#(because of course I'm fantasizing about him directing these lyrics at me personally)
lemongrablothbrok · 1 year
Led Zeppelin/Robert Plant Lyrics that Make Me Feel Some Type of Way:
"I want you to love me all night..." - outro to "Communication Breakdown"
"Little Robert Anthony wants to come and play" - "How Many More Times"
Pretty much all of "Whole Lotta Love"
"Squeeze me baby, 'til the juice runs down my leg. The way you squeeze my lemon, I'm gonna fall right out of bed" - "The Lemon Song"
"Sweetest little baby, Daddy ever saw" - "Bring it on Home"
"She looks so pretty, she's sweet enough to eat" - "How Many More Times", live, Royal Albert Hall, Jimmy Page's birthday, 1970
"Hey, hey, mama, said the way you move, gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove. Ah, ah, child, the way you shake that thing, gonna make you burn, gonna make you sting" - "Black Dog"
"Drop down baby, let Daddy see" - "Custard Pie"
"Trampled Underfoot". The whole thing. The whole damn thing.
"Candy Store Rock". Again, the whole damn thing.
"We're gonna love, love, love, 'til the break of day" - "We're Gonna Groove"
"Let's play wild like wildcats do" - Tall Cool One
I'm sure there's plenty others. That's what I could think of off the top of my head right now though.
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gretavanfleetlife · 6 years
Only Time Will Tell:
Chapter 5
AN: Hey! I just wanted to thank you guys for the incredible feedback and support you’ve shown so far throughout this series. You’re the best, enjoy!😉💕
Warnings: swearing
Word count: 2,460 words
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You close the door quickly behind you and flop dramatically onto your bed. You're grinning like an idiot but you can't seem to stop. You lie on your back and stare up at the ceiling of your bedroom, letting out a heavy sigh that you didn't realize you were holding in. Half an hour passes and you haven't moved, still thinking about growing up with Sam all this time and not feeling anything towards him until now. He wanted to walk you home, not because he was on his way to his aunt's house like he said, but just because he wanted to. You can't get over that.
You've eventually broken away from being immersed in your deep contemplation by the sound of your doorbell ringing throughout the house. Your dad had gone out to get groceries shortly after you came home, so you got up to answer the door. You figure it has to be one of the boys since you're so used to seeing them daily every summer. As you race down the stairs your heart flutters at the thought that it could be Sam. You reach the door and throw it open to reveal a very happy looking Josh waiting outside. You can't help but feel a little disappointed that it isn't Sam, but Josh is arguably your favorite person in the world, so you feel happy nonetheless.
"Hey Y/n, how are you holding up?" Josh asks.
"I'm actually great! Barely hungover anymore so that's a plus," you reply, still grinning like a fool. "Come on in," you say as he's already making his way inside, closing the door behind him, "what have you got there?" you question, motioning to the small bag he's being careful to hide behind his back.
"Well I decided to get you a little gift because I didn't think you'd be feeling so great after last night, but now seeing that you're exquisitely jovial I think I'll just keep it and be on my way," he says, reaching for the door handle.
"No no no! I'll be sadder I promise!" you laugh and he drops his hand from around the doorknob, turning back to you and handing you the bag.
"Excellent," he grins, his eyes squinting into the smile that you love so much. You laugh and peer into the plastic bag, taking out a sleek new Mumford and Sons record that you've had your eye on for months. You squeal out of excitement and immediately rush to pull Josh into a tight hug.
"Josh I've wanted this one for months! How'd you know?" you ask loudly, pulling out of the hug to look at the record again.
"Well I know your collection like the back of my hand," Josh winks, "I also know what it's missing, which is a lot if you ask me."
"Well, we can't all share a massive record collection with a music-obsessed family," you laugh, playfully hitting his shoulder.
You lead Josh upstairs to your bedroom, and he sinks into your bed as you put on your new record. You join him on the bed, lying down next to him in silence as you listen to the music echo throughout your room. This is one of your favorite things to do with Josh, listening to a record in silence and enjoying the beautiful lyricality in the music.
