#(g) i dle shuhua
liawuan · 2 years
E pra quem quiser
"Nunca se esqueça de que o sol se levanta e se põe com seu sorriso.”
Os sete maridos de Evelyn Hugo.
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 O ano era 1988, você havia interpretado Lady Macbeth em uma adaptação para o cinema. Poderia ter se candidatado ao Oscar de Melhor Atriz. Não havia ninguém no filme como você, isso era fato. Mas se candidatou ao de Melhor Atriz Coadjuvante, já que quando a votação começou, era essa a categoria que havia sido indicada. Um ato de esperteza típico seu. 
Era óbvio que Shuhua  votou em você.
Ela havia ficando em casa, com seu agente, amigo e ex marido — esse que abrilhantava a casa com sua filha— foi o preferível do que ir aquela premiação, sendo sincera consigo mesma, as oportunidades de trabalho estavam escassas e ambíguas. O tempo havia passado, a vida em Hollywood tinha começado seu declínio, mas havia uma longa estadia no topo. Então, não, ela não se deu o trabalho de pegar um avião, passar o dia fazendo maquiagem para se encolher num vestido na frente de milhões de pares de olhos desagradáveis. Estourou pipoca o suficiente para um batalhão e se sentou no sofá na frente da TV esperando sua vitória.
Você usava um dos seus famosos vestidos vermelhos de seda, tão aberto nas costas que era quase possível ver a curva de seus seios, seios estes que já foram emoldurados pelas mãos de Yeh, ela também se lembra da suas mãos subindo pelas pernas dela, os lábios estão descendo pelo peito, e la se vai à compostura e cada pedaço sanidade. A cabeça com os fios loiros pressionada contra a mesa, Shuhua tenta não gritar, porém, você já está descendo pelo belo corpo e sabe a onde vai beijar... A lembrança era velha e ainda assim linda.
Quando anunciaram seu nome, subiu no palco e fez um discurso descontraído e elegante, como o de acostume. Quando estava prestes a sair, deu um daqueles sorrisos que faziam o Sol e a Lua fundiram-se e virar a Terra de cabeça para baixo e disse:
— "E, para quem se sentir tentado a dar um beijo na tela da tevê, por favor, cuidado para não lascar o dente".
Shuhua levou a mão sobre o rosto e sentiu as lagrimas caindo. Seu ex marido passou as mãos em suas costas, beijou sua bochecha e disse "Ainda dá tempo, ligue para ela" ele falou.
Mas não foi o que ela fez, não após ler certas notícias na revista de fofoca. Uma foto sua e de Jennie — Uma das novas estilistas queridinhas de Hollywood — desfilando como melhores amigas nas ruas. Shuhua sabia que tinha um caso com a Kim, ela também havia sido sua "Melhor amiga" por um longo tempo. Esse fato junto a covardia e medo de olhar nos seus olhos ou ouvir sua voz no telefone, e quem sabe, escutar a risada de Kim no fundo, a impediu de te ligar, ainda não, não era o momento, talvez quem sabe daqui a um ano ou dois.
O que Shuhua não sabia era que um ano e meio depois você morreria de um Enfisema pulmonar não tratado.
N/a: É de comum acordo que todos que viram Yeh Shuhua no vestido verde lembraram da Evelyn, certo?
Pq eu penhoraria a alma por ela e passaria o resto da vida pagando os juros sem nunca reclamar.
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prael · 15 days
Kinktember Day 8: Hate Sex
(G)I-DLE Shuhua x male reader smut
words: 4,799 Kinktember Masterlist
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School rivalries can get fierce, but none as fierce as this one.
It's been drilled in since the very first day, no matter what class you were in. From math tournaments to football games, these schools live and die by their standing. If one of them wins, the entire school wins. If they lose, then the school loses with them.
The fun in this rivalry has long since been drained from the system, replaced with spiteful desperation and a toxic desire. The sort of thing that has spilt well beyond the competition hall or the sports field, so much so that local authorities have had to step in for the safety and peace of mind of the students who might've gotten hurt in the chaos.
