#I want to incorporate Symbolism™
Forspoken has so thoroughly taken over my brain that I'm legit, not even joking, considering getting a tattoo of Cuff. There's just three problems with this idea:
I'm scared of needles
I don't like pain of any sort for any length of time for any reason, and
The idea of being stabbed with a needle dipped in ink a billion times to make my arm as pretty as my sassy asshole best buddy does not negate my fear of needles nor my aversion to pain and/or discomfort
Like, I can barely get a shot without freaking the hell out and/or crying. But I still kind of want to do it? But I really, really don't. So I'm gonna sit on this idea for a couple months and see if Forspoken lets go of my brain enough that I decide I don't want the tattoo after all. But if it's been a few months and I still want it? Well, I know at least one person who will happily hold my whiny baby hand while I get inked up, and she also probably has a good recommendation for an artist here in town XD
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ddarker-dreams · 10 months
How do you consciously get better at writing? I'd love to write as elegantly as you but it doesn't come naturally to me no matter how much I practice. Was there anything you did that helped you improve?
WHEW ... getting better at writing, huh ... i wish i could give you a comprehensive guide, but in all honesty, writing is so subjective, as is any rubric that tries to measure improvement. since i'm speaking from personal experience, this might not help everyone. something else to keep in mind is that i've been writing stories since i was around seven-ish, which means i've had a lifetime to develop my writing voice. as you keep chugging along, you'll find yourself getting into a rhythm of your own.
okay!!! after giving it some thought, here's a brief overview of the two things i feel helped me most with my writing.
consider the genres you enjoy the most. what are some of the key characteristics to these genres? why did it leave such a lasting impact on you? the two genres that influence my writing the most are gothic and psychological fiction. regarding the former, there's a focus on emotions like dread, unreliable narration, and dark or ill-fated 'romance' (sometimes). then, for the latter, exploring the characters' inner thoughts is normally the highlight. i love the storytelling that's born from these literary elements, you'll find a lot of this in my writing. i'd say a lesser influence on my writing is morbid humor ... just a bit... as a treat.
figuring out why i like the things i do has helped bolster my motivation. i have a rough idea of how i'll want to convey ideas. now, on the flip side, you don't need to limit yourself to any one genre. i just think identifying some influences is a good starting point.
learning o'clock
never stop learning. i listen to podcasts on crime and history, watch Video Essays™ breaking down/discussing my favorite media, read academic journals on topics of interest, etc etc... this helps introduce you to a wide scope of ideas, lexicon, and experiences you wouldn't have known about otherwise. it's good to keep that three pounds of gray matter in your noggin churning along. there are a ton of benefits to learning, but as it pertains to writing, you can incorporate your areas of expertise into your stories. for example, i grew up in a christian household and have loooots of bible knowledge sitting around collecting dust. so i often incorporate religious symbolism into my work, given how familiar i am with the subject.
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nhaneh · 7 months
You ever thought about why these generative "AI" models have such a propensity towards plagiarism?
Obviously there's one half of it that's basically just down to that it's what a lot of their users are explicitly using them for - they want something that explicitly looks, or sounds, or otherwise appears at least superficially to be in the style of another thing. But there's also an underlying problem at the heart of these models that's basically about understanding - or specifically, the lack of thereof.
When you ask a person to mimic someone or something, they tend to go about doing that by trying to figure out what it is about that particular person or style that's noteworthy, how those things are achieved, and then how they themselves might approximate that given the tools and expertise available to them. You try to identify a pattern, or a series of patterns, and then figure out how to replicate those patterns within your own skillset.
The problem with generative "AI" is that it only does the first half.
See, the thing with stuff like Large Language Models and similar is that they're basically patterned on a rather simplified model of how human learning works - you have a kind of simulated neural network that processes data and builds internal models of how various elements relate or interconnect to each other not all that dissimilar from how our own brains do. The big, huge, really important difference is that the models we build incorporate this nebulous little concept called meaning.
I've made this example before but, consider my cat. My cat is, in my estimation, likely of fairly regular levels of feline intelligence - meaning she has but a single braincell that is sometimes capable of unbelievable acts of apparent intellect and at all other times is only slightly smarter than a fence post. But, the important thing for this example: my cat knows what a door is.
