#tldr yes i do like julie
rocicrew · 1 year
How do we feel about Miller, generally, in the fandom?
What do you think about him?
i'm not sure tbh what the overall feel about miller is in the fandom. i've seen both positive and negative opinions so my guess is a mixed bunch, but to which way that tips i actually don't know bc i joined the fandom 'late'.
personally, i don't particularly like him as a character. i understand that they wanted a noir vibe so that must have factor in it's creation but a. he's just wasn't one of the characters i was drawn to, b. i can't get over his obsession with julie. i still think the story could have worked without pushing the obsession that far. crooked cop with loose morals gets a kidnap job, but as he digs in realizes how deep this goes, how much of a threat to belters that 'weapon' actually poses > eros > he becomes radicalized again/wants to stop it, etc becomes involved if you will. eros is more than enough to spiral, seek revenge, stop and so the list goes ... he still wouldn't become my fave, personally speaking but the overall story still holds. then again i'm being very subjective bc it made me uncomfortable.
i have to say, that i did not expect, when i read leviathan wakes that miller was far more self aware about how a. unhealthy his obsession was b. that the image of julie he made up in his mind wasn't actually julie, in the sense of who julie actually was but his own projection. i also do not personally agree with their decision to add in the kiss on the show, nor ship them, but to each their own.
i did whoever like the use of the investigator as a plot device. it's on the weird scifi stuff i find intriguing so yeah. and i get why they picked miller for it, but overall i'm eh about miller's character but i do like what they did with the investigator later on.
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fullhalalalchemist · 1 year
July 20, 2023 Congress is right now determining what is included in a must pass spending bill the NDAA. Often congress will sneakily add as amendments their bills that they can't pass in a normal setting.
If you remember, I made a previous post about EARN IT being reintroduced here.
The EARN IT Act and it's copycats are bipartisan bills that will greatly censor if not completely eliminate encryption and anything sexual and LGBTQ+ from the internet, globally. Anything the far-right doesn't like will be completely gone. The best way to stop them is to use https://www.badinternetbills.com/ to call your senators.
Following it's initial introduction earlier this year was massive opposition from human rights, LGBT, tech, political groups, and grassroots groups. Bc of this, the senators decided to remake the bill but give it a new name, so they can still pass Earn It without actually passing Earn It. Those bills are the Stop CSAM Act (yes really, they actually named it that), and the Cooper-Davis act.
The entire point of these bills is to mass surveil and censor everyone and I don't know why more people or senators speak out against it. There is a direct timeline from when the Attorney General Barr (under Trump) said he wanted to do this to it's initial introduction in 2019, and how the senators explicitly knew they couldn't actually say that so they lied and said it was about "stopping CSAM" or "stopping drugs" for Cooper-Davis Act.
These bills essentially do the following:
they gut encryption, the one thing actually protects you from having your data seen by anyone. Do you want republicans to know you're trans? that someone had an abortion? that they spoke out against the govt? to see your private photos you have uploaded to the cloud? to see what porn you watch? if youre a journalist, or an abuse survivor, any hacker or abuser can see your stuff and track you.
they gut parts of Section 230, the one thing that allows anyone to post online and birthed social media. Previous gutting into 230 gave us the tumblr nsfw ban and killed that site.
they create an unelected commission with some already established govt body (DOJ, FTC, etc) that will include law enforcement and people from NCOSE or other Christian conservative groups who will decide what is and isn't lawful to say. no citizen can vote who's on this commission, and the president gets to pick. it's like the supreme court, but for the internet.
lead to mass censorship and surveillance because of the above
We have until the end of the month to stop this, but this can be added literally any moment until then. It's literally code red. If this is added it goes into effect immediately. The BEST way to stop this is to drive calls and emails to the senate. https://www.badinternetbills.com/ connects you directly to your members of congress & gives you a call script.
It is ESSENTIAL to call the Senate leaders who can stop this. Here's a more precise call script you can use: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1huD5Ldd1lPTECYTEb9Gg2ZzrqW6Y9tryHT-MdjOl8kY/edit
All these people expressed concern over Earn It, so we need to press them hard to not allow it's copycats Cooper-Davis or Stop CSAM into the NDAA. This is URGENT and needs all hands on deck. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) (202) 224-6542 Maria Cantwell (D-WA) (202) 224-3441 Jon Ossof (D-GA) (202)-224-3521 Alex Padilla (D-CA) (202) 224-3553 Cory Booker (D-NJ) (202) 224-3224 Mike Lee (R-UT) (202) 224-5444
Please please please spread this message and blow up their phones.
TLDR; The Senate is trying to quietly push the Earn It Act's copycat bills into the must pass NDAA, which will lead to mass censorship and surveillance online by gutting Section 230 which is the entire reason you can even be on tumblr and why the internet exists, killing encryption which put everyone's lives in danger, and appointing far-right people to a supreme court-esque commission that the president has direct control over. They could be added in ANY DAY and we need to push hard to stop it before it gets to that point. CALL YOUR SENATORS **NOW** BY USING https://www.badinternetbills.com/ AND CALL THE SENATE LEADERSHIP AND SPREAD THE WORD!!!!
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ms-demeanor · 1 year
not be suuuuuuper annoying but the concerns raised about aspartame by the WHO are almost entirely regarding its potential carcinogen status and not seizures. specifically, as a "possible" carcinogen, group 2B, which, while very far removed from confirmed carcinogens, becomes a very real concern because some people consume aspartame in very large quantities on a daily basis, like 12 cans of diet coke a day, no problem.
so yes, there's a great deal of ridiculous charlatan-style behavior surrounding aspartame, but that's not really related to the actual research being done. we can't look to rodent studies as the end-all-be-all, and even human observational studies dimly linking cancer to aspartame must be taken with a huge grain of salt, because, again, observational study, but when it comes to super-long-term-consumption of an ingredient and the potential for cancer, it's not unreasonable to evaluate your personal risk tolerance and decide it's not a bad idea to reduce or eliminate aspartame from your diet
tldr (do people still use this term?): the actual concerns about aspartame aren't about sensitivity or seizures and it cannot be conclusively said to be completely safe, but at the same time it's not a huge deal especially if you don't ingest that much of it regularly
sorry for being so annoying about this shit :( <3
So that report came out a year after I had started doing the research so it obviously didn't come up in my original deep dive and the WHO's findings on aspartame as being possibly carcinogenic are pretty much in line with prior recommended limits on aspartame consumption.
I'm not going to deny that there are some people who consume 12 cans of diet sodas a day, but I do want to point out that people who are consuming 12 cans of diet soda are drinking more than a gallon of soda each day. This is a tiny number of consumers (the vast majority of consumers drink 16oz or less a day of *any* kind of soda, diet or otherwise). At that point you don't just need to worry about the aspartame, you need to worry about what that's doing to your sodium intake as a much more proven risk (12 cans of diet coke a day gives you about half a gram more salt than would otherwise be in your diet), or be concerned about the possible connection between artificial sweeteners and metabolic syndrome.
And I really just cannot emphasize enough that the vast, vast majority of people aren't consuming more than 5 cans of diet soda daily, let alone 10 - aspartame consumption among people who use aspartame is in the 5-13mg/kg range, not in the 40-50mg/kg range except for a few very rare cases.
