#(also ps ty for still following my blog even tho u arent even a stan LOL)
cinnaminsvga · 4 years
I’ve been a “fan” of them since maybe bst. Things happened, I grew out of kpop and them and I stopped keeping track all together. I think a little after Persona came out. I listened to 7 but I didn’t really care for it or give it the attention I would give comebacks.
(I unfollowed a lot of bts related blogs as I was no longer interested, but I you’re one of the only ones I kept following just because I love your humor and your content is always just so *chefs kiss* 🤌)
I don’t know what prompted me to listen to this comeback, but let me tell you when I started up the mv, a sort of feeling of serenity I hadn’t felt in a while washed over me. Then Yoongi goes and says “thankfully between you and me, nothing’s changed” and I just felt sort of guilty? Bad? I know that wasn’t the intent but I remembered how I used to say that these guys were my life. That I would always love them and be a fan of them. But then started losing interest because I just didn’t vibe with their sound anymore. (No hate to them, I still really do love them and they’ll always have a place in my heart.)
So it just echoes in my empty skull, Yoongi assuring me that nothing has changed and that it’s okay. But i know it’s not because he’s not the yoongi i last remembered from a year ago. And I’m not the same person I was a year ago as well. It continues to resonate in me to the point where it feels like I’m reassuring myself that it’s okay to come back to them.
no don’t worry, i understand! i don’t think there’s any reason for you to be guilty of anything! growing out of kpop (or any fandom for that matter) is a normal thing for many people and i think you know this. i mean, i don’t know you or anything but i can imagine that your guilt might stem from finding enjoyment in an old interest that you thought you “abandoned” or whatever, and not because you actually stopped being a fan. 
enjoying something from bts while not actively “stanning” them is perfectly okay. honestly, fandom culture puts way too much emphasis on being an “active” supporter when in reality, casual listeners are also important to artists. so don’t feel guilty for liking something you had previously thought you’d lost interest in, because at the end of the day, music is music. bts provides music not just for fans, but for everyone to listen to, and if their sound and message can continue to comfort you (always, sometimes, never, maybe even just this once), then i think they’d be more than happy to hear that. 
and i think when yoongi says “nothing has changed between you and me,” i don’t necessarily think he was saying none of us have changed. rather, you could interpret it more like “even if time and distance separate us, even if you no longer felt the same way about me from the start, just know that our ties will never be permanently broken. i am here.” 
you may never listen to them again after this comeback, but the fact remains that as long as they are artists who can speak to you, then you shouldn’t feel bad for opening your heart to them at any time. they have their hand outstretched to you, and it’s up to you if you want to accept it. 
tl;dr go and enjoy the music!! the intensity of your love for them never had a minimum or maximum to begin with. i always return to the quote that namjoon had said all those years ago, “Please use me. Please use BTS to love yourself.” and i honestly think that promise/offer doesn’t have an expiration date. have fun listening to the songs, anon!! 
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