#(c: alex)
cassbrookes · 1 year
Where: Beckett Farms, heading to the former Babbling Brookes Ranch When: Just before Andy shows up in town Who: @alexbrookes @isaacapatow
Bright and early, Cass and Alex had Cici, Zodiac, and Domino tacked up and ready to go, with two of the bigger draft cross horses on lead lines in their makeshift pack harnesses that she and Alex had cobbled together. They wouldn't be gone long, but she'd still said her goodbyes the night before. She had no idea yet if Alex had made any friends close enough to worry about while he was gone, but at least things between the two of them felt much better than they had since he'd gotten to town. Cass knew that home wouldn't look the same as it had when she'd left - Alex and Isaac had both warned her in different ways - but she was hoping to find some sort of closure in the trip as well as coming back to town with much needed supplies. It would be a good way to honor Nate's memory in the process.
Cass was double checking the harnesses on the larger horses when Alex led Cici and the boys out of the barn, just around the same moment that Isaac wandered into view, his trusty bat in hand.
While she and Ike had more or less patched things up between the two of them, she knew Alex still didn't hold much of a high opinion of the other man. Not that she blamed him for that. Either way, this would prove to be an interesting trip. At least there was the possibility of a proverbial pot of gold at the end of this shit-stained rainbow.
"Mornin'," she greeted the older man, nodding toward Alex as he came closer. "Got everyone ready to go. You'll be on Domino. Anything you need to do before we head out?"
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chasseurdeloup · 1 year
@letsbenditlikebennett replied to your post “[pm] You're the proud owner of a puppy. I think...”:
[pm] I thought it was a pretty straight forward sentence. There's a puppy, you're it's new dad. Yes, I'm bringing all seven home... and yeah, that's why I asked for your help finding them homes, smartass. <3 Ah, there we go. It clicked. Can't exactly take them to be adopted by just anyone. Don't even know what the others do yet, if anything. Is there anything I need to do for them right away? Will you be able to tell how old they are and what kinda food I should buy?
​[pm] You're lucky I'm on leave so I actually have time to watch these puppies.
If you can stop by the shelter, tell Marge I sent you and ask for a puppy play pen and some extra towels and puppy pads. You could just pick up puppy kibble. Large breed I'm assuming. I can guess how old they are when you bring them here but puppy will cover it.
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tmrrwppl · 2 months
"...right. And explain to me how these 'tomorrow people' came into existence, exactly?"
Alex pushes his glasses back up, expression entirely neutral and objective, the epitome of an unbiased researcher simply listening to data. He is, however, subtly grinding his teeth.
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"Evolution involving their parietal and orbital lobes for both telekinesis and teleportation. Their Wernicke’s area specifically is adapted for telepathy. and if you come near them I will put a bullet in your brain before you have the opportunity to think of the 'possibilities' their kind could have."
They are his to study, and he is not letting some jerk try to out-science him.
"They are powered individuals and we monitor and capture the rogue ones so they don't reveal themselves to the world and cause a panic resulting in the rest being hunted." Jed literally works with telepaths, he knows how to read people. Be grumpy, he's petty.
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santiagoayala · 4 months
Noting the beautiful woman ahead of him in line at the café, Santiago moved to be in her line of sight. "Any chance I can buy your drink hermosa?"
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closingwaters · 1 year
@letsbenditlikebennett replied to your post “[pm] Hey Teagan, I was wondering how much you knew...”:
[pm] I thought you might. I preferred to stop it as well, but doesn't really look like that's gonna happen. I just want to make sure they're not hurt and somewhere safe, you know? I agree with you, it's not fair. Do you think it's possible? I don't want the frogs or some construction crew that's following their boss' orders because capitalism sucks to get hurt. Of course. I know the critters who call freshwater home are important to you especially.
[pm] I don’t really care about humans [user thinks about Arden] What is capitalism and why would a human get hurt because of it?
You really are just a wonder, lass. I’ll need to introduce you to my friend Vala soon. Maybe we can coordinate the best way to help the little ones.
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honeysmokedham · 1 year
@letsbenditlikebennett We should steal better soap for him. I think it'd count as community service. Do you think he's more of a cypress or citrus kinda guy?
[user wonders how to explain Emilio knows how to buy better toiletries cause he does it for her, but then still turns around and gets himself 5-in-1 and decides there is no explanation for that.] Sandalwood.
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lluiscarrasco · 6 months
where,  — early morning, Alex's apartment closed  — @alexxcarrasco
It was a tradition, between the Carrasco siblings. Ever since they were small children, Luis would bake a cake for his sister the night before her birthday. In the morning, he would decorate it — spell out her name in frosting and add small hearts and flowers by the outlines. Of course, they all looked sloppy, and the older he got, the worse they looked (uneven and wobbly) Whenever the frosting failed completely, he would replace it with chocolate chips — they were easier to mess with, anyway. chocolate on chocolate with even more chocolate cake — her favourite. He carried it, from the front seat of his car to her kitchen table. Two candles were already planted in the middle of it — 28. They weren't children anymore. He couldn't burst into her room singing happy birthday like she was ten. They were all grown up now. Luis didn't know what he could stumble onto inside her bedroom (the possibility of seeing a sleeping Gael was strong. He might as well smash the cake in his face.) So, he put on some music (loud and happy) and focused on hanging up a banner in the kitchen.
