#(bc she along with the cant's destruction was the first domino that started this journey so it caught my interest)
rocicrew · 1 year
How do we feel about Miller, generally, in the fandom?
What do you think about him?
i'm not sure tbh what the overall feel about miller is in the fandom. i've seen both positive and negative opinions so my guess is a mixed bunch, but to which way that tips i actually don't know bc i joined the fandom 'late'.
personally, i don't particularly like him as a character. i understand that they wanted a noir vibe so that must have factor in it's creation but a. he's just wasn't one of the characters i was drawn to, b. i can't get over his obsession with julie. i still think the story could have worked without pushing the obsession that far. crooked cop with loose morals gets a kidnap job, but as he digs in realizes how deep this goes, how much of a threat to belters that 'weapon' actually poses > eros > he becomes radicalized again/wants to stop it, etc becomes involved if you will. eros is more than enough to spiral, seek revenge, stop and so the list goes ... he still wouldn't become my fave, personally speaking but the overall story still holds. then again i'm being very subjective bc it made me uncomfortable.
i have to say, that i did not expect, when i read leviathan wakes that miller was far more self aware about how a. unhealthy his obsession was b. that the image of julie he made up in his mind wasn't actually julie, in the sense of who julie actually was but his own projection. i also do not personally agree with their decision to add in the kiss on the show, nor ship them, but to each their own.
i did whoever like the use of the investigator as a plot device. it's on the weird scifi stuff i find intriguing so yeah. and i get why they picked miller for it, but overall i'm eh about miller's character but i do like what they did with the investigator later on.
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