Humans are bad at risk assessment. People look at the IARC reclassification and look at their own (typically very small) aspartame consumption, and will stop drinking diet drinks (and will often tell other people to stop drinking diet drinks).
Drinking somewhere in the neighborhood of a gallon of diet soda each day is possibly carcinogenic, or at the very least *not provably not cancer-causing* and people have been talking about it and writing thinkpieces about it and the anti-aspartame crew has been insufferable about it since July made.
So what has happened here is that a very reasonable organization has made a very reasonable category change to a chemical that switched it from "known not to cause cancer" to "not known to not cause cancer" and the anti-aspartame crew has continued to list cancer, and neurological problems, and seizures, and a whole host of other things as the results of aspartame consumption.
And, like, I'm not calling these people charlatans for this paper but jesus christ:
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Actually maybe I am going to call these people charlatans. This all links back to the "aspartame metabolizes as formaldehyde and poisons you" thing (which a lot of the extremely suspect research on aspartame does).
People are *absolutely* still doing research into the more absurd claims of anti-aspartame activists. This paper was published *this month* (and relies on the self-reported memories of mothers of autistic children to recall how much aspartame they consumed during pregnancy, which is not going to be a *great* set of data to analyze)
But anyway, before I go down that rabbit hole, let's get back to cancer and cancer risk. It is, of course, totally okay for you to look at the designation of aspartame as a 2B substance and decide that you don't want to use aspartame anymore, that you think it's too much of a risk.
You know what's in IARC category 2A, or probably carcinogenic to humans?
Drinking hot tea. Or coffee. Or water. Or cocoa.
Drinking liquid over 65 degrees Celsius/ 149 degrees fahrenheit is biologically plausible as a cause of cell damage that may lead to cancer. There is more evidence of this connection than the connection between aspartame and cancer.
You know what we called 150 degrees when I was working at the coffee shop? Kid hot. Because that's how hot you can make hot cocoa for kids so it is warm enough to be hot cocoa but won't burn their tongues. If you serve most adults coffee or tea at 150 degrees they'll consider it cold (or at least not as hot as a hot drink should be). Starbucks doesn't serve hot coffee at under 165F and if you ask for extra hot it'll be closer to 180.
The IARC report listing hot beverages as category 2A means that it's not unreasonable to evaluate your personal risk tolerance and decide it's not a bad idea to reduce or eliminate liquids over 65C from your diet.
But nobody is doing that.
Basically more research needs to be done on everything and you're not being annoying, the way that human brains work and assess risk and set up phantoms to get scared of even when there are much bigger and realer risks (like consuming any amount of alcohol on a regular basis) that people are perfectly willing to overlook.
It's like being afraid of plane crashes but cheerfully getting in your car for a 20 mile daily commute with no concerns or worries because it's something you do every day.
Brains! They're annoying!
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suzyandthefox · 2 months
Clarification, Apologies,A word for the community, and Blog Updates..
On 31st of July, around a week ago, A situation involving some users, myself included, happened, causing me to go on a temporary hiatus for a week, as it was handled indelicately and caused a lot of harm to users who never asked to be a part of it.
For the sake of privacy and not stirring the pot again, I will not name any of the users.
I should clarify that English is not my first language, so there might be grammatical mistakes in this.
TLDR: I was careless and I reblogged from NSFW blogs not knowing they were NSFW blogs, causing harassment to other members of the community. I have deleted these reblogs and I decided to not reblog anything on this blog for the safety of everyone.
Elaboration under break:
It started when an user, who I will not name, made a callout post about me. They screenshotted reblogs I made, and while I still believe that that user fully intended to cause drama instead of addressing any real issue, they were right in calling my mistakes out.
Throughout several months, I have reblogged from NSFW accs, even though I have a bold NSFW DNI on the top of my blog. I have also reblogged from an MDNI account multiple times despite having minors on my blog, endangering both parties.
I have since blocked these accounts and deleted these reblogs. However,that doesn't undo the damage I already did.
I know I have problems with many social skills, like social cues and etiquette. I do have Autism and ADHD after all. This led to, when I was reblogging things that I found cool, me accidentally missing many of the signs that most would have seen. I didn't realize what was happening until someone told me.
At the moment of the discourse, this blog had 194 followers (202 as I write this). In any other social media platform, this number means you're basically invisible, and so that's the logic I went with. I thought nobody saw this blog so I was lenient with my content, treating this blog as my personal shitposting place.
However, after this discourse,I realized that I am being seen on Tumblr. That unfortunately was at the cost of accidentally hurting innocent users who never asked to be a part of this, along with ruining my mental health for a while.
There have been kind hearted users who defended me, and users who told me that I am being looked up to and that I am a well respected member of the community, which is something I will remember for the rest of my life.
What I am trying to say is, I fucked up. Badly. Yet despite that, the community has given me a second chance, proven by the fact that I wasn't blocked or unfollowed (Quite the opposite actually)
I now understand the responsibility that I have and that I need to be very careful with what I post, especially since I have made the choice to let minors interact with this blog. I now understand I must look after them because of that.
I apologize so much for everyone that has been hurt by this. I won't ask for forgiveness. I only ask that everyone knows that I have acknowledged my mistakes and I promise to better myself in the future.
I am a human and I make mistakes, please don't ever be afraid to tell me when I do something wrong. (Tell me, by messaging or commenting. Please not by making a call out post on me, since this has proven to hurt more than help others.)
I made this blog to be a safe place to enjoy a certain trope without getting hurt, and I want to live up to that. For the safety of everyone, me included, I will make some changes to this blog.
1: No more reblogs
This blog was handled indelicately, and unprofessionally, and I decided that I will change that, I will make this blog into an Art/Writing blog first and foremost, With prompt posts being a second priority.
The only exception to this will be fanworks or fanfics or things that are directly made for me/things I am mentioned in, I will tag them accordingly depending on content.
2: This blog is now +16
Yes, I interacted with users younger than 16 before, Yes,I have followers who are less than 16. I have thought about it deeply and I realized that for the sake of not hurting anyone, and if I wanted to be more comfortable around this blog, then I need to keep people who are slightly closer to my age range, Instead of censoring myself,
that's because I have taken a liking to (Nonsexual) fatal vore and gore, I want to make similar content in the future, as well as other darker topics.
I will not block anyone who is younger than 16, but I will not directly interact with you anymore, even if I'm not responsible for your actions, it's just to be safe.
Now I need to make some things clear:
I am not a minor so I can interact with MDNI blogs and they can interact if they wish to. As long as they're SFW
But, again, I will not reblog from them for the safety of those who are minors following my blog.
Vore is nonsexual for me and I don't want my work to be sexualised, especially because I depict myself in it.
I have absolutely nothing against people who are into it sexually, I just don't want my work in these circles.
I can't control how my work is perceived and where it goes, however my blog is SFW (In the sense that there's nothing graphic or sexual on it), meant for people who are also interested in that content, and so I don't want to see people who think it's “hot” here.
I am not responsible for anyone's actions on this blog, I am not responsible for people who find my content weird or sexual or whatever,I am not responsible for the minors on this blog, I am not responsible for my mutuals, I am only responsible for my own actions.
This community has been extremely supportive of me, and there have been people who comforted me during this whole situation, without them I probably would've deleted my blog from sheer panic.
I owe these people my life, thank you so much for being on my side.