The record finishes playing, signaling you to flip it to the B side. You're too deeply lost in thought about Sam again that you hardly realize that the music has stopped.
"Y/n," Josh says softly.
"Are you going to flip it?"
"Oh, yeah sorry I was just thinking and I didn't even notice the music stop," you explain as you sit up.
"Well, what were you thinking about?" Josh asks curiously. You feel your heart drop in your chest. You can't lie to Josh, he notices every time.
"Nothing," you lie, nervously. How were you supposed to tell him that you were just fantasizing about his brother?
"Bullshit," he smirks, "what was it?"
"I said nothing! It isn't important," you defend.
"Sure it is, you wouldn't tune out a new record to get lost thinking about something that has no meaning." You bite your lip and walk toward the record so he doesn't see your face. You think about what you should tell him, but decide there's no way around it. That smartass will figure it out for himself eventually. You stop at the record and turn around to face Josh, who is sitting up on your bed, waiting patiently for your reply. He raises his eyebrows at you, giving you a small smile, "well?"
You sigh, let's get this over with.
"Don't freak out," you begin, "I-I think I'm in love with Sam." His smile fades.
"What?" he asks quietly.
"Don't make me say it again," you sigh.
"Are you serious?"
"Yes Josh," you knew it'd be hard for him to wrap his head around, god it was even hard for you to fully understand it.
"Y/n no," he says, shaking his head, "stop it, you cant like Sam! That's insane!" he says in disbelief.
"What do you mean? Why not?" He stands up and walks towards you.
"You know I just want to protect you, right?"
"Of course, Josh, but-"
"Then why do you make it so fucking hard?" He's speaking much louder now.
"It's only Sam! What's the worst that could happen?" you ask, silently hoping he doesn't have a legitimate answer. Josh just shakes his head.
"My younger brother, huh?" he says.
"Josh, you've got to stop this," you say softly, "nobody's going to get hurt." You hope you're right.
"And what if you do?" he says sternly, "what then?"
"Sam wouldn't hurt me!" you reply loudly. You're starting to get very annoyed at Josh. He scoffs and rolls his eyes.
"You don't even know," he spits.
"Then tell me, Josh!"
"We're going on tour!" he yells. Your eyes are wide, your lips parted slightly. "Dammit," Josh mutters, scratching the back of his head. You take a seat on your bed. "It's only for a month and a half. The band got signed and they want to see what we can do," he says more calmly. This isn't how he wanted to tell you. You shake your head slightly in disbelief, Sam's leaving.
"That's amazing," you reply, giving Josh a forced smile, "That's fantastic, really. I-I'm so proud of you," you stumble. You were telling the truth, you were proud of how far their band has come. You were just upset that you finally discovered that you have feelings for Sam, knowing you won't see him for more than a month.
"I'm sorry," Josh says, "but you can't be with Sam right now." You look up at him. "It'd just be too hard. We're leaving in two days." You nod, understandingly. He sits down next to you.
"I get it," you force another smile.
"Promise me you won't do anything with Sam, just for two days," he demands, hopeful for you to comply.
"I promise," you nod.
-time skip-
That night you can't fall asleep no matter how hard you try. All you can think about is Sam, and the boys leaving in a couple of days. You decide you want to spend as much with Sam as possible before he leaves, but only as friends. You feel incredibly guilty about thinking about breaking Josh's promise, but you can't help it. You glance at your phone, reading 2:54 a.m. shine brightly across the screen. You slip out of the covers and stand up from your bed. Walking out of your room, you close the door behind you and glance into your father's room. You see him sleeping soundly in his bed, snoring loudly. You tiptoe down the stairs and slide out the front door without a sound. You're wearing a loose pair of short shorts and a white tank top. You're barefoot as you jog quickly towards the Kiszka house, loving the feel of the soft grass beneath your feet. You reach the end of the street and walk around to the back of the house, noticing the lights are out through every window. You stand underneath the window that you know leads to Sam's room, staring up at it. You decide to proceed the old fashioned way. You bend over and search the ground for pebbles and stones. You gather a few in your hand and begin throwing them at Sam's window. You hope the tapping noise of the rocks hitting the glass doesn't wake anyone else up, especially Josh. You're relieved as you see a sleepy looking Sam appear at the window. He squints at you as you wave at him to come down. He disappears from the window and you excitedly wait for him outside in peaceful silence. After a moment, you see Sam walking quickly towards you. You blush as you notice he doesn't have a shirt on, and you're thankful that it's too dark for him to notice your rosy cheeks.
