#Max Gains Haltmann
icedragonlizard · 3 months
Happy Father's Day to Max Haltmann
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Planet Robobot is still my favorite Kirby game to this, with Susie and Haltmann being part of the reason why. Their backstory has driven me absolutely insane.
Not to completely leave out the other dads in the series... Happy Father's Day to Hyness as well, and I guess King Dedede for those that interpret him being a dad-like figure to the waddle dees.
But yeah this is mostly dedicated to Haltmann.
Later today, I might drop more information on my "Memories Still At A Halt" AU.
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cherry-blossom-qf · 7 months
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Basic Story Info: Susie is the daughter of Max Haltmann, the CEO and founder of his own computer company. (kinda like the original Susie lol)
But on her 18th birthday, a bunch of Digimon came through a portal and kidnapped her father and half the employees of the company. And it's up to Susie to save her father from whatever evil Digimon is behind all of this.
Accompanying her as her digital partners are the first two friendly Digimon she met in the Digital World. Marxamon and Magomon. Two sneaky little scam artists that Susie saved from an angry mob.
Once they heard her story, they both (eventually) agreed to help Susie find her father and protect her from the dangers of the Digital World, with Susie mysteriously gaining a Digivice in the form of a wrist watch as a symbol of their friendship.
Together, the three of them traveled all across the Digital World, fighting battles, solving mysteries, exploring new areas, you get the idea.
Info on Susie: A young girl from the city of [insert place in Japan that isn't effing Tokyo]. She's a headstrong go-getter and intelligent gal, who's a major tech wizard, finding comfort in machinery and modeling. She has a weakness to cute fluffy things and sweet treats. She's a huge "papa's girl", as her loving father is the best dad (and only parent) a girl could ask for. Which makes finding him even more important to her.
Info on Marxamon: A silly little jester bat digimon that shares DNA with the Demon Lord of Gluttony, Beelzemon, and a childhood friend of Magomon. With a "gives no shits" attitude and a craving for mischief, Marxamon is always up for a good prank or two. His special move "Spiraling Scream" has been known to leave even the strongest of champions feeling dizzy and temporarily deaf.
His Champion evolution, Jecksmon, is no different. Growing bigger wings, longer legs, and an even bigger taste for mischief than before! Having the ability to create mirrored copies of himself with his special move "Mirror Dance", and shoots blasts of chaotic energy from his mouth with his other move "Soul Cannon", he truly becomes chaos reincarnated!
Info on Magomon: A little bell-shape feline magician that shares DNA with the Demon Lord of Greed, Barbamon, and a childhood friend of Marxamon. Although somewhat timid, his cunning and clever nature shows no bounds, treating almost anything like a performance he must perfect. Shrouding his secrets in veils of lies that he swears to never unravel, as it might bring unwanted attention, (aka: this bitch's got MEGA TRAUMA and is keeping it all a secret). His special move "Gemtastic Bombs" has him throwing multiple bombs made of different types of gems, usually Sapphire, Ruby, and Emerald.
His Champion evolution, Galormon, gives him a huge confidence boost and some card tricks up his (metaphorical) sleeves! With the ability to spin around, creating a tornado of cards and fire with his special move "All-In-Spin" and sucking in enemies into his hat with his other special move "Hatter Hole", his performance on the battlefield makes this fancy Digimon a sight to behold!
The other evolutions are gonna be left a mystery for now, cuz I haven't drawn them yet, lol.
So yeah, I hope you like this new AU!! I worked my ass off to figure this stuff out, and I hope it was worth the wait!!! ^w^
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7grandmel · 2 months
Character Archives - [FILE-05]
President Haltmann
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"...Sir, it's strange...I don't really remember who I executed today."
The tragic accomplice to The Voice Inside Your Head [FILE-03] and CEO of the Haltmann Works Company: it's about time to talk about President Max Profitt Haltmann. While in many ways little more than a pawn in The Voice's schemes, a figment transported out of SiIvaGunner's computer purely as a way to optimize the rate of military production, Haltmann grows to stand on his own two feet during the course of the Christmas Comeback Crisis - an act that would end up costing him greatly.