I hope that one day, my blog can be a source of comfort too.
Thank you for reading and I hope you guys have a wonderful day!
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ryan ross iceberg explained (masterpost and tier 1)
tier 2, tier 3, tier 4, tier 5, tier 6, tier 7, tier 8
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if somehow you have no idea how icebergs work/what they are, then i’ll give a tldr: it comes from the saying “it’s just the tip of the iceberg,” so basically, the entries at the top of the iceberg are the stuff the average person would know, and as you go deeper, the content becomes more obscure. for example, if you’re a more casual panic! fan, then a lot of the entries in the sky tier are more likely to be things you would know, whereas you’re probably only going to know the stuff at the very bottom if you’re an insane person (me).
i got most of the entries from this iceberg from a couple of others that i found on twitter, here and here [i]. i combined them, shifted some stuff around, and added some things to make this one. of course, a special thanks to the twitter users areyouIlooking and checkyesjuul for making the ones i used to create this one.
i also want to give a special shoutout to the tumblr blogs @pathetic-at-the-disco and @prettyoddfever because i got so much info from them for this iceberg and they are just incredible sources of information for panic! fans.
finally, i'm really hoping everything on this iceberg is correct; of course, i did my research and there was a lot of it i already knew. however, i was not actually there for presplit panic! so i can't speak off of firsthand accounts for a lot of things. with that being said, if something is wrong, or if there is something you think should be added, please feel free to let me know, and i will go back and edit the post.
enough introduction, let’s get started.
the sky (tier 1):
guitarist of panic!:
what he is most well known for. ryan was the original guitarist of panic! and one of the true founding members. he departed the band in 2009 with former bassist jon walker, which we’ll come back to later.
this refers to an iconic piece of clothing that ryan wore while they were touring their debut album, a fever you can’t sweat out. he wears it in live in denver as well.
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(side note: the post i got this pic from is a very interesting look at their outfits from that tour so i would recommend checking it out here!) [ii]
good at makeup:
during the fever era, ryan was really well known for doing makeup looks, some elaborate. i’m inserting some examples here, but i’m also going to link a post that showcases more pics of the makeup looks he did. there are more that he did than just the ones shown in that post or here (like the god awful blue eyeshadow he did on that red carpet), and there were a lot of times he just did the classic black smudged eyeliner.
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and the tumblr post as promised: the makeup styles ryan ross wore in summer 2006 [iii]
oh boy, where do we even start with this one. there are actually going to be quite a bit of ryden references in this, but at the end i’ll link a masterpost for further reading (although most of it will be covered here). but to be keep it short and simple, ryden is the ship name for ryan ross and brendon urie. it was arguably one of the biggest ships in early 2000s bandom, as evidenced by the litany of fics written with them as a pairing. this ship (unfortunately) still lives on in people’s hearts today even though ryan and brendon don’t speak anymore.
also, i know it would seem to make more sense if their ship name was ryDON not ryDEN because of how brendon’s name is spelled, but the ship name comes from the mashing of their nicknames ryro and bden (which still doesn’t make any sense but i digress).
unfortunately, all of the ryden content on this iceberg will probably be long because i am a former rydennie (yes u can make fun of me for it go ahead) so i have a lot of knowledge on that ship. but trust me i know that ryden was not real.
“creative differences:”
this entry refers to the july 6th, 2009 split where ryan and jon left the band. the most cited reason for the split was musical differences, as stated in these interviews with brendon and spencer [iv]. however, most people believe the band actually split due to personal reasons since they basically all stopped speaking afterwards, and because of some comments jon made [v]. in fact, one MTV interview specifically singled out ryan and brendon as not getting along, but it has since been deleted [vi].
cheez wiz:
this references a clip from the pretty. odd. short-film called american valley [vii]. the video went viral circa 2015/2016 and became a huge meme in the bandom community, especially in the crankthatfrank yeemo fanbase (that sentence wasn’t in the bible). if you were a panic! fan during that time, you know the cheez wiz jokes were inescapable.
milk fic:
“ryan was kneeling in the bathtub…”
this is also unfortunate. to be blunt, this is a ryden fic in which brendon gives ryan an enema with milk. it catalyzed a trend of other shocking fics within the bandom sphere, such as the comb fic. it’s just cringy. sadly, it became so iconic that brendon knows about it and even made a vine referencing it [viii].
i would link it but i’m not going to because the author, druscila, is a pedophile. so there’s that.
onceler jokes:
i’m going to put a picture of the onceler, who is from the lorax, and ryan side by side. and that should explain this.
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now let’s move on to the next tier.
tier 2
[i] https://twitter.com/areyouiooking/status/1366887508441718790?s=46&t=srOJ3YueMMsx9_sm96odQQ, https://twitter.com/checkyesjuul/status/1368794897499615233?s=46&t=srOJ3YueMMsx9_sm96odQQ
[ii] https://prettyoddfever.tumblr.com/post/628882839458512896/panic-at-the-discos-2006-summer-tour-costumes
[iii] https://prettyoddfever.tumblr.com/post/629161631117656064/the-makeup-styles-ryan-ross-wore-in-summer-2006
[iv] https://patd.livejournal.com/2943372.html, https://patd.livejournal.com/2928377.html#cutid1
[v] https://oneweekoneband.tumblr.com/post/131968366779/jon-walker-and-ryan-ross-from-a-2009-interview-in
[vi] https://whisperdlullaby.livejournal.com/9051.html
[vii] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBot_X9pquo
[viii] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyWlisnfrm0
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pookapufferfish · 4 months
yall, big post time about this blog
(it's nothing bad )
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(images to make sure people see this)
so uhh, my eyebleeding colours and rain world banner and pfp may be gone soon so that I can fully hyperfixate on new stuff
I love rain world, never leaving the fandom (and still very much drawing all my fellas)
but I really have needed to experience other stuff. With rain world, I came here, got way more love and attention than I knew what to do with. met new friends, got new experiences, got new memories good and bad.
Honestly through the years my fixation on rain world felt more strained, it brings comfort yes but i also needed new stuff. and aus weren't helping, and roleplays never really work for me. and some friends became ex friends. and new trauma was made. and while I still love the scugs, and they are a part of me. I feel like this new fandom I am falling into has more love and fun experiences I can learn and grow with.
i need to stretch my skills and improve, i need growth and rest. I need to fall in love with something new. like I did with rain world.
These are my earliest rw art I have saved (25 july 2022? apparently, but i did change computers at a point and that might have changed the date) and my most recent full artwork (26 april 2024)
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I have improved a lot, but now I feel stagnant, i feel like i need new challenges outside of school work.
i was stuck in a real time loop of draw or people stop seeing me, talk to all my friends about their problems or they will all leave me, hide how I feel because people might abuse my feelings. But I know none of that is true.
And as I have said before, this is a blog for all my dumb stuff and hyperfixations. I love people, and I love this community. and I hope my art still makes people happy
might even start doing more oc stuff. i leave college after this year and i might need a portfolio. I hope some of you stay but I understand if me changing might be a bit much and you unfollow.
But really I am still the same guy, you can still send me rain world asks, and talk about rw ocs, and I will still add rw to my queue, and I am not unfollowing any of my mutuals. Who knows maybe this is a phase and I will come right back to this
And I know I can make a side blog but really this feels like a thing for my main blog, if you want I could adapt a side blog to have all my rain world art and I can keep posting rain world more there. if people want that.