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olimpias · 1 year
i am once again BACK with two cosmopolitan announcements
blume will now be called flora bc blume literally translated to flower in german and no one in their right mind would call their child that
alex is becoming more and more malicious in my mind and i cant stop it. dw he will still be baby but maybe less obvious so
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This totally sounds like something Emilio would write. I'm shipping it.
Isn't it romantic? I think we're in love. He's been sending me very romantic messages lately. Messages that have my toes curling, back arching, thighs twitching. You know. Those kinds of messages.
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fvntasmic · 1 year
continued from here (x) | @invcntions​​
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Alex smiles as arms wrap themselves around his waist, on instinct he brings his hands up to cup Levi’s jaw gently. “I might do just that.” And by that, he means he’ll be posting his boyfriend just a little more than usual. Not that he feels like he has to, honestly, Alex has never felt so comfortable in a relationship before. He was more than happy to show off Levi and does it whenever he can - Alex’s team has seen enough pictures of him and Levi to know how whipped he was. Alex’s smile grows from the kiss, thumbs softly rubbing against the other’s cheeks. “ - Levi.” Alex doesn’t usually cut his boyfriend off, but he knows where this was going. He doesn’t blame him, at all, as if the role was reversed Alex knows he’d be the same way. Alex wishes it didn’t have to be this way, wishes they could be a normal couple. To have no worries of paparazzi, overbearing fans, and out of context photos - sadly, there was no avoiding it. Alex leans in, capturing his lips in a soft kiss, it lasts a little longer than their previous one ( a little selfishly on Alex’s end - he just loves kissing him ). Once he pulls back, Alex rests his forehead against Levi’s, blue eyes staring into brown. “No, most  are terrified to even talk to me - that’s not the point.” Sighing, pressing his lips against the other’s for another soft quick kiss. “Please, don’t let this stupid headline bother you.” 
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cassbrookes · 1 year
Where: Beckett farm When: The day after their return home Who: @alexbrookes
There was still a long way to go, but the previous night with Sol felt like it had advanced Cass's healing a long distance. He had shown her that she wasn't broken, that she was strong. He'd shown her that she could still be in control. Sol had spent the whole night proving that he meant it when he said he loved her, and that her ordeal hadn't changed that.
Having Alex here, and now Andy, helped more than they probably knew, too. Andy might not yet know what his siblings had been through, but Cass knew that she had their support no matter what.
She hadn't seen Alex earlier in the morning when she and Sol had rolled out of bed, and he still hadn't turned up by the time Sol went out to take care of some chores that needed doing. Needless to say, Cass was a little surprised when she walked outside and saw her brother sitting on the fence, watching the few horses that were out, including their two.
It seemed considerate to clear her throat before she startled her brother, even if he might have heard the scuff of her boots against the dirt. "Hey," she started out, climbing onto the fence to sit next to him. "How's your chest doin'?"
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chasseurdeloup · 1 year
@letsbenditlikebennett replied to your post “do you wear wigs?”:
With how much time you spend in the bathroom doing your hair, I'd sure fucking hope it's not a wig.
Hey, ​I don't spend that much time doing my hair. It's still not a goddamn wig.
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ludobxmxn · 9 months
where: boys lavatory outside the yule ball
who: alex diggory @alexdiggory
"what do you think?" the hufflpuff asks as he looks himself over in the mirror above the sink, smoothing his hair to one side with his wand - when it came to his hair, he often had no trouble performing simple charms. "right, or left?" he asks, glancing over at alex momentarily. "nancy usually likes it on the right," he suggests, before furrowing his brows, "or...my left. right? mine or hers..." he mutters to himself, too focused on his hair to really care. "how's it going, then? selma's looking quite nice tonight. i reckon she did that for you." he snickers, finally deciding on the right side and standing up straight to wash his hands. "that ilvermorny girl," ludo adds, wringing his hands dry, "says we talk funny. we talk funny," he laughs with a shake of his head. "she dances alright. light on her feet. you think nancy noticed me?" he concludes, obviously having one thing on his mind.
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notstinky · 11 months
[pm] Hey… so obviously we have stuff to talk about still, but Cass was pretty badly hurt. She’s staying at the cabin with me if you want to come see her. Someone tried to kill her. I can explain more when you get here so she doesn’t have to. And I guess we have stuff to figure out. Like not calling each other stinky in front of Cass.
[pm] What? Why? Why would anyone try to kill Cass? Did she cut their hai I don't understand. Okay. Okay! I'm coming over right away!
[user is offline]
[user is online]
Where's your cabin?
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closingwaters · 1 year
@letsbenditlikebennett replied to your post “What is one secret your parents can never know?”:
I always say you can't disappoint your parents if they're dead! [user in fact never says that and spends a lot of time feeling shitty that her dead parents probably wouldn't love her]
​Not sure I like the saying a whole lot but you aren't wrong.
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honeysmokedham · 1 year
[pm] [user has a bit of a long moment about having actually helped] I'm glad you're okay. [...] And that I could help. I'm not fae, I'm a werewolf. No thanks given or whatever. And you're a bugbear? [...] Was the crystal thing real? Uh also, if you see this guy avoid him, ok? [user attaches the picture of the ranger Andy sent her]
[pm] Yeah.
Werewolf. That's cool. Born or bit? Yeah. Bugbear. I was born, I don't think you're bit into bugbear. The crystals were real. I don't[...] know what happened.
[user stares at the photo she's been sent for a third time] Yeah. The hunter.
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