"Y/n, hey, is there something wrong?" he asks quietly in a low, raspy voice. Concern is evident in his voice as he rubs his eyes in an attempt to wake himself up. You giggle, he looks cute.
"No, nothing's wrong," you lie, thinking about Sam leaving Frankenmuth to tour all summer.
"Why are you here? It's gotta be three in the morning," he questions.
"I came to see you."
"Are you drunk?"
"No! I couldn't sleep." You see Sam smile faintly in the dark.
"Oh ok, well what do you want to do then?" he asks.
"Follow me," you reply, "that is, if you want to come, you don't have to-" you begin to ramble but Sam cuts you off by softly reaching out and taking your hand in his.
"Lead the way," he says, causing both of you to smile. Your heart flutters in your chest at Sam's gentle touch, his rough, calloused fingers laced with yours. You lead him in the opposite direction of his house, walking through the line of trees and into a small opening. The two of you walk hand in hand through the open field, the long grass tickling your ankles as you walk down the route that you've memorized without needing the clear marker of a dirt path. You walk in silence with Sam, slightly ahead of him as you listen to the gentle sound of chirping crickets. The soft summer breeze blows through the long blades of grass around you. You approach a small creek and lead Sam towards a large rock that sits perched above the rushing stream of water below. The canopy of small trees and bush surround the creek, making the setting seem almost like a room in a house. You let go of Sam's hand and take a seat on the large smooth rock that overlooks the stream. Sam silently takes a seat beside you, leaving a comfortable amount of space between the two of you.
"I come here a lot if you can't already tell," you say, breaking the silence and stealing a quick glance at Sam, who has his eyes fixed on the running water below. "Mostly to think. Being surrounded deep in nature like this seems to clear my mind, helps me focus," you shrug. Sam looks at you and you return his gentle gaze with your own. He smiles, his deep brown eyes soft as they travel across your face. He looks ethereal, illuminated by the moonlight. You turn your gaze back to the creek and you see him do the same out of the corner of your eye. You look up towards the sky and admire the stars shining brightly from the heavens above. You smile, sadly.
"One of these stars is my mom," you whisper softly. You lean over and rest your head on Sam's shoulder, continuing to look up at the sky, "I like to think she's still watching over me." You feel Sam reach his arm around you and wrap tightly around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him as he rests his head gently on top of yours. You sit in Sam's warm embrace, listening to the peaceful sound of the running water for what you thought felt like ten minutes. Neither of you spoke, both of you enjoying sitting in the true depth of nature. The moon shines through the trees above. You could stay this way forever. You're disappointed when you feel Sam's head leave from its place on top of yours and his arm disappear from around your shoulder. You look up at him, your face very close to his as he gazes into your eyes.
"Beautiful," Sam whispers. Your heart drops in your chest, and in the moment you completely forget about the promise you made to Josh. You want him, badly. You lean in and your lips meet his. Sam reaches his hand up and cups your cheek gently. The kiss is filled with an immense sense of longing, but remains sweet and passionate. Your lips fit perfectly together like two pieces of a puzzle.
Shit, no. You suddenly remember the promise you made to Josh and your immediately filled with tremendous guilt. You can't be doing this, you need to stop. You gently pull away, opening your eyes slowly to meet Sam's. He looks at you caringly, and you feel another pang of guilt surge through your heart. You return your head back to his shoulder and close your eyes, wishing you could take back the kiss. What had you just gotten yourself into, you wonder. Before you can help it, you drift off into a peaceful sleep.