But i feel like my art as a whole will get better from this. and maybe I can be that fun art guy rather than just the poly ship rain world guy who has a lot of weird issues.
TLDR: My blog is changing. I still will do rain world stuff but my focus will be everywhere else. This is for my mental health and so I can improve my art. But i am still a big rain world fan and that won't stop any time soon
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time for my isat era
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amateurvoltaire · 4 months
In one of your last posts you mentioned you were studying the civil war in Vandée. Have you ever seen the rather new movie "Vaincre ou Mourir" on the topic? If yes, what do you think of it? I was very curious to give it a try, hoping it's not the usual demonisation of the revolutionary government. Not that I expect it to be portrayed positively in a movie focused on the Vendéean insurgents pov, of course...
Thanks a lot for your question! It’s the first one I've ever received, and I’m really excited to dive into it. (I might have gone a bit overboard, so grab a coffee or a drink before you tackle this beast… TLDR at the bottom…)
I watched "Vaincre ou Mourir" a couple of months ago. Before I dive into my thoughts, the man himself would like a word:
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All jokes aside, have you ever been to one of those medieval theme parks where they offer a "realistic" medieval show with dinner? As a kid, every summer, my parents took me to a jousting show at an Italian theme park. We'd watch two knights fight each other for an hour while being “medieval” and munching on chicken legs without any cutlery.
That's pretty much how I felt watching this movie: it’s flashy and fun but doesn’t have much going on underneath. It makes more sense when you discover that the film was funded by Puy du Feu, a large historical theme park in Vendée.
The context
And this is the thing: despite the Canal+ distribution, most of the production is local. The Vendée itself is often defined as a memory space (1), which can lead to a community feeling a special connection to their past. This is often reflected in local traditions, commemorations, and even political leanings. I remember watching an interview from the bicentenary where some locals said they don’t celebrate the 14th of July as a matter of principle—200 years later!
It’s also worth noting that the Vendée has a history of conservative and right-leaning political preferences, and Canal+ is also a right-leaning media outlet.
The Experts
Is it a documentary? Is it a fictional film? It's hard to say in the first few minutes.
The movie attempts to project historical accuracy by introducing four experts right at the start. If a film opens with such a direct appeal to authority, I tend to scrutinise who these experts are. So, who are they?
Reynald Secher: a historian who has been a massive proponent of the Vandean genocide theory. He is very anti-Republican, and his research methodologies are rather sketchy…
Nicolas Delahaye: I don’t know much about him, but I see he publishes primarily regionally in a Vendean publishing house. That doesn’t necessarily mean he’s particularly biased, but it does mean his audience is very limited to people with specific views.
Anne Rolland-Boulestreau: a historian at the Université Catholique de l’Ouest specialising in the Vendée counter-revolution. Her articles in the Annales Historiques de la Révolution Française seem unbiased and well-researched. I own one of her books but haven't read it yet, so I can't speak to her longer-form content.
Armand Bernand: if you google de la Rochejaquelein, you will find this guy everywhere. He owns a publishing house, loves the Château de la Durbelière (2), and wrote a series of books set there. He clearly has a historical crush on M. Henri. I think he cosplayed him during some re-enactments and wrote a book about Henri’s brother Auguste.
It’s worth mentioning they either hail from Vendée or work exclusively within the region. This is my bias speaking because I’ve pretty much read all his work, but if you make a movie about the Vendee and can’t get Jean-Clément Martin to say something on camera about it, you should probably not feature any experts…
The Story
After an awkward three minutes of experts telling us how important the revolution was and introducing Charette, we get to the actual movie, which opens with a pile of bodies, burnings, a hanged person, and an awkward first-person voiceover of Charette saying that they made the Vendee into an inferno. This will be a theme for the next hour or so.
If I were to describe this film in two words, "tragedy porn" would fit. What occurred in Vendée was horrific, and its rightly violent portrayal should help viewers understand and appreciate the human and historical impact. However, the film often prioritises shock value over explaining the underlying reasons.
Charette is, by all accounts, a very compelling subject. The guy was a libertine with bucket-loads of courage and style who had a woman as an aide de camp in 1793! Despite spending 1.5 hours with him, narrated from his perspective, I would be hard-pressed to tell you what he’s actually fighting for. Is it honour? Is it revenge? Is it stubbornness? Your guess is as good as mine!
There is absolutely no character growth whatsoever. The film presents as a sequence of battles and shocking scenes narrated by a somewhat detached Charette. Remember what I said about the medieval show? This shock-value approach might work for a short performance during dinner but falls flat when stretched across an entire film.
Despite the weak script, the actors are quite good. Nothing Oscar-worthy, but they can act. The guy that plays Charette does a very good job and is quite charismatic.
The Historical Accuracy
On the whole, I can’t see glaring historical errors. It is fairly historically accurate with some minor issues. This is obviously not an exhaustive list, but there are things I noticed and jotted down:
The main one is the bizarre theory that Charette agreed to the peace of 1795 because he was promised that Louis XVII would be handed to him. This has absolutely no credible historical basis whatsoever. It’s a myth that has been propagated for over 200 years.
I’m pretty sure Charette didn’t sign the treaty of La Jaunaye. In fact, as far as I remember, no one from the insurgent side signed it.
While not a historical inaccuracy per se, it's a missed opportunity that the film often portrays Charette as the sole leader of the Vendean army. Though he mentions being one chief among many, this aspect is quickly glossed over. His historical relationship with the Catholic and Royal Army and its leaders was complex and would have been interesting to explore further. It's a shame the film likely didn't have the budget to delve into this, as it could have also demonstrated that Vendée wasn't a monolith.
The depiction of the republican army as well-equipped is somewhat exaggerated. If they were as well-appointed as shown, Carnot and Prieur (Cote D’or) would be out of a job, and Saint-Just wouldn't have needed to requisition shoes for the army.
Lastly, the film underexplains the context of why the counter-revolution started. In my opinion, it manipulatively emphasises the king's execution more than warranted, suggesting it triggered the popular uprising when it really did not. The conflict in Vendée began as a peasant revolt, where the local population was far more concerned with religious issues than royal politics. Most Vendean peasants likely couldn't name the king—they probably knew he was a Louis since there had been a Louis on the throne for 200 years, but that's about it. Their concerns were local: when parish priests who had taken the civic oath replaced their traditional priests, and the Levée en masse was decreed, forcing them to fight random Germans 600 km away for a regime threatening their way of life, they rebelled.
Is the movie anti-Republican propaganda?
To wrap up, is the film anti-Republican? Frankly, I don’t believe it is overtly so. It adopts a somewhat clichéd stance: the revolution's ideals were noble, but things eventually went too far. While I have plenty of thoughts on this—which I'll keep to myself for now—I wouldn’t say this perspective is inherently anti-Republican.
Charette is depicted as initially supportive of the revolution, which is accurate for many aristocrats, especially the minor nobility. The portrayal of Republican soldiers is balanced, with General Jean-Pierre Travot sometimes appearing more honourable than Charette. As the main character, Charette is shown as lazy, indecisive, and sometimes brutal, so the film does not attempt to heroise him. The princes, especially Artois, are also depicted negatively. So, the film isn’t overtly royalist.
