#(and fickle with people inclined to offer loyalty)
leogichidaa · 2 years
On the plus side, I feel like I understand Regulus better now than, perhaps, I ever have.
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astrognossienne · 2 years
taurus moon relationships
aries-taurus: You have a real zest and appreciation for life and not least of the opposite sex. You love the rough and tumble of a good challenge, yet you love life’s luxuries. Other people are intensely important to you and you can make them feel deeply cared for and needed, provided you’re in charge and running the show. You can be deeply possessive and prone to fits of intense jealousy. The problems begin if you start getting taken for granted, for you like to be centre stage in any relationship.
double taurus: You’re a strongly earthy, sensual type, sex is likely to play an important part in your relationships, yet you are not inclined to play the field. In fact, you tend to be solidly, stolidly faithful, for what you want in relationships is security, stability and, as in all things, certainty. You can offer total dedication and loyalty but you will expect the same in return. You expect to possess your mate and to be possessed for always. Your love and devotion is centered in the will rather than the heart.
gemini-taurus: Friends and partners are your source of stability, security and feedback. Despite your occasional wanderings, you can be deeply loyal and utterly dependable to those who have earned your respect. You have a high level of sensuality and are constantly tempted by the idea of new relationships. This, combined with your need for stability, means that you find it difficult to be either faithful or unfaithful. At one and the same time you can be deeply possessive yet thoughtlessly fickle, wildly flirtatious yet lovingly loyal.
cancer-taurus: Your relationships are pretty central to your life, and you need lots of physical affection and devotion. Romantic, deeply caring and wonderfully responsive, you naturally seek permanence in a relationship, and will happily create a sense of home and security for those you love. You get comfortable in relationships and do not like things to change – intimacy and dependability are what you want.
leo-taurus: You look for reliability in a mate, as well as someone who is good looking and interesting enough to enhance your own self-image. You are a bit elitist, wanting the best in people, paintings, poetry and provisions. In intimate relationships you can be demanding and your vanity may drive your sweetheart crazy at times. And yet you are constant and diligent with your affections, and can surprise your partner with sudden displays of devotion – such as spur-of-the-moment tickets to the opera or a candlelight dinner at the most expensive French restaurant in town.
virgo-taurus: You do not express yourself with lots of fireworks, but you are very sensual, loyal, reliable and willing to go the extra mile to bring home the goods. When it comes to love you have an attractive modesty and inner contentment as well as an affectionate and thoughtful nature. You are caring, and enjoy helping and being useful to your loved ones. You know that actions speak louder than words, and you express your love in quiet, tangible ways.
libra-taurus: You have a capacity for being both mentally and emotionally engaged in your artistic or business interests. Home and family life are central to your happiness, and just as important. The way to get to you is through your need for affection, harmony, understanding and love. At times your sentimental idealism sweeps you along and propels you into romantic escapades, but when you have found your mate you are a devoted and steadfast lover, both friendly and amorous, dignified and warm, conservative and sensuous.
scorpio-taurus: You care deeply about those near and dear to you, and can readily sense what is going on in any situation. You can also, however, seem somewhat removed and remote, and may find it difficult to put your inner insights into words. Emotionally you are intense and possessive, an all-or-nothing individual, and can develop rigid ideas about relationships. In return you need and expect the same degree of devotion from your partner.
sagittarius-taurus: In relationships you can express your warmth and big-heartedness along with your dependability and appreciation of the simple pleasures of the daily round. In emotional liaisons, however, you are bound to meet the extreme paradox of your nature head on. A part of you wants variety and excitement, whilst another part wants security, closeness and absolute promises. You can, without realizing it, become addicted to the emotional nourishment you get from your partner and family. You may even become very possessive.
capricorn-taurus: You have an innate sense of dignity as well as a friendly approachability. Feeling a sense of duty to do the best you can for yourself and those you love, you assume others want to do the same. As you are basically a conventional person who values tradition and old-fashioned security, you may settle for the predictability of a relationship long after the savour has gone. Nevertheless, you are capable of being very sensual, loving and generous, and are generally not very moody.
aquarius-taurus: Even though you have a strong sense of your self and your independence, you do enjoy life more with someone at your side, but it must be someone you can respect intellectually and aesthetically. Although you can be very stubborn and set in your ways, you will always be open to discussing problems rationally and harmoniously. You can be quite loving and romantic, as well as solid and dependable.
pisces-taurus: Your Taurean side is independent, capable, and wants to get on with its own concerns, whilst your Piscean side is more vacillating, insecure, and needy of encouragement. It is best to be honest with yourself about your neediness (and your possessiveness!) so that you do not unwittingly manipulate loved ones into giving you what you need. It does not take much to win you over – lots of physical affection and the sharing of dreams will keep the romance alive no matter how much is in the bank.
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diveronarpg · 5 years
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Congratulations, LIA! You’ve been accepted for the role of PARIS with a faceclaim change to Jordan Bolger. Admin Rosey: Lia, you have no idea how happy we are to finally have a Priam in our midst. He’s a character that has always been very close to my heart because I love characters that you expect to be overlooked, shadowed by more gaudy and boisterous personalities. But you bring a subtle shine to Priam, like a dying star that’s about to explode and consume us all. Your plots for him make me especially excited because even then you bring his voice to life - you make him wholly yours while doing so. I can’t wait to see him on the dash! Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Out of Character
Alias | I’m Lia but my friends call me Lil Li Nasty. (not really :/)
Age | 20.
Preferred Pronouns | She/Her.
Activity Level | I’m able to login 3 to 4 days during the week for replies.
Timezone | EST.
Current/Past RP Accounts | You can look at this one if you’d like. ;-)
In Character
Character | The lovely Paris, AKA Priam Taravella. With a faceclaim change to Jordan Bolger.  
What drew you to this character? | Let’s be real, I’m a sucker for morally ambiguous characters with a ton of internal turmoil sdkflfdgk. But I’ve never played a character quite like Priam, which is what drew me to him even more? Like I’ve always played dreamy characters with their heads in the clouds, but this isn’t Priam whatsoever. He has no interest in dreaming, if it isn’t something attainable, then he wastes no time thinking about it. He’s almost practical to a fault, like come on dude you can have one dream! The sheer purposelessness that pervades through his being, his overwhelming desire to belong to something, to someone. All of this contrasted by his inability to understand the concept of love (after all, how can you truly understand something you’ve never experienced?) and his ever shifting principles. Priam is the epitome of someone who gets excited and does something consistently for two days then loses interest and finds something new a few days later aksdjsdlkf I love him for it!