Needless to say, no individual is really to blame—or maybe all of them are.
You're coming off the back of a crushing victory at the start of this year's Summer Cup, bringing home an early advantage that, to you at least, has meant you could finally take a breath of fresh air, relax, and support your school the rest of the way. You had been chosen for the bits of media coverage (some of this actually makes national TV) such as the post-game interview spots, something not particularly fun, but something that gives you a chance to enjoy the win and rub it in the face of the rivals. Meaning that you were late to the ice bath and the shower and you're now walking through the corridor alone, while everyone is outside awaiting the next game.
Everyone except her.
There's a girl, wearing an outfit in the colours of your rival. Her yellow (really short) shorts, and white top, rolled up to just below her bust.
"You're in the wrong place," you call out as she walks closer, but she says nothing and gives a casual side-eye as she tries to walk on by. This pisses you off, so you move to block her. "I said you're in the wrong fucking place."
"Funny," she replies through that contemptuous smirk is there. She doesn't even try to mask it. "Since you're the one that's in my way. Get lost."
"See that?" You point to the wall, to the crest of your school. "This is our building. You aren't supposed to be here. What? Can't you read?"
The girl, having fully shifted her attention to you at this point, folds her arms beneath her chest. "Oh, grow up. It's an athletics competition. This is an athletics centre. You can take your tribalism elsewhere, bud."
The nickname and condescending tone, the absolute nonchalance that this girl seems to be able to project when speaking to you...it does something. It sends a twitch through your fists. "My tribalism? You're the one sporting your colours in our building."
The girl makes a brief, sarcastic sound. "I hate you all the same, but that doesn't mean you can deny me using the toilet in here. Move."
"Why don't you walk your pretentious arse back out the door where you came from, find the one next door and use it instead? Just seems like some foolish excuse to come in here and sabotage us, you people have a track record of this shit."
"Yeah, or," she responds, giving the most fake smile, before taking a step forward into your space. "Maybe I really need to use a toilet. Ever consider that, smart guy?"
This close, you can really take a good look at her. From her petite and lithe, athletic figure, to her soft skin, and messy ponytail. Her demeanour, too, along with her hazelnut eyes and pouting lips. It takes a moment, but soon, you recognise her. This is Shuhua. Maybe the most vocal of your rivals. Known for her antagonistic behaviour, her temper, her endless mocking and recently her frustration with always coming second.
"I know you."
"Congratu-fucking-lations, now step aside unless you want me to piss down your leg."
You grit your teeth at her crude words, "Toilet huh? Okay. Use it, but I'm escorting you there and then back out of the building. I don't trust you as far as I can throw you."
"I don't know, I'm a pretty skinny girl and you're a strong guy, maybe you could throw me pretty far..." Shuhua says as she steps past you. "You can wait by the door, fucking pervert."
You roll your eyes but don't dignify the insult with a response. Instead, you make sure to walk closely by her side and lead her to the ladies toilet. "You've got five minutes."
"Oh no. So scared," she drones before you swing the door open for her. She's about to step in when she stalls and glances up at you. "Sure you trust me? What if I... Oh, what if I leave the tap running and waste your water? How's that for sabotage?" Shuhua absolutely drenches her words in sarcasm.
You pull the door closed, forcing her to step inside without waiting for a reply. Once more, your fist twitches at the annoyance.
A couple of minutes pass before the door finally swings open and you watch as the girl saunters back out with a self-satisfied smirk. "There, that wasn't so hard, now was it? Want to come in and check the taps?"
That, funnily enough, does make you laugh, if a little humourlessly. "Don't you ever get sick of yourself? Actually, scratch that, that was stupid to ask, of course not," you mutter. "You know, I almost feel sorry for your school. Having to deal with you must be a real fucking burden. Hey, what's that they say, one bad apple and all that."
"Ugh, the fucking ego," Shuhua shakes her head as if she can't believe the nonsense. "You're even worse in person." She sighs and gestures in a bid for you to lead the way back towards the exit.