Consider that for a moment: my cat can not only visually recognise a common group of sometimes quite disparate objects as all being roughly The Same Thing™, but, more importantly, she knows that if an object looks like a door, it can probably be opened. There is probably something on the other side. She might be able to either open the door, or enlist a human to open the door for her.
And again, "AI" only does the first half: you can train them to recognise doors, and quite easily at that, but they don't infer any kind of meaning from it - they can match images of doors to a statistical model, but they can't do anything with that model other than looking for things that match it. There's no introspective model to consider what it means for a match to be a match, no thinking about the context in which matches are found and what it might mean to find a match in an unexpected place or situation... and I mean, thank fuck for that because none of these corporations are at all capable of even a fraction of the amount of responsibility necessary to be allowed access to the on-off switch of a potentially sapient emergent entity.
But basically, this is why they indulge in so much obvious plagiarism: without the ability to comprehend meaning, no detail is more important than the other, the presence of a black pixel in the top left corner can be just as important a detail as what a finger tends to look like - they don't generate things based on an understanding of what is asked of them, they generate based on what is statistically associated with the prompts they're given, no matter what those associations are or what they're like. It's why "text" in "AI" art looks the way it does: it's a statistical representation of what lettering looks like by something that lacks the ability to comprehend meaning - it replicates the shapes and forms, the flows and designs, but fails to recognise any of the symbols as individual objects with distinct meaning.
It's basically what learning without understanding looks like - the ability to find patterns without the ability to infer meaning from those patterns. It's finding faces in the clouds without ever knowing what a face is.
And of course, at the end of the day, the problem with generative "AI" is not actually generative "AI" at all - it's that a bunch of rich assholes with way too much money and power in society think they can, and should, just replace the rest of us with mindless automatons.
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tired-reader-writer · 2 years
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And finally, he is done!! My brain is fuzzy, help.
The first is his just... day-to-day clothes before he came to live with Shapur, I suppose! I thought I'd have a lot more to say about this. I tried to give him autumnal, warm colours as usual, though fun fact prototype!Kazai's main colour was green.
The next up is what he usually wears after coming to live with Shapur, the sketch next to it is my rough design of what his household staff/attendants would wear, and I... tried? to at least echo the wrapping and styling to theirs even if obviously Kazai's clothes aren't cut like theirs. Funnily enough he sheds a layer here hahaha.
Then comes his wedding attire! SO ORNATE. MUCH GREEN. I had so much fun designing this one even if it gave me a massive headache. The green robe part was shorter at first but that didn't really convey the ceremonial vibes I was gunning for in my eyes, so I elongated it. The white tree was... supposed to be a pine tree but I quickly realized all my attempts of drawing one looked like shit. So I gave up and drew a (hopefully decent) normal tree— which... I'm just gonna retcon and say it was supposed to represent whatever species of tree they planted at their wedding. At first instead of a tree I wanted to have a cat and a wolf, one on each side, but... it looked weird and it didn't work so tree it was. About the thing on his sleeves, the outer blue ring with waves represents the ocean, the triangles the mountains, and then I fucking forgot what the thing in the middle was, I probably had no clue what to put in there but not liking the empty look I just chucked smth random in. Forgive me! (Also I tried to incorporate purple into this!)
Also this is how his marriage bracelet looks (Shapur has a matching one):
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All the colours represent the two of them, save for maybe the outermost layer I forgot why I chose that colour there. Reddish pink (Kazai) and teal (Shapur) intertwined, enveloped by purple (Shapur) which is in turn enveloped by yellow (Kazai). Maybe the purple and yellow part would be reversed in Shapur's bracelet.
And then his ceremonial dance attire! Despite looking simpler than the wedding attire this might've given me even more of a headache because... ALL THE TASSELS. THE BORDERS ON THE SLEEVES. THE STAR/SNOWFLAKES. In terms of sheer tediousness this one would win by a landslide 😂😂
The borders on the bodice part were just... I just thought they looked cool, moving onto the sleeves I tried to have little stars in them but I don't know if you can even see them. The dark indigo part is supposed to be the night sky, and the white little things simultaneously stars and snowflakes. The tassels attached to that part, the colours are supposed to represent Northern Lights, because you could see them from the ancient island, it had Polar Days and Polar Nights as well— months where the sun did not set at all or would not rise. The same theme is repeated on the necklace. The symbol on the pendants... Let's just say it's a feeble attempt on drawing a stylized pine tree. If it failed well at least it looks vaguely like a tree? Also tiny little chimes hang from those pendants.
