic.
“... Supposing this is true...” he turned to the rest of them. “This is the first and last time I want someone rummaging through painkillers. I want to be here if any of you want some painkillers, since I know it’s easy to take the wrong doses.”
... First time? Didn’t Kaito...
No, now wasn’t the time.
He nodded. The rest of the group agreed as well.
“I still have trouble believing you, Angie.” Tsumugi narrowed her eyes.
Ryoma sighed. “We said we would solve the murder, then accuse people. However...”
He turned to the girl. “We still have a suspect list with some of you more suspicious than others, and that includes you, Angie.”
She joyfully nodded. “I’m not the killer~ But we can continue the trial if you wish to!”
Shuichi didn’t know her that much, but that still looked strange.
Kokichi seemed to have an eye on her, but he didn’t look mad at her... For some reason.
What is he even thinking?
“There’s something that has been bothering me ever since I- no. Since we discovered it.” Kirumi glanced at the violinist.
Something they both discovered? Ah, is it...
“... You mean the missing plants in the shrine?” he perked up.
“The what now?” Miu was confused.
“Some bushes were missing in the shrine.” Kirumi explained. “We left it for a few minutes with Rantaro because Monokuma asked us to at the end of the investigation, and when we came back I’m positive they were replaced.”
Kiyo and Ryoma nodded to each other. “That’s what we noticed as well.”
“But what’s that supposed to mean?” Kaito frowned.
“Did any of you find the missing plants anyway?” Tsumugi asked the autopsy trio.
They glanced at each other to confirm that no, they didn’t.
“Does any of you have an idea on what they could have been used for?” Kiyo questioned.
Something they could have used the plants for...
The bushes, and not the flowers.
Perhaps for something that was worth taking off the bushes, yet not the flowers...
And for some reason the bushes disappeared without a trace.
It hit him.
“Did the killer... Burn them? That’s the only explanation I can find...” he suggested.
“Wouldn’t they have taken the flowers with it?” Kaito asked.
Tsumugi shook her head. “No. Flowers are not as flammable as bushes, so I can see where Shuichi comes from, and that’s the most plausible theory.”
“But to burn bushes? What’s the point?” Miu argued.
“My guess would be that they had something else to burn.” Kirumi said.
Something else to burn...
“What about the labels on the bottles? We didn’t find a single one of them in the shrine, but...” he trailed off. “Why would they burn the labels? We know which bottles are missing...”
“I think this has to do with which bottles we would find liquid around.” Rantaro answered. “So we couldn’t identify which ones were used then thrown, and which ones were thrown without being used.”
So this had to do with an already solved mystery.
“Perhaps there is something else we can add to the things they burned.” Kiyo declared. He turned to the medic. “Rantaro, you did the autopsy in its entirety, right?”
He hummed. “Yes, and I’ve given every information I found.”
“Was there a trace of a letter Himiko may have received inviting her to the shrine?”
Rantaro’s eyes widened in realization. “Now that I think about it, no. I didn’t find anything on her.”
“Then we can say that the letter burned with the labels and the bushes.” the therapist concluded.
“So the killer just used the bushes as a way to make fire?” Miu scratched her neck.
“Not just to make fire.” Tsumugi corrected. “To make a fire strong enough to burn both the letter and every single piece of label on the bottles.”
“Let’s not forget the fabric used as a bag.” Kirumi added.
“However there’s a huge contradiction with this entire theory.” Ryoma countered. “You see, I think I know enough by now considering how much time I spent in the warehouse and...”
“There isn’t a single lighter in this academy.”
Shuichi blinked. If there wasn’t any lighter, then there couldn’t have been any fire.
But that theory felt so right...
“You mean like, no way to burn stuff?” Kaito turned to him.
“Nope. Even the monomono machine doesn’t give anything like that, from what I’ve tested.”
Angie pondered. “That’s weird, I swear I have seen fire somewhere...”
She thought for a moment. “There were candles in the rooms of the fourth floor, right?”
That was... Right, actually. When they visited the rooms after they opened, and when they installed furniture for the ill ones.
“Yes, but we blew on them each night so the others could sleep.” Rantaro defended himself, knowing the accusations would be against him.
“Each night? What is that supposed to mean?” Tsumugi raised an eyebrow.