"Sounds like jealousy to me," you retort and start walking, and she follows behind. "Doesn't feel great, does it?"
You don't have to look, her exasperated scoff speaks volumes. "Wow. Is this really what your school thinks? Of course, it is, why would I ever have thought differently. You are all so fucking alike. All stuck in this same, boring headspace. And for the record, no, it isn't 'jealousy'. There is no jealousy here because I, unlike you, can pull my head out of my arse."
She's nothing if not stubborn, and while you know she's trying to get a rise out of you, you bite, "You're all the same at that fucking school, this is who they raised. Vocal, obnoxious, bitter. Too much time caring about how you look rather than results—"
A door slams behind you. You turn. The door to the locker room. Shuhua has disappeared.
You rush into the door, throwing it open. Empty, or so it seems, but she has to be in here somewhere. You walk down the left row of lockers, taking slow, quiet steps. Listening, hoping to hear the smallest bit of movement. The crunch of feet, a giggle, the slight jangle of coins.
You're approaching the end of the row of lockers and nothing so far. You get right up against the corner, readying to quickly round it when you think you hear a small breath from just the other side.
Three, two, one, and you launch yourself around the corner.
Shuhua is right there, waiting, she grabs you by the shoulders and pins you against the lockers with a crash, before smiling sweetly.
"What the fuck are you doing—"
You're immediately hushed by the feeling of something soft pressed against your lips, followed by the press of a hand against your groin and a thigh, nestled right between yours.
It takes a moment. You're not quite sure how to process this. It's instinct more than anything that makes your hands come to grasp and clutch Shuhua's ass firmly. She grins and lets out an approving hum, slipping her tongue in while squeezing harder against your groin and getting another equally pleasurable response of you tightening your grip on her.
There's a few moments of this, kissing, back against the lockers, Shuhua against your chest. Then, your tongue meets hers, and she lets a soft moan into your mouth. A moment of weakness that allows you to shove her backwards against the wall with a thump. It takes less than a moment and you're both back at it again, clawing away at each other. Your body presses her into the wall, lips parting before briefly, quickly reconnecting. Shuhua doesn't resist, and not long after, you've parted the kiss, she's moved her lips to your neck and you're running a hand down her thigh.
"What the fuck are you doing?" you growl into her ear as your fingertips approach the edge of those frustratingly short shorts. "Did your little brain figure out you can't win these events so you have to find other ways to know what winning feels like? If you can't beat them, fuck them?"
The girl pulls herself from your neck and takes a fist full of your hair. "You piece of shit," she seethes. "Like you aren't desperate for this pussy."
You aggressively push your hand up under her shorts and she squeaks as you clutch the flesh of her ass in a tight grip. You pull her and she raises a leg around you. "This pussy? You have got to be kidding me. Have you seen the cheerleaders at our school?"
She uses her legs to push you aside, forcing you to swap positions with her. She has you against the wall now, and her hand has dipped down the front of your shorts. She's grinning, groping you in a tight, frustratingly wonderful, fist. "Bunch of bimbos who fall to their knees as soon as you turn on the charm."
"I didn't even have to turn on the charm for you. What does that say about you?"
She takes a firmer grip on your length and a loud groan escapes from deep within you. Shuhua can't help herself, her lips quirking into that insufferable smirk, her eyes shining. "It says that you couldn't take your eyes off my ass the entire walk down that corridor, you fucking animal. You were practically salivating. Just like you're doing now."
She uses her free hand to swipe her thumb against the corner of your mouth.
"Pretty sure that's yours," you tell her before you slide your hands up her exposed sides and slip your fingers under her shirt, pulling it up and she quickly raises her free arm so you can slip it over it and over her head, leaving it around the arm still buried into your trousers.
There she is, bra and tits on show and being fucking annoyingly hot.
Even if she doesn't stop you from undressing her, she still berates you for it, "Look at you, can't wait to touch them, can you. Are you really that simple? See a pair of tits and you get hornier than a fucking dog in heat?"
"So says the girl who can't get her hand off my cock," you reply, hand slipping beneath her bra and your fingers closing around her nipple.