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? |
il tipo volubile / the fickle fellow — everchanging are his ideas and everchanging are his loyalties. cosimo capulet gave him a sense of purpose and for that he’ll forever be thankful, but priam, ever the opportunist, is partial to whomever offers him the best opportunity. he doesn’t behave this way with the intention of appearing disloyal, but priam prioritizes his need to belong and find purpose over his loyalty. there’s no telling how far he’ll go to occupy his void and betrayal isn’t necessarily out of the question.
mobilità verso l'alto / upward mobility — priam is confident with his standing in the mob, and almost too comfortable with it. i’d be interested in a situation where he screws up, possibly compromising the mob, which will be almost unreal to him because he’s just used to everything going the way that he wants it for the most part? to also keep his position secure, i see him blackmailing a few people, caps and monts, so that’ll be something interesting i see playing out. ;-)
finché morte non ci separi / till death do us part   — just as priam had suspected, the montague heir had blossomed into reasonable competition. an attractiveness unrivaled by most, with a soft disposition outlining sharp features, everything verona wanted and more. him and the phan girl had made quite the handsome couple, her perceptiveness balancing out his altruism, but neither the montague heir nor the phan girl recognized this wasting potential. priam had every intention of turning his and juliana’s engagement into an opportunity, as this was a chance for them to play up their marriage to the veronans, affording them just enough of a peak into their lives that they await with watering mouths, for any other opportunity at sight. the least he could do for the pair of them was make them loved by many. and into oblivion will the montague heir fall. priam desires to be remembered to such a degree, that there simply won’t be enough room in the mind of verona for both of them. and he is actively working for this outcome.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | Yes. >:-)
In Depth
In-Character Interview:
What is your favorite place in Verona? | We recommend looking at the location page and reading it over to figure out where your character’s favorite place is – if it’s not their own house/room.
He pondered the question for a moment, mouth pressed thoughtfully to his fist, before turning to the interviewer with a toothy grin. “There’s a garden on the Capulet estate, just west of the of the glass room.” Priam inclined backwards in his chair, perfectly manicured hands crossed in his lap, his eyes fixated on the wall reminiscently. “Juliana and I were first married there. She’d wanted a dress with a matching veil, but naturally her parents hadn’t approved, so she’d settled for the flower crown I made for her.” He’d been magnetizing. There was something about the way Priam carried himself, that just drew whoever he’d been speaking to in. His hands moved in unison with his words, the pictures building upon the story he told. “I made it out of yellow daisies. Tybalt officiated the marriage, and we’d done a butterfly kiss, and that was that. I intend on marrying her in that same garden.”
What does your typical day look like?
“Talking and more talking.” He chuckled purposefully. “In all seriousness, that’s what my job is. Knowing exactly what to say and in the right moment. It’s a delicate art form, you somehow have to make the other side satisfied, while simultaneously achieving the best possible outcome in favor of your own side.” He toyed with his Ferragamo cufflinks. “When I’m not doing that, I’m working with Cosimo. He’s practically taken me under his wing. I’ve learned so much in these past few years with him. He’s like a second father to me.” It had been an easy position to fill, with Priam’s own father being anything but. “When I’m not working, then I’m working out or spending time in nature. I’ve studied certain scenes so much that I could practically paint them from memory.” Priam had actually had his hand at painting, and while they’d been painted skillfully,per say, the complete lack of passion and lifelessness emitting from them had almost been disturbing.
What has been your biggest mistake thus far?
Something dark flashed across his countenance, as he recalled the Capulet soldier he’d nearly been caught disposing of. They’d been symbolic of the people who attempted to disrupt his path to wars spoils— the city and the throne. The bride. The notoriety. The name. “There was a time when I was younger,” he begun with pursed lips. “When I wore white socks and black shoes. My parents never let me hear the end of it. I haven’t made that mistake since.” Priam sinks into his seat, smiling humorously, beckoning the interviewer in with his silly, boyish hospitality. He hadn’t the time to dwell on the past or mistakes. Only of the now and what will propel him to the future.
What has been the most difficult task asked of you?
Mixing family and work— always a tricky task. Something he learned he ultimately could not handle. It made way to Cosimo gifting him a canvas, giving Priam the opportunity to paint whatever portrait of himself he pleased. Give me at least one part politician and one part killer. That was all that he’d required of him. And thus he began his Capulet reign. “Not losing sight of myself amidst the chaos,” he responded thoughtfully, careful to speak just the right amount. “Becoming one with Verona requires a certain fee. You pay in the relinquishment of your humanity. And if you don’t voluntarily pay, then she’ll force it from you.” Priam, on the other hand, had been on a quest to sell his humanity to the highest bidder.
What are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues?
“Inevitable. With great power comes great longing. No powerful person ever went without people desiring the power for themselves. And thus erupted a war.” This was one of those moments Priam had grown to appreciate, the ones where he’d been able to speak freely, from whatever parts of him that had remained authentic. He tilted his head with a raised eyebrow, lips etched into a teasing smile. “I’ve grown bored of your questions. Now, if there’s anything else outside of the interview you’d like to further discuss…”
myers briggs: the commander (entj-a)
“Commanders are natural-born leaders. People with this personality type embody the gifts of charisma and confidence, and project authority in a way that draws crowds together behind a common goal. However, Commanders are also characterized by an often ruthless level of rationality, using their drive, determination and sharp minds to achieve whatever end they’ve set for themselves. Perhaps it is best that they make up only three percent of the population, lest they overwhelm the more timid and sensitive personality types that make up much of the rest of the world – but we have Commanders to thank for many of the businesses and institutions we take for granted every day.”
random brainstorming for priam.
muse tag.
cartier hoops, a poisoned tongue positioned between antidote lips, fickle values and fickler lovers, indefinite scowls, a pair of sunglasses for every day of the week, provocative realism, a tipsy crown (if it weren’t for the graff vivid yellow diamonds, it’s tilt might’ve been discernible), a gaping void, pompous vexation, flowery tattoos (the only evidence of permanence in your life), morsel of your true self, anything to belong, salvatore ferragamo’s limited edition loafers, an impassioned youth.
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 years
@lokitheliesmith  {{xx}}
The question stuck to her tongue and weighing it down of course must be how had Loki come to be like this? But no matter how she turns it over in her mind, she can't seem to manage to get it out and into the open air. A second whisper in the recesses of her thoughts asks why it matters? Would it change the way she feels? How she would treat him? A resounding 'no' comes to the forefront. Absolutely not. Unlike most people who surround him, she is not fickle. Her loyalty ironclad and obvious.
"Shh-shh," she murmurs as she draws her thumb across his brow, from inward out toward his hair. Her mana manifests itself, if he could see it, as the of the green growing earth and the clouded horizon of the sea at sunset. Flickers of green and gold and purple as the wound draws back his blood and seals itself. She bespells him with numbness of flesh and renewal, gifting him in part her own ability to heal faster than humanly ~or even preternaturally~ possible.
What remains is the blood that is not his own, nor hers as she's no need of making an offering. But whose, then? If it were anyone else, she might be inclined to taste it, but as delicate as the situation is, she isn't going to put him further on edge.
This would be the moment Andy would press a kiss to whatever tear-accompanied wound she would present him. She restrains herself only enough to ensure that kiss only lands may-fly brief against his brow.
"You will be alright, milimili." Next she abandons him wholly to wring a damp cloth in lukewarm water before she takes one of his hands. She is meticulous as ever in ensuring not a trace of red remains on his elegant fingers. Her motions remain gentle, speaking to him all the things she does not say.
"Gonna hazard a guess an' say ~regrettably~ Stark still alive?"
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fourtrisheafanfic · 6 years
UNCLOAKED: Chapter 4
Also on Ao3: (X)
Start of story on Tumblr: (X)
Rating: Mature
Chapter Summary: Jon and Daenerys unite as husband and wife…in more ways than one. This chapter is fluff and smut. Enjoy!