Shuichi forgot for a moment she didn’t remember the last few days.
“Monokuma relighted them each time, for some reason.” the medic replied.
“I remember waking up in a dark room this morning. They were extinguished.” Ryoma testified.
Tsumugi nodded. “I can confirm this.”
Shuichi barely heard Kokichi humming as he nodded, too.
"I went one last time in the rooms before actually eating my meal. You three asked me to turn off the lights, and so I did.” the medic explained.
He frowned. “I didn’t think much of it since you asked me the same the day before, but I should have guessed something was wrong.”
Shuichi could see Tsumugi glancing at Kokichi- the only one in the ill students group who remembered the last few days, to see if he reacted to a potential lie.
From his expression that wasn’t the case.
“But then how are you supposed to burn things without any sort of lighter?” Kaito questioned.
Either the theory was wrong, or they were missing something.
"Perhaps there wasn’t any fire in the first place?” Kiyo pondered.
Wait, what if...
“Rantaro, didn’t you show us a burned wooden stake?”
Kirumi nodded. “I remember now. There was a partially burned wooden stake on the crime scene.”
“Which means there was a fire after all.” Rantaro confirmed.
“But where does that get us? The thing was partially burned, right? There were no trace of burning anywhere else!” Miu exclaimed.
“But there has to be a way this burn mark was made.” Tsumugi declared.
A way to make fire with a wooden stake...
It hit him.
There was only one person who could have been able to do so.
“Angie...” Shuichi hesitantly turned to her. “You know how to make fire with wood, right?”
The girl innocently tilted her head to the side. “Hm?”
“Yes. You told me about your experiences on your island and told me that was one of the basic things to learn as an artisan.” Kiyo agreed.
“Oh... Did I say that?” she put a finger on her cheek.
Kiyo looked nervous, yet confident in his voice. “Yes Angie. You did.”
All eyes were on her now. her podium emitted a red light and went forward.
“Angie... You’re the culprit aren’t you?” Shuichi narrowed his eyes at her.
Upon a quick glance, Kokichi was still unreadable. It was like he wasn’t even caring about the situation and paying close attention at the same time.
The girl was silent.
Everyone was waiting an answer.
“... I was in my lab yesterday until 8:00 PM. I never moved from there, actually~”
“Angie.” Rantaro stared at her. “We need an answer. You’re the only one who could have done this.”
“Answer my question then!~” she span around to turn to the medic. “Did any of you see me leaving my lab and temper with the meals?”
The others glanced at each other, hoping to find an answer.
But nobody said anything.
“See? If I did so, one of you would have noticed me. However, since we’re talking about ‘fire’...”
She turned back to Kirumi.
“You’re a mercenary, right? You should have plenty of firearms to help you in your lab~”
“I never use firearms." she countered. “I only use knives and poisons. Nothing in my lab could have done anything of the sort.”
“Can we be sure?” Kaito hesitantly asked.
“I’ve looked at your profiles, several times actually.” Tsumugi argued. “And I remember seeing on Kirumi’s profile that she dislikes firearms. I doubt Monokuma would come up with a lie to defend one of us.”
“Besides...” Ryoma added. “Firearms is only the name. Unless you had gasoline you couldn’t have created fire. And it would have been way too loud to be an effective method.”
Shuichi stared at the craftswoman, hands strongly gripping the podium. “You’re the only one, Angie.”
“I still don’t have the answer to my previous question~” she wasn’t phased at all.
“None of you saw me put soporifics in the meals. And everyone can make fire if they try, it just takes some time~”
“No one saw you, it’s true.” Tsumugi glared at her, one hand placed on her podium. “But you are the only one who could have committed the murder, and that’s all that matters.”
Shuichi thought about the day Angie’s lab opened. Angie had specifically said that she could use all the tools with great skill.
That included the axe.
He felt a chill down his spine. Even though some of them were strong physically, it was an expert who used such a powerful tool on Himiko.
“It’s not like it matters anymore.” the prodigy continued. “Let’s just get to voting time already. The blackened is decided.”
“No they’re not!!!”
Kokichi slammed his hands on the table, startling Shuichi.
“I told you all! There is one blackened here and it’s me!” he put a hand on his chest, as if it would strengthen his argument.
“Even if- Even if any of you really killed Himiko there is one person here who deserves to die, it’s me!” he yelled.
