#(either my copy is crap or the dark scenes are just harder to gif)
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ruels-bucket-hat · 4 years
Part 14
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I couldn’t sleep. My thoughts kept consuming me, corrupting any capability to whisk myself into slumber. After revisiting the gallery, the whole scene kept replaying in my head. The one where my friend was in danger, I stupidly got in the way, and a gun was put in my face. I was in this dreadful position now. Working alongside the person who put my friend in danger and the gun against my head. Only three more hours until I’m supposed to be up and ready for a car ride with him. Spending some time with Ruel misguided my judgment. I almost forgot the reason I was there- which was because he threatened Kara’s life.
Not to mention how this undercover job turned into a real one since I am now working for Shawn in more than just an undercover way. He said he knew who I was. He said someone else knew who I was. Based on everyone I’ve met so far, the only person I could think of to know would be Luke. He talked to me most, more than Ruel did, at least in a somewhat friendly way. I just can’t assume it’s him though. The conversations we had seemed more like interviews, with both of us interrogating the other.
I got up from my bed and decided to take a much-needed shower. Anything to slow my mind down. And yes, having scorching hot water run over me would for sure do the trick. I’ve got around two and a half hours before I am forced to be anywhere, so what better to do? ...Probably sleep.
Once I finished and wrapped a dry towel around my body, there were only two hours left until I had to be outside. I just had to find a way to let time slip by. My eyes drifted to my phone as the screen lit up. What shocked me was that it wasn’t a text this time. Ashton’s name had popped up… for a FaceTime. Hesitantly, I picked up my device and stared at the screen. His old picture was still set for his contact. I really need to change that, it’s been a while. Plus, I don’t need to be reminded of a past coffee date. I watched his name disappear before I could push the red ‘ignore call’ button. Now would be a great time to change the bastard’s contact info. I pushed the three dots in the top right corner when his name popped up on the screen- again. Not thinking about what I was doing, my brain was still trying to change his contact, my finger somehow slipped onto the green button. My body froze. I panicked as I saw the screen loading connection. Crap. Crap. Crap. I strained my hands through my hair and dropped my phone on the desk beside me. This cannot be happening.
“Hello? Leah?” the muffled tone called out.
I took a deep breath and reached for my phone. “Ashton… hi,” my voice came out stressed as I faced the screen towards me.
“Hey, I’ve been tryna get a hold of you,” he smiled.
“Um, yeah, I’ve just been… busy,” I told him. Technically, it wasn’t a lie.
“Too busy to answer a text?”
“Uh, yup.” I looked away, trying to avoid any more discussion.
“Okay,” his voice gave out his suspicion. “Are you in town? I thought I saw you at that little diner with some guy.”
“Nope, I’m still here,” not specifying where ‘here’ was. “Why are you calling me this early?”
His eyes widened. “I was just up,” he said, clearly not expecting the question. “Why are you up,” he countered.
“I have somewhere I’m supposed to be,” I rubbed my eyes. Ashton pursed his lips together before opening them, about to say something. We were quickly interrupted when my attention was caught to a knock at my door. It caught his attention too since he stopped himself from continuing the conversation. “Hey, I’ve got to go, I’ll call you some other time, okay?” There was a little bit of disappointment coming from his side, but he nodded and hung up before I could say goodbye.
Another knock was hit across the door, harder this time. I set down my phone and went to stop whoever was pounding. The knob turned before I could reach it, causing the door to suddenly open wide. Ruel appeared from behind, storming in. He slammed it behind him and crossed his arms.
“I didn’t even make it to the door yet, how did you get in?” I asked, annoyed.
“I had to threaten your landlord,” he stood. “Why aren’t you ready and outside?”
“It’s not seven yet,” I scoffed. He didn’t budge. Instead, he continued to stand with a grim look on his face, waiting for me to give him a better answer. I copied his motions and chose to stand across from him, arms crossed at my chest. His eyes narrowed. Usually, my confidence would be at it’s best; however, a similar feeling to yesterday fled over my body. I quickly dropped my arms and turned around. “I’ll be out in a second,” my voice broke. He didn’t move.
