#(a bud talked about spamton so hes here)
dood1e-bug · 7 months
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Oh boy I remember drawing these two alot YEARS ago whelp here we go again.
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mrchaosman · 4 months
A Little Chat
So here ya go, Partners.
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❤️: here, get comfy.
Harshsi: ALLright.
❤️: So, here we are, isn't that funny how everything gotten here, huh?.
Harshsi: YES, we are the BUDS of a FLOWERS, we sticking together till WE DIE.
❤️: o...OK, the "die" part is a little extreme.
❤️: But anyway, I Hope you feel any better now.
Harshsi: I feel... PRETTY CONFUSED.
Sorry, lil' DIEd ME still STICKing with the PAST.
❤️: Calm down bro, nothing will happen.
Harshsi:............. ok.
(Silent moment).
❤️: I have a little question, if you don't mind.
Harshsi: I DON'T mind it.
❤️: Who is that "someone"
❤️: Like, what are their deal?, and what is even Jevil and Spamton's connection with them?.
❤️: you might know something, Anything?.
Harshsi: ...
You... don't GET IT YET, NEO BUDDY.
The "SOMEONE" ya speaking off isn't even here.
We try to IMprove, OURselves, BUT!!!!!!!!.
(OMEGA Flowey's eyes).
❤️(little freaked out): H...h...how about drinking the tea and listen to this song.
(Another silnet moment).
Harshsi: AGHhhh, I don't mean to, Yell, I... I just.
I just can take it anymore.
My waiting in that VOID Sure has changed me forever.
❤️: eeh, it's ok, buddy, there's nothing to worry about-
Harshsi: hHEY, i just remembered, krie has THROWNer ya to that Bird Cage.
❤️: OH yeah, I remember that too (still mad at them a bit for that >:( ).
Harshsi: Ahh, HahahahahaHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHaa.
You know what your old pal is SAying when he SAYS.
❤️: what?.
❤️: ok???.
(Another silent moment).
❤️: hey look, look at the sky, it look beautiful, isn't that night ?.
Harshsi: We REACHing the SKIES.
❤️:(laugh): yeah, I guess we are.
(The morning comes)
The end.
Anyway, that's will the final time I draw both Harshsi and Angel (don't get me wrong, they are fun and all but also kinda hard to do).
Like i said, I hope i improve more so I can do more fanarts, an comics even
I'm still proud of it, tho.
AngelPlayer belongs to @marshiemonarch
And Harshsi belongs to me.
I hope you like it
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oakley-tree · 3 years
Salt in the wound🧂
Hi would like to say this has Swatchton if you not comfortable with the ship I appreciate if you don't read this. I know did not go in full depth that I could of for this and definitely isn't like canon Spamton so I apologize. I hope you can find it a bit amusing to read.
 The keys. His freedom. The reason he joined the lighter’s party. The thing that had been promised to be found. It was to no avail as every time he had asked the lightner they would always tell Spamton that.
*That they were close to getting them 
*They would be found soon
He put his trust in the lightner as they were always calm and sounded of no ill intentions behind their words. The lightner and he had two things in common; they were both lonely as both of their friends had left them and were both craving freedom. He knew that the lightner would be his chance to free and no strings attached. They had each other and that was all that mattered anyway. As they would walk around the CyberWorld, it had made him at first scared that he had to be commanded to attack other fellow people of the world. It soon became an ill habit, a sort of muscle memory to attack those in the way of not getting his keys. As the lightner would watch him follow his bidding as his body was a puppet that did what the puppeteer told a story. Spamton never knew what the lightner story was telling, only knowing he was a part of it. The more the act of genocide was done the fewer people were in the once lively world. 
The quiet streets as they had to wait for no traffic and the sound of the wind with the steps of the lightner echoed. He couldn't hear his steps as he wasn't walking. The lightner was nice enough to carry him. He was not carried like a prized possession and more carried like a toy that could easily be thrown away once his purpose was over. He had no time to talk like the big shot he once was as this whole ordeal was not the time it just needed the husk of Spamton G. Spamton.
"Spamton! Buddy! Is that you?! It's been so long!"
The thing to snap him out of his cycle wasn't a thing more like someone. It was one of the Addisons and he was panicked to see one of them again as the last he saw of them. They left him alone….on his own as soon as he got more popular than them. Sure he felt pain but it hurt him more to know what would come after. He listened to the Addison as Spamton had not his iconic smile but a rather terrified face. It only put more salt in the wound as the Addison knelt to his height and hugged him. The hug was something Spamton had not felt in a while or the nice warmth of someone in general. It made him sick to his stomach.