Convincing Kokichi was going to be a hard task.
“Besides, there’s not enough proof to tell it’s Angie! She never left her lab yesterday, you guys must have seen it on your monopads!”
Shuichi blinked. This was how he knew she was in her lab.
But what if...
“I’m the only blackened here! Just vote for me already!”
The violinist took a deep breath.
He has to convince him.
That he isn’t the blackened and Angie is.
It’s almost over. He has to.
Argument armament start!
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“She isn’t the blackened, I am!”
                               “There’s one person
                                                              who deserves punishment,
                                                                                   it’s me!”
                                        “I am the blackened!”
                                                       “You don’t have enough proof
                 she is the blackened!”
                                                 “She doesn’t deserve to be punished!”
                                    “Just vote for me already!”
“It’s still my karma
                                      that is responsible
                                                                         for Himiko’s death!”
                 “The killer is just a small part!”
                                         “I am the culprit here!”
                                                        “I’m responsible for her death!”
             “I am the one you
                                                     have to execute!”
                                “You made so many theories incriminating her...”
“But Angie never left her lab, you should have seen it on your monopads!”
                       Mono     pads     tracking     function
“The monopads...” Shuichi muttered.
“The monopads don’t track people, they track the other monopads!” he exclaimed. 
Tsumugi bit her nail. “ Angie just left it in her lab so she could form an alibi...”
Kiyo looked at his monopad. “It’s never stated in the rules that you have to keep the monopad on you at all times, so she must have done this.”
“Satisfied now?” Rantaro stared at Angie.
There was a long silence.
"I think we should go through this one more time...” Shuichi glanced at everyone.
-Closing argument-
The plan started the night the motive was introduced. The ill students were placed in the rooms on the fourth floor, with Rantaro keeping an eye on them.
The culprit already had their plan prepared. So the first night, when Rantaro was sleeping on the fourth floor...
They went to his lab to look for soporifics. That was a major part of their plan.
Rantaro didn’t notice them missing since he never had the time to check because of his role as the medic for the ill ones.
The next day, the culprit waited until Kirumi started preparing dinner for the hospital team. And when she was out to ask the others their preference...
They went in and drugged the meals.
-A part of him knew the reverse karma was probably the reason why Angie managed to get to do this without being caught, but refrained from mentioning it.-
Of course, neither Miu, Kirumi nor I noticed anything, so we gave the plates without questioning anything.
Rantaro had asked us not to go visit too often because there was a risk we would get the disease, so no one noticed he fell unconscious in the stairs because of the soporifics in his meal.
After nighttime started, the culprit slipped a letter to Himiko inviting her to the shrine of judgement at a certain time, probably between 12 AM and 1 AM.
They began preparing the weapons for their crime.
The culprit cut off some fabric from Maki’s lab to make a bag and transport the weapons.
That included tools from their lab, darts from Kokichi’s lab, scissors from Maki’s lab, and finally, knives and poison from Kirumi’s lab.
Actually, the poisons were not necessary, since their plan was not to poison Himiko. They only made us think it was used to confuse us about their method.
And so, they completely destroyed Kirumi’s lab to make us think they desperately wanted poison.
There was one last thing they needed to retrieve from a lab.
Paralyzing products to use on Himiko so she wouldn’t fight back. They stole syringes as well so they could use it.
Before taking the weapons to the shrine, there was one last thing to do.
The culprit dragged Rantaro’s unconscious body to his lab, and retrieved a chair from Kirumi’s lab to make us think Rantaro was never drugged in the first place.
And so, they could finally make their way to the shrine.
Once Himiko arrived, the killer took her by surprise and drugged her with the paralyzing product so she wouldn’t fight back.
She was already not very strong, but that was important to our culprit.
I do not know how exactly things went from there... The killer... Used all the weapons they had taken on Himiko. They also drew angel wings behind the victim’s back, as shock value, I suppose.
The culprit now needed to dispose of the evidence. That included the labels on the bottles, the letter they sent to the victim, and the fabric they used as a bag.
Since there was no way to create fire in the academy, the killer had to use their own skills.
They snatched the bushes from the shrine, and used them as a base for the fire.
Since our culprit is the ultimate craftswoman, creating a fire was no big deal. They simply used wooden stakes.