CHAPTER 4: The Secret Wedding
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Author’s Note: I had so much fun with the JONERYS VALENTINES prompts that week…and I didn’t think I would make it..but I did!  I posted 7 for 7!  Check out these jonerys works, I love them all. Also, there are so many beautiful works (fics, art, collections of images) that were shared. Just search #jonerysvalentines on Tumblr.
Day 1 - - Feb. 14: Dark!Jon or Dark!Dany (Money Well Spent)
Day 2 - - Feb 15: Fairy tales (The Big Bad Wolf)
Day 3 - - Feb. 16: Oh, No! We’re Forced to Share this Bed!  (One Bed, Two People)
Day 4 - - Feb. 17: Public Sex (Dust of Snow)
Day 5 - - Feb. 18: Pregnant Dany (Insatiable and Pregnant)
Day 6 - - Feb. 19: Forbidden Love (Not Good Enough)
Day 7 - - Feb. 20: FREE CHOICE (Money Can’t Buy Me Love)
CHAPTER 4: The Secret Wedding
Walking quietly through the halls of Winterfell, the small party stops to ensure the change of guards Sansa and Davos orchestrated is still in place. With Sansa at the front of the group she glides with a sense of purpose as she leads Jon and a few members of their wedding party with ease. Jon would think she wasn’t nervous, if he hadn’t noticed that her hands are trembling anxiously.
Sansa is very happy that her brother has found love and is getting married, but she is well aware that the Northerners will not be thrilled about this secret union. Even worse than Jon having bent the knee, will be the assumption that he was foolishly seduced into doing so.
Sansa has spent the last few months listening to the gripes and grumbles of the Northern lords. They have proven themselves to be very fickle when it comes to the leadership of their King and now even more so with the Dragon Queen present. She is concerned how they will perceive this union, especially as it will have been a secret.
As Jon trudges through the halls he begins to question his insistence in marrying at the Weirwood tree. He would be just as married to his queen had the ceremony taken place in the study by Daenerys’s chambers. They probably would have been married already instead of sneaking through the halls of Winterfell.
Deciding to make the secret walk in two waves, to avoid larger problems that would occur at both Jon and Dany being caught together sneaking through Winterfell and towards the Godswood. It would be too much to explain, so they split their party in two. Jon despised the idea of leaving Daenerys behind but in the end was convinced it was necessary. Walking with Jon is Sansa, Davos, Sam, and Missandei. Jon insisted that Arya stay behind and stay by Dany’s side at all times.
Words were not needed as Jon asked his youngest sister to stay with the queen. Her face expressed that she understood, she would kill anyone that tried to harm his bride.
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Standing in front of the Weirwood tree Jon faces Sam, purposely looking away from the direction in which Daenerys will be coming from. Feeling nervous, he wants to concentrate on his friend for a moment. The dawn is approaching, the sun will be rising soon enough. Jon finally smiles, he hopes that the soft glow of the rising sun will smile upon the exchange of their vows.
Sam is anxiously reviewing his notes, he seems more nervous than the groom is. Jon smiles at his closest friend, happy that Sam will be the one to perform the ceremony. Sam frowns suddenly, he seems to be lost in deep thought.
“Sam, are you ready? You seem distracted,” Jon says quietly, hoping that all will go as planned.
Sam smiles broadly, although seeming a little wistful. “I was just thinking of my father, if he could see now... Performing this union I mean.”
Jon stiffens, remembering that Sam had taken the news of the death of his father and brother exceptionally well. But now Jon is second guessing his choice to request Sam marry them. Maybe Jon had asked too much of his closest friend. It was Daenerys, who made the decision during battle to have Drogon enforce her stance of power, which resulted in Sam’s father and brother being burned alive.
“Sam….” Jon begins.
Realization crosses Sam’s face as his eyes widen. “Oh Jon, you misunderstand. I meant what I said earlier, I bare no ill will towards the queen. It is a war, and she offered them a choice. My father made his decision and my brother, who was also a grown man, then choose to follow our father to his death. After you and I spoke, I actually spoke with Tyrion in great detail about what was said and how it happened.”
Sam shrugs his shoulders, the hurt evident in his features. “It was hard to hear that my father, even until the very last moment, wanted Dickon to choose live. I say that because this is the same man that threatened to have me killed in a hunt had I not given up my birthright as he demanded of me…” Sam’s voice trails off. “Well, it is what it is. If anything, I struggle with the ability to feel forgiveness for my father, even in his death.”
Relieved that Sam is not harboring ill will towards Daenerys, Jon can only nod. Having known Sam for many years, and knowing the man he has become now, Jon can see the maturity the years have brought him. Jon remembers the young man Sam was as he shared the story of what type of man his father had been. His father sounded despicable, even until the very end. Old man Tarly’s loyalty to Cersei would have come to a head with Jon’s mission at one point or another.  
“It is hard to make peace, especially when they are gone,” Jon admits softly, his mind straying to his father. Actually, his uncle Ned. Jon has had to put those emotions in the back of his mind as he needed to focus on the living, and the life he desires with his queen.
Jon is still not at peace with the lies that Ned surrounded him with throughout his life. Logically, Jon recognizes the inclination of his uncle to honor Lyanna’s dying wish. But at some point, after Jon had repeatedly asked his father so many times about his own mother, he wishes that his uncle could have at least told him the truth. Even if he had only told Jon, and no one else.
The last time Jon saw Ned Stark was as a young man, leaving his home so that he could join the Night’s Watch. Even then, Ned couldn’t tell Jon the truth about his parentage.
Of course he could have. Ned made the choice not to.
Had I known my true lineage, then I would have known that the Dragon Queen was indeed my aunt from the first moment I saw her. My heart possibly not opening to her the way a man loves a woman.
Instead Daenerys is the woman I will marry, she is meant to be my wife and me her husband.
“Jon, it’s time,” Sansa whispers excitedly and nods her head for Jon to look behind him. Sansa’s words interrupting Jon’s thoughts. Arya is standing beside her, grinning. “Daenerys will be escorted in by Tyrion for the marriage ceremony and everyone else is ready to begin.”
Jon steals a quick glance, all of the people him and Dany wanted to be present are standing and ready to witness their union. Smiling Jon turns to give Sansa and Arya a quick hug each.
“I’m sorry about Bran… I tried,” Sansa begins. “He didn’t look at all surprised this wedding was going to take place. But he insisted that he needed his rest.”
Arya scowls but manages to remain quiet. Not understanding how their younger brother could miss this. How the boy he once was, would be okay with skipping the wedding of Jon to the woman he loves.
“It is okay, I am trying to come to terms with how things work for Bran now. This moment is about my joining together with Daenerys. I am just glad my sisters can be with me right now,” Jon says thankfully. “Having you both here, is really important to me. So thank you.”
Arya and Sansa move to take their place, standing and ready to watch Jon take Daenerys Targaryen as his wife. Jon faces Sam while moving to stand beside his best friend.
It is then that Tyrion and Daenerys appear, walking towards the Weirwood tree, walking towards Jon.
