#(WOO SHADOW!!! 👏👏👏 sorry they don’t recognize you immediately :( /j //OOC)
A doll tumbles off a shelf as a song begins to play from nowhere. “ Disappointment takes us by surprise…Even though by now I think we should have realized, everyone is dumb.” The small toy, a strange combination of a pink princess animal and a pegasus, begins to walk on its plush legs towards the quintet of brothers. The la’s and dumbs play with each step.“There must be something in the corn flakes” As the song plays its eyes blink, and it reaches up into the air with its tiny fingerless hands. 
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She grew, her fluffy plush arms lengthening. “Making it hard for us to think straight,” Hands came through the material and they transformed into sleeves. “Aaaahh” The colors go from soft pink to a sparkling silver with neon pink embroidery forming spirals along the sleeves, and soon a vibrant blue and highlighter yellow sets of thread join the pink. 
“I just wanna go from here!” Her eyes blink to the beat and transform with her face into human eyes that are a little too big, and a little too cartoonish to be normal. “Close my eyes and disappear”. They have heart pupils set against green eyes.
The legs flexed and narrowed and combined together into 2 stocky human legs, and bright red platform boots with green laces replaced her fabric hooves. They had some sort of magic shimmer to them as she tapped her feet to the song. “I just wanna be the comic relief,” She threw her arms in performed exasperation, mouthing along to the words and beginning to dance. “Making jokes, not taking any responsibilities!”
Her cute tail exploded into confetti which circled her body like a magical girl transformation. “It's waking up inside of the dream.” Once it rose to circle her head her new outfit was fully revealed, a glittery silver and rosy red party dress, completely with a ridiculously oversized bow on the back, more embroidered spirals trailing across her body, and lots of glitter.  Don't know what to believe-” She posed for the “woo!” And grinned. “Maybe that's why…”
“Disappointment takes us by surprise,” She met each of their eyes as she danced. “Even though by now I think we should have realized…”
Everyone is dumb- dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb…” 
The new being leaped into air, flipped twice, and landed inches from Blinky’s face, sending him sprawling backwards. The song faded into quiet background noise, but it wasn’t gone. Her hair was ginger and tied into cartoony heart shaped buns with purple ribbons. “I’m back! Your Mother says hello, and I say it’s been too long!” Her voice was clearly…Shadow’s??? She twirled around and revealed a childish plastic wand. “Abra Kadabra and Gobbledygook! I give you all a freebie off the book!” 
A flash of light shot out of the toy wand and their couch burst into a much larger and more comfortable pullout couch bed, complete with blankets. “You’re welcome! I can’t stay long but I wanted to give you something, since our connection to you has been interrupted so rudely by the asshole up there. Hopefully the rest of us can reunite! You can call me Shiney now.” 
The five stare at the figure, huddled together at some point during the transformation out of caution. Wiggog bares his teeth threateningly, wrapping Karaxis up protectively. He frantically tries to help Blinky up after he stumbles back with a confused expression. Pokotho and Nibblenephim have backed away together, clearly as frightened as the rest of their brothers. Nibbly audibly growls in an attempt to sound like an animal.
She poses as the song ends and says things. But they’re much too focused on the insanity that just happened to listen.
When the toy wand transforms the house’s old couch into a pullout, they marginally relax, but it’s not enough. The figure’s voice is oddly familiar, but they can’t think about that through their defensive positions.
Blinky shields his eyes, discomforted at the bright colors that contrast sharply against the dull reds and browns of the house. He squints, trying to piece together where this person came from. Tinky, for his part, is staring through his brother’s arms with a mixture of confusion, a twinge of fear, and awe. The bright colors attract him, but he can’t bring himself to move, either. She’s saying things about his father and…mother? He can’t really get it. She turned their couch into a bigger one, that looked a lot more comfortable, so he guessed she was nice…
Who the fuck are you?!?
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