#(also this assumes you play harry as a communist obv)
icespyders · 1 year
i finished disco elysium today!!! & as someone who plays a lot of choice-based rpgs, the way the game acknowledged the way i played was particularly fun and rewarding (readmore for spoilers)
so obv at the end you're confronted by the cops from harry's precinct and kim can defend you (i assume if he hates you, he does not defend you, but i literally unlocked that Goodest Of The Good Cops achievement at the end of day 1, because i've been trained on bioware games to make every companion in every video game love me), and i got a real kick out of some of the dialogue i got during that finale sequence. particularly: one thing kim said to defend me was that i was unbelievably stubborn and thorough chasing down leads, no matter how vague or unrelated to the actual case they seemed to be, and that's 100% how i play rpgs lmao, i chase down every dumb random sidequest no matter how far it diverts me from the main plot. and in this game, some of my most joyful/interesting/thought-provoking/just plain nice moments were in these random sidequest diversions, so i loved how the game basically gives you a thumbs-up for that. and i was really unsure how to play it with evrart & joyce, who i give information to and why/when, and felt like i fucked up, and the game acknowledged that too, kim had some dialogue like, ok, yeah, maybe it wasn't a smart move, he ran his mouth a bit too much to the wrong people, but it was an ethical move and it maybe helped the whole situation, somehow, slightly. and i did okay in the tribunal sequence so kim noted that too, how i got in between the mercenaries and the union guys and put myself in harm's way and minimized the bloodshed. and! i didn't even realize the game would track my drinking/smoking, but the fact that i stayed sober and only smoked once (to light that graffiti on fire, lol, i did it for ART ONLY) was verbally mentioned by a couple characters and seemingly improved their opinion of me. OH OH and i was a very Sorry Cop and characters noted that in particular, kim was like ok yeah he apologizes for everything and it's kind of weird, but still, he's a good guy. and my actual partner is like YEAH YEAH i know you're sorry, you're always sorry, you fucking sad sack. & obviously my insane political views were noted (kim like "i know he's a communist, and also somehow a centrist, idk how he reconciles these things in his mind, but he's a good cop, i promise") (i never got to go back to my communist book club :(((( i read all the literature, i just didn't have time to go back, i ran directly into the plot too fast :(((((((( tragique)
and i was SO EXCITED to meet the phasmid...that was so nice...what a weird and lovely and odd game. it's just very rewarding, because like...i never felt like i was playing Perfectly, yknow? i started the game and was really intrigued by it, but felt a little overwhelmed as my Need To Play Perfectly habit crept in. so i put the game aside for like 9 months, worried i'd never get back to it or finish it, picked it up again 2 weeks ago and felt kinda stuck...and then i got to day 3 and i just cruised through to the end. i played pretty much blind, just looking up a sidequest or two when i was stuck, progression-wise, but i always have this bad habit in rpgs where i want to do things Right and get way too invested deep-diving on wikis trying to orchestrate the most perfect outcomes possible. i tried to kind of free myself of that habit for this game and play looser (though i am grievously guilty of save-scumming ahead of checks and doing dice rolls over and over again, but save-scumming is a sacred art to me, who the fuck doesn't do that in rpgs, if save-scumming is wrong i don't want to be right!!), so i wandered through the game, flailing around and fucking up and failing skill checks, always wondering if i could be Playing Better, but all of that second-guessing is worth it, because in the end i felt really rewarded by this sensation of acknowledgment i got from the game. this feeling that my failures and my successes were noted and catalogued and referenced directly as my companion character sticks up for me at the end. i'm always seeking that in rpgs, that acknowledgment, the sense that my choices mattered and were noted and made both subtle and obvious impacts. and disco elysium has so many variables that i REALLY didn't expect it to be as specific at the finale as it was! like, seriously, i can't get over it, the game scripted shit to acknowledge "you pursued so many fucking sidequests with a maddening and almost obsessive determination, good job," i feel so SEEN. and i got to hold hands with a big bug. what a game
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mxrstar · 3 years
i genuinely love the concept of harry and kim as a romantic couple, but in my opinion it would take time and effort to make it actually work in the context of disco elysium's canon storyline. there are a lot of moving parts that are hard to address but that would inevitably be part of their future.
for instance, what will harry's healing journey look like? healing isn't linear, i am sure he would still struggle a lot with his addiction. who is going to be part of his support system, how is he going to cope with returning back to 'normal'?
it's also reasonable to assume that what happened in martinaise would change his perspective on what it means to be a cop. both him and kim will need to face revachol political's changes. what is harry going to do? is kim going to change his mind, is reality going to look as still and moderate to him? are they going to argue about it, come to some sort of agreement?
i love how much effort the game puts into highlighting kim's relevance in harry's life. ["Just make sure you don't lose him, you won't find another like him..." It's true in more ways than you know.] [It feels safe to know the lieutenant is got your back, now and always.] they obviously care for each other. by the end, they are the reasons they are both still alive.
i believe the story wants you to be hopeful. i don't like thinking that their relationship would immediately become codependent or unhealthy, i think that's cynic and it doesn't need to go like that. kim and harry work together. they don't speak the same language or even say the same things, but it's surprisingly easy for them to find their way back to each other. like playing tennis with a stranger and realising you could go on forever, no matter how different your playing styles are.
if they both worked on themselves and learned to challenge each other (in equal measure, reducing kim to harry's keeper makes no sense) in ways that are perhaps riskier than anything that happens between them in the game, they could push through.
all this to say: when i try to imagine realistic kimharry, i always think that any kind of longing would need to be the step in the middle and not the one right before they get together. regardless of how you characterise dora, harry obviously has a problem idolizing those he loves and (based on how you play him) thinking of his life in terms of punishment and absolution. i think that if at any point he were to seriously realise that he is attracted to kim, it'd be hard to process that healthily. for a while, he would likely need to live a life that lets him be close to him without sealing a connection that he would be disproportionally terrified of losing. kim deserves someone who knows how to explicitly ask things of him and who can also listen and give things back--not just because he loves him, but because he is stable enough in himself to figure out what he wants and what's good for him and his partner. and kim too, separately, as his own person, would need to figure out what he desires. if anything is missing. if change is possible and why and how he wants it.
the endpoint, to me, is some kind of domestic moment set a couple of years into the future. they have both changed and talked many times before, and suddenly they realise that the world is still kind of fucked and harry isn't Fully Healed™ because he never can be, and the mistakes of his past haven't been forgiven because that's never been the point, but they are relatively okay. and it just hits them then, that maybe they can do it. and so they try
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