emirselwyn · 2 months
status: for @xamycuscarrowx location: Malfoy wedding
Emir stood leaning at the bar with a drink in hand, waiting for the one he ordered for his date. Nodding in greeting when he saw Amycus approach, taking a sip of his whiskey. "Good to see you." Social gatherings like this , were always good to catch up with old friends and foster good relationships. Connections were everything in their world. "Since you're a single man now, who did you decide to bring tonight?"
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lily-evans-wil · 6 years
A simple night of rounds never turned out to be simple. Why couldn’t students learn to simply keep to their dormitories, or at least learn to sneak around the castle more effectively? At this point Lily expected to dock a few house points, and on the rare occasion give a detention although she preferred not to. Looking from the lurking figure in the hall to the minute hand just past the hour on her watch, already she was pleased this impending student encounter could result only in a warning for now.
As the two stepped into the light, however, Lily was greeted with an unsavory sight. Body tensing, recent speculations, or rather gossip, of a mistaken identity in Mary’s attack shot to the forefront of her mind. No mind to this, Lily kept her composure. “It’s past curfew and you’re headed the wrong direction. Turn around now, I’ll consider it a warning, otherwise, detention.” ( @amycus-wil​ )
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