#(for context: whoever discovers Ames will not know that Ames is the plushie)
M!A: Ames becomes a plushie for 20 asks!
*Ames was now a lifeless life like plushie version of herself, she sat lifeless on her bed. Her backpack laying next to her. Open, almost as if she was inviting whoever would discover her to play with her*
@hoshi-neko-hikari @minusgangtime @ask-the-kitty-crew @ravensroleplays @puppy-boy-toby @floxy-offical @boba-bae-cafe-su-au @sun-and-moon-sb @ariaacrossthemultiverse @broken-man-in-hidden-ruins @anyone else
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steelthroat · 7 months
For the astrology thing if you fancy it (and as I'm not much into astrology apologies if I've missed some deep significance in the labelling...)
2H ⇢ do you have any object that you like a little too much? what is it and why? (or just one that you like a lot; I'm not really sure what "a little too much" would mean in this context...)
7H ⇢ what do you consider green flags in a relationship?
Hello there!
No, don't worry, I have no clue about anything regarding astrology... my friends have tried to explain charts and other stuff to me at least 3 times, and I still don't know what an ascendant is, so...
Onto the answerssss
2h- I get so attached to many random objects and for the silliest reasons... like idk it's just like "this objects is mine, there are thousands or millions of these in the world but THIS is mine and is special" for example:
My mum's paper knife. It has a heart-shaped handle and since I was 3 I've been obsessed by it. Like idk when I was little I would imagine I was some kind of magical warrior and that was my special weapon or something. Btw it's mine now, my mum can't have it back, that's my special magical weapon.
My red gel pen, beautiful red and it's very good and CHEAP. Idk why but it's my favorite. I already made a post about it here rambling about a teacher who took it and then I took it back lol
My two stuffed animals (a polar bear and a weird looking husky) since I was little I decided they were boyfriends and they were my favorite plushies. Still have them, still good and cuddly
A plastic horse named Alessia (I broke both of her ears) she was my favorite toy since I was 2 and the main reason I had a horse phase
My mechanical pencil. It IS special even my classmates agreed. Like idk perfect shape, grip, weight, just perfect all around. My dad gifted it to me after someone gave it to him, his words "you will need it more than me". I once lost it (I then discovered a classmate stole it so not really my fault here) and I found a picture of the pencil online and put it on the students' board and even offered to buy the breakfast to whoever would find it and give it back to me. I am deeply attached to that pencil I swear I felt so bad thinking I lost it (also because I looked at the prices online and I felt even worse). But then I found it again so yayyyyyy!
I feel very childish after this answer... onto the next one we go
7h- hm...
Hmmm relationship as in friendship I'd say when you can catch up after long periods of time after not being able to and still not feeling it. Like "omg when was the last time we talked???" "Uh... oh gee a month???" "Waaaaaah crazy! So by the way...." and then it's like you never stopped talking.
In a relationship as in a romantic sense, I'd say: When they don't force you to tell your secrets if you're not ready, but they let you know they're there for you whenever you are.
You can be stupid together
If you feel like you can communicate freely about anything without feeling judged or out of place. And when the other(s) in the relationship do the same. Like idk I've been in a relationship and a "situationship" and I'm still friends with those guys because we communicated for the entirety of those experiences. I would not get back with them, ever, but we parted on very good terms... so I guess it worked out even if in the end nothing came out of it. Moral of the story "STRAIGHTFORWARD AND HONEST COMMUNICATION IS THE KEY" (if not for a successful relationship, for a guilt and stress-free breakup) :D
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Me making headcanons for friendships that get little to no screentime but I’m way too invested in anyways? More likely than you’d think 🥰 (it’s been a while since I’ve done a long ass headcanon post so let’s fuckin goooooooo)
Gonna start with the one I think about the most often (platonic shouchako):
After Midoriya and Iida become friends with Todoroki, obviously Uraraka wants to be his friend too since he’s important to her two closest friends
She starts inviting to him to do things with her, like joining lil competitions with classmates and baking and shit
Todoroki is confused why she’s suddenly inviting him to do all these things with her but he finds her to be pleasant company so he goes along with it
They actually make a good team, especially when they’re motivated (which since Uraraka is very competitive and Todoroki is fairly competitive himself, is often). They destroy their classmates at shit like class water gun fights and prank wars. They are a truly terrifying duo and the rest of the class is wary at best whenever they’re on the same team
One day Uraraka offhandedly refers to Todoroki as her friend and Todoroki’s like “??? You wanna be my friend?” and Uraraka’s like “uhh I already am your friend? What did you think I was doing all this time?” and Todoroki (who hasn’t really made friends outside of the context of fighting)’s like “oh. Thank you” and maybe smiles a little
Uraraka is overcome with the strong feeling that she would die for him (Iida and Midoriya are like “join the club”)
ANYWAYS they like training together since Uraraka specializes in close combat and Todoroki specializes in ranged combat, and they spar fairly often
They have a running bet over who will defeat the other in training more by the end of the year. It’s low stakes (the loser just has to make the winner their favorite food), but they like the competition
Uraraka learns that Todoroki has a sweet tooth, so she asks Sato to teach the two of them to bake, and baking together kinda becomes their thing, it’s relaxing and they enjoy it. They do it both for fun and when one of them has a bad day
Todoroki buys Uraraka little gifts, like he’ll see her favorite type of mochi at the store and get it for her or he gets her a Kirby plushy because “it looks like her” (Uraraka jokingly chases him around for that one)
They commiserate with Iida about Midoriya’s bone breaking habits and general self destructive tendencies and the three of them team up to try and get him to care for himself more. They also team up with Midoriya to get Iida to be less hard on himself. They are the Midoriya And Iida Support And Appreciation Squad.