Haltmann's appearance and characterization is taken directly from Kirby: Planet Robobot, one of the biggest influences toward the SiIvaGunner storyline in which he's featured. Much like in said game, he remains externally driven by capital gain and raw development, yet is internally conflicted through his emotional tie to his lost daughter, Suzie. Due to his nature as a figment, as a fictional character from pre-existing media, The Voice knows this well in advance when his takeover begins and comes to the businessman with a proposal. The two will work together to enforce The Voice's totalitarian regime, and in return, he will bring Haltmann his daughter. Haltmann complies - he doesn't know the most about this SiIvaGunner channel, and is in some ways unsure of The Voice's true goals, but aids in running the takeover in hope of the light at the end of the tunnel. As their partnership continues, however, The Voice's arrogance and ego becomes more and more evident to Haltmann, and he soon realizes that his partner has no genuine intent to respect his end of the bargain. Haltmann overthrows The Voice with a new goal in mind: to maximize the SiIvaGunner channel's profits to degrees absurd enough, to eventually allow him to bring her back.
Through his takeover of SiIvaGunner, Haltmann began valuing stability, development, and efficiency more than ever before, beginning projects such as to how to properly replicate and channel SiIvaGunner's imaginative mind and ways to replicate Wood Man's [FILE-04] ability of interdimensional travel. If The Voice Inside Your Head is a manifestation of the angry, discordant side of the SiIvaGunner fanbase, and Wood Man represents the free spirit and creative will of the SiIvaGunner team, Haltmann could then be seen as representing the third piece of the dynamic - the team members who operate in silence in hopes of maintaining the ship. Haltmann was willing to work with The Voice Inside Your Head, the worst form of creative toxicity taken corporeal form, in pursuit of an unattainable pot of gold at the end of the rainbow - perhaps, then, not so different from the SiIvaGunner team members who have fought through controversy and fan discourse, time and time again, to keep the thing they love afloat, to allow the channel to reach some greater nirvana at the end of it all. To many, SiIvaGunner is more than a weird creative outlet, it's something with legacy, with expectations to meet, from all corners of the web. What Chad Warden [FILE-02] once said may ring true, to let the team do whatever they please - but will that allow the channel to meaningfully progress?
In the end, Haltmann fulfilled his purpose as intended by The Voice, complying in their partnership for as long as he was useful to him. Yet with his surprise revolution, and through his ongoing under-the-hood efforts - through the Haltmann's Archives, through what the R&D team accomplished, and through his continued effort to maintain absolute quality of the SiIvaGunner channel - his impact on the channel is unmistakable. Few may now remember him - fewer still after the fate that befell him - but Haltmann and his team held the SiIvaGunner channel alive when nobody else could.
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akumaverse · 1 year
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First Appearance: Twist of Fate #154
Dimension: Kirby Dimension
Allegiance: Civilian
Susanna Patrya Haltmann, also known as Susie, was once the daughter of President Max Profitt Haltmann of Haltmann Works Company. She was alongside him when they tested the Star Dream and its ability for Space-Time Transport. But an accident occurs that traps Susie into an alternate dimension. Swearing she would return, she gathered data on the native Sphere Doomers and eventually found a way out of that other world, but now as an adult. 
Wanting to surprise her father, she thought she could be hired by the company and work her way up. But by the time she reached the role as secretary, the man she knew as her father was gone. He was just an empty shell who kept using the Star Dream beyond his original intentions. Still she became not only his secretary but also the overseer of the company's Mechanizing Occupation Project and the only other organic employee of the company.
Susie did her job diligently, but she planned on making enough money to buy the remaining shares of Haltmann Works and make it her own. She just needed to steal the Star Dream and sell it to a start-up company for a large sum of money. She just needed the perfect opportunity to do so. And it just so happens a small pink puffball came along and began to outperform any of the Star Dream’s creations.
At the right time, Susie took the Helmet and made her intentions known. But that’s when the Star Dream revealed itself. Its goal: destroy all life in the universe. Susie not wanting to be destroyed helps Kirby defeat the Star Dream once and for all. After that, she gained controlled of the Haltmann Works Company and continue to try to mechanize the world, all the while provide happy lives and family harmony with the power of science After all, not all organics are bad.
