#(btw are you shadowbanned? I don't see notifications from you...lmk if you want to join the bi discord server and I can arrange an invite!)
idk i just think it's weird how in an effort to disprove the accusations of PC hanging around hateful biphobic blogs and getting recommended to them, her reblog of your post is followed by a bunch of biphobic anons being vile towards you 🤷
does "yeah but i can call bisexuals this derogatory term because it accurately describes most of them" anon not understand that the logic behind that means there's no issue with calling febfems (or "the rest of" bisexual women) "bi lesbians" instead? or does it only apply when it doesn't concern your own erasure and misuse of a word?
Isn't it just???
She's not the only questionable radfem I've rubbed shoulders with lately; there was another woman/troll who implied that biphobic domestic violence/sexual violence was a sound punishment for a lesbophobic bisexual woman. I definitely don't agree with P or that disgustingly lesbophobic blog post, but I don't see how it's ever appropriate to wish hate crimes on a marginalised group??
(Radfems theoretically understand this - they know that a gay man doesn't deserve to be hate-crimed for being misogynistic)
I understand that everyone has different experiences with bisexuals, and I definitely don't think people should advocate for bisexuals if they don't care/don't think our experiences are uniquely bisexual ('it's just homophobia + misogyny'), but I would like to see a little more empathy for bisexuals here (and for bisexuals and lesbians in mainstream radfemspaces).
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