Although Jon has already seen her dress, and he is pleased the stain was indeed barely noticeable, watching his beloved approach sends a thrill throughout Jon’s body. She is here, and she is his. Jon’s heart aches with joy and excitement.
“She is a vision, Jon,” Sam whispers to his friend. “I’m happy for you, brother.”
Jon can’t look away from her, the sun’s gentle glow lighting her beautiful features, the perfect dress and the happiness he sees reflected in her face. She loves him, and everyone can see it.
As Tyrion and Daenerys walk further into the Godswood, her eyes beam with pleasure at seeing her handsome groom. Jon is waiting alongside Sam, while their guests form an aisle.
Sam walks forward. “Who comes before the Old Gods this dawn?”
“Daenerys of House Targaryen comes here to be wed. A woman grown, trueborn and noble. She comes to beg the blessings of the gods. Who comes to claim her?” Tyrion says, his eyes shining brightly at the King of the North.
Jon steps forward, standing directly in front of Dany. Their eyes lock, both unable to turn away. She longs to be in his arms, moving even closer as their faces are now only inches apart. Their bodies leaning into the other.
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(Image credit: Original edit made by Tumblr user @jonerystargaryensfan  I made the image a little darker to reflect the early dawn – check out her awesome work, so many jonerys edits)
Tyrion finally clears his throat, signaling for Jon to speak.
“Jon Snow, King of the North. Who gives her?” he asks quietly, still staring into his bride’s beautiful face.
“Tyrion of House Lannister, and Hand to the queen.” With that Tyrion steps back to stand by Jorah, who is stone faced while his eyes are filled with conflicted emotion.
Tyrion knows that the old bear is love with her, and that he loves her enough to want her to be happy and loved. Tyrion also knows that Jon does love their queen, with his entire heart.
“Queen Daenerys, will you take this man?” Sam asks hopefully, almost as he fears she may say no.
Dany smiles at Jon, her eyes suddenly wet with tears. “I take this man,” she says absolutely.
Sam speaks loudly, “You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection.”
Jon quickly takes his cloak from around his neck and places it around Daenerys’s petite shoulders.
The couple share a smile before standing side by side to face Sam, Jon nods that they are ready to continue.
Jon puts his left hand out, Dany places her right hand to rest on top of his. Sam readies the cloth that will go around their hands, binding them.
“In the sight of the seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon each other and say the words,” Sam instructs while tying the sash around their hands, tying them together.
Both turning away from their tied-hands to face one another, the couple speaks their vows, simultaneously committing their lives to each other.
Jon: “Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger, I am HERS and SHE is mine, from this day, until the end of my days.”
Daenerys: “Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger, I am HIS and HE is mine, from this day, until the end of my days.”
The small group cheers quietly for the marriage of their King and Queen. Jon leans close to press his lips against his wife’s mouth.
Arya smiles, wiping tears away from her cheek. Her mind wandering to Gendry, they had discussed marriage earlier that day. She loves him, she knows he does. But things have moves so quickly, and she still needs to have that important discussion with Jon. She suspects that Davos may know more than he lets on as well. He has been studying her closely all evening long.
As all gather to congratulate the newly married couple with hugs and handshakes Sansa tries to pull Jon and Daenerys aside while also signaling for everyone’s attention. Tyrion and Sansa exchange a look, both being on the same page.
“Everyone, now that the king and queen have wed, we need to decide on a plan. We should agree what will be said. Let’s regroup to the study, we can…” Sansa gets out before Jon interrupts her by placing his hand on her arm for a moment.
“Sansa is correct, we must plan for our next steps now that the marriage has taken place,” Tyrion interjects strongly.
“Everyone, Daenerys and I have just been married and it is already almost morning. Soon the castle will be up and our faces will be expected to be seen. We would like to have some time to be married before the new day starts,” Jon insists as people chuckle. Daenerys smiles shyly as Jon brings her hand to his lips. “Tomorrow morning, first thing. But for now, I need to be alone with my wife.”
Arya is also anxious to get back to her room where Gendry is waiting for her. “It is very late, I for one am tired and would like to get back to my chambers. Can we please just discuss this tomorrow morning after breakfast?”
Jon smiles at Arya appreciatively, not knowing her ulterior motive for wanting to return to her room. Dany raises her eyebrows at Arya knowingly, causing Arya to blush.
Tyrion, nor Sansa, look pleased but they also know this is one argument they will not win. .
It is settled, the next phase of plotting will wait until after breakfast.
The King and Queen want to make their marriage official.
Opening the door to Daenerys’s chambers Jon takes a moment to scoop his bride into his arms as she giggles wholeheartedly and wraps her arms around his neck. Kissing his jaw and then down his neck slowly, Dany murmurs sweet words of love. Kicking the door shut with his foot Jon walks with purpose to their bed.
Unable to tear his eyes away from his wife’s beautiful face, Jon whispers, “I love you, I almost can’t believe that you are mine. My precious wife.”
Drowning in his eyes, so full of love, Daenerys opens her mouth to speak but only a small sob escapes. She is completely overcome with emotion, finally married to the man she adores. Jon smiles tenderly before pressing his mouth to hers in a reassuring kiss. He plans to show her with actions how cherished she is.
Standing her gently at the side of the bed Jon holds her face in his palms before kissing her, pressing his lips to her. Daenerys groans as she immediately deepens the kiss.  Her tongue seeking entrance that he gladly gives. Clutching at his clothing desperately, she pulls his body closer to hers.
“I love you. Jon Snow, my beloved husband,” she whimpers before kissing him again. Her body is overcome with desire as she longs to feel his naked body pressed against hers. “Make love to your wife, make me yours in the eyes of the gods and your people.”
Jon groans enthusiastically, knowing that they will consummate their marriage in this room shortly. The blood rushing to his eager cock. His temptation is to take her quickly, to make her cry out his name as he makes love to her.
Jon turns her wife around to face away from him, his strong arms wrapped around her for a moment. Holding her close he kisses her neck, feeling her tremble in his arms. Slowly his hands move across her body, touching and caressing her as he feels her under his fingertips. His hands slowly loosening her gown as the cool air hits her breasts, just a little more until he can slide the dress down her lithe frame to the floor.
Grunting with satisfaction, Jon sees the exquisitely embroidered small clothes that his wife is wearing under her dress this time. Earlier Dany had managed to pull it down while he was distracted. Dany wiggles in his arms in order to turn and face him. A satisfied grin as she sees the dark desire in his eyes. Reaching slowly between them her hand touches his stomach before gliding lower, until she can feel his hardness from over his pants. He is already very aroused, he wants her as badly as she wants him.
They need each other.
With eyes locked, Jon’s throat hitches as his wife pleasures him over his clothing, teasing him slowly. Closing his eyes he welcomes the delight that rolls over his body as he resumes touching her body. His hands are loving and determined to make her feel loved. Cupping her breasts in his palms he enjoys the fine fabric that still lies between them. Rolling her nipples between his fingers before teasing them with a small pinch, Jon relishes in her loud gasp. Feeling her teats pucker Jon leans down to take one in his mouth, in between kisses he lowers Dany’s small clothes off and down her shoulders.