As for the bottom skirt portion of the robe... At first I was just gonna repeat the Northern Lights colours, or maybe just silver, but... I got bored. So I went buckwild with that one, I don't know what it's supposed to represent anymore.
Also that kind of gathered sort of shirt with puffy collars, they're only for ceremonial occasions.
I wanted headwear too, esp for the ceremonial outfits, but by that point my brain was pretty much dead so they don't look... very good... Here they are anyways:
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And this is how his tats look:
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This was uh, a Rant™! I hope you enjoyed this mess as much as I did.
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tiffanylamps · 2 years
I'm an idiot i did not mention THE writing trademark of yours and that is RELIGIOUS IMAGERY AND SYMBOLS (seriously though that is the thing™ that is the spice of all lamps-fics!)
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(I had to use a fleabag gif)
Damn girl, you don't need to be coming in here being all cute! I like you enough as it is. At this rate, my head won't be able to fit inside this lamp! 😂 Joking aside, you are quite correct, I do love some religious imagery/symbolism. I think I have incorporated it to some capacity in almost every one of my fics.
That religious upbringing of mine clearly did something to me lol. (i just realised that i tried to write a priest au, where the religion in question was Catholicism and i didn't grow up Catholic, so that's probably one of the reasons i found it so hard to write lol. But for real, my google search history was wild for a time. MI5 probably thought I wanted to become a nun 😂 anyway, that was a silly tangent)
Thank you for dropping by my asks to send me this 💛💛💛 it means so much and I'm so fohfoufhpwdijp. You're too good to me!
(you're so far from an idiot, it's actually offensive that you dare call yourself that)
iva's ask game
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solomanta · 2 years
Ways to strengthen your devotion
(Warning: This post is somewhat geared towards Satanists but is intended for all spiritual people. If you do not follow Satan then simply ignore the specifics of any reference to him and focus on the general message.)
I have struggled with my faith, religion, and devotion to my spirituality and my craft before. It would fluctuate between my being completely devoted and loyal one day to unmotivated and tired the next. I always find that there are certain things I can do that help reaffirm my devotion to my craft and spiritual practices. I thought I should share them with you guys.
Especially for those who also follow Satan. I feel losing interest and determination really wrecks with our heads as it’s strictly against the general philosophy and teachings of our Dark Lord. I hope this helps you all :-)
1. Thoughts
The easiest way I get back into the swing of things is by simply thinking about things. You can focus on experiences you’ve had such as prayers and spells that left you feeling alive and strong.
It could be about all the things you’ve done to build up your craft and religious knowledge, or it could be about the tools and objects you’ve worked on and used. Anything that fans the flame within you. This is usually my first step towards regaining my devotion.
2. Ambitions
Another way of thinking that really gets me going is creating goals. This can be as simple as promising to yourself, the Dark Lord, or whatever spirits and gods you work with that you’re going to make an altar in a shoebox.
Maybe even carving a wand, or collecting leaves and plants for mixtures and ritual decoration. It could be as ambitious and extreme as promising to whomever you feel that you’re going to plan a fantastical ritual out in the woods for the upcoming full moon where you dance naked and have everything organised. As long as you make the promise and focus on keeping it.
3. Create + Admire
One of the most creative and inspiring ways to get back into your faith and craft is to create things or to admire creations focusing on your specific religious and spiritual practices. Whenever I feel like it, I go on Pinterest and I look at Satanic art and altars and books and everything related to it.
The imagery, the photography, the symbolism, the passion, the creativity. It all gets me revved up and inspires me. I also love creating things. Specifically tools. I worked on creating my current grimoire for roughly 2-3 months.
I have yet to fully write anything in it but that’s because I’ve been busy with other things and I haven’t had the time to do any research or write in any of my spells and prayers. What I have done though, is made a beautiful opening page which illustrates a Baphomet-like being behind a coloured pentacle with the phrase “In the Devil I trust” written above it. I also sewed the book together by hand, created the cover and put it all together. Throughout the whole creation process I felt inspired and powerful. I felt like I could do anything and I had such a great passion burning through me, and that’s why my favourite thing to do is to create and admire artwork and tools designed for my path.