Sprite Credit
First version from Kirby: Planet Robobot edited by AkumaTh
Current version by The-Hoennest with additional poses by Rob.
Patreon Version by AkumaTh
Fun Facts:
While I do plan on using closer to Kirby style for whenever I do the Kirby comics on Twist of Fate, I made my own set of Susie sprites for use on Patreon.
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desultory-novice · 2 years
It'd certainly put Marx into the same boat as all the other Modern 2D era Kirby bosses, because boy did all of them end up eating some bad bargains. Taranza simply wanted a gift for his love. Haltmann simply wanted to find his daughter. I forget Hyness' motives off the top of my head, but his ambitions were also twisted. Even Magolor clearly bit off more than he could chew.
I like this, yes! Considering that Kumazaki invented Marx Soul, it's not out of line to assume he sprinkled some of that Kumazaki-style deep characterization dust on him!
As to Hyness, there's a bit in the "Nintendo Dream" interviews stating that he was always bad. Not to praise him with one hand and cross him with the other, but Kumazaki tells us Marx has an "evil soul" and signed off on Novel-verse Magolor, so I'd say there's room for interpretation on how evil "evil" is in Kirby?
Anyway,  looking at Hyness specifically with the same sympathetic lens we tend to view the Wave 3 + Marx gang, we can believe his prayers to Void were originally were about finding a way to help the Jamba diaspora. But that when Hyness thought about the awful hand they'd been dealt for, y'know, SAVING EVERYONE, his mind couldn't help but turn toward bitterness and hatred of those who'd cast them out, and his prayers morphed into a wish for vengeance - to deal that same bad hand to the entire cosmos.
More recent than Hyness even, we have Leon entering Lab Discovera because he wished to harness the power that allowed humanity the Ancients to flourish. And he found it, but THEY were no longer interested in being part of a one-sided bargain - one where they weren't on top. So Leon gets mind-controlled for his troubles.
But yes, I like "his hurt causes him to wish for the wrong thing in the heat of the moment and he gets looped into having to do it anyway and/or die" Marx + Marx Soul. 
At least, that would be my "Kumazaki-style Marx."
Speaking of Marx and his ties to the Kumazaki villains...
...I feel the script for a comic* building inside me...! (*that I don't have time to draw)
[Warning for excess sentimentality/everyone bad is good!]
[Comic Draft - "A Better Wish"]
:It starts on Magolor holding the Master Crown:
"That's right! My goal this entire time had been this crown!"
:he pauses: :his hands tighten around it: 
:cut to Taranza, his hands behind him: :holding the mirror wrapped up like a present:
"Joronia? For your birthday...I wanted to get you something you could look at and always see how pretty you are!"
:his nerves are going wild, but he fights them to speak:
"...But...what I actually want to do is... I really want to tell you that I think you're pretty! Because I...I like you, Joronia! And I always have!"
:he sets the mirror down and takes her hands:
:Susie, hand quivering as she's about to drop her visor: :she stops, drops her hands instead, and shouts:
"...Dad....DADDY, STOP IT! You've gone WAY too far! This whole thing has gone TOO FAR! Stop and look at me!" 
:Max pauses before donning the controller:
"You can't even remember me, can you?! But I don't care because I remember! I'm Susanna! Your daughter! And I'm TIRED of this life-wrecking machine!"
:He gulps, his mind struggling for some memory:
:Hyness on the altar before the Jamba Heart, in mid-rant:
"I'm-sure-they're-all-living-it-up-on-some-nice- planet-with-friends-and-family-but-when-the- dark-lord-destroys-everything-they'll..."
:His speech slows as he reaches Zan laying in his path: :Looking around, he see the other mage-sisters:
"...Destroys...everything...? Friends and...family...? Francisca...? Flamberge...? Zan...P-Parti...zanne...??  Why are you three laying there, injured...? Was it...me...? Have I become...the dark lord...?"
:Leon and Carol in the hallway before the Eternal Capsule:
"[We made it. We're here at last, Carol... Beyond here is what let the humans grow strong... ...and leave us WEAK! And once I have it..."]