She raises an eyebrow and looks down at her chest, "Did I say you could touch me there?"
"So now we're talking consent, Miss 'Grab-cock-ask-questions-later'?" you snarl, fingers rolling the nipple in between them. "A bit late, don't you think?"
Shuhua's really stroking you now, even with limited space inside your shorts, she's able to use her thumb to circle around your sensitive tip with each jerk. "Yeah, well. I didn't sign up to get molested by a dickhead like you."
"Right back at you."
Shuhua laughs a little then cracks a wicked smile, one that is as seductive as it is contemptuous. The girl shrugs, reaches a hand behind her and unclasps her bra. She takes her hand out of your shorts and lets it fall off with her shirt. Bare little tits with stiff nipples stare at you—and you stare back. "Never seen a pair before? Or just not a pair on a girl as hot as me?"
"I've seen better."
"Yeah, sure you have sweetie." Shuhua tugs at the waist of your shorts and underwear until she pushes them down to your knees. "You know..." she starts as her gaze drops down to your aching shaft. "There's a rumour at our school that all the guys in your school are decidedly average down there, and are real bad at using them," she looks you in the eye with an eager smile, biting her lip.
"Want to know what they say about girls at your school?" You grab a hand full of her tit in a tight grasp and squeeze her flesh firmly, eliciting a sharp gasp. "They say all the girls are sluts but are fucking terrible at giving head. Funny, since all you seem to do is run your mouth." You push her back until it's your turn to have her pinned against the lockers. "Here, I'll show you how you can put that mouth to better use."
Pushing down on her shoulders, you guide her to her knees. "Hey, I never said that I—" You jerk your hips and you hit her on the cheek with your length. "The fuck?"
"You've been licking your lips since you pulled my shorts down. Stop pretending this isn't what you wanted." You rub yourself against her cheek.
"I should tear this ugly cock right off," Shuhua says as she wraps her fingers around the base of it. Then, before you have time to register it, her mouth is already on you, engulfing your head. The sudden wetness around your most delicate part, her tongue dancing along it, the suction her mouth produces; it's hard to comprehend all of it. What she says and what her mouth is doing contradict one another.
Then her head begins to bob, her lips firmly wrapped around your cock. As she sucks, she simultaneously strokes it, making sure no bit of you remains unserviced. It doesn't take long for her to build a tempo, and it doesn't take long for you to want more.
Your hand locks around her ponytail and she shivers when you pull at it. She glares at you but doesn't complain and continues working your length. Her mouth feels absolutely exquisite—warm, wet, and tight. With every stroke, the desire to be buried inside her gets stronger. You groan, moving her faster on your shaft.
"Rip it off, huh? Look at you sucking me off like the needy little whore you are. Just look at you."
Shuhua moans into you and she keeps on sucking. The vibrations the noise creates are an absolute pleasure. Your hips buck and the motion takes the girl by surprise, who immediately gags as you hit the back of her mouth. She immediately goes to draw back but the hand locked onto her ponytail refuses her release.
"Where the hell do you think you're going," you force your hips forward.
And you're off. You begin facefucking this annoying girl, who struggles and chokes every time you go balls-deep into her mouth. Still, not once does she try to push your hips, or her teeth to bite. Not once does her head make any gesture to signal that she actually wants you to stop, or even ease off. It seems she's determined to prove that she's not only better than all your cheerleaders, or your classmates, but she's also determined to prove that she's capable of taking everything you give, and all without needing to ask for respite.
"You're so much prettier when you aren't talking," you taunt her.
As a response, she stabs her nails into your ass. Hard. The pain makes you roar, both in surprise and anger. Shuhua simply responds by sucking you harder.
As fun as this is, the urge to ravage her more is still incredibly high, even if that means pulling out of the confines of the girl's sinful mouth. You give it a good couple of minutes before you finally relent and let her go. You pull your hips back and Shuhua instantly coughs, splutters and falls backwards onto her rear.