Is there a specific stance against the Government (aka the CSP)? I don’t recall them being mentioned, which, again, is accurate since most Vendeeans, including the nobility, were not deeply involved in Parisian politics.
That being said, Carrier and Turreau are portrayed very negatively, and rightfully so. Republican generals are also shown as less likely to spare the "brigands" when captured, which aligns with historical accounts. The movie leans heavily on shock value, featuring hard-to-watch scenes of executions, guillotines, and drownings. Unfortunately, even the staunchest republican historians would be hard-pressed to find the evidence to call those scenes revisionists.
Beyond that, the only thing that stood out to me about the Republicans is that they made Kleber look about 60 years old.
In conclusion, is this the most accurate film ever? Certainly not. Is it counter-revolutionary propaganda? I genuinely don’t think so, and if someone claims otherwise, they’re likely being disingenuous.
Watched the movie "Vaincre ou Mourir," which felt like a medieval theme park show—entertaining but lacking depth, probably due to its funding by an actual historical theme park. Despite its attempt to appear historically accurate with expert interviews, the film fails to deeply explore its characters or the complexities of the Vendée region's history. While it doesn't contain major historical inaccuracies, it oversimplifies the causes and events of the Vendée uprising, focusing more on visual shock than factual explanation. Not outright anti-Republican or counter-revolutionary, but doesn't offer new insights into anything. Overall, flashy but not as informative as it could be.
A memory space is defined as a location (physical or otherwise) where memories, histories, and narratives are preserved, shared, and understood within a society or culture. Things like museums, monuments, rituals, stories and in this case a region can be memory spaces
Château de la Durbelière was the home of La Rochejaquelein
PS: Thank you again for your question! I had a lot of fun answering it.
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hwsfemmephenomenon · 4 months
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Check out our preemptive FAQ here!
Without further ado, here are the answers to your questions from the interest check:
☆ I would like to apply to be an art mod, but my Hetalia fanwork is a bit old and not up to date with my current skill level? Can I submit some non-Hetalia fanwork for my mod portfolio?
If this is the case, submit any work you're proud of, regardless of its relevancy to Hetalia!
☆ What does "spread" and "page" mean?
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☆ Where do I sign up?
Contributor applications will be opening July 1, 2024. We’ll make a post with the link to the contributor apps at 3PM EST on July 1, but you’ll also be able to find a link to the apps on our Carrd when the time comes! Right now the button on our Carrd is a placeholder, but if you press it now, you’ll be rewarded with a cool and funky video :]
☆ Will page size/formatting guidelines be given?
Yes! At the moment, there are placeholder measurements in our info-doc. Proper formatting will be finalized before contributor apps open once we’ve onboarded our formatting mods and discussed what sizes are best!
☆ Can my contribution include multiple HetaGirls?
YES!!! Let them interact!
☆ Are ships allowed?
Yes! As of right now, our only restrictions are no Belarus x Ukraine and no NSFW content.
☆ How many contributors will you accept to the zine?
At the moment, we’re a bit unsure! This is both Soph and Arson’s first time hosting a zine so we don’t want to bite off more than we can chew. As of right now, we may accept up to ~30 visual contributors and ~10 writing contributors, but those are estimates. We’ve gotten a ton of support for this zine, but we need to find our footing first! Ultimately, the final number of contributors will depend on what the mod team feels they can handle and how many applications we get!
☆ Why are you putting limits onto how Nyotalia characters can appear in the zine?
This zine originally came to be with the canon women in mind. We want the zine to focus on Ancient Egypt, Belarus, Belgium, Czechia, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Seychelles, Taiwan, Ukraine, Vietnam, and Wy, as much of their canon material treats them as supporting roles to the male characters. We additionally would love to see submissions for Ancient Greece, Kenya, and Zimbabwe!
The Nyotalia characters are understandably very popular because they're a different take on the main cast. While we also love Nyotalia, we worry that very popular characters, like the main 8, will overshadow the characters we created this zine for in the first place. Nyotalia women are allowed in supporting roles because it would understandably be a little difficult for the writers if they were only limited to a specific set of 12-17 characters.
Some examples of work featuring Nyotalia characters would be:
A frying pangle fic where Hungary interacts with Nyo!Austria and/or Nyo!Prussia
A group illustration centering Vietnam’s interactions with Nyotalia ASEAN
An AmeBela illustration where Belarus interacts with Nyo!America
Some exceptions may be allowed on a case by case basis.
TLDR: You can draw Nyotalia women so long as they play a supporting role to one of the canon ladies.
☆ How many OCs will be allowed?
It depends on how many applications we receive! So long as they're a nation & aren't already canon to Hetalia, it's fair game. We want to see ladies from all over the globe!
☆ Why do you want more than one pitch?
We don't want to force people to make work they're disinterested in, but we also don't want there to be a disproportionate amount of material for one girl over another. As of right now, Hungary is in the most demand with 69.2% of responses, but Wy (34.6%) and Monaco (42.3%) have the least amount! We want to encourage more work for the more neglected ladies!
☆ Can I make more than one submission?
As of right now, yes! So long as everyone isn't doing more than one piece and if the contributor thinks they can handle two pieces during the time frame, we wanna see those HetaGirls!
More on this to come when acceptances roll out and we start working on pitches...
Got more questions? Submit them to our inbox!
Thank you all for the love and support you've shown the zine thus far!
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unusual · 1 month
idek how much i’ve talked about this entire situation on here but i need to get this off my chest and maybe even get some advice…? ty if you end up reading this i really genuinely appreciate it
tldr im estranged from my adoptive mother because she doesnt respect me at all/never considers me part of the family and is extremely on and off with her affections depending on how successful or impressive i am to her (in the sense that when it comes to things like getting good grades or going into remission or getting into college shes “happy” for me because she thinks my success is a reflection of her own ability to parent me and “turn me into a winner” while completely turning on me when im doing poorly or need help and calling me a manipulative demon etc lol)
shes financially abusing me and my dad right now and has been for about 3 years because she hasnt worked a day in her life and my dad for a few years was having success at his job so when she divorced him she took all of our money from us and said she needed more for reasons that were not real (like she asked for 50k to pay for my college and then refused to actually do it so we had to take out a loan etc) its to the point where she makes more money than my dad does working basically 24/7 on call just because we have to pay her so much every month, it was really painful and stressful trying to put me into school because we actually don’t have a place to live rn and cant afford to get one because of her strange actions
about five months ago my dad literally begged her to let me stay with her for all of july because he wanted to make sure i had a place to sleep and he was traveling on business for all of that month, and after a lot of convincing (literally until like the day before i was supposed to go) she said yes and then started ignoring me and refusing to feed me after like four days because i asked her for help with the financial aid stuff.. so we had to reorganize all our plans and stuff like are you noticing a pattern where everything she does is entirely self serving and always ends up inconveniencing us majorly to the point where our livelihoods are at stake. anyway she did that like just over a month ago (july 5 was when my dad was like this is isnane im just going to pick you up and we’ll figure something out) and locked herself in her room like a baby and texted my dad all these things about how i was evil (verbatim) and a mistake and deserved to die from cancer and shit like that BECAUSE I ASKED HER FOR HELP WITH STUFF AHE SAID SHE’D HELP WITH… and now (like as of a few days ago) shes doing this thing where shes texting me cat memes and sending my little brother (who lives with her and who i really care about) to tell me to call her because she wants to hear from me etc and i genuinely am kind of at a point where i don’t ever want to talk to her again under any circumstances because of everythign she’s done to hurt me and my dad (including like 98% that i didn’t even mention here) but i feel semi obligated to because im lonely and shes kind of really good at making me feel guilty… my dad said dont even worry about it because im supposed to be locking in this semester and focusing on my own success and he thinks shes going to drag me down like she always does but idk what to do in this situation
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wackoffwinter · 6 months
i wanna know about the entire cast for the swap au. how would ramona's dynamic with the exes act as?