:He looks over at Carol, finally noticing her expression: :She's looking afraid and worried for him:
"[...Once I have it...then what happens? What will I be leaving behind when I have that same power that they did...?]"
:cut back to Magolor, looking solemn:
"...Now that I have it, I realize, when I see the looks on your faces... it's not going to get me what I really want."
:pan over to the group, angry, hurt, wary:
"...I lied to everyone. This whole time. Except that... I wasn't lying when I said that...I wanted us t-to... ...t-that I hoped...we'd stay.......f-friends...!"
:he drops the crown, covering his eyes:
"And-I-know-that-after-everything-I-did-that- there's-no-way-any-of-you-would-actually-forgive...!" 
:Magolor stops mumbling as a hand touches his :Kirby's hand:
:Marx in front of Galactic Nova:
"I wish to co-....!"
:Flashback to Marx's life on Popstar: :People walking away from his shows, grimacing: :Everyone laughing and eating with Kirby: :Kirby turns around, offers Marx some food: :Marx, flustered and embarrassed that someone actually reached out to him, sneers and rolls away:
"(....I wish it was easier to communicate. To tell others what we're really thinking. To get the things we really want...)"
:Gritting his teeth, he ditches Nova (who is "???"): :He flies after Kirby, floating in space: :Marx catches his hand in his mouth, pulls him back: :The two orbit each other:
"...You're such an idiot, you stupid puffball! Why did you do everything I said without question?"
"Because I believe in you, Marx."
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radiantseraphina · 6 years
as a Christian: YES! LET THE MOCKERY UNFOLD! That one Hogwarts fic is just Bad and honestly a DLU version is THE (worst) BEST THING SJXJSJFJISIDKS (no but seriously i can't stop laughing ahahahahahaha)
I agree. Everyone must know about the dangers of modestly shown cleavage and fantasies of having gentle, loving sex after you’re married. It has vastly improved everyone’s characterization, too! For example:
Kirby (Before): Total sweetheart who just wants to make friends. Is slowly gaining confidence in expressing himself and in trying to navigate the ancient legacy he’s now a part of.
Kirby (After): Is saved from the horrors of community college and now needs to save his newfound friends: Dedede (from the evils of feminism); Meta Knight (from the evils of Catholicism, therapy, and medication); and Nightmare (from the evils of…I guess believing all Christians are equal as long as they believe in God).
Meta (Before): Brave and kind, but flawed individual whose belief that he had to do everything himself led him getting in over his head and made it harder to leave his abuser because of his refusal to get anyone involved. Is slowly learning that it’s not a weakness to be forgiving or affectionate and that it’s okay to rely on the love and support of his friends.
Meta (After): Respectably dressed young man, who coped with his father being possessed by demonic forces by turning to the evils of Catholicism, therapy, and psychiatrist-prescribed medication. Needs an insta-redemption and an epic romance with Susie Haltmann, the closeted Christian who was forced to be a businesswoman by her evil father, to cure him.
Dedede (Before): A jerk turned legitimately nice guy (although one who occasionally makes a bad joke), fiercely protective of his friends, who continued to love Meta Knight despite learning that they might have been mortal enemies in a past life and trusted him to do the right thing. In a healthy relationship both with his new boyfriend and his ex-girlfriend.
Dedede (After): Stuck in an eternal bromance with Meta Knight that involves a lot of “gazing heterosexually into one another’s eyes” and “manfully weeping tears of perpetual Protestant solidarity.” Marries a nice, demure lady who faints at the sight of the evil Reddit troll.
Nightmare (Before): Really screwed up when he was eighteen by helping Max Haltmann create a machine that would help them start a revolution to change Dreamland, using his own child as its admin. Had a change of heart after falling in love and realizing that Star Dream was a monster and ended up possessed by a monster for a decade. Now, has two adult children (plus Susie) and carries immense guilt over being unable to protect them or their mothers. 
