#(did i force the writing gears to work just for moki's bday? yes)
chaosmax · 3 years
A Head Full of Dying Stars
⭐Click here to read on Ao3 (but the rest is still below as well)
Summary: It's Mokuba's birthday and Seto takes him camping for some quality time together. Seto's not a big fan of the wilderness, but they talk about life and have a heart-to-heart. And have some brotherly banter of course. Oneshot.
“You aren’t gonna sleep through your entire birthday,” Seto said as he ripped the covers from his brother’s grasp which caused Mokuba to yelp from the cold.
“Can too! C’mon I’m still recovering from jetlag! Give it back!” Mokuba whined.
“It’s been three days, I know you recover in two,” Seto shot back.
About five years ago he could have simply picked up his brother and dragged him off to their destination. But with Mokuba significantly taller than him it also came with the added “benefit” of being too heavy to easily carry.
“Your stuff is already packed, just throw on some clothes. Ones that can get dirty, we’re going on a trip, you can sleep in the car.”
That was enough to get Mokuba to hop up.
Mokuba slept like a cat during the long drive into the wilderness, but Seto didn’t mind. He’d brought along more than enough audiobooks for the way there and back. Hiking out into the middle of nowhere with no running water and eating dehydrated food was far from Seto’s idea of a perfect day. Mokuba however, had gotten quite into outdoor hobbies from his friends from work in America. Of course, it was a lot easier to go camping there with all the parks. If Mokuba was going to go through all the hassle to visit, Seto was going to spend as many hours with him as he could.
From the time the car was parked to nightfall they’d barely stopped moving. Mokuba easily left Seto in the dust several times due to being experienced with traversing difficult terrain. Though, the fact that Seto was carrying the heaviest of their gear and wasn’t spurred on by Mokuba’s excitement to take a picture of anything cool they could find also played a small hand.
They even ran into wildlife. Thankfully, nothing dangerous, though Seto had brought bear spray just in case. Rather, they saw many insects with impressive pincers or horns, some frogs and toads, and even a snake that Mokuba tried to catch after identifying it as non-venomous. Unfortunately for Mokuba but fortunately for Seto, it dove into the nearby stream to get away from them before Mokuba was in grabbing distance. Seto never liked them anyway.
By the time the sun was starting to set Seto was certain he must have blisters. They certainly didn’t need a fire during the summer, so instead they found a nice spot up in the trees and set up a hammock.
A few stars could be seen, for they were far enough out to avoid some of the light pollution of the cities.
“Thanks for doing all this, I know it’s not really your cup of tea.”
“It’s your day though, kiddo.”
“Still. Besides, I’m sure someone at KC is having freaking out over not being able to contact you right now.”
“That’s what Isono’s for.”
Mokuba laughed. His dark eyes returned to the stars.
“You know that whole thing about a good chunk of the stars we see have already died and we’re just seeing the delay of their image reaching us?”
“Mm. And it’s correct. You see when—”
“Er, I didn’t bring it up for a scientific reason.”
Seto fell silent and let Mokuba continue.
“Once the image catches up though… we won’t even know they were once there. The layman, I mean. Maybe science has a way of figuring it out, but the average person wouldn’t,” he adds. “If one becomes a star, are even they bound to be forgotten one day?”
Seto’s mouth opens to answer, but he hesitates and takes Mokuba’s hand first, giving it a squeeze.
It made sense. Now a year older, Mokuba’s future was on his mind. His career, what he would become. Where there was to go after being in the shadows so long. Mokuba had his career and he had Seto. So of course, they both wanted those two things to be the best they could. Seto wished he could just snap his fingers and make Mokuba’s worries vanish.
“Would you rather forfeit being able to be forgotten?”
Mokuba’s silence spoke for him.
You did.
Kaiba Corp’s new legacy wouldn’t vanish anytime soon, even if someone who thoroughly hated Seto tried to scorch it from history.
Seto took a slow breath.
“You don’t have to move mountains, kid.”
This time Mokuba did say it.
“You have.”
“I did it so you didn’t have to.”
Seto realizes his mistake instantly and backpedals. His previous statement implied hope or expectation that Mokuba would take the other path. An obligation.
“Forgive me, that’s not what I meant. I did it because I wanted to. If you decide to move mountains with me, I’ll welcome you. But if you choose to not, that’s just as fine too.”
Seto had just wanted Mokuba to have options to choose from.
The hammock shakes as Mokuba gives a nod and readjusts how he’s laying slightly.
“There’s nothing wrong with taking in the view instead of chiseling away at the mountain. Many more people than just you forget that’s an option.”
Seto pulls Mokuba close in a half-hug where they lay. Mokuba’s hair may be shorter, but his head was certainly heavier than Seto was used to.
The unsteady feeling in Mokuba’s chest calmed for now. He squeezes Seto’s hand back.
“You’ve gotten wiser,” he teases.
“I’m not a senior citizen yet, thank you very much.”
“Heh!” Mokuba lays his head against Seto’s shoulder to sleep.
“I will push you out of this hammock in the middle of the night.”
“Nuh-uh! Not on my birthday!” Mokuba says with a smirk.
But before Seto could retort, he felt something on his arm and he slapped it. Mosquito. Seto groaned.
“I forgot to reapply bug spray.”
“Lucky me, I didn’t. Guess you’ll get eaten instead of me for once,” Mokuba said with a sneer.
Usually, all bugs flocked to him. Seto insisted it was because of how much sweet food he ate.
“I kid, I’ll grab the spray for you. Even though the backpack is alllll the way over there at the other end.”
“Forget it. I just wanted to whine and not do anything to actually solve the problem.”
“Of course you do,” with a laugh Mokuba tossed the container at Seto’s head. It hit him in the nose.
“See, ya are getting old, your reflexes are rusty!”
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