Uraraka thinks Todoroki’s sense of humor is fucking HILARIOUS and Todoroki takes advantage of this to try to make her laugh at inopportune times (almost no one believes her when she complains about this because they’re like “Todoroki? Making jokes? Seems unlikely.” Uraraka has decided that he is the incarnation of evil). She swears revenge on him every time though the revenge is usually something silly like sneak attacking him to ruffle his hair so the colors are all messed up and it sticks up funny
She’s actually one of the people he texts most often, both while they’re at school and as pro heroes (while they both deeply care about their friends Todoroki is the type to accidentally fall out of contact if other people don’t initiate, and though busy Uraraka refuses to let that happen).
Sometimes he sends her weird ass memes at odd hours of the night & when she wakes up the next morning she’s like “what the fuck. Todoroki what does this mean.” He usually just sends her :) in return which explains absolutely nothing.
If anyone ever insults one of them within the other’s earshot, it’s on sight. Uraraka got detention for a week after punching a second year who said Todoroki’s scar was ugly, and Todoroki got detention for two weeks after icing someone who made fun of the state of Uraraka’s clothes. Neither one of them can bring themselves to regret it.
When Uraraka has a bad day, Todoroki is good at silently offering her support by being near her, sometimes giving off heat or cool if she’d benefit from it, and not asking her questions but being willing to listen to what she has to say if she wants to tell someone about what’s bothering her
When Todoroki has a bad day, Uraraka notices and gives him space but also reminds him that his friends love him and offers him an opportunity to talk about what’s bothering him if he wants to + says she’ll punch whoever made him sad (he has no doubt that if he wanted her to, she’d actually do it, no matter who it was that was bothering him, which is an oddly heartwarming thought)
Whenever Iida or Midoriya teases one of them, they playfully go “friendship ended with (Iida/Midoriya), (Uraraka/Todoroki) is my new best friend” then laugh (Uraraka) or look outwardly blank while hiding secret amusement (Todoroki) when Iida/Midoriya is thrown off guard and/or jokingly tries to “get their best friend back” (they r all best friends actually so this is of course all in good fun :’) )
Todoroki knows how to braid because Fuyumi and his mom taught him in an attempt to create some nice memories while Uraraka doesn’t know how since her hair has never really been long enough to braid. However there’s a period of time where Uraraka hasn’t been able to cut her hair for a while since she’s been so busy, and her front hair pieces have started blowing into her eyes. When she complains to Todoroki about this and says she’d braid it back if she knew how to, Todoroki offers to do it for her and teach her how. She enthusiastically accepts, and brags to the rest of the class how good Todoroki is at braiding (which may start a trend of class 1a asking Todoroki to braid their hair - even though most of them can do it themselves - but he doesn’t mind). Todoroki teaches her how to braid and at first she uses his hair for practice, but she picks it up quickly and now likes to braid Tsuyu’s hair for her. They still occasionally braid each other’s hair for fun though
When Uraraka discovers Todoroki’s kind of touch starved but actually seems to like physical affection from his friends, she makes it her mission to give him more of it by ruffling his hair and playfully nudging him and hugging him sometimes. The rest of the class picks up on this and starts joining in, to Uraraka’s (and Todoroki’s secret) delight
Todoroki can and will fall asleep everywhere, and once that starts including “on his friends”, Uraraka makes it her mission to make sure nobody wakes him up unless absolutely necessary bc he’s Tired and deserves a rest
Uraraka is hungry a lot, especially when she overuses her quirk, and though she tends to ignore it and say that she’s used to it, Todoroki starts carrying snacks around with him and slipping them into her bag/locker/pockets/onto her desk when she’s not looking. She’s sure he’s the one doing it but she’s never caught him and he denies it every time she asks him about it, so she can’t really do anything about it except eat the snacks
Todoroki helps Uraraka study sometimes because Iida is great but he’s not necessarily great at figuring out why she’s struggling with certain concepts and Midoriya is great but he tends to latch onto a small detail of the assignment and ramble about it while forgetting what he was originally trying to explain and Yaoyorozu’s great but her study group is already pretty big and Uraraka doesn’t necessarily want to add another person to her plate or be in such a big group since she’d get distracted, meanwhile Todoroki’s pretty decent at identifying the roots of problems and explaining them and he’s quiet enough otherwise that he makes for a pleasant study partner. Her class rank has actively improved because of this, and she made him soba to thank him for his help
I’ll probably add more in the future but when I tried to post this a few days ago tumblr acted like this didn’t exist and tried to convince me it was deleted or smth so I’m gonna post it now while I can actually see it anyways appreciate shouchako friendship!!
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