Dany loosens his breaches to push them down his hips while wrapping her hand around his cock. She gives him slow and gentle pumps, enjoying the way he hardens in her hands even more.  
“We need to get these off,” Jon says while stripping his bride completely naked. “I need to feel you…all of you.”
“Same for you, dearest husband,” Dany giggles as her hands frantically pull at his remaining clothing. Jon groans as he helps her to rip the remaining articles off his body.
Finally both naked, mutually taking in the sight of the other, their arousal growing as they know the other is anxious to have them.
Jon guides Daenerys to lie on their bed, climbing gently next to her. Kissing slowly, hands continue to roam smoothly over each other’s body.  Jon’s eyes widen as he sees numerous bite marks on her beautiful skin, marks he had made during previous heightened moments of pleasure between them. Tracing the marks tenderly Jon’s eyes meet Dany’s as she realizes what he is doing.
“I need you so much, I lose myself when I am with you. When I am inside of you. Especially for those special moments when you and I become one. I don’t know where I end or you begin,” Jon says hoarsely. The desire to take her quickly is bearing down on him.
Dany moans at his words, her hand slipping to stroke his hard cock. She parts her legs, wantonly, beckoning her husband.
“Dany…” Jon says painfully, she has no idea the lengths of his desire, how much he wants her, needs her even.
“Please, as your wife…I need to feel you close to me. We can go slowly the next time…but for now, I want you to claim me,” Dany begs. “Make me yours. Take me.”
Jon grunts while rolling over to settle between Dany’s legs, moving her knee up so that she is completely open to him. Gripping his cock and running the head of his penis up and down her wet folds, then circling her bundle of nerves causing Dany to gasp loudly.
Holding each other tightly Jon pushes into his wife and grunts as they become one. Laying still for a moment Jon kisses Dany as she wraps her arms around him.
“I love you, I am so happy we are married. No matter what happens, we will have this moment,” Dany whimpers, the feeling of her husband on top of her overwhelming her with feelings of passion and adoration.
Jon groans as he kisses her passionately, his hips slowly working in firm steady thrusts as he begins making love to his wife.
Dany gasps as his cock slides in and out, his hand then sliding between them to gently caress her clit.
“Come for me baby. I want to feel you tighten around me,” he whispers in her ear as she cries out for him. Jon kisses her gaping mouth again as he slowly strums on her bundle of nerves.
Dany groans wildly, her body bucking to move against Jon desperately. Her orgasm is powerful as she cries out his name. Begging him to keep going, “Please don’t stop. Don’t stop! Jon! Jon…yes, my love…yes!”
Jon closes his eyes, her sweet pussy clenching around him as she comes loudly. He holds still while she comes down from her high.
Calming herself, Dany buries her face in his neck…kissing his warm skin softly.
Jon resumes gently making love to her, slowly as she holds him. Dany closes her eyes, her flesh still feeling sensitive as she enjoys the feeling of him making slow love to her.
As Jon nears his climax his thrusts become more frantic, pushing up on his arms as his hips jerk against her. Moving her knee to her shoulder Jon takes her quickly and hard. Dany watches appreciatively as he takes what he needs. Dany’s hands move to hold his amazing butt, urging him to take her hard.
A loud groan as Jon pushes in deep as he finally comes, his seed releasing. His eyes closed tightly as his body shudders against her. Feeling his ass clench, Dany moans with delight as she squeezes him.
Knowing his seed is releasing into her barren body, Dany feels a pang of guilt. Her eyes suddenly glistening with tears, blinking rapidly she desperately tries to push away her guilt and despair. But it was too late, Jon saw the sadness in her eyes.
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Eyes then closed, Dany leans up to kiss him, she doesn’t want to ruin this moment. It being their first time together as husband and wife. Jon kisses her back slowly, lowering his weight on to her cautiously as they hold each other closely. His cock softening and still inside of her.
Leaning his forehead against her before asking, “Dany…did I hurt you? Can you tell me what happened just then?”
“It’s not important my love, just hold me and never let me go,” she whispers, hopeful he will leave it alone.
“I prefer you tell me the truth, what is going on in your mind? You are my wife, you can tell me anything,” he presses, knowing that she is upset about something.
Dany opens her mouth to repeat that nothing is wrong, or to deflect…except the truth comes tumbling out instead.
“It just hurts my heart, that I will never give you a child. I just know you would have been an amazing father,” Dany whispers sadly, her eyes filling with tears. “I would love nothing more than to carry your baby, to make you a father.”
Jon wipes away a tear that fell down her cheek. Kissing her cheek softly after. “I promise you, Daenerys…I am the happiest I have ever been and you are enough.”
Dany feels a drop in her belly, the guilt eating away at her. “You say that now. But maybe if you had married another...when her belly was swelling with your child...I would’ve been nothing but a distant memory!”
Jon sees the genuine hurt in her eyes, she looks so sad. How can he explain to her? He wants her more than any child.
“Dany… You are everything to me,” Jon says firmly. “I would rather have a life with you by my side then a house full of a dozen children. It hurts me that you doubt me.”
Dany finally smiles, because she believes him. Relieved to see her calm demeanor, Jon smiles back before dipping his head to kiss and suck at the soft flesh of her breasts. Dany closes her eyes and enjoys the love he is showering on her. Moments later she can feel him hardening while still inside of her.
Releasing her nipple with a loud slobbery kiss, Jon suddenly pops his head up, a wicked smile on his face. “Besides, I can now be a father to your dragons…if they will let me!”
Daenerys laughs loudly before her mouth falls open in ecstasy as Jon begins moving slowly, soft hard thrusts as he is fully aroused again.
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Jon kisses her passionately while taking her, pushing into her body so he is fully sheathed by her loving body. Before leaning in for another kiss Dany nips at his lip while meeting his thrusts with her eager hips, “As long as you don’t call them beasts again!”
Jon smiles against her lips, making a mental note not to piss off his wife or their dragons again.
At the moment he concentrates on making love to his beautiful wife as she moans and withers against him.
He plans to show her what a beast he can be.
++o++ Chapter End ++o++
Next chapter here: CH 5
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loveisaviolence2 · 6 years
rose- 2, 3, 4, 10, 20, 25, 37, 41, 44, 45
what is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
it’s … complicated, for a lot of reasons. 
one being rose and janine are a lot alike in the sense that neither of them are good at starting heavy conversations or working towards closeness regardless of how much they both may want it. in fact, they’re painfully similar in a lot of their beliefs and while that does lend itself to an understanding between them that rose is grateful for and endlessly appreciative of, it can also strain their relationship. 
rose spent her entire life feeling abandoned by her mother. her mother existed to criticize her and as yet another reminder of what she could not have and was not allowed to want for herself: someone to take care of her. nothing was ever good enough for her, rose was never good enough for her, and nothing rose did was going to make her love her or be proud of her. despite all of this, she wanted to be her mother; she really did admire her skill and reputation and aspire to be like her. she did everything she could to follow in her mother’s footsteps for two reasons: 1) even though she resented her, she really really wanted her mom to be proud of her and thought that if she was good enough she might bother to pretend to care, and 2) her mom’s loyalty to the guardians and stellar reputation made her safe - earned her stability that rose believed no one could take away. she’s a valuable asset and everyone knows it. she doesn’t need to prove it anymore (and rose always always feels like she has to prove herself, which is exhausting in the long run.) 