I walked away from him and into my room, separating us. The effects of yesterday caught up with me today. This was ridiculous, I don’t know why I’m feeling like I can’t breathe. I tried to recollect myself, making sure to hide my report and the folder Kara gave me while he was here. My breathing had gotten heavy, and my chest felt tight. It wasn’t as bad as it was at the gallery, but something was definitely wrong. Seconds later, Ruel came barging in. “We have to go now,” he grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of my room. Thankfully, my report was already out of my hands.
“Ruel! Stop! I’m capable of walking myself out,” I said to him sternly. A bit of shake had echoed in my voice. He let go and placed his hands in the air, showing he was backing off.
“Is something wrong?”
I stared at him, “Um, no. I’m just tired. I accidentally picked up a FaceTime with my e-”
“Okay, I know I asked, but I regret it now,” he cut me off. Good. Now I know for future reference, start rambling when he asks questions so I don’t need to answer. Perfect. It was still a little annoying though. “We need to be at Joke within the next hour.”
“Yes, Joke,” he dragged his speech. “Joke Mansion… that giant house we took you to the other day,” he waited for me to catch on.
The confused look on my face stayed on while he was explaining. “I understand that part now. Quit looking at me like I’m an idiot.”
“I thought it was clear you were either an idiot or pathetic, which are you today?” he giggled, letting me know that was supposed to be light-hearted and not insulting.
Ignoring his comment, I huffed. “Why Joke? That’s the weirdest name I’ve ever heard for a building.”
“You’re very talkative today, Vic.”
“Tori! How are you?” I was greeted by Luke right as we entered. He came up to me and grabbed my hand. “I believe these are yours,” he smirked, dropping a pair of keys into my palm. I gave him a small ‘thank you’ and walked further inside. Ruel was to the right of me, pulling me aside to where we needed to go. I spotted Shawn out the corner of my eye, sitting at the kitchen island. He kept his eyes on me as Ruel led me to another room. Luke followed.
A tall, dark wood door stood closed in front of us. The carving and woodwork were astonishing for it only being a door. Ruel grabbed the handle and let me through first. On the other side, I was welcomed to some of the members I’ve met before, plus some new ones. “Everyone,” Ruel interrupted the room. It fell into an uncomfortable silence. “This is Tori,” he introduced me. I felt a small brush to the small of my back, pushing me forward. I looked over to see Luke standing slightly behind me, giving off a small smile when I turned to look at him. His touch was comforting; however, I could still feel the tension in the atmosphere. My attention was focused back on Ruel when he started talking again, “She is working with us as intel on the gallery.” He looked at me with resentment in his eyes. “You come to me before you talk to her.” he steadied his stare with mine.
He broke off contact when a voice from the crowd called out, “Just about work stuff right? That’s when we have to go to you first? About work? Cus otherwise, I see no reason to ask for your permission to talk to her personally.” I searched around for the owner of the raspy voice, but they stopped talking before I could find them. Luke’s presence was closer to mine after the unknown man finished speaking.
“You come to me before you talk to her,” Ruel repeated himself. The room carried on with asking questions and talking amongst themselves.
It was a bit overwhelming to be in here. They were speaking about me as if I wasn’t right in front of them. I watched Ruel as he tried to answer every opposing idea to me being allowed in. Without warning, my hair was being moved away from my ear. I felt the cool touch of two fingers brush against my lobe. “You have to remember these are a bunch of felonious men,” Luke’s whisper tickled my ear. “Stay by my side just to be safe.” I nodded slightly to his words. “If anyone starts to harass you in any way, be sure to tell either me, Ruel, or Shawn.”
@heartbreakgirlisagoodsongcalum @harishaanne @brokensimpson @youaremygetawayx
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