"The fuck do you think you're doing? I'm not done with that. Get it back here." She spits those words at you angrily, looking almost disgusted, with spit drooling down her chin and coating her lips.
You look at her, hunched over the floor, panting, in only her little yellow shorts. Looking more beautiful and desirable than you ever remember her doing on camera or out on the track. You fall on your knees in front of her and push your hand into her shorts, causing her breath to hitch and her pupils to dilate.
"Well aren't you eager?" she hums, letting out a husky purr as your fingertips tease the delicate lips of her entrance. "What's up, couldn't take any more of my mouth? We're you going to cum so quickly? I know you've never had anyone quite like me before."
"Not even close to cumming," you sneer. "In fact, let's get one thing clear. I don't have standards as low as the boys in your school, I don't just cum at the sight of some tits and the feel of your trashy mouth." Your finger slips past her lips and a surprised moan escapes her throat. "God you're fucking soaked."
"Trashy?" she scoffs and slowly rolls her body in response to your intruding digit. "Should have seen your face with my lips around you, you fucking adored it, dickhead. If you want disappointment, try being in my shoes. This pathetic excuse for fingering? It's like when I did it for the first time."
"Yeah?" You drive a second finger into her and curl your fingers as you begin to stand, forcing her to follow you to her feet. You push your body against hers, pinning her to the locker, squishing those tits against you.
She lets out a taunting, "Yeah" this time, huskily, while arching her back a little, raising those beautiful breasts. "And my first time was real bad. I couldn't even make myself cum. Maybe we do have something in common." While she's talking, you're using your other hand to free her shorts and panties from her hips, sliding them over that juicy ass that you press against the cold metal locker. "I doubt you have ever made a girl c—"
You move fast and hard. Your fingers curled into her cunt, palm pressed against her clit, thrusting into her, and your eyes fall right onto hers, piercing, right into her soul. Her eyes widen with shock and then quickly darken and roll back. Those sweet, vicious lips of hers open as her mind is stunned into silence and her face contorts in pleasure. "Cute," you smirk, speeding up.
"I—I'm fine. You—" You push your other hand against her neck and you lean right against her ear.
"Shut your pretty mouth," you growl, you thrust your fingers deeper. Shuhua can't control the shocks of her own pleasure as she grows limp, her eyes rolling back, her moans coming out uncontrollably and rapidly. Her pussy is quivering, pulsing, you can feel her orgasm growing inside.
You push closer and kiss her as the muscles in her lower belly spasm, and she trembles as her cunt clamps down on your fingers. Shuhua pulls and scrapes her fingers along your skin. "Fucking god, fuck," the girl tries to continue to speak, but she is in total ecstasy. You drink the words directly from her mouth.
When you pull away, her body falls away from the locker, but you hold her tightly and dip a hand right under the curve of her ass, keeping her standing. You smirk triumphantly. "Who can't make you cum, bitch?" you tease her.
"Fuck you," Shuhua mumbles into your ear.
"Oh, you will." You shuffle across the room, finding the nearest bench and falling back onto it, pulling Shuhua onto you. "This is all you're good for, I bet." You pull your shirt over your head and then Shuhua throws herself against your naked body. Her tits press against your bare chest, and your stiff cock is trapped between your stomachs.
"We'll see," she breathes, running a hand into your hair and yanking at the locks as she pulls herself upright.
Your lips meet hers, a passionate and desperate union as the need to be in her consumes your every fibre. Tongues dance and your hands explore one another's bodies. Groping, stroking, touching, squeezing, grinding. When the kiss ends, she leans her forehead against yours, her eyes lidded.
"I hate you," you growl into the space in front of her.
"You too," she says, hoisting her hips up over your cock. With a mischievous and playful look in her eye, she furrows her eyebrows. "But you won't when this is over. You're gonna fucking worship me."
Before you can think to retort, she sinks herself onto you and, after what feels like a torturously long series of minutes of teasing and waiting, your bodies finally unite. Her inner walls are unbelievably hot and wet, squeezing down around you as if desperate for you to remain buried within her. Shuhua makes no attempts to hide her expression, her head rolls back and her teeth press down on her lip to conceal an enchanting whine. Her breasts press firmly into your hands as you hastily reach to cup them.