4. Practice
A few short months ago I felt stumped. I was completely unmotivated and felt like I was going nowhere with my craft. I asked the Dark Lord what to do and every time I asked the question, the answer I would receive always translated to “Just Practise!”. Not practise as in “Practice Makes Perfect” where I should do things over and over to become Perfect™, but practise my craft. You can do tarot, you can write spells, you can read and research different topics, you can write prayers and petitions, you can simply talk to your spirits and the Dark Lord. Whatever you want to do that incorporates your power, do it. You’re a witch, so act like it.
5. Plan
I know that some of you might be assuming that this is just a repeat of the “Ambition” part of this post, but it is somewhat different. Making goals is thinking of something you want to do and figuring out how to go about it. It’s focusing on the end result of achieving it. Planning is focusing on the development of whatever you’re working on. I really like the idea of writing for money and even as a full time career. I’ve read about freelance work and I’ve done some research. I’ve always been told I’m a great writer or that I have potential, and I love writing. I feel like it’s something I could do.
I kept seeing everywhere that one of the best ways to improve your writing was to create a blog. This made me think about the 1, maybe 2(?) blogs I’ve seen on Satanism and Satanic witchcraft. I felt inspired to start my own blog to share my knowledge, experiences and ideas with others like me.
So I immediately started planning how to do it. What would I talk about? What would it look like? How would I make it? This is the difference between a goal and a plan. I have the goal to make a blog, and I focus on the end result and working on it once it’s made, but I’m also planning my blog. I’m learning new things, I’m working on my ideas and refining the blueprint I’ve laid out so far. This has inspired me and the idea of making my own blog makes me feel passionate about it. If you decide on a goal such as a witchcraft related blog, or a business selling divination and spell-work, or making a tarot deck, or writing a book. Anything! Then Plan It!
If you leave something so big as just a goal that’s in the same place in your head as the shoebox altar, or the flower picking, then you’ll never be able to accomplish it. Put the work in and you will feel a fire in you. You’ll feel devoted, successful and powerful. Take you’re craft, take your spirituality, take your dream and your desire, and Make It Happen!
I hope that this helps those of you out there who feel stuck and down in the dumps. It isn’t the end of the world if you feel a little disconnected. Especially to my fellow Satanists out there, I want you to know this. The Dark Lord loves you no matter what you do or how you act. As long as you stay devoted in your mind and soul, it doesn’t matter. To everyone else, I hope that you find inspiration and are able to work past the devotional-blockage that you’re dealing with.
Source: A Deleted Tumblr Blog (dubh-linn-lad)
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 month
Robin Hand-Me-Downs
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2RfgQOn by TheBearMinimum Before New Earth when Jason Todd was just Dick Grayson lite ™ Dick gave Jason the Robin costume. I always like that better than Bruce giving Jason the title with no input from Dick. I wanted to incorporate the original circumstances into the canon that we know. It goes beyond that but that was the starting point and main idea of this. Dick Grayson’s original Flying Grayson leotard was used to make the first Robin costume. It isn’t meant to be worn. It served as a symbol of where Robin came from. Robin is his legacy, and after he passed that costume off to Jason Todd, it became a tradition. Robin belongs to Dick Grayson and the burden he carries because of it. This features a lot of jumping around to each Robin and exploring Dick's relationship with them. Words: , Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne Relationships: Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne Additional Tags: semi character study, Some angst, tried to make it happy at the end, Robin means a lot of things to me, Half of this is just projection I'm gonna be so real with you read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2RfgQOn
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quess-art · 3 years
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Magical Girl AU with Fortune + Alien Cat! Aizawa for @thelazyhermits
Designing this AU was lots of fun and reminded me how much I love magical girl tropes from the 2000s. More design sketches UC!
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I was talking to Haze about her AU and I like to think something along the lines of the design in the left corner was her debut outfit when she was younger. We went with cute + mystical vibes for the theme!
Some notes about the finalized design:
The inner parts are made of galaxies... or the void who knows :)
The symbol of the eye is prominent as the theme of this AU is imagination -- the eyes can open up too for maximum creepiness if desired lol (although that's more so Aizawa's MO)
The ring around her ankle matches Aizawa's and connects them together (but mostly for the wholesomeness)
When transformed her eyes and hair take on pastel pink/blue. The inner part of her hair will always appear blue
Her sleeve laces below her clothes are connected by a ring on her middle finger, and they are also a part of a lace-to-opaque undershirt
She wears comfortable shorts under her dress
I really wanted to incorporate long veils in the main design but then I remembered the tried and true formula of the 2000s MG shows: MORE TRANSFORMATIONS!