When you drowsily blink awake, you find that you're being carried by a pair of strong arms through the thick grass. You wrap your arms around his neck, confirming your suspicion that it's Sam who's carrying you by the feeling of his long hair brushing against your arms. You smile into his chest and keep your eyes closed, trusting wherever he's taking you and feeling safe in his arms. You drift in and out of consciousness. You're half-asleep as you feel him walking up what you assume to be stairs. You feel your body begin to descend as you sink into a soft mattress. You listen, but you don't hear Sam moving anymore. You open your mouth to call out to him, hazily wanting him to stay with you, but stop when you feel him sink into the bed beside you. You smile and roll over to him, placing your head on his chest as he pulls you up against him. This time it's much easier for you to fall asleep.
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quinnmorgendorffer · 7 years
I've just recently in the past few years gotten more into musical theater, so I have a lot to learn. I'm not a singer or anything, but I like to watch and listen. Also, I have to randomly ask something. Why the heck did " Glee" have Brian Stokes Mitchell on the show and not let him sing more? What a waste. Ha ha. What are some really underrated musicals?
That’s awesome! Nah man, you don’t have to be a singer to get into/like musical theater! We actually need more people to appreciate musical theater who don’t participate, honestly. Same with opera, but that’s another story I know no one here wants to get into lol.
Who knows, man? I mean, they had Victor Garber on and didn’t have him sing and fucking Cheyenne Jackson!!!! Even The Real O’Neals had Cheyenne sing!!!! And he was on one ep of that unlike being in several episodes like he was for glee.
Okay, so as I said, I’m a bit of an MT hipster. So I like a lot of weird shit lol. A not very detailed list is below, with some notes by yours truly lol. Sorry that this got so long omfg
Bat Boy - based on the Daily News articles, this chronichles the story of a bat boy found in a cave in West Virginia. He’s taken to the local vet, and while everyone in town just wants the doctor to kill him, the vet’s wife wants to take care of the teen, who she names Edgar, and teach him how to behave. The doctor kind of goes crazy and their daughter, Shelly, falls for Edgar. A lot of the parts in the show outside of the family are double casted, and it’s honestly hilarious and also makes me cry by the end, poking a lot of fun at “Christian Charity” (that’s the name of one of the songs that also gets a reprise) and the like. It’s extra loved by me for featuring the impeccable Kerry Butler (the original Penny in Hairspray, female lead in Xanadu, Catch Me If You Can...the ageless girl wonder)Reefer Madness - the Off-Broadway production opened the weekend of 9/11, which definitely effected its possible success. It’s, of course, based off the ridiculous propaganda film of the same name, though it takes it a bit farther and pokes fun at all of it and even more of the racist/sexist attitudes of the 1930s. While all/most of the others I’m talking about here only have CDs and maybe some bootlegs, this one has a movie version!!!! That actually is almost 100% like the stage version (at least based on what I saw). The movie features Kristen Bell as Mary Lane, the part she originated, and also features Alan Cumming and the forever under-appreciated Ana Gasteyer and Amy Spanger. Side Show - you can debate which version is better, but whether you prefer the original cast or the 2014 revival that changed some of the story to make it more accurate, it’s absolutely amazing. A musical based (loosely) off the true story of the conjoined Hilton twins who made a career of their oddity by working in freak shows, vaudeville, and even a few movies, though they were all critically panned. Features some of the best duets for female voices (most famously “Who Will Love Me As I Am?” and “I Will Never Leave You”). The original has Alice Ripley as one of the twins (Violet, and while I still think she screams a lot, she does a great job), and Norm Lewis as Jake. If you ever want to cry, just listen to his big song “You Should Be Loved” or the above duets. Or just read about the Hilton’s lives because it’s so depressing and the musical doesn’t even touch on that. I’m forever sad this never gets awards or the long runs it deserves. It should also be noted that Alice and her fellow twin, Emily Skinner (Daisy Hilton), were nominated together for the Tony.