#(as if me calling him ''my sassy asshole best buddy'' didn't already clue you in)
Forspoken has so thoroughly taken over my brain that I'm legit, not even joking, considering getting a tattoo of Cuff. There's just three problems with this idea:
I'm scared of needles
I don't like pain of any sort for any length of time for any reason, and
The idea of being stabbed with a needle dipped in ink a billion times to make my arm as pretty as my sassy asshole best buddy does not negate my fear of needles nor my aversion to pain and/or discomfort
Like, I can barely get a shot without freaking the hell out and/or crying. But I still kind of want to do it? But I really, really don't. So I'm gonna sit on this idea for a couple months and see if Forspoken lets go of my brain enough that I decide I don't want the tattoo after all. But if it's been a few months and I still want it? Well, I know at least one person who will happily hold my whiny baby hand while I get inked up, and she also probably has a good recommendation for an artist here in town XD
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Ocean Eyes - Part 2
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It was an unusually hot day, so i pulled out Mason's kiddy pool and filled it for him to cool off in. I was sat on one of the sun loungers close by reading my book where i could still keep an eye on him.
"Yeah babe?"
"Is auntie Hannah coming round soon with Lucas? Im bored"
"They should be here soon buddy" i smiled over at him.
"Okay.... im hungry"
"Fine.... i'll go get you something but you have to come out the water while i'm inside...."
"Oh mom i dont wanna get out...."
"Mace come on now...." i rolled my eyes putting my book down.
"Knock knock" i heard a very familiar voice call out from behind, i turned and stared wide eyed at none other than Scott Evans!!
"Scott.... what... what are you doing here?" I asked standing up and walking over to the back gate to let him in.
"Chris told me where you were, i had to come see you! I've missed you! You stopped replying to my messages and wouldn't take my calls...."
"Yeah i'm sorry Scott, that was a dick move" i nodded, I had been friends with the Evan's since we were kids.... best friends with Chris and Scott "i was dealing with some stuff.... guess i didn't handle it well"
"I can see that" he said looking over at Mason who was sat in the pool with his back to us as he crashed some toys around "he yours?"
"He is, thats Mason"
"Well you gonna introduce me properly??" He asked being his usual sassy self!
"Sure, come on over" i led the way over to where Mason was playing feeling my heart racing, i hadn't been this nervous in forever!
"Hey Mace? I want you to meet a friend of mine...."
Mason turned to face us and i heard Scott audibly gasp.
"This is my friend Scott"
"Hi" he said shyly looking Scott over.
"Hey bud, its nice to meet you...." Scott smiled at Mason before turning his attention to me with wide eyes as Mason carried on playing as if we wasn't there.
"Is there something you need to tell me Y/N?....."
I looked away from Scott keeping my eyes on my son, i shook my head in disbelief..... i did not expect to be having this conversation today!
"You know his a spitting image...."
"I know Scott! Im not blind" i snapped.
"But how?? I mean i know how! But...."
"Hey! Its just us...." i heard Hannah call from inside, she always let herself in.
"Hey.... oh shit"
"Hey Hannah, good to see you" Scott smiled with a little wave.
"Scott..... what a surprise..."
"Han, can you watch Mason while i go inside and talk to Scott?" I asked as i shifted nervously on the spot.
"Hi auntie Y/N!" Lucas said loudly as he ran past me heading to Mason.
"Hey buddy" i smiled at him as i led the way into the house with Scott following close behind.
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"Okay so spill it" Scott said breaking the awkward silence between us as he pulled out a chair and sat down at the kitchen table.
"What do you already know? What did Chris tell you about us?...." i asked avoiding eye contact with him.
"Well obviously i know the two of you used to hook up occasionally.... he said he just lost contact with you when you left town"
"Wow....." i scoffed shaking my head "is your brother still an asshole?"
"Why are you calling him an asshole? I thought you guys were friends??"
"We were. Then we were more.....or at least i thought so"
"You two were serious?"
"I guess not"
"He never said anything...."
"Before he made it 'big' with the whole Captain America thing we were serious"
"How serious?"
"Serious enough to get married....."
"Im sorry WHAT???!!"
"How did i not know about this??? when did this happen??" he stared at me with wide eyes and his mouth hanging open as he tried to process the information.
"You remember the weekend in Vegas for my birthday, before he started filming Winter Soldier?....that one night you got food poisoning and stayed in bed..."
"You got married in Vegas?! were you both drunk??"
"Nope, stone cold sober" i shrugged "god i loved him Scott.... he was telling me he loved me and talking about starting a family..... we walked past a chapel and he asked me to marry him. Promised we'd do it properly when we got home...."
"My god...... so what happened?"
"Chris wanted to wait until he finished filming to tell everyone.... or so he said. When he came home once he was done filming he told me we had made a mistake. His career was taking off and he wouldn't have time for a wife..... he was getting a lot of attention from women, he didn't want to be tied down with me did he?"
"Did he say that?!"
"He didn't have to, he was pictured with different women all the time" i shrugged.
"What an asshole!" Scott spat sounding pissed at his brother "how could he do that to you of all people??"
I shook my head as i thought back on the time i was heartbroken.... pining for my best friend... my husband, and he had so easily forgotten about me, i quickly wiped a stray tear away before Scott could see.
"I found out i was pregnant two weeks later. I tried calling him but he never answered or returned my messages..... so i made a choice. I decided to pack up and leave, start somewhere new where i could raise my baby. I received divorce papers shortly after which i signed and returned, i didnt want anything to do with him"
"You should have called me! I wouldve talked some sense into him!"
"He didn't want me Scott let alone a baby.... he made his choice and i made mine" i smiled looking out the window at my beautiful boy "i dont regret it for a second, Mason is my world. He's my perfect little boy.... even if he does look like a spitting image of his father. Thats the hardest part.... its the eyes.... he has his eyes".
Scott was suddenly beside me pulling me into his arms and holding me tight.
"Im so sorry sweetie"
"Its fine.... it was a long time ago.... when Chris showed up here yesterday i nearly had a heart attack!" I mumbled against Scotts chest.
"I bet.... why was he here?"
"Apparently we're still married! That jackass never filed the papers! But now he's seeing someone and its getting serious he wants the option of marrying her"
"You should tell him about Mason....."
"I can't Scott, he'd hate me.... what if he tried to take Mason from me?"
"He wouldn't do that, he might want a chance to get to know his son but he wouldn't hurt you like that....."
"Can you be sure? 100% sure that he wouldn't want to take Mason?? I've seen some of his interviews about wanting kids...."
"Don't you want Mason to know his father?"
"Of course! You dont think i wanted my son to have a dad? I tried to tell him Scott but he ghosted me!"
"Look i love my brother you know that, i know what he was like a few years back, he went through a phase of being an absolute douche bag..... but his different now"
"I'll think about it okay?"
"Okay..... i'll be there for you through it all i promise"
"Thank you Scotty, god I've missed you" i smiled giving him another hug "you staying for lunch? Mason's hungry"
"Id love to".
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Scotts POV
Y/N stood at the front door waving me off with Mason, my NEPHEW! I still couldn't believe it.... Chris was a Father!!
I waved to them both as i pulled away and started my drive home. 20 minutes into my journey my cell started to ring, i looked down to see it was Chris calling.
"Hey, what you up to?"
"Just on my way home, i went to go see Y/N"
"Oh.... h..how was she?"
"Surprised to see me, but she was good"
"Good, thats good. What did she tell you?" He sounded worried, nervous even.
"I know everything...." i huffed out a breath "how could you be so fucking stupid Chris?? you married our best friend.... our oldest friend and then left her!"
"I was such an asshole back then.... i know, but i can't change that now can i?"
"No i guess not"
"It was so good seeing her yesterday man, made me realise how much I've missed her. I was hoping we could work things out, be friends at least but.... Scott she fucking hates me!"
"Can't say i blame her....."
"Im not that guy anymore Scott" he said sadly and i knew that, id seen the change in my brother over the years.
"Try and talk to her again, maybe she just needed to get over the shock of seeing you"
"You think she'd wanna see me?"
"I have no clue, but if you want to sort things out with her your going to have to make an effort with her. Let her see your not the same asshole that left her"
"Maybe i should just leave her alone, she's been fine without me...."
"Chris..... i wasn't going to say anything but theres something you should know...."
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @melissaglenn5 (it wont tag you) @katiew1973 @denisemarieangelina
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