It doesn't take long at all for the pair of you to adjust, and you begin to pump your hips beneath hers. She's fucking down onto you too and it's a mess, there's no rhythm, two different bodies fighting to control a single movement, all the while searching desperately for the best result. You're on different wavelengths, and it's glorious, the chaos is addictive. It's raw fucking, and it's fucking amazing.
As frustrating and confusing as it is, nothing in the world feels better right now. Your chest heaving with every desperate gasp as she grinds onto you and around you, her lust-filled gaze still struggling to fight away your shared frustrations, it's raw and incredible.
"Oh God, right there." Shuhua squeezes her eyes shut and buries her forehead into the crook of your neck, her body shuddering and tensing with every push you make into her. Her pace on you is irregular, sometimes slow, sometimes fast. But as her orgasm grows inside of her, she sinks harder and deeper down upon you, taking you as deep as she possibly can and as often as you will give it to her.
"Bad at using it, am I?" you jest with a strained voice, slapping her ass hard as the impact causes it to ripple. "So bad that you're cumming already?"
"Tch." She goes to speak, to say something witty and defiant, but the sensation hits and her eyelids flutter, she twitches and lets out a shuddering moan as another climax hits her, "Ah fuck. God." Her nails dig into the skin of your chest, hard, painful enough that you hiss. "I'm doing all the work here."
"As you should be. Getting the privilege to ride my cock, the least you could do is break a sweat," you tell her.
She opens her eyes to flash you a glare and she slams her body down on your hips a bit faster. "You just know— that you couldn't— fuck as good as me."
Shuhua rides you mercilessly, completely lost in her desire to get herself off again. You enjoy the way her tits bounce and the way you can freely land a series of spanks on her bouncing ass.
"Guess that makes me more of a winner than you'll ever be." She tries to bite her lip, to hide it, but the pleasure that shines through her features is impossible to miss. She cums again, harder, no doubt about it.
This time, when the climactic orgasm subsides, she fights against her exhaustion with ragged, heavy breaths. You can see her lips twitch. Words escape her, so instead, she focuses on attempting to ride your cock even more mercilessly, just like earlier.
"Looks like you're all spent," you continue and push a hand onto her hip, steadying her before shoving her aside and away, pulling out. Shuhua topples and stumbles onto the floor, with her hands on the bench, breathing heavily. She's bent over the bench and her back glistens with a thin layer of sweat, her ass up in the air. Her body trembles with anticipation.
You don't hesitate. Not for a single second.
Before Shuhua can so much as open her mouth, you're behind her, your hands on her hips, her skin slick.
"Here's your loser's prize," you tell her as you slide back home, back inside her, feeling yourself plunged so deeply. Her thick ass presses against your hips and you spread it to push in deeper. You take in the beautiful view of her well-toned, petite back. The outline of every muscle stretches and flexes as she claws desperately at the benches as her pleasure is recharged, and restored, as though the fire is reignited with your touch. She lets out a soft little hiss, the briefest hint of displeasure that's quickly overcome by her passion for the raw sensation of sex. She relishes your presence and your length, and as she relaxes once more, she allows herself to sink into the rhythm of the rut.
You fuck her, taking pleasure in the way her body pushes back against yours, your balls slapping against her, and the obscene wet noises as you take her from behind. It's a dizzying crescendo, a desire so great that it cannot possibly be contained. To both yourself and Shuhua, desire cannot be denied, for you to cum inside her.
All you have left now is to pound the life out of this smug bitch's tight cunt, one hard, sharp, aggressive thrust after the other.
"Finally—" You raise a hand and bring it down upon the cheek of her arse. Hard, harsh, jiggling. The skin flushes and burns an angry red. She squeals in delight, she arches her body up as she takes the rough fucking. "Finally something useful has come out of your fucking school. One good pussy, just for me." Another slap. Another cry.