[title of show] - okay, this show is just...fucking........hilarious. “It’s a musical about two guys writing a musical about two guys writing a musical...” Just a lot of silly fun and also some great quotes, like “I’d rather be nine people’s favorite thing than a hundred people’s ninth favorite thing.” It also points out a lot of flaws in Broadway, like the lack of original musicals and how there are waaaaaaaay too many musicals based off movies lol. It’s a four person cast, all of whom are named after the people who originated the roles, and it manages to be just so funny and still inspirational and such a joy to listen to.Zanna, Don’t! - okay. so I get why most “oppressed group written as oppressors” stories are awful, like that whole “save our pearls” book or w/e that happened a few years back. But Zanna, Don’t was written by a gay man who just wanted to write some musicals with fun, catchy love songs for gay couples. So, in this world, being gay is the norm and straight people are the hated group. Zanna is an actual fairy (in high school) who matches up everyone in his town and never actually remembers to pair himself up with anyone. So when a straight A student and the quarterback of the football team fall in love...well, it finds a way to be cute, funny, and poignant all in one. Features Queer Eye “culture vulture” Jai Rodriguez in the title role and the show should get extra points for the line “what kind of world would this be if the football star wasn’t the lead in the musical??”In the Heights - not necessarily underrated so much as it’s just forgotten in Hamilton’s success. This tells the day in the life of people in Washington Heights. It also features a completely diverse cast and, imo, has some catchy songs that outdo some of Hamilton. If you don’t bawl while singing along to “Breathe” while stressing about failing at college/your dreams, what do you even do with your spare time? That used to be my most common activity.The Unauthorized Autobiography of Samantha Brown - Idk if I can truly say it’s underrated since it really hasn’t been on Broadway so it’s never had a chance to get known...plus I think it’s popular among actual theater performers, but not enough of musical fans know about this. A lot of theater kids probably know “Freedom” and “Run Away With Me”, as the duet is a great choice for two women and shows a ton of depth/vocal prowess, while the solo can show a very tender male voice, but the show is more than those songs or “The Proposal” or “The Girl Who Drove Away”. The story starts with Sam sitting in her car. She’s supposed to be driving to college, but she’s fantasizing about driving away. She conjures up her best friend, Kelly, in her mind, and Kelly convinces her to relive her senior year and figure out why she wants to leave. You eventually find out Kelly died that year, and along the way you learn about Sam’s college applications, her boyfriend, and how lost she felt all year, all while still trying to learn how to drive. It’s so moving, and, honestly, “Freedom” is still a jam and probably does deserve to be one of the most famous songs from the show. The show might also inspire you to run away so...watch out for that. The bootleg I have is what inspire my love for Melissa, quite literally, since I had stopped watching g/lee at the time. The Boy from Oz - one of the better done jukebox musicals, since it focuses on the writer of those songs, and also is the best role Hugh Jackman will ever have. I’m sure a lot of people on my dash are familiar with Chris’ version of “Not the Boy Next Door” on g/lee. If you like it, you should check out Hugh performing that at the Tony’s. Anyways, it tells the life story of Peter Allen, whose songwriting credits include the above song, “I Honestly Love You”, and “Don’t Cry Out Loud”. He met Judy Garland and, of course, then met and married her daughter, Liza Minelli. I will never praise Stephanie J. Block’s Liza enough, she is perf. And, again, Hugh is flawless, and he originated the part both in Australia (Peter Allen’s home country) and then on Broadway. Getting to see the original cast in this was one of the highlights of my life.
That’s it for now. I’d also suggest checking out some classics. I didn’t put it on the list since it’s not underrated, but the original cast of Sweeney Todd is the best thing you could ever listen to - Victor Garber in his prime and Angela Landsbury is the forever best interpretation of Mrs. Lovett, #notsorry Patti. The movie version directed by Tim Burton and starring Johnny Depp is truly a disgrace compared to the actual version which has a legal taped version available for your viewing pleasure! You can see why it’s performed in opera houses nowadays!!! Though the video sadly doesn’t  have the original Anthony (Victor Garber) and the Johanna is bad...not that I’ve heard a Johanna I truly like. Rodgers and Hammerstein should at least be somewhat known, though a lot of their stories are like...gross. But Sondheim is pretty damn solid -- and if you didn’t know, he wrote the lyrics for Gypsy and West Side Story. A lot of people seem to not know that, but like he was making some big strides long before Company was a hit. Which also deserves a listen
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