rose wants a close relationship with janine but doesn’t know how to be close with her. she wants to wake up and suddenly have this magical bond with her but doesn’t know how to achieve it. and tbh, as brash and impulsive as rose can be, as quick as she can be to say the things other people won’t…. this doesn’t typically extend to her loved ones. rose hates conflict with them and would rather bury her feelings than voice them. she’s never going to willingly start a conversation about being neglected or abandoned by janine even though those feelings still affect her on a daily basis and manifest themselves in her relationships. 
it doesn’t help that janine has frequently – intentionally or not – equated rose’s resentment with a childish desire to be ~coddled and thus invalidated her feelings. like, telling your kid who is terrified of being vulnerable and letting other people take care of her that her anger at your negligence is silly and a display of weakness and selfishness? especially a kid who believes you are a pillar of strength? rose has spent her entire life thinking that she has to come second to other people, physically and emotionally, and that confirmed it. unfortunately, janine of course holds all of the same harmful beliefs and has been conditioned in the same way, so she doesn’t have the perspective to see this let alone address it. 
she loves her mom. she really does. so much that it doesn’t really bother her if her mom can’t articulate her affection to the same extent that rose can. she’s just glad to have her in her life, you know? she doesn’t want to rock the boat. she’d die for her and is dying to have a relationship with her, even at the cost of denying herself the space to process her own feelings and acknowledge them, which is especially difficult because rose is at a point in her life where she’s finally beginning to understand that she needs and deserves to take care of herself and untangle the mess of beliefs that were ingrained in her since birth, decide for herself what she does and does not believe, process the extent to which that conditioning has shaped the person she is and decide who she wants to be. 
this is something she needs to deal with to move forward, to start feeling safe in her relationships and safe leaning on someone else emotionally, and she’s… not. she’s growing, really moving forward and edging closer to a healthier, better version of herself, but on this road she finds herself at a painful standstill. it’ll take janine or someone else helping her deal with this to really get past all of her messy abandonment issues and harmful beliefs about love and worth, especially self worth. 
what is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
also complicated, but in a different way. 
because of rose’s low expectations for well off moroi men, she’s less inclined to hold him accountable for much. it’s not really fair that she holds janine to a standard that’s so much higher, but… so does the society she grew up in lmao. she doesn’t resent him for not being a presence in her life growing up and is willing to cut him a lot more slack. like, he’s a moroi guy and that’s what they do, ya know? they use dhampir women for sex and leave and that’s how the song goes. the fact that he’s in her life at all is a surprise and one she’s not going to question. she’ll accept whatever he’s willing to offer her and isn’t likely to ever consider whether or not she deserves more.  
the fact that she grew up thinking her dad never cared about her or her mother and only used her for sex did play a hand in her perception of men, though. thinking that her mom had been used made her afraid of being used herself and thus, v guarded where moroi men are concerned. she def… bought into the whole ~~~boys will be boys mentality growing up. bad behavior is to be expected and it was on her to protect herself and her reputation from it. and if she or any other woman failed in that task, well… it was on them. they should’ve known better. etc. boys excersizing self control and giving a damn about her and her consent is New to her. this is something she gets a lot better about as she ages, though, thankfully. 
she grows to love him and want some kind of a relationship with him, but she doesn’t really trust him. a lot of his privilege and the way he wields it makes her uncomfortable, so most of the time she tries not to think about who he is or what he does beyond the scope of him being her dad. rose wants to have that – wants a father – and is far too moral and committed to justice to really allow herself to have that in good conscience if she thinks about his shadier dealings so she .. doesn’t if she can help it. 
people like to compare her ~badassness to her father and she laughs it off, eager to encourage all conversations that play up her strengths, but she really doesn’t have any desire to be like him. the thought of being like him makes her uncomfortable and she isn’t necessarily fond of recognizing traits of his in herself. rose is also incredibly smart and can be impressively cunning, but that’s not something she’s really proud of, you know? she wants to be good – really, truly good. she spent her entire life wanting to be a guardian for a lot of reasons, but mostly because she truly does believe in protecting people and defeating evil. she talks a lot about wanting to be a legend and be in history books, but that all stems from an innate need to feel she’s been useful and accomplished whatever good she could (and also because she lives in a society that has expressed a dangerous lack of care for her or her well-being and a willingness to sacrifice her and once upon a time, achieving ‘legend’ status felt like procuring herself some degree of safety.) victories mean nothing if she’s had to compromise her character to attain them. she doesn’t want to think of herself as a person who cuts corners or steps over other people to get what she wants– or as someone who inspires the kind of fear that abe inspires, as much as she might pretend to feel differently.  
she and abe differ A Lot ideologically and clash over that if it comes up, but again, rose tries to stay away from those conversations. deep down tho, she’ll always feel…. kind of wary of him? knowing what he’s capable of and willing to do and how, if pushed, people like her would likely be expendable and the only reason she’s ~safe from that mentality is because she’s his daughter, which doesn’t really feel like safety at all. she may grow closer with him as time goes on, but that’ll always be in the back of her mind and she’ll never truly feel safe with him unless she’s blocked it out entirely (and rose can never feel safe in fantasies for very long.) this extends to other moroi men as well, especially royal/privileged ones. 
adrian, for example. part of why it was so hard for her to accept that he genuinely had feelings for her and trust him enough to contemplate the idea of being interested in him romantically was because she saw his interest in her and elevation of her feelings as something really… fickle?? she equated his respect for her with his romantic interest. rose grew up attending parties she knew she was only allowed into because of lissa and because she was ~the Fun Dhampir people liked to party with and she assumed adrian’s crush on her was kind of the same thing. like, yeah adrian cares about her and maybe respects her but only because he thinks she’s hot and funny and those things can’t be trusted to last. she thought that all it would take is for him to change his mind about her to turn on her and be like every other piece of shit moroi dude she’s had to defend herself against. she’s used to elite moroi deciding she has one or two qualities that make her worthy of respect and is Special Enough to Not Assault or Dehumanize or Slutshame Etc. – and used to the game changing as soon as she steps too far out of line (it’s not even just moroi men tho like lissa was all that stood between her and being thrown away like a piece of trash when they were dragged back to st. vlads and rose forgives but she doesn’t forget. one more reminder that she’s expendable and has to work even harder to prove that she’s worthy– of being a guardian, of basic respect, of being a privileged moroi girl’s friend, of taking up space). it’s a testament of her growth that she does date him even after the queen herself fucking called her in to slutshame her and remind her of her place. 
another example is andre. i headcanon that rose had a crush on him for a brief period of time growing up, one that he probably knew about and encouraged because–ya know, his sister’s Young Fun Hot Dhampir friend that was always around. rose wasn’t at all surprised to hear about how he treated mia, and i think the fact that rose was very aware of who he was/could be to non-royals/dhampir women probably contributed to some anxiety when she’d stay with them. she was very quick to shut down any kind of attraction between them and never would have even humored the idea of dating him or participating in anything more than a few drunken kisses because 1) she knows her place as a dhampir girl and the threat moroi boys pose to her and 2) she knows her place as a dhampir girl that’s been taken in by a royal moroi family and would have never dared threaten that arrangement by implying a moroi boy could be interested in her for anything other than sex. it says a lot that she still thought he was a good person and mourned him just because he was a good brother to lissa and loved her and his family even though he treated other less privileged people like trash. that rose’s basic understanding of men is that they are capable of that behavior whilst simultaneously being decent people who deserve a quality of life that she herself is taught to never expect to have and accused of being selfish or naive for wanting. 
