#(but now i lowkey wanna see a pro wrestlers ft4 au lmaoooo pls save my corrupted mind)
deus-ex-mona · 2 years
WAY OF FT4: Chapter 2
~trouble in paradise~
previous part (chapter 1)
next part (chapter 3)
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YUI: Whoa! This is sick!
YUI: The stage prep for our live is pretty much done, huh.
MEGU: It looks great! I’m totally psyched to dance here! 
DAI: But, considering the size of this venue, isn’t a certain someone way too tiny to even be seen?
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MEGU: Hey? Just who is this “certain someone”? Care to share?
RIO: C’mon, you guys. Take your places. IV has been waiting for us for a while now.
DAI: Ah, my bad.
MEGU: So sooorry!
IV: Haha, let’s get straight to rehearsing, then, shall we? Are you guys ready?
YUI: I’m all OK to start!
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YUI: (I’ll sing till here… And then I’ll pass it to RIO! And the DJ solo’s after this!)
YUI: (Ahh, it really does feel so good to sing!)
YUI: (Screw all that bullshit about having to sing to make a living, or whatever.)
YUI: (I just really love singing.)
IV: …Okay, that’s a wrap!
MEGU: Hey, IV! Whaddya think about my standing position? Should I stand a little further out?
RIO: Mind if we increase the volume of the mic by a little bit? I get the feeling that the sounds will be drowned out if we get a full house…
YUI: (...RIO’s so serious, unlike me, huh…)
RIO: Oh yeah, and YUI.
YUI: Yeah? What’s up?
RIO: Why not try… inciting the audience during your solo part in the middle this time around?
YUI: Eh?! How come?!
YUI: It’s the coolest part of the song! So I wanna sing it normally!
RIO: But we won’t be the only performers this time. Plus, there will be tons of people who’ll be watching it via the livestream.
RIO: So I think that it’ll be better if you hyped things up instead.
DAI: That’s true! We’ll help you guys out if y’all wanna do a mic performance.
DAI: Right, MEGU?
MEGU: Of course we will!
YUI: No, but—
YUI: (What’s with him? First he said all that stuff about the interview earlier, and now he’s spouting some more stuff about the live…)
YUI: (“The audience” this, “the audience” that… I get it, but…)
YUI: The most important thing is for us to give the coolest performance possible, right? Shouldn’t it be fine as long as there are still people who’ll tag along with us?
RIO: We won’t be the only performers, you know? You should spare some thought about our co-stars—
YUI: You’re always going on and on about other people!
YUI: So what? Are you tryna say that we can’t sing without being overly concerned about those around us?
DAI: Oh? What’s happening? Are y’all fighting?
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IV: Watch it, DAI. Don’t egg them on.
MEGU: Wow! Go for it, guys!
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IV: You too, MEGU…?
RIO: You need to think about this rationally, YUI. Things are different from when we were just playing around for fun.
YUI: What’s so different about it?! I don’t wanna divvy it up into stuff like “singing for fun” and “singing for work”—
YUI: …Though, you keep on ragging on me, but you’re the one who’s been getting carried away, aren’t you?
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RIO: What did you just say?
YUI: You always suddenly jump in to take the reins whenever IV isn’t around, as though you’re some model student or something…
YUI: You don’t have the right to boss me around.
RIO: I’m not trying to boss you around… All I want is for our practices and gigs to go smoothly…
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IV: Oi, that’s enough, you guys—
YUI: If you keep on insisting on being right, you can just go at it by yourself.
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YUI: You’ll have an easier time with singing if a guy like me wasn’t around. Wouldn’t you, RIO?
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