Ok word vomit incoming. tldr at the end for basics just scroll till you see tldr in blue, the essay is for the real bitches who like lore
Obviously in my au knives takes gideons spot rather than a different ex of scotts like how other ppl do but i decided to make her the daughter of a rich business man (mr.chau) who is gonna pass the business down to her when shes 20 (in my au knives and scott “date” when she like 16/17 like in the books but a good chunk of the exes bullshit + everything before happens right when she turns 19 and she does like. a few chapters into the book and then at the end of the series around the canon gideon scott fight is when shes 20) ofc this also changes scotts age a bit but. lowk idgaf abt him rn hes like 26 at the start or so now instead of 24. roxie and wallace swap place unfortunately, i dont like wallace but i have to put him somewhere. roxie is a semi popular artist and ramona is a mooch who showed up to her apartment after a bad breakup and just never left but they actually have a nice apartment but theyre still in Canada(she drunkenly got on multiple buses and trains from nyc to Toronto at roxies place and survived dont ask how its that white girl swag).
todd takes kims place shocker i know. the twins,todd and ramona all have a band together they replace sex bob omb because they all attend the same college in this au
lucas lee and lisa switch. (yes todd,ramona and lucas beef still happens dont worry)
envy is the 3rd ex and is dating gideon. she has pyromancy psychic powers rather than vegan ones. kim is the first ex still hung up on how scott ditched her in highschool only to find out he was two timing her with lisa. the twins end up. Somewhere. Julie takes one of the twins spots (holly might take the other one. I dont know)
I hate it when ppl age down matthew patel to fit knives’ spot but its also kinda weird because of the whole age difference thing its Odd no shade to anyone who does but it icks me out so im not doing it. Matthew is this guy ramona dates but shes lowk using him for money and cheats on him multiple times (manipulating him to forgive her) before scott is even in the picture.
also in my edit we see she still dyes her hair but she only does highlights and streaks because shes too afraid of commitment in more ways than one.
tbh i need to develop this more but heres the skeleton of my idea also all the exes are friends and often hang out at roxies place but matthew is the last to join them but theyre all friends who dislike ramona lowkey but tolerate her.
if im missing anyone you wanna hear about send me another ask!
TLDR; all of ramonas exes r technically her friends but they do not actually fw like that until the end.
ramona(loser leech)<-->scott(manic pixie dream boy whos life i being tampered with by knives)
roxy->wallace (lesbian semi known artist roommate)
matthew->knives (not aged down,chump being used)
knives -> gideon (daughter of a business man whos passing it down)
todd->kim (whore drummer)
lucas lee->lisa (new actor. Whore)
twins-> stephen stills (in ramonas band)
kim->matthew (first ex)
lisa->lucas (second ex)
envy ->todd(third ex)
wallace->roxy (fourth ex)
julie + hollie-> twins (fifth and sixth ex)
knives doesn't want scott anymore but shes set on making sure he pays for what he did (cheated,lied, used her for money etc)
ty for being interested in my au! idk if im gonna keep doing stuff for it or yk have it as a little side project to keep me busy sometimes! also i did take inspo from other ppl to kinda Frankenstein this together
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fractalkiss · 11 months
fic commentary/notes for monsoon
the document title for this fic was "monsoon - aka angry, horny, tilted lance". i would have liked it to be "angry, slutty, tilted lance" but i don't think he comes across as too angry in the output which is fine, and the original concept i had for this fic involved a lance that was slutty. but that would require 3k more words which i knew i couldn't do in time for ms strulovic's birthday. i was a day late on posting anyway but we move ;_;
influences/inspiration (boring version):
i will actually not get into how i came to the socionics research and the psychoanalysis that happened using wikisocion dot net and sociotype dot com because that will take too long and i will sound crazier. TLDR; here are quotes from the intertype relationships page that made me start thinking:
“Quasi-identical partners are able to find common topics for conversation, understand each other to sufficient depth, but they remain perceptive of mutual "otherness" [...] Quasi-identical partner, as a rule, does not hurt your weakest spots. You do not feel a threat from him, but neither do you feel equality.”
"Activation partners who become close and discuss their strivings and personal worldviews often are struck by how radically different they are, despite the relative ease and benefit of communication. As opposed to duals, who tend to strive for the same things but from differing, though compatible angles, activation partners' approaches to achieving their goals tend to be fundamentally incompatible, due largely to the difference in rationality and irrationality.*"
*rationality and irrationality here are dichotomies used to measure a person's approach to certain things ie. "judging / perceiving" if we're talking mbti , thinking / feeling, and intuitive / sensing etc. (Yes socionics takes some of the same topology from mbti but uses more dichotomies alongside it so i really do nottttt want to get into it here bc i'm gonna sound more insane)
ANYWAY, activation partners came out more as the result when i was obsessively matching sociotypes i thought fitted my read of fernando and lance (ty to cofi's mutual who helped back up that fernando also leans towards introversion lol). i was talking to @strulovic abt activation and she also pointed out this could apply to lance and esteban's friendship due to their very different upbringing, which is interesting. i got quasi-identical once, which i thought wasn't wrong either imo, so i pasted it in my doc for reference. strulovic wanted to read something bittersweet and she wanted to read fic of lance in this terrible season of 2023 so i knew i had to deliver...
more inspiration (not so boring):
"Living Legend” was originally written and recorded around 2013 and is an ode to one of Lana’s long-time friend and mentor, Jane Powers. Lana thanked Jane directly in a Facebook post on July 31, 2013, announcing the song.
i got the title "monsoon" from the song living legend. i thought it was fitting with lance being a strong wet weather driver.
lyrics from colossus - idles:
They laugh at me when I run I waste away for fun I am my father's son His shadow weighs a tonne
i think this is self-explanatory. not to be me and reveal my tastes and roots in kp*p rpf but i've always liked writing about the ones who are unpopular (by fan consensus) and are misread a lot. all my years of pop idol rpf folding into that first scene about lance and his not attending the fanzones.
lyrics from jennifer's body - hole:
And I know it, I can't see it But I know it enough to believe it
To better you, to better me My bitter half has bitten me It's better than you, it's better than me
lance and the 2023 season basically.
some quotes from articles:
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(x) 2016 article of an interview w lance
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(x) article of lance in the ferrari academy
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(x) from an interview with fernando
i think it personally can be a little bit clumsy to directly reference too many things in fic from canon and i try not to but firstable, i don't read much fic so i haven't read anything that might have already done this for lance.
second of all, as strulovic said, lance and fernando having met in that ferrari kart race in montreal is just fascinating in perspective. as what she said: "that's how they met in the first place of course, but also Fernando saying his one regret was not being able to win a championship with them [Ferrari], Lance being their first 'experiment' with how far they could mold a young talent into a championship-winning driver; one of the reasons Lance interests me so much is the nurture vs nature element in his career." sorry im just grabbing her fic comment from my inbox but i couldn't have put it better fjdlkgjdfkl.
which is why i really wanted to give weight in that scene when lance talks about his old journaling habit from the academy -> sucks fernando off for the first time lol.
re: writing lance's interactions with the older drivers/former teammates/almost-teammates (bottas); i think it's just funny how his dad thinks it's better for him. something something clearly it's made him how he is, and i guess i tried to explore that in relation to how he sees fernando as well.
i orphaned object permanence, which was the first lance pov fic i wrote, bc i wasn't satisfied with what i'd written, like.. it's hard to explain but some of it felt fundamentally wrong to ME, although i still am grateful for the comments i got on it! i'm more at peace with what i wrote this time.