"Making me cum, is all you're good for. Just a cock," she spits back as her body shakes and bucks back onto your hardness, "One good fuck, just for me."
Shuhua straight-up shrieks when you wrap a fist up in her ponytail and yank her backwards, arching her spine. She cums again like this, and the hot rush of pleasure sends you spiralling off the edge yourself. It is utterly satisfying, the burning in your loins, and the immense pleasure that follows as your dick unloads in powerful spurt after powerful spurt. All of the tension evaporates, and all the negativity flows away as you find absolute pleasure. Shuhua takes what you give to her and it's absolute bliss.
For the longest moment, there's nothing but moans and grunts as you cum together before you let her collapse against the bench and you fall over her. Shuhua heaves beneath you, your warm fluids slowly leaking out around your exhausted cock. You suck in deep, gulping lungfuls of air as you grind out the final dying sparks of a well and truly mind-numbing orgasm.
"Still feel the same way about me now?" you groan. Your cock slips out, followed by a mixture of your combined orgasmic release.
Her head lifts. Hazel eyes focus and then fixate on yours. She almost manages to mask the grin, but she can't help it. Shuhua bites her bottom lip and glances at the space where, moments ago, your body had been conjoined.
"I still hate you. Don't think this means I'm suddenly a fangirl."
"Of course not, it's in your DNA to hate me. Just like how the sight of you still makes me sick." You place a kiss against the top of her spine and savour the brief hum of approval she gives.
"Uh-huh." Shuhua laughs. "Shame you couldn't last a little longer... I was just about to let you fuck my virgin ass." She lays her forehead against the cool wood of the bench, and you rest your head between her shoulder blades. "I guess my pussy is just too much for you."
"Or maybe," you hiss into her ear. "Maybe I'm saving that for the next time I catch your obnoxious ass around here."
"You think there will be a next time?"
"I know there will."
1K notes · View notes
zhouyes · 8 months
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910 notes · View notes
chaelins · 8 months
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638 notes · View notes
bellaaae · 7 months
Shuhua protecting yn [453k views]
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— clip one✰
<Yn and Shuhua were invited on a drinking show>
The host was discussing something but yn was in the background eating.
She didn’t mind the cameras and just ate anyhow and how she’s comfortable with eating.
Shuhua noticed it and looked over at her before covering Yn’s whole face.
“Yn did you forget you’re an idol…” Shuhua whispered to yn who just kept eating her food unbothered.
“I’m not in the frame right?” Yn asked Shuhua.
“You’re completely in the frame” Shuhua said and yn stared at the camera like she was crying on the inside.
She then shrugged.” You saw nothing!” Yn said to the camera.
— clip two✰
Yn and shuhua were doing a live together on weverse.
When shuhua noticed the sad and down look on Yn’s face..it didn’t only show on her face but also her tone.
She was confused and worried until she looked at the comments and saw hate comments towards yn.
Shuhua was furious.”Yah don’t say mean things towards her…if you know that all you want to do is honestly comment mean stuff you have to get out..those aren’t nice words to say” shuhua said not minding that she was an idol and said it straight and directly how it was on her mind.
You couldn’t help but smile and be thankful for having her has an older sister.
— clip three✰
(G)-idle were at an award show.
When a group was called a confetti popped making yn flinch.
Shuhua looked over to yn and moved closer to her.
Before another confetti was popped shuhua covered Yn’s ear tightly knowing she has fear for loud noises.
Yn smiled at her.
— clip four✰
At (G)-idles concert fans were suggesting that yn twerked.
Shuhuas eyes widened in shock.”Nooo” she quickly disagreed.
The crowd all changed for yn to twerk.
Before you knew it yn started twerking making shuhua use her body to cover her.
“Yah Yn!” She yelled.
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kpop-locks · 3 months
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ (G)I-IDLE ; I SWAY ”♡ᵎ ꒱
concept image #2: wave
like/reblog | @exolyxions
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
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gidlesource · 3 months
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Stream 'I SWAY' out now! Watch 'Klaxon' mv here!
