#(Yes I'm adopting Joronia)
desultory-novice · 2 years
It'd certainly put Marx into the same boat as all the other Modern 2D era Kirby bosses, because boy did all of them end up eating some bad bargains. Taranza simply wanted a gift for his love. Haltmann simply wanted to find his daughter. I forget Hyness' motives off the top of my head, but his ambitions were also twisted. Even Magolor clearly bit off more than he could chew.
I like this, yes! Considering that Kumazaki invented Marx Soul, it's not out of line to assume he sprinkled some of that Kumazaki-style deep characterization dust on him!
As to Hyness, there's a bit in the "Nintendo Dream" interviews stating that he was always bad. Not to praise him with one hand and cross him with the other, but Kumazaki tells us Marx has an "evil soul" and signed off on Novel-verse Magolor, so I'd say there's room for interpretation on how evil "evil" is in Kirby?
Anyway,  looking at Hyness specifically with the same sympathetic lens we tend to view the Wave 3 + Marx gang, we can believe his prayers to Void were originally were about finding a way to help the Jamba diaspora. But that when Hyness thought about the awful hand they'd been dealt for, y'know, SAVING EVERYONE, his mind couldn't help but turn toward bitterness and hatred of those who'd cast them out, and his prayers morphed into a wish for vengeance - to deal that same bad hand to the entire cosmos.
More recent than Hyness even, we have Leon entering Lab Discovera because he wished to harness the power that allowed humanity the Ancients to flourish. And he found it, but THEY were no longer interested in being part of a one-sided bargain - one where they weren't on top. So Leon gets mind-controlled for his troubles.
But yes, I like "his hurt causes him to wish for the wrong thing in the heat of the moment and he gets looped into having to do it anyway and/or die" Marx + Marx Soul. 
At least, that would be my "Kumazaki-style Marx."
Speaking of Marx and his ties to the Kumazaki villains...
...I feel the script for a comic* building inside me...! (*that I don't have time to draw)
[Warning for excess sentimentality/everyone bad is good!]
[Comic Draft - "A Better Wish"]
:It starts on Magolor holding the Master Crown:
"That's right! My goal this entire time had been this crown!"
:he pauses: :his hands tighten around it: 
:cut to Taranza, his hands behind him: :holding the mirror wrapped up like a present:
"Joronia? For your birthday...I wanted to get you something you could look at and always see how pretty you are!"
:his nerves are going wild, but he fights them to speak:
"...But...what I actually want to do is... I really want to tell you that I think you're pretty! Because I...I like you, Joronia! And I always have!"
:he sets the mirror down and takes her hands:
:Susie, hand quivering as she's about to drop her visor: :she stops, drops her hands instead, and shouts:
"...Dad....DADDY, STOP IT! You've gone WAY too far! This whole thing has gone TOO FAR! Stop and look at me!" 
:Max pauses before donning the controller:
"You can't even remember me, can you?! But I don't care because I remember! I'm Susanna! Your daughter! And I'm TIRED of this life-wrecking machine!"
:He gulps, his mind struggling for some memory:
:Hyness on the altar before the Jamba Heart, in mid-rant:
"I'm-sure-they're-all-living-it-up-on-some-nice- planet-with-friends-and-family-but-when-the- dark-lord-destroys-everything-they'll..."
:His speech slows as he reaches Zan laying in his path: :Looking around, he see the other mage-sisters:
"...Destroys...everything...? Friends and...family...? Francisca...? Flamberge...? Zan...P-Parti...zanne...??  Why are you three laying there, injured...? Was it...me...? Have I become...the dark lord...?"
:Leon and Carol in the hallway before the Eternal Capsule:
"[We made it. We're here at last, Carol... Beyond here is what let the humans grow strong... ...and leave us WEAK! And once I have it..."]
:He looks over at Carol, finally noticing her expression: :She's looking afraid and worried for him:
"[...Once I have it...then what happens? What will I be leaving behind when I have that same power that they did...?]"
:cut back to Magolor, looking solemn:
"...Now that I have it, I realize, when I see the looks on your faces... it's not going to get me what I really want."
:pan over to the group, angry, hurt, wary:
"...I lied to everyone. This whole time. Except that... I wasn't lying when I said that...I wanted us t-to... ...t-that I hoped...we'd stay.......f-friends...!"
:he drops the crown, covering his eyes:
"And-I-know-that-after-everything-I-did-that- there's-no-way-any-of-you-would-actually-forgive...!" 
:Magolor stops mumbling as a hand touches his :Kirby's hand:
:Marx in front of Galactic Nova:
"I wish to co-....!"
:Flashback to Marx's life on Popstar: :People walking away from his shows, grimacing: :Everyone laughing and eating with Kirby: :Kirby turns around, offers Marx some food: :Marx, flustered and embarrassed that someone actually reached out to him, sneers and rolls away:
"(....I wish it was easier to communicate. To tell others what we're really thinking. To get the things we really want...)"
:Gritting his teeth, he ditches Nova (who is "???"): :He flies after Kirby, floating in space: :Marx catches his hand in his mouth, pulls him back: :The two orbit each other:
"...You're such an idiot, you stupid puffball! Why did you do everything I said without question?"
"Because I believe in you, Marx."
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