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17gz · 2 months
do you mind me asking what just happened w you guys’ roommate? of course lmk if youd rather not talk about it, i just didnt wanna ask about the situation through replies and thought itd be better to ask here in case youd wanna answer privately 🙁 regardless i hope you two are okay
a friend i've known for 6 years + the two of us moved into this apartment last summer
i'd lived w this friend a few years before this and i thought they'd grown and worked on shit (boy was i wrong)
things were okay in the first half of our lease, minor problems but it seemed like we had a good foundation laid out for living together and we had plans to renew when this current lease ended
abt 4 months ago, my roommate met this person off a dating app and they basically immediately got together and their partner showed up one day and never left
even after trying to put boundaries down abt this, they didnt listen to any of it
i also don't trust their partner bc everyone thats met them has caught some of their lies. their entire story doesnt check out
the partner (on the day our friend found recent texts on their phone to their ex) got evicted from their old place bc they couldnt pay rent and they kinda cornered us and "asked" if their partner could live with us (not paying any rent btw) and we had rly no choice but to say yes
on top of that, their partner has been fatphobic and shitty and disrespectful to us on a near daily basis. nobody in my friends life likes this partner, not their parents or any of their friends, and especially us. i tried talking to my friend about this and they acted like they took it seriously but clearly didn't...
shit kept building after they were making us feel uncomfortable and intrusive in our own apartment for 4 months, and initially i said we could renew the lease since $875 rent per person sounded tempting + i found this unit + i like this unit + i hate moving, but it just really wasnt a good idea
the final straw was my friends partner being extremely rude and disrespectful to my high school friend during pride (my hs friend is a trans woman) and when we talked to them about it, they denied everything and deflected so fucking hard, we were completely fed up with it and realized that 4 months of this has been hell and i can't do another 12 months of this
last tuesday, we told them that we would not be renewing our lease, which ends july 30. we apologized about the late notice, and explained our side and tried to be as sympathetic and helpful as possible abt them renewing the lease with other roommates, but they were upset and i get being upset, so i was giving them some space etc
we made our conversation as mature and non aggressive as possible, ive been trying to stay as collected and polite as physically possible, especially since we are the only two men in this unit
they started being extremely passive aggressive and rude and awful to us throughout the past week, and even when i was helping them figure shit out with our landlord etc, they were still so rude to us... i mean slamming doors and stomping their feet and rolling their eyes when we walk past and deadbolting the door when we leave the apartment etc
after so much hostility etc in this unit, we stayed with mutual friends for the weekend and we told them abt everything and they were all extremely supportive and said we were not at all in the wrong for this, and that we have been extremely patient with them for so long. even a friend i didnt expect to side with us was 100% on our side and wants to talk to them one on one
we're in the process of applying for a new unit and fingers crossed we can move out asap. we started properly packing today, and during that, our friend asked to talk to us
they asked what we left out of our convo and what personal issues we had, i said i'm not comfortable talking about that until we're in our separate apartments and things have cooled down more. they were really mad that i was firm on that, they accused us of creating the tension and hostility in the apartment, despite the fact that we have actively been avoiding causing shit because our stress levels are through the roof and they're already demonizing us to others bc we put down a boundary, i can't be petty etc and give them an actual reason to demonize us.
as we kept talking, they were like. shaking with rage with a smile on their face and saying passive aggressive shit to us and saying we need to move out sooner than our planned move out date...
important context: my dad is the guarantor, i found this unit, and 99% of the furniture etc we have here is ours.
(disclaimer before i say this, i know various people with BPD. people that will take accountability for their actions and take steps to work on their coping mechanisms and behavior etc.) but this "friend" has BPD that they use as an excuse for every single one of their shitty actions and does not take any responsibility for their behavior. their partner, as far as i know, is not diagnosed with anything and while i'm no psychiatrist, i've had 3 diff people (including my actual psychiatrist) say this is telltale NPD. again not to say that makes you a terrible person, but when you don't take any steps to work on yourself etc and harm others around you, thats what i take issue with. its the definition of a volatile BPD + NPD relationship...
ive also been there for this friend more times than i can count. i've wiped so much snot and tears from their face, i've put aside my own shit to help them and i've done so much for them. thats rarely been reciprocated... they do not give a shit about us and it completely showed today when they talked to us and it became clear they were trying to financially trap us here and they're furious that we put a boundary down. they treat us like their parents, their therapists, and their savings account, and if we EVER did something like that to them, the fallout would be nuclear.
i'm literally shaking typing this and hearing them come out of their room slamming doors and shit. i don't know what they're capable of, and i don't know if they're planning on doing anything, but im afraid because i don't know. i've been having nonstop panic attacks recently and the living situation here is adding immense stress on top of the apt hunting process and moving process. i feel fucking sick genuinely
i'm sure i've left a LOT out, but its been nightmarish here
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side-lizabeth · 4 months
June 12th is the day the first 3 in 1 Gintama volume in Spanish is going to be released officially.
But before buying it I must warn y'all 3 things:
1) This isn't the first time Gintama was published in Spain, or in Spanish. The first time was picked in the 2000s by a now defunct publisher name Glénat (to be more specific, the Spanish branch of the french publisher with the same name), published only 15 volumes, and TLDR the publisher lost it's Shueisha titles, the publisher changed it's name, and declared bankruptcy in the 2010s. Then got stuck in "never bring back this manga to Spain" limbo, and finally on December 2023 one of the biggest publishers in our country picked it again.