christian only escapes this inherent distrust because bc he was taught to respect ALL women unlike most of the men she’s come into contact with and does consistently (rather than being someone who respects only women he calls family or for whatever reason deems worthy of respect), because she understands that that really does make all of the difference in the world) and has no interest in her sexually, but it still takes her awhile to feel comfortable truly relying on him emotionally (as opposed to as a partner in the battlefield.) not that that doesn’t take awhile too though, because a man respecting lissa– a princess–doesn’t in any way mean that respect will extend to her and she’s learned that lesson the hard way quite a few times in quite a few different areas of her life. 
to an extent, this is why she falls so quickly and deeply for dimitri– why even his smallest shows of decency feel so Big to her. the fact that he’s a dhampir like her is big, especially one that’s older. it’s easier for her to relate to an older man because she carries more responsibility than most of the boys her age, of course, but a lot of it is that he’s the first man in a position of power (and first person in authority in… forever that’s ever made her feel like she could trust them, all of her experiences w/ adults are pretty trash in book 1) that’s demonstrated kindness and respect where she’s concerned. that saw her as important, that believed she wasn’t disposable. he was willing to take responsibility for her so that she wouldn’t be sen away and saw potential in her when no one else did and that meant so much to her. to her that was this huge act of compassion that she needed to earn and repay. 
all moroi males are in a position of power over her to an extent, even the ones that her peers, and one of her first big interactions w/ dimitri is him telling her that she can’t fool around with moroi boys because they’ll take advantage of her and damage her reputation– and the way he says it is rly brutal and hurtful, but it also… makes her feel somewhat In Control? however misleading that feeling is. like she’s spent her whole life finding her way into their good graces, understanding how quickly the rug could be torn out from under her, and this man she’s coming to respect is telling her that by growing up and acting more responsibly she can be Safe like him. she can have the reputation he has and the sense of stability she’s so sure at that point comes along with it. she too can be respected, worthy. i mean, he’s referred to as a fucking god. he’s untouchable in her eyes (wouldn’t it be so nice to be untouchable? to be universally respected as a hum– vampire being?)
and he’s all hers!!!! like, this relationship, however isolating, is the first thing rose has ever had that’s entirely hers (until it’s not), and that’s so important to her as a person who is not supposed to want things. as a person who is not even supposed to feel bitter about the fact that she can’t want or have things for herself, who had only lissa and lissa’s parents and lissa’s brother and everything lissa was willing to give her. 
anyway i’ve gone off on about a million tangents but so many of rose’s issues are tied into her relationships or non-relationships with men and i do think that the fact that she essentially raised herself is one of the biggest reasons that she was so drawn to dimitri– a man in a position of authority that she’s supposed to be able to trust who is meant to care for her and guide her in a way that is similar to that of a parent.  
has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? if so, does anyone else know?
spokane would be the most obvious answer to this question. it really forced her to grow up in a lot of ways and gave her a darker view of the world. i could go on and on about this but i think it would be just as effective to say it…. fucked her up. it aged her and still weighs on her to this day and always will. on the flip side, it also created a distance between her and a lot of the beliefs she grew up with– like moroi fighting with dhampirs/using magic offensively, for example. she liked both ideas in theory, but it wasn’t until spokane that she truly began to believe in them and believe that they could actually work. people know about spokane, but only those who were there really understand what they all went through. it’s something that bonds all of them. rose will always feel especially protective of and connected to eddie, christian, and mia because of this; they’re her responsibility, hers to protect. 
everything w/ strigoi!dimitri honestly really stuck with rose, too, and barring lissa (and dimitri obviously), no one really knows the specifics of what went down in russia. abe knows the extent of her physical injuries, but not her emotional ones or where the physical ones came from. all of it just… really scarred her. she’s still trying to cope with all of the trauma she went through, which is really difficult for her considering she’s in a relationship with the biggest trigger of all (dimitri) and consistently prioritizes his recovery over her own. on a less horribly depressing note, fighting with denis (was his name denis? whatever his name was) and that group of dhampirs made her reevaluate some things. she still believes that fighting with guardians and being a part of a group is the better thing to do, but it made her more open to different forms of protection and helped her realize that there may be better ways to do things. that there are other walks of life and she’s not necessarily bound to this one. 
being falsely accused of murder lmao!!!!!! everyone knows about it, but not necessarily about how much it affected her emotionally. it really just… confirmed to her how expendable she is to her people and that really fucking hurt. she really had to come to terms with the fact that the guardians she grew up wanting to be apart of and the moroi she grew up training to protect and die for would throw her away without batting an eye and that was… so difficult for her. in a way it’s helped her grow and really challenge a lot of the beliefs she grew up with, though, so that was good? it’s just… hard to live with especially considering she chooses to stay despite it. also just… the trauma of being locked up and kept in solitary for weeks lololol. rose was claustrophobic before but it’s worse now. 
killing victor is pretty self explanatory but yeah. no one knows except the ppl that were there and now bellamy but eventually other people will maybe hopefully possibly!
there are definitely other ones but i’m gonna stop there bc this is already so long. 
does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?
it really depends on the situation. rose is confident and likes showing off her body, but…. is too used to being punished and shamed for embracing her sexuality to really feel comfortable doing that the way she did at sixteen. it’s just… safer to dress more modestly and after russia she’s much more conservative because for the longest time she associates dressing provocatively with the weeks she spent essentially drugged dressing up for strigoi!dimitri and being fed from by him. she’s been taught over time that to be respected and protect her reputation, she needs to dress responsibility. she feels more vulnerable when she shows more skin, especially in public with moroi. she used to be able to wear whatever she liked confidently without caring what anyone else thought or feeling weird about it, but she’s been slutshamed and oversexualized so many times now that it makes her feel like a piece of meat. there’s definitely a correlation between how comfortable she feels dressing less conservatively and how secure in her position in society she feels. if she’s going to go out with friends to an establishment less frequented by royals where she’s less likely to be objectified, she’ll wear more showy stuff that flatters her figure– which she enjoys flaunting when she feels safe to do so. she doesn’t have any reservations @ christian’s; she wears whatever she wants there n dresses comfortably. 
in what ways does your character compare themselves to others? do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
self-criticism, usually, though people who don’t really know her might believe differently because of her ~queen b reputation and bravado. she has a really bad habit of comparing herself to the people she thinks the most highly of – her mom, lissa, dimitri. while rose is plenty confident in her craft and will go and on about being a badass, she’s not as confident in other areas of her life and judges herself pretty harshly. she envies lissa’s level head, her compassion (underestimating her own kindness), how reasonable she and dimitri are (because she doesn’t really understand how much effort lissa has to put into being nice and polite and that she’s been conditioned to behave that way the same way rose has been conditioned to die for moroi without a second thought), how easily lissa excels in more intellectual subjects… i could go on and on. she’s really hard on herself, especially when she sees in others what she feels she lacks in herself. 
