#(and idk how chibnall feels about them or what route he might want to take)
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honestly missy’s character development in s10 was everything i’ve ever wanted. the master is a fantastic villain but god i just love them a lot and i adore their relationship with the doctor, so naturally i want the two of them to come together. i never truly believed it would happen because the master has just always been too proud and too set in their ways to change, and “turning good” would be like admitting defeat. but deep down, they never stopped caring for the doctor.
missy’s whole stint on the show has been about her trying to reconcile those two parts of herself: the part that is chaotic and evil, and the part that wants to be the doctor’s friend. in s8 and s9, we see that doesn’t really work. they both still care deeply for each other, but she cannot do the killing and the scheming and have a relationship with the doctor like she wants. in s10, the scale begins to level itself out. 
at her execution, she turned on the waterworks to appeal to the doctor’s sensibilities. those tears were not genuine. yes, she considers herself the doctor’s friend, but she didn’t actually want to be good. she didn’t want the doctor to teach her how to be a better person. she just didn’t want to die. the master likes to pretend they’re too big to beg, but their track record says otherwise lmao.
but then she was put in the vault and spent like what, seventy years in there? in the grand scheme of a time lord’s life, seventy years may not be much, but that isolation still got to her. the tears at her execution were forced, but the rest of them weren’t. (trust me, i didn’t know if they could be trusted at first either. goddamn i hoped she was actually being honest but i figured she was playing him.) like she said in the lie of the land, ‘being bad drowned that out.’ she’s not pure evil; she still has feelings. but she’s never actually marinated in them. it apparently takes about seventy years of imprisonment for the master to feel regret.
then the other master popped up. the one who burns like a whole screaming world on fire. his fire and his intensity must be so easy to get caught up in, especially for someone who knows exactly how it feels to be him. she says she remembers it and she will always miss it. but the pull of the doctor, her love for him and her desire to be his friend has finally become stronger than the pull of power and chaos and destruction. finally, the master stands with the doctor and the doctor has no idea.
but where she stands is where she falls. without hope. without witness. without reward. 
one part of her (chaotic and evil) shooting the other part of her (the doctor’s friend) is just fucking poetic, isn’t it? that’s what’s been going on for so long. those two parts just never mesh and the bad part always comes out triumphant.
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