2) This 3 in 1 was supposed to come out in March but got pushed back to June, and we're now getting the first 3 in 1 in June. Then we're getting the 2nd 3 in 1 volume with Otae and Sadaharu as the front cover in July, and after that, the 3rd one with Kondo in the front cover in September. And yes, they're picking the leading volume's front cover as the 3 in one front cover (picking the 4th volume cover for the 3 in 1 that covers volumes 4, 5 and 6, as a example). Bye bye Kagura, Patsuan, Zura, Mayora and Sadist prince as front covers
3) An definitely the most important one regarding the translations: like I said, the manga got picked out previously so we, the fandom in Spain, were already asuming they may pick up that first translation for the first volumes. But ALLEGEDLY, the publisher mentioned how, not only they'd be picking this old translation, but also erasing some poorly aged things from the old volumes, which they honestly and definitely should do... But after seeing the preview from Amazon, it doesn't look like it that's happening, and we're definitely not getting any new updated translation till the 6th 3 in 1 volume comes out. So if you're having some troubles understanding some stuff in Spanish from these volumes, it's because this old translation mixes poorly aged things with some very local Spanish idioms AND NO, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, IT'S NOT FUCKING CENSORSHIP. THE IDIOMS COME FROM PROFESSIONAL HUMAN TRANSLATORS TRYING TO TRANSLATE AS FAITHFUL AS POSSIBLE JAPANESE JOKES THAT ONLY MAKE SENSE IF YOU LIVED IN JAPAN DURING THE TIME THE MANGA WAS PUBLISHED, OR TO ANYONE SPEAKING NATIVE LEVEL OF JAPANESE, TO A FOREIGN PLACE WHOSE LANGUAGE DOESNT HAVE ANY RESEMBLANCE TO JAPANESE. TRANSLATIONS ARE FUCKING HARD TO DO AND NOT ALWAYS A LITERAL TRANSLATION WORKS. Also don't ask why the publisher would do this, I'm as clueless as you are while reading this, and no, this is not the first time something like this happened. Just don't ask about the new Spanish and Catalan OP volumes in this same format. (I'm only going to say this OP translations have so many errors, all happening all the time, in the same page and volume, that I'm wondering if the translator was human at all. Just in case, I'm not accusing them of nothing)
See you when it comes out, or at least when I'm able to pick it.
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Why this still annoying to set up?
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Yes, yes it’s your truly, MIGHTY ZIM!! speak to you.
Some of you might notice our sudden disappearance in last month or two.
Dib-mine got too busy to give you lots the update he promise after we finish with the job because he is an idiot. And Zim have no interest to play with this “blog”, Zim have more important matters to deal with.
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But Zim going to give you an announcement, so pay attention.
As the moment of star rises on the planet we are living, its will be Dib-mine’s Misery Day.
Or what your earthmonkey called “Birthday”, and that rat doesn’t know it today because he don’t give a damn.
But Zim do.
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Yeah sure.
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I've been ready for a few hours since you woke me up with your text. Unless you wanna monologue more.
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It will be something alright.
So what this have to do with this blog?
Simple, for the next few days, we will be back on Tumblr.
Which mean you can send many ask as you want!! BUT THIS WILL BE A LIMITED TIME!!!
Before we go back to work again, it’s up for Dib-mine to post the actual update he want. It’s not Zim’s business.
That is just asking weird anons but oh well..
Zim can deal with that, when Dib-mine is on that thing, Zim always been the moderator.
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Not going to make the same mistake like months ago.
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And so, that’s the announcement!!
See you all in a bit with hilarious Dib torture fun!! JULY 16!!
((Ooc there :D
Welcome our guest star (well, family) of the announcement, @explosions-and-chill
TLDR: for about a week starting tomorrow, July 16, it will be an ask event for Seeker’s Birthday!!!
Why the whole week since it’s only 1 day?
Because it’s been known to the multiverse rp discord of how stupidly fucking slow Universe 10 (where the hunters are living) are. One day for them might be a week for other universe. So that be more accurate
I might not be as fast as I use to because life and health been kicking me but I’ll try my best. This is for Seeker, no not really I just want Zim to have fun, I wanna try, but still not sure when I can fully comeback committed on the blog. So at least this is something I can do and actually can complete it :,D
Hope y’all as excited as I do, see you tomorrow :]))
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tspud-whiteboard · 1 year
Update 2023-06-27
Hello world! Thanks again to everyone who's submitting, filling those boards with LIFE! You're all doing fine, no worries! By the way, even if the format you submit isn't quite the 300x400px space your artwork will inhabit eventually, I can generally resize and bend things into shape just fine! I'll only come back at'cha if I really, really, REALLY can't figure out a way to fit everything without cutting off important bits, after all, I DO want your submission to look the best it can be! Submission Deadline - End of June - almost here, by the way! Starting July the 1st, I will begin to put together those final files. This will, however, take a week or so, so if you can't quite make it and your submissions are a few days late (I've also heard there's some strange concept called "finals" going on for a certain percentage of population)... DO NOT FRET. I'd rather you take your time, do the important stuff first and then send in a picture or two or four that you really are happy with. Hey, I'm an artist, too. I'm well aware that the true definition of "deadline" is "a few days past the deadline". However, please consider this: As I wait for the rest of the submissions from the void beyond time, I will not sleep. I will not rest. I will not have my daily cup of coffee. I will SUFFER. Sure, nothing's stopping me from sleeping or drinking coffee, but I'm doing this to make a statement. Do not make me suffer for too long, I get cranky. Well, seriously now, as long as the "Submit" link is there and open, we're probably good. And like I said, finishing up those files will take a week or so anyway, and until then I can continue to collect and stick submissions in with the others just the same. After that? I will change my Pinned Post and enter Hibernation Mode! But who knows, once in a while I do have to get up and do what nature commands me to (even a Blog's gotta do what a Blog's gotta do), maybe I'll check back to see if more people found this place by then and are now filled with regret that they didn't get to take part. That would be horrible. Heart-breaking! Man, I don't know if I could live with myself, all those lost souls in search for a spot on the legendary Whiteboards... *sigh*... I still need to think about this. Might do seasonal re-openings, if it turns out more people would like to join later. Especially for that Wildboard? - Oh yes, that's my codename for the board that could potentially contain any OTHER character or item or place from The Stanley Parable. - That idea did come a bit rushed, I will admit. Hang on, hang on, I probably lost you all by now. TLDR; DEADLINE END OF JUNE, very soon. If you submit a few days late, THAT'S OKAY. Finishing up those final files will take a week or so on my end, anyway. After that? We'll see. Dang. This IS a pretty amazing project, after all!
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galaxystar17 · 1 year
Been thinking about gekka and igawa's bdays because of my juligawa brainrot. Well im going stereotypical now but igawa gives me very structured virgo vibes (im saying stereotypical because look at settsu fucking banri - a virgo but never fucking structured ehem). And as virgo starts late august/early september that gave me an idea. yes i wont let july live peacefully, your honor.
I mean imagine july getting shocked and caught off guard at Igawa's bday date if he was indeed a virgo born in late august. Igawa talking about a month and July misinterpreting it because of guilt creeping deep inside of him that he tries to ignore. Something along the lines of this:
"Igawa-kun, when's your birthday~?"
"why do you ask?"
"Well just because... Plus you celebrated mine already so I kinda got curious"
"Ehm, I dont think its that important to know but my birthday is at the end of August"
"Yeah, why are you so surprised, Kagerou-san? August, 8th month of the year, a summer month?"
"Ah y-yeah right. Of course thats what you meant."
"What did you think I meant?"
"Its... nothing really. I'll remember that, thanks"
No but listen it would be quite interesting seeing him all panicked like "wait fuck did he figure it out? shit I thought I was careful when did it happen what do I do? The organization will kill me if he knows. Okay, July just play it cool like always so he wont notice a thing" as he's usually quite composed and igawa is just unaware and confused in guy looking at him like "why u panicking I just simply asked. Are you okay? Im sorry, didnt know that a month can get someone this startled".
*Kagerou is a name people on ao3 picked for July as he didn't have any mission name stated in canon unlike chikage, hisoka or august.
TLDR: juligawa birthday talk gone wrong.
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