 "Sorry about what happened all that time ago - w...we really messed you up a new one. It wasn't right. We're so proud of you, always will be"
They apologized to him. They were always proud of him. He finally felt some sort of closure of his loneliness he had felt was not needed anymore but it was all ruined. He had glanced at the lightner. The lightner only put his thumb up and for Spamton he knew what that meant as it fits easily like a mouse going into a mouse hole. Spamton couldn't hug the Addison back as it felt wrong. For what he was about to do to the innocent Addison that he once counted as a family long ago. 
" Gosh, bud. I'm really glad you're all in one piece and all - people around here have been dropping like flies. C'mon, we better cut to the chase and get back to the rest of the gang. Can't be standing around here in the open anymore, or else…"
Spamton was the reason people were dropping like flies. He was a fly killer to these flies and the Addison did not have any clue about it. He raised his hand as he could see his attack creep up behind the Addison. His body was shaking as he had raised that hand. The attack was shaped heart with a mouth and eyes. It got in the position of the Addison.
The attack only crept closer to the Addison. The Addison pulled away. The Addison and Spamton stared at each other he could see the fear in the Addison’s eyes as Spamton just stared at him with his hand up. This was the last time they would ever see one another ever again and the other Addisons would not know what had happened to this one. The mouth of the attack had opened wide at this point.
The small puppet took a deep breath, closed his eyes then closed his fist. With the closed fist a loud crushing was heard. It was silent after no one was holding Spamton warm anymore. He just felt cold now as he knew. He made a brother drop like a fly like the rest. The deadly hug is only special for the Addison. Once he opened his eyes, he had just hugged himself and went to his knees. It just wasn't the same anymore. He was shaking. He wanted to spill his guts out of him but couldn't because he was only a puppet. The feeling of arms picked him up and just walked with him in their arms. They said no words to comfort the distasteful deed he had just done. Just stepping. This is when Spamton had realized it was never truly about his keys. 
Spamton had no motivation to speak to the puppeteer. The feeling of dread as they continued their killing spree just kept weighing on him. It was til they found a manhole to the castle that he finally knew that this story the puppeteer had been making was almost over. His trust for the puppeteer was lost but he could not leave. He had hope that maybe they would find his key again.
 They were walking inside the castle. In the center of the palace's stairs, a birdman was there. The moment Spamton saw him, his heart had dropped down his stomach. Please not him. He doesn't deserve to die, not him, please. The bird bowed.
"Welcome to Our Lady's Grace Palace, so Spamton you are the one that has caused the many casualties of our world."
Swatch’s tone may have sounded calm but Spamton knew he was speaking venom under those words. He had always had grace and respect for all that had always attracted him but at the moment he knew this was not the time to admire someone of the past. The bird was silent for a while deciding his words as well as observing the situation in front of him. He clicked his tongue and pushed his glasses up his beak.
"I don't believe that my once most valued customer would ever do this, at least not willingly. So I suggest you prepare to brawl lightener because I'm not going to let you see our grace without a fight and certainly let you do this to Spamton. "
The bird soon after started a battle with them and did not even let the human attack first. He quickly sent attacks flying at the lightner the lightner had dogged most but got hit Spamton guess this was the thing that struck a nerve to the lightner as he looked more angered of being hurt. The lightner soon demanded that the puppet attack. He wanted to say no but couldn't and with that, he started hurting his old friend but his friend was still standing and that brought him hope. Hope that this quest for his keys can be over, hope that he can be free with no strings attached, and hope that Swatch would be by his side again. 
Their battle was tough and had lasted for a long time but not long enough. The birdman was on the floor exhausted and in pain. His glasses were shattered next to him like the relationship that Swatch and Spamton had ended. As Swatch looked at the puppet he once had treasured dearly as he saw Spamton run over to his body with tears running down his face. The puppet held Swatch tight as Swatch could see up into the eyes of a man he loved due to his glasses falling off his nose. A man he had loved before his popularity and after the splitting of their bond. He just weakly held the puppet's face and gave him a comforting smile even if he was in pain.
"I... I'm sorry I could not have saved  you, my d..de..dear. Just know I w...will always admire y...yo...you and our time together."
The smaller man of the two did not wish for it to end not like this for them. He had wished that his popularity as a businessman had gotten in the way that was important and made him lose someone special. Now seeing them again and losing them all over again. He just shushed the birdman.
Spamton had raised his hand and just hummed a peaceful song for his love. As he took that as his goodbye to him. Swatch closed his eyes not looking at Spamton even if he couldn't save him from his puppeteer. He decided not to look at Spamton due to him wanting his final moments of Spamton to be the memories they had and not having to watch the sight of his failure of not protecting the other to see a shell of the puppet be a star of a act that he did not wish to be part of. 
With one swift attack Swatch had his final breath in the arms of the puppets' arms. Spamton was lonely all over again as he had just killed innocent people and people he cared for. He lost the key to his heart that day. Though he wasn't truly alone as in the beginning he still had the lightner by his side whether he liked it or not and his purpose for the lightner story was not over. They still needed their puppet to fight the queen.
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