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So here are the "obligatory next stage transformations to sell toys" design. Mode: Boundless especially lol Joking aside creating these designs was a lot of fun. Since Haze's AU revolves around imagination, I'd like to think Mode: Boundless is her ultimate form while Mode: Lucid is her Dark Form™ (cause the "dark magical girl who is an antithesis to the MC" always had the coolest designs!) not necessarily evil, but a form suited for different objectives depending on the turmoil Fortune is going through
I honestly wanted to design a lot more but my wrists are opposed to it lol
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mittai · 3 years
☕️ fictional magic systems!
ohhhhhhhh my god i love fictional magic systems like i love them so fucking much. i think i generally prefer hard magic systems to soft ones, simply on account of it has more of a concrete vibe™. but it's definitely like not a limiting factor. like atla's magic system is kind of on the soft side, but because it has such a well fleshed out vibe, and lots of variations are explored & it's melded w/ worldbuilding super well, i love it. 
similarly, i think building in a concrete mythology / legends / understanding of its' role in the world and a well established like SENSE of the magic system is what i look for. like i want to know how common is magic, what's its' relation to the system of government? are there class differences in knowledge of magic (i.e. does the upper class control the learning + teaching of magic?) what's the magic's role in the world? is it used in industry, is it used for military might? is it used by everyday families? i think also you can’t have your magic be like possibly capable of everything, right? like you need to say, ok the magic is based around xyz powers or some category of powers (physical senses, the elements, colors, whatever) and then find creative ways to use that power. i think if you want to go with the route of “magic has so many spells / variations / powers that is does all these mystical things”, you need to build in a concrete sense of 
i think that’s one reason i like the broken earth trilogy, is because the magic is so well incorporated into both the actual geographical worldbuilding and the sociopolitical worldbuilding (no spoilers i’m only partway thru 🤫). it’s also one of the reasons i’m not too fond of the magic in harry potter. like it’s just too much. like the magic is so wide and varied and can do so many “typical magic things” that no part of it really stands out, and there’s no concrete sense of “oh the magic is commonly used in these specific industries, this is the role it plays in global politics” or whatever. it’s also why i like atla and to some level, lok as well. they show how imperialism & genocide has destroyed the ability of the southern water tribe to pass on its bending, and being left with only one waterbender. and they also show how the bending of the airbenders, which corresponded to a culture & way of life, was almost destroyed by their genocide. and furthermore, they show its’ role in sociopolitical / geopolitical worldbuilding, with the firebenders using it for military might in atla, the earth queen kidnapping airbenders in lok to grow her own power, etc. which is also honestly a criticism of stormlight, because while the powers are cool, they don’t feel like a cohesive set? like it just seems like he pulled a bunch of typical fantasy powers and split them up into pairs, although some of them are more unique, and even the typical ones are explored very well? but i think making the 10 powers more cohesive / related would have been better. mistborn is slightly better on that count, but the powers are still too varied for me ig.
i’m also obsessed with the fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood magic system. like alchemy has such a concrete basis for the power, while also maintaining some flexibility. it also works the power into the sociopolitical landscape (w/ the use of it in the ishval war, the “state alchemists” thing, etc) and has a concrete mythology and origin (the homunculi, etc) that’s explored and used to symbolically “up the stakes” near the end. another (weird) example: i think naruto had a pretty well integrated magic system (until the end of shippuden, where everything kind of went off the fucking rails like what was that shit lol). like you have a sense of the basis of the power (chakra) which could be channeled in various ways. and you could mostly split up the system into 3 parts: ninjutsu (chakra channeled for physical attacks), taijutsu (hand to hand combat that could be enhanced with chakra), and genjutsu (illusion / mind based attacks). and within ninjutsu, you had various disciplines: elemental attacks, seals that could fuck with time / space, and the “basics” (short range teleportation, escaping from ropes, illusory clones, etc). and i think the addition of specific genetic powers passed down through clans was also a good addition that helped w/ the sociopolitical element i talked about. the tailed beasts was also an interesting addition. if only kishimoto knew how to write women </3. and if only whatever that shit at the end was didn’t happen </3.
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Presenting our next Horoscope Collection, VIRGO.
