#(also thank you pc-98s here on tumblr for the transparent Reimu in the thumbnail!! i was Not looking forward to cropping her out myself lol
systemrestart · 6 months
:^) Lotus Land Story, Lunatic 1cc, with ReimuA!! This is my second ever Lunatic 1cc
This one's been a long time in the making. LLS was my first Hard 1cc ever, way back in 2010. I felt so sure that a Lunatic 1cc was on the horizon….. but, well. LLS is a bit special when it comes to Lunatics ;;
LLS and MS don't just bump up the difficulty of the patterns/enemies. They also have nearly every enemy shoot tiny, white, aimed bullets at you…… constantly. Including the enemies that come up from the bottom of the screen or that surround you. That, combined with LLS's notorious "choke points" (Stage 4 midboss, Rings of Doom, Yuuka's finale), makes LLS Lunatic a lot more frustrating than it should be ;; But, with the extremely generous extra lives and free bombs, it's (thankfully) still doable!!
I'm not gonna lie, this run was Sloppy. But, I'm really glad I decided to record "just in case", and that I managed to pull out a win in the end :) Maybe someday I'll come back for a cleaner run, or try to clear with Marisa instead, but for now, I'm satisfied.
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