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awaregei · 8 months
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♡ · (g)i-dle ; two icons
like/reblog if you save
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© icons made by @awaregei · action by @harupsds, psd by @miniepsds
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nervousnotion · 3 months
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captainhongjoong · 1 year
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(g)i-dle · queencard (2023)
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shinestarhwaa · 8 months
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My comeback as a (G)I-DLE writer :) this is especially for my bratty darling aera who needs a mommy to shut her tf up (in a loving way<3 teehee)
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Shuhua x Fem reader
Word Count: 1.6K
Tags/Warnings: Established relationshipn dirty language, fxf, mommy!shuhua, cunnilingus, fingering, thighspanking, mild choking, namecalling, light bondage, Shu kinda steps on reader a few times, scissoring, squirting
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @1-800-shedevil @mjyungi @bratty-tingz @sugarnspice630 @stardragongalaxy @bro-atz @wisejudgedragonhairdo @mingisg00dgirl @wh0re4yunsangho
You're well aware that you had been teasing Shuhua all night long. If there's one thing she hates it was getting teased and riled up in front of her friends 'cause she finds it so hard to hold back.
She has been giving you lusty glares from across the room as you were nearly flashing your entire chest the way you bend over to fix your heels. You could never keep it classy at a classy party anyways.
It didn't take long before Shuhua announced your departure together. She nearly shoved you into the back of the uber, your breath hitching in your throat when you felt her nails dig into the delicate skin of your thigh. "You knew very well what you were doing, weren't you?"
The mischievous look on your face made her blood boil and eyes roll. "You're gonna pay for that. Don't fucking show off your chest on a party," she harshly whispers underneath her breath.
You smirk and look down on your own chest and you weren't gonna lie; the girls were looking good. They look so prominent in this dress and that's why Shuhua didn't want you to wear it to your friends' party to begin with, but as the brat that you are you couldn't help it.
Her hand slides under the fabric of your dress, cupping your already wet crotch. A sly smirk plays on her lips as her hand moves around, spreading the wetness. You look at the driver in the front, who seems to not notice a single thing of what is going on in the back of his cab.
Shuhua's fingers enter your panties and rub along your folds, making you bite your lip. You feel her fingertips press and rub on your sensitive clit and you muffle a whine with the palm of your hand.
"Shu, please," you whine. "It's mommy for you," she states firmly as she rubs your clit in circular motions. "Y-yes, mommy," you whisper, body twitching in exitement. The cab arrives at your apartment and Shuhua quickly hands him some money before exiting the car and rushing into the apartment
She pushes you up against the wall as soon as you're inside the hallway. Shuhua's hand slid up to your throat and squeezes it slightly. "You're only just a little whore, aren't you?" She curses, licking her lips.
"Fuck, yeah, a whore for you, Shu, Mommy, please," you beg as you slide your panties down, kicking them off your feet. They land somewhere you couldn't see because Shuhua already pulls you to the bedroom by your arm, her grip on you being quite rough. She takes off your heels and unzips your dress and helps you take it off, leaving you completely naked.
"On your knees, slut," she orders, and you quickly obey. You sit down on your knees in front of her and look up into her eyes. She's still fully dressed in her gorgeous green evening gown with matching high heels that were to die for.
''I know you're expecting for me to fuck you, but you've been bad and fucking is a reward for being good, don't you think? You'll have to prove yourself now if you want me to fuck you.'' You whine and pout, trying to create some sort of guilt-feeling within your girlfriend but she doesn't budge. ''Hands behind your back,'' she says. You obey her and she knees down with a silky rope from the closet in her hands, tying your hands together.
''You're gonna be a good girl for mommy now baby, won't you?''
When you don't reply fast enough Shuhua rolls her eyes and lifts up her heel, putting it down on your thigh. ''You're such a slut. Did you lose your tongue, doll?'' ''N-No ma'am,'' you winced. She nudges between your thighs with the front of her heel, commanding you to open your legs. As soon as you spread your legs she presses the heel right on your clit, making you whine out.
You gulp as you look her in the eye. She presses down a few