Nightmare (After): Now the president of the unaccredited Christian college. He believes (gasp) that all Christians are equal as long as they love Christ, something which Kirby must teach him is wrong. Secretly bemoans his son Meta’s descent into Catholicism. Fortunately, his daughter Dark is a holy young woman. He marries Dedede’s mom Delilah, whose poor husband was seduced away by an evil career woman.
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tigeri102 · 8 years
Hey I Just Wrote Like 1000 Words On How The Kirby Franchise Has Changed From Its Early Days To Now Specifically Comparing Adventure And Robobot If U Wanna Read It Here U Go
Being among the last officially licensed titles for the Nintendo Entertainment System (defeated  in its lateness only by Mega Man 6, Wario's Woods, and a handful of tie-in games), Kirby's Adventure came out in 1993 to truly push the dated little NES to its true potential. Featuring dozens of levels, well over 20 powerups in the form of copy abilities, a fairly unique albeit simple narrative, an overworld, autosave, and minigames, the humble 8-bit title had it all for the time and the hardware. While not the first game of its kin, that being Kirby's Dream Land for the Game Boy, Kirby's Adventure was the pink puffball's first step onto the console market and into the style of game it would go on to be – even over 20 years later.
As the second title in the Kirby series released for the Nintendo 3DS, Kirby Planet Robobot is currently the most recent installment in HAL Laboratories' now long-running Kirby franchise. The title itself has, naturally, progressed quite far from Adventure so long ago, yet still holds onto many principles used and even introduced by the title. For starters, Kirby's Adventure did start the trend of most Kirby games featuring a final boss which was wholly unique to that game – Nightmare for Adventure, President Max Profitt Haltmann for Robobot, relegating the original primary antagonist, King Dedede, to merely a boss to be fought along the way (due to a misunderstanding in Adventure and Haltmann's cloning of the portly penguin patriarch in Robobot). At the time of Adventure's release, this would differentiate it from other Nintendo series such as The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Bros. which, at the time, had featured the same main antagonist since their inception (aside from Mario's own adventure into his “Dream Land” in the American Super Mario Bros. 2)
In another similar vain to Kirby's Adventure, and every “main” Kirby title featuring the ability to inhale ever since, Kirby Planet Robobot makes use of Kirby's ability to copy enemies – suck in a flame-spewing foe to gain the Fire ability yourself, and so on. Robobot even uses a similar number of abilities – 27 to Adventure's 25 – despite how many have been introduced over the years, likely for simplicity's sake. 12 abilities in Robobot have also been taken directly from that first appearance on the NES: Beam, Cutter, Fire, Ice, Hammer, Mike, Parasol, Spark, Stone, Sword, Wheel, and the elusive UFO. However, the abilities are also one of the largest differences between Robobot and Adventure – while in Adventure a simple press of a button would unleash Kirby's one and only attack (possibly a second if airborne), as of Robobot Kirby's abilities have been given a full moveset. With the Sword ability for instance, Kirby can perform his simple swing from the NES days or chain it into a triple combo, do a quick stabbing dash, a diving attack, and more. A Leaf shot can become a Leaf tornado or shield, a Beam can be charged for a longer-ranged, more powerful attack, and so on. Even multiple past abilities have since been combined where logically sensible, such as the NES title's Burning fireball attack being added to Fire, or the combination of Freeze and Ice.
Continuing with this theme of mixing up and adding to old abilities comes a new element to Robobot: the Robobot Armor. This armor is essentially a mech suit for Kirby which, while lacking his ability to fly continuously, retains his ability to copy foes' powers. However, the suit uses these abilities in vastly different ways to Kirby himself. While the puffball may swing a Sword, the suit spins gigantic sawblades. Where the little guy bursts around with a Jet for speedy attacks, the big guns become full-on jet engines propelling Kirby through a shoot-em-up stage, adding a new twist on each ability the suit is able to obtain, as well as how they're utilized in the stage.
