#(ever since mangastream's 'bitch' mistranslation he said towards fubuki)
the-nysh · 2 years
Regarding that menstruation ask, I don't think they taught that stuff in the dojo because it has nothing to do with fighting a lady opponent (she won't talk about it to Garou and for him to assume such would be condescending) He probably doesn't know because he was 14/15 when Bang took him under his wing...the age where such stuff was taught in schools.
(The topic is starting to get a little weird cause normally bodily functions like this, including bowl movements, which is another Weird Ask I've gotten, aren't things fictional characters Need to worry about. So why......unless someone was intent on portraying the chars needlessly worse than they are - as in ignorantly idiotic or misogynistic - pick your poison, which are both unpleasant to think about.)
Because in the real world, 14/15 is already a high schooler - far too late past the onset of puberty, in which the basics of anatomy and preparation should have already been introduced or taught in 5th grade (age 10 for me) or followed up in middle school health/biology classes at minimum. (Otherwise not teaching the basics to kids in time is either irresponsible to downright harmful, boys included.)
This example would also assume Genos is in the same boat and wouldn't know anything from that age either, if female anatomy would be irrelevant to his body & combat functions as a cyborg too. It'd be just too absurd if he, or Garou, as top students even, had never heard of it before or had basic coverage in their primary schools already, before even Kuseno or Bang's respective 'home' schooling later. So I don't buy it, unless someone really had a beef with these characters and wanted to make their female fans feel uncomfortable or weirded out....so let's not, please. :'D
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