how quick is your character to suspect someone else? does this change if they are close with that person?
she can be pretty guarded and slow to trust people despite the fact that she really does have a huge heart. she trusts lissa more than anyone else in the world and for a really long time is content to trust only lissa– but when she trusts you, loves you, she really trusts and loves you. she’ll do anything for you and can be blinded by the extent of her devotion. 
is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status?
honor, absolutely. she’ll blow up the ground she stands on if she feels it’ll right a wrong. 
does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first?
earn all the way. it doesn’t mean anything if she doesn’t earn it– if she doesn’t deserve it. and if she doesn’t earn it, doesn’t deserve it, she can’t trust that she’ll get to keep it. this goes for her relationships, too. she needs to feel like she’s doing her fair share. on the flip side, it’s really hard for her to accept something she feels she’s earned being ripped away from her. 
how easy or difficult is it for your character to say “i love you?” can they say it without meaning it?
the words themselves aren’t hard for her to say, but it’s hard for her to feel safe enough with someone to open herself up to being vulnerable with them. it takes awhile for her to realize what is and isn’t accepted in a relationship and what boundaries she needs to be wary of (because she’s grown up being taught that if she’s not careful and steps too far out of line she can have everything taken away from her.) once she does, though, she’s very generous with her affection. she’s very loving, much more loving than she gives herself credit for, and really respects people who she feels are very giving of themselves and their love (like lissa). for the longest time, lissa was the only person she ever heard i love you from– to an extent, she learned how to love from lissa. lissa was always so open with her love, could just beam love at her and it saved her in so many ways. 
rose is capable of leading people on to get what she wants, especially when desperate, but she doesn’t like to. she feels guilty about how she treated mason and adrian in that respect and wouldn’t want to repeat that behavior in the future. on that note, i really do believe that she loved adrian and never lied to him or intentionally led him on their deal at the end of shadowkiss aside– she should have been more open with him, yeah, but at that point in time she had a hard enough time articulating what was going on in her own head to herself. and she honestly did believe that if she tried she could return mason’s feelings at the time. 
what does your character believe will happen to them after they die? does this belief scare them?
she can talk to dead people, so she sort of has…. some insight. she tries not to think about it, but the idea of being a ghost, unable to move on or make contact with the people she cares about, does scare her. mostly she just hopes that when she dies she’ll be able to find peace– like she believes mason has.
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eliteconnections44 · 4 years
What Women Really Want By Professional Matchmakers
Like it or not, every individual—man or woman—is a better person when they are with someone who knows what they want. You could blame it on Socrates’ theory of soul mates, or just plain bias; but, when two people are together, as one, they are a lot better at managing everything and everyone in their lives, including themselves. It is like having a mirror with you constantly, to reflect your thoughts, feelings and actions. The end result is nothing but bliss! Common in Elite Connections complaints is the saying that women are fickle. Yet, one thing professional matchmakers have always emphasized is that with age comes a difference in taste, need, want, and expectations. This is why we bring you what women want at different stages of their lives. The woman in her 20s I call this stage the unraveling stage. The woman here just attained the legal age a few years back. She just got her full freedom to explore and that is what she is going to do. This is why it’s not surprising for her to jump from one dating service to another.
According to professional matchmakers, a woman in her 20s wants to go out on a lot of wonderful and memorable dates. She wants to have fun and be loved deeply. Also, she wants lots of affirmative words and actions. According to Elite Connections reviews, what she wants in a relationship also matters if she’s in her early or late 20s. As she moves past her mid-20s, she becomes more inclined to go for serious relationships and men that have more potential to offer.
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Woman in her 30s
She wants commitment in a relationship. A woman in her 30s has probably been in and out of relationships in her 20s, dating for her becomes a bit serious at this time. If she is dating you, it is because she sees something special in you and most likely wants someone that will pop up the ” Will You Marry Me?” question. She is not going to waste her time dating someone. By now, she knows what she is looking for and who she is likely to be compatible with. She is not going to date anyone just because she sees a glimmer of potential. She yearns for soul-quality. Someone who understands himself. A man who is on the same page as her, who also has learned from past relationships and is not interested in repeating old and negative behavior patterns.
Woman In her 40s
Statistics from Elite Connections complaints show that men have a hard time figuring out women in their 40s. But as an experienced dating service provider, we know there’s not much to this. These categories of women are probably divorced or single moms or they just happen to be ready for a relationship. At this age all that matters to her in a relationship is honesty. She might have experienced ups and downs from her previous relationships or learned from other women, so honesty and loyalty will make her feel safe with you. Professional matchmakers will advise that quality romance to a woman in her 40’s is attentiveness and time. She wants to feel the connection. She wants to be “wooed” through acts of consideration, respect, and support, and, most importantly, she wants to feel special. Her confidence means she isn’t afraid to be vulnerable and laugh at herself either. Truly, it is a special man who can steal and keep the heart of a woman in her 40’s. Remember the saying “life begins at 40”? A woman in her 40s does not want to be seen as old, she feels she is younger than ever and she i s ready to explore.
Woman in her 50s
Recent Elite Connections reviews reveal that dating a woman in her 50s means you’re dating a woman who is finished with repeating the same mistakes and is ready to find her grown-up love story. So, if a woman in her 50s is interested in dating you, chances are she thinks you’re worth her time. Even though she’s rarely clingy, she needs a chatty partner and values strong companionship. She does not want a man who will just be all about having sex with her. She wants to be happier than ever. A woman in her 50s is happier than she’s ever been. She has probably experienced more than enough of Oprah’s infamous “aha” moments to understand and accept (and love) who she is. She’s no longer riddled with the anxiety and insecurity of her 20s and 30s.
Woman in her 60s
First thing first, this category of women wants someone that will develop a relationship with them. Many women in this age are having a hard time trusting men–whether due to a painful divorce or a series of disappointing dating experiences. In recent Elite Connections reviews, and according to Sixty+ Me Community, many women over 60 find that their sense of confidence is broken and feel disillusioned by men and marriage —so they do not want someone that will shatter them once more. Also, one of the top Elite Connections complaints is that women do not appreciate comparison. Please don’t compare her to younger women. Some 60+ women might be in great shape and appear younger than their age — but she does not want to be compared to a woman in her 20’s or 30’s because, well, she is not that young again. Mature women are looking for a genuine man who practices kindness and loves from the heart. Someone who will treasure her heart enough to never let her down at this latter stage. According to Elite Connections reviews, she also wants lots of romance, and words of affirmation to make her feel she is not too old to be loved.
It’s not out of place to say that most women wish there was a machine that could examine the intentions of men that approach them. Well, none exists. This is why ‘making your intentions known’ is the mantra of every dating service. In the end, every woman wants to be loved by someone, they want signs of certainty in a relationship and that is one major thing their partners should be sensitive to. To schedule a free consultation with a professional matchmaker today, call 800-923-4200 or email [email protected] Visit www.eliteconnections.com to fill out a free VIP Questionnaire.
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