The Robobot Armor also adds another interesting distinction between Adventure and Robobot – while in the former, the player is capable of flying over nearly everything that isn't a screen-locking boss, in Robobot, that ability is often restricted – if not by the armor's previously mentioned inability to fly (sans the Jet ability, of course), then by various items which must be carried by Kirby himself – long electrical rods which attack the background, remotes to control distant robots which follow your moves, batteries to power machines to open the way – all of these are examples of Robobot restricting the player's otherwise unlimited float in order to have areas of tighter - though still not exceedingly difficult – platforming that the Kirby series was lacking in in its early days, which can do wonders for keeping the player engaged as opposed to skipping levels so casually.
In regards to engaging the player, Robobot also has more to offer – aside from the main campaign the player is gifted Meta Knightmare Returns, in which they may play through the main campaign as Meta Knight, a character first introduced as a boss in Adventure, as well as the side modes Kirby 3D Rumble, a fully 3D puzzle game, The Arena, a boss gauntlet featuring genuine challenge from limited healing items, and Team Kirby Clash, a multiplayer RPG-style game. Compared to Adventure's short minigame interludes, Robobot's side modes add hours more content to the title, giving a player more variety to reach for than only the standard Kirby faire. While Adventure's minigames for bonus lives did provide a fun break from gameplay, in Robobot the concept of side games has been fully fleshed out into arguably their own experience.
At the end of the day, Kirby's fun, simple spirit hasn't changed much over the years. You still float, inhale, copy, and spit, and the games are still simple and easy, yet fun. The change comes in the detail – from the enhanced, much more fun and diverse copy abilities to diverse gameplay mid-stage thanks to aspects like the Robobot Armor and item-toting, to even diverse sub-games which are now strong enough to stand on their own as small titles themselves, the Kirby series has primarily changed in that it offers the player more. From more moves to play around with to just. more game for your cash, Kirby manages to hold onto its simplicity without letting that notion hold it back.
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I don’t normally take jabs at localization differences but who the hell at Nintendo was responsible for Gains Income Haltmann?
Max Profitt Haltmann will forever be the better name.
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desultory-novice · 2 years
Susie Shoes-y
In case everyone was unaware (tbh, I was too until I read about this on the wiki) Susie, in Star Allies, makes a walking noise when she walks. Just like Kirby and Meta Knight and King Dedede do.
...Which is actually weird, because she doesn't have feet. Taranza, the mage sisters, other floating characters without feet don't make any kind of walking sound. So, what is this? Is it a bug? An oversight?
No. I actually think it's something far more brilliant.
I think...it's LORE. Planet Robobot lore.
Susie is secretary and executive assistant to President Max Profitt Haltmann. (I realized I'd been mixing up his JP and EN names in places, calling him Max Gains Haltmann, aha.) President Haltmann is, demonstrably, the kind of rich, powerful CEO who likes to spend his spare time turned around, staring out oversized glass windows at his acquisitions down below and not facing the people he's supposed to be talking to until he's ready for THEM to notice HIM.
So, can you imagine how un-NOBLE it would be to have your secretary soundlessly float up behind you while you're doing that? 
It probably freaked him out badly the first several dozen times she addressed him with a “President Haltmann, sir?” while he was busy being powerful and important and not realizing she was actually standing there.
(I'm sure the surprise factor wasn't helped by the fact that her voice sounds...vaguely familiar...? Where could he have heard it before? Almost...as if in a dream...? Yes. A dream of happy days, somehow gone forever... Funny, though... Those days must have been in HIS memory... So how come he can't remember them...?)
In any case, it can't do for a man in his position to be surprised by his executive assistant. No, no, not at all! And so Susie (who is most certainly at least partially cybernetic by this point. Can't sell a good product if you don't have faith in it! Why, we at the Haltmann Works Company believe so firmly in our product, we're some of our first customers!) downloads a "walking noises" program into her system. 
She probably has a variety of settings on it too: high heels, work out shoes, carpet, crunchy leaves, squeaky clown shoe (?)... 
Fashionable AND professional! You, too, can live a life of everlasting prosperity thanks to the Haltmann Works Company! Our wonderful Silent Locomotion Audio Supplement System can be yours for just 11,999.95 Haltmanns. Each purchase comes with a free 7 day trial to our library of downloadable sounds. (Of COURSE it's a subscription service. What did you expect from the HWC?)
This post was (not) sponsored by the Haltmann Works Company.
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