Once the culprit was done with burning the evidence, they planted one of the stakes in Himiko’s chest, which was ironically the final evidence to guess the identity of our culprit.
After that they left the horrifying scene for us to see the next day.
And the culprit...
... Is you, Angie Yonaga, the ultimate craftswoman!
The girl stayed silent for a minute... Then smiled.
“Yep! You are correct!”
Her eyes looked devoid of regret.
“I am Himiko’s killer!”
The joy in her voice... It was terrifying. How could she be so happy about this?
Did she have the disease like Rantaro suspected?
Kokichi was speechless, staring at Angie, with pure horror in his eyes.
Himiko was finally getting her justice but...
This whole situation was atrocious.
“Let’s just end this already.” Rantaro spat, disgust written all over his face.
“Allllllrgihty then! It’s... Voting time!” Monokuma cheered.
Shuichi’s heart skipped a beat when he glanced at Kokichi. Was he going to-
Fortunately, he saw the boy looking down, but still pressing an icon on his tablet.
The violinist turned back to his podium, and pressed Angie’s icon.
“Now then, it seems the voting has finished. Let’s see the result.” Monokuma declared.
The giant screen turned on and everyone’s icons appeared.
9 votes for Angie Yonaga, and 1 vote for Kokichi Ouma.
Shuichi could barely hear Angie mutter “Hm? Weird, I voted for myself...”
Upon a quick glance, it was easy to guess who voted for Kokichi.
“Who’ll be chosen as the blackened? Will you make the right choice or the dreadfully wrong one!?” Monokuma continued his usual speech.
The wheel turned for a few seconds before slowing down… And landing on Angie.
The coin machine on the screen made its distinct jingle, and coins rolled out of it.
Angie was unreadable.
“Wow! Seriously!? You’re correct again! A-Amazing! This is the third correct verdict in a row!”
“The blackened who killed Himiko Yumeno is Angie Yonaga, the Ultimate craftswoman!”
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nulledmaid · 5 years
“i’m feeling lucky!”
MONOMONO MADNESS || accepting!
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Kirumi sighed. This was clearly hardtack, meant for emergency situations where there were no resources left. Seeing as it came in a container, she had never had to make it, nor try it herself. But giving it to someone as a gift? She couldn’t bring herself to do it.However, giving nothing was the worse option. “Sir Momota, I must apologize for this.” She gave him the container of 7 different flavored hardtack. “There is surely a better gift, but it is all I have at the moment to give. The rest of the food is for dinner tomorrow. I’m sorry.” Though the gift has been given, she felt a sense of failure in herself to be able to get the proper present. She should have never trusted that Monomono machine.
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NDRV3 Dangan Salmon Mode Theory
This DanganMillie Madness post has spoilers for New Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony's bonus game Dangan Salmon Mode, spoilers for New Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony's anthology chapter 1, and New Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony character spoilers (aka I mention the mastermind and I spoiled some character deaths). Please proceed with caution if you haven't played through the game!
Hello everyone! I'm DanganMillie, and welcome to a small fan theory that I've recently created after playing through NDRV3's bonus games and rereading the NDRV3 anthology. It isn't a conspiracy or anything like that, just something I noticed and made connections to.
In one of NDRV3's bonus games, Dangan Salmon Mode, you can play through everyone's free time events, unlock their skills, go on dates with them, and then get a graduation ending with them. Well, everyone except for Shuichi since you're playing as him, though you can get 2 free time events with Shuichi if you spend your Chapter 1 free time events with Shuichi when you're still playing as Kaede.
I had just finished getting my affection level all the way up with Miss Mastermind Tsumugi. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed her free time events, and her graduation ending was actually very cool because you get to see two of Tsumugi's mastermind sprites in it and Shuichi's internal dialogue states how he sees the light leave her eyes for a small moment. Tsumugi also mentions something about how Shuichi's Katana cosplay will be even better than her current cosplay, which Shuichi responds to with a question about what she means. I actually have a theory about that that I'll post soon after this one!
But anyways!
I had just finished all of that up with Tsumugi, and I had reread some of the NDRV3 anthology in between.
I decided to get my affection level with Kirumi all the way up next because she's one of my top waifus in the entire series along with Kaedead, Card Captor Sakura, and the Nom Nom Queen Ibuki. When I finally found her, I noticed that she was nearby Gonta, and made a mental note to get my affection level with Gonta all the way up after I did so with Kirumi. But then, I noticed where they both were, in the courtyard near the dormitory where Shuichi, Maki, and Kaito did their training before Kaito upped and fucking died (I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT KAITO IS FUCKING DEAD #overused vine) all while making Monokuma pissed in the process like the G he is.
Right then, I recalled something that I had just reread in the NDRV3 anthology. It was one of the mini stories inside of the first chapter where Kirumi spends the day buying things from the MonoMono machine with Rantaro to see if any of the items trigger his memories of his Ultimate Talent. At the very start though, it shows Kirumi searching around the courtyard for bugs with Gonta. Rantaro shows up and sees this and asks what she's doing, which is when she explains that she's searching for bugs with Gonta. Since he asks this right around noon, Kirumi tells Gonta that she's going to help someone else because she agreed to help him until noon. Gonta cheerfully says goodbye and thanks her for helping him look with that adorable smile and blush that we all love.
My theory is that Kirumi is helping Gonta look for bugs in the Dangan Salmon Mode bonus game since the setting is all too similar to that of the previously mentioned mini story in the first chapter of the NDRV3 anthology chapter. An additional support to this fact is that when you approach Gonta and talk to him, he sometimes is already looking for bugs. And this might just be due to the way he speaks, but it sounds like he's already looking with someone when he asks Shuichi to help him look. Again, that part could just be from the way he speaks, but it could also be a supporting fact.
That's about as far as my mini theory on this goes! Please feel free to comment and tell me your thoughts on it and perhaps share a theory of your own!
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@orderbourne asked: monomono!
Send 'monomono' to receive a gift from my muse courtesy of the monomono machine! - Accepting!
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A perfume popular amongst men. The smell attracts ladies, but guys hate it.
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"No Kisaragi-san, I do not remember promising you that I wouldn't interfere with your love life!" Sonia grinned, holding out the blue bottle to him. "It's just that when this came out of the machine, I thought it was perfect for you. Go on, dress nicely outside of work, spray some on, and give it a try! I'm sure you shall find a date in no time at all."
Of course, in some sort of bizarre crossover universe, she would be rooting for a certain silver-haired woman to take notice and verbally spar, if not flirt, with him mercilessly. Sonia is still a big Jin/Eira shipper.
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 4 years
Nut Quest
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3in9v9M
by xXPokeFictionXx_Is_A_Horrible_Username
Hajime goes to the Rocketpunch Market's vending machine and, unfortunately, comes across the Man's Nut. After making physical contact with it, he's overcome with the desire to hold onto it forever, but it's accidentally broken into pieces. There's a 1/317 chance to obtain the Man's Nut with each coin inserted into the MonoMono Yachine, but when all odds are against him, how is Hajime to reach his goal? Watch as our hero goes through the turmoils of denial, realization of feelings, the murder of a coconut, conflict, irrational rage, a peaceful protest for laborer's rights, and a mad quest to obtain the impossible. But, wasn't the real treasure awaiting us at the end of the Nut Quest the friends we made along the way...?
(Though sexual feelings are described at length and some sexual content is implied, nothing explicitly sexual actually happens. Still, I tagged all of the related NSFW tags I could think of so that y'all would know what you're getting into should you read this monstrosity.)
(Crack written seriously.)
Words: 13651, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Super Dangan Ronpa 2
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Hinata Hajime, Komaeda Nagito, Mioda Ibuki, Hanamura Teruteru, Usami | Monomi
Relationships: Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito, Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito (implied), Hinata Hajime & Mioda Ibuki
Additional Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, Crack and Angst, Machines, Komaeda Nagito's Luck Cycle, Minor Injuries, Lust, Lust Potion/Spell, Aphrodisiacs, Sexual Tension, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Mild Sexual Content, Awkward Sexual Situations, No Smut, No Sex, Not Suitable/Safe For Work, This Is STUPID, Protests, Labor Unions, Quests, Angst, Suicidal Thoughts, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotionally Repressed, Sexual Repression, Implied Sexual Content, Implied Relationships, Panic Attacks, Anxiety Attacks, Crying, Men Crying, Sobbing, Hope vs. Despair, (technically) - Freeform, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Author Is Sleep Deprived, Out of Character, Out of Character Komaeda Nagito, Out of Character Hinata Hajime, Beaches, Island Mode (Dangan Ronpa), Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Walking, Violent Thoughts, Attempt at Humor, Denial of Feelings, Denial, Dirty Jokes, Accidental Stimulation, Anger, Poor Life Choices, Rage, Why Did I Write This?, The Author Regrets Everything, I Don't Even Know, Man's Nut (Danganronpa Item), Coconut Murder, Swearing
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3in9v9M
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@ahogedetective asked: 'monomono' !!!!!
Send 'monomono' to receive a gift from my muse courtesy of the monomono machine! - Accepting! Multis, please limit ask to two muses only.
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It seems that if you chant a certain spell while wearing these glasses, you will be able to hold conversations with inanimate objects.
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"Saihara-san, these new glasses are for you!" Sonia smiled, presenting them to Shuichi with eagerness in her voice. "I believe the special spell will be most useful in your detective work. Think of it! You shall be able to inquire any object as a witness in a crime. You shall be an extraordinary detective with your intuitive skills and your new glasses!"
It's okay: she'll explain what's going on when their peers catch Shuichi having a detailed conversation with a fork, or a park bench, or a random stick on the ground.
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@cantillat asked: monomono (For Non-Despair! Older Shirou because LOOK AT IT-)
Send 'monomono' to receive a gift from my muse courtesy of the monomono machine! - Accepting! Up to two muses if you have a multi.
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A toy that you hold in your mouth like a dog. It’s called a gag ball because you make an interesting face while holding it in there.
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"This is for when you tease me too much, Shirou-san. For when you've crossed the line!" Sonia told him, doing her best not to stammer over the words. But it was difficult to ignore two things.
One, the precise use of the gift that had popped out of the monomono machine, intended for Shirou.
And two, she couldn't imagine a life where he didn't tease her, as she happened to enjoy it. Deep down.
When even the monomono machine believes you're supposed to be together. Emotionally. Physically. Mortified because your friends, your staff, and a gift machine will just not let go of this prospect.
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@electricea asked: Monomono!
Send 'monomono' to receive a gift from my muse courtesy of the monomono machine! - Accepting! Multis, please limit to 2 muses.
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Instant noodles that are edible three seconds after pouring boiling water in. However, they get soggy 30 seconds later.
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"Quickly, Ryuji-san! How fast are you able to eat!?" Sonia half-asked, half-shouted at him as she brandished two items in his direction: in her left hand, a hot water kettle with steam coming out the spout. In her right, her prize for him from the monomono machine: turbo cup ramen, and a pair of chopsticks.
"The challenge is afoot!" She informed him, grinning as she placed the cup into his hands. "For once I pour the water, you shall have merely thirty seconds to consume this entire cup of ramen before the noodles become soggy. Have you readied yourself for this test of ramen consumption? It will assess your ramen eating skills, fo' sho'!"
She paused, nodding at the cup as she held out the kettle closer and closer towards the lid.
"I have heard that this brand is quite good. Perhaps you shall be able to inform me of its quality, too!"
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@obfuscatingveil asked: I gotta! From Gundham: Monomono!
Send 'monomono' to receive a gift from my muse courtesy of the monomono machine! - Accepting! For multis, please limit to 2 muses.
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A skull made out of a single piece of crystal. It is wrapped in mystery, as it is thought that older civilizations did not have the tools to make such a thing. It’s known as an OOPArt.
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Oh, she possessed great fortune today! Not only had Sonia had the opportunity to use a normal vending machine, she'd been given a wonderful prize and knew just the wonderful person who would adore it the most. Without hesitation, she eagerly held it out to Gundham, a big smile included with the gift.
"This is for you, Tanaka-san!" She announced, eyes sparkling with interest. In him? In the present? In both? Well...yes. "I hope this crystal skull suits your domain as the Supreme Overlord of Ice! Perhaps it could be used in a future séance or other ritual? It is shrouded in mystery, much like you. How exciting!"
Of course, it could be used as a creepy paperweight. Or with added pillows or soft blankets, a place for his smaller animals to curl up with or against. But Sonia believed there was a far darker destiny in store for her gift: if anyone would use it ways suitable for the occult, it would be Gundham.
Perhaps he'd even ask her to join him.
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