THE DEPICTION OF VIRGO. THE MAIDEN. WEARING WINGS, SHE HOLDS WHEAT WITH ONE HAND. THE GODDESS OF JUST AND MORAL. VIRGO SYMBOLISM Virgo is an earth sign historically represented by the goddess of wheat and agriculture
STORY OF VIRGO, THE GODDESS WAS FROM THE GOLDEN AGE. A TIME OF PEACE. THIS GODDESS IS OF PURITY, INNOCENCE, HOPE. AS THE AGES PASS, HUMAN KIND WORSENS. VIRGO IS THE LAST OF THE IMMORTALS ON EARTH. SHE WANTS ONLY TO HELP HUMANKIND EVEN IF THEY HAD ALREADY STOPPED PRAYING TO THE GODS. AS HUMANS ARE NO LONGER SAVEABLE. SHE CHOSE NOT TO GO TO OLYPUS WITH THE OTHER IMMORTALS (AS MANY WERE NOT AS PURE), NOR EARTH AND THIER IMPURITIES, SHE WENT TO THE HEAVENS. BECAME A CONSTELLATION. WAITING FOR EARTH TO ONE DAY RETURN TO THE GOLDEN AGE. PEACE. The intertwining of Virgo and Libra! Often intertwined. The lady justice. Libra is that of a scale. A tool of unbiased, blind, justice. A tool used by Virgo. Virgo wanted to do what she could to help humans till she couldn’t no more. Libra on the other hand in the unwavering, justice. Right vs Wrong. Not wavering by emotion or attachment.
“Virgo is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac, associated with purity and innocence. In Greek mythology, Virgo is often represented by Astraea, the daughter of Zeus and Themis. As the goddess of Innocence, Virgo was said to have lived amongst us during the Golden Age of man. However, when humanity began to descend into wickedness and corruption, she fled from Earth for good. Her departure marked the end of Paradise on Earth. According to legend, it also signaled mankind's downfall - we were now destined to suffer through disease and sickness for all eternity. She was renamed Virgo, or "the virgin," because she never married and always remained pure.
But despite her associations with sickness and sadness, Virgo is also a symbol of hope and regeneration. After all, she is the daughter of Zeus, the king of the gods! This means that even in our darkest hours, we can always look to the heavens and take comfort in knowing that there is still some good left in this world.” https://greekmythology.com The stories about Astraea and Erigone (Section explained in Greek Mythology) The Messed Up Mythology™ of Virgo | Astrology Explained - Jon Solo ASTRAEA www.theoi.com/Titan/Astraia
The unveiling day for each horoscope will be at my Exhibition (NOW) on JANUARY 27th, 2022. I’ll be saving the best of each photoshoot for the grand opening! tickets will be available closer to the date as well as location details.
SUCH AN AMAZING Model COLLABORATION. Two models, who’ve never done a photoshoot before, knocked it out of the park! Ryan’s beauty and adaptability were so impressive. Visiting Ottawa from Toronto. In a very short amount of time; came and dominated the photoshoot! Had faith in the art, putting %100 in every movement and expression. He truly captured Virgo’s essence. Putting life into the goddess’ story. A big thank you to our outstanding team: Samantha St Jean, Sarah Mohsn, Fatima Sales, and Ricardo Krpan. With everyone together, we truly made magic. Helping in set styling, time management, portability, behind-the-scenes, assisting in lights, props, placement, navigation, and more! I love you guys and am truly grateful for the team we had creating this project!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 month
Robin Hand-Me-Downs
by TheBearMinimum Before New Earth when Jason Todd was just Dick Grayson lite ™ Dick gave Jason the Robin costume. I always like that better than Bruce giving Jason the title with no input from Dick. I wanted to incorporate the original circumstances into the canon that we know. It goes beyond that but that was the starting point and main idea of this. Dick Grayson’s original Flying Grayson leotard was used to make the first Robin costume. It isn’t meant to be worn. It served as a symbol of where Robin came from. Robin is his legacy, and after he passed that costume off to Jason Todd, it became a tradition. Robin belongs to Dick Grayson and the burden he carries because of it. This features a lot of jumping around to each Robin and exploring Dick's relationship with them. Words: , Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne Relationships: Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne Additional Tags: semi character study, Some angst, tried to make it happy at the end, Robin means a lot of things to me, Half of this is just projection I'm gonna be so real with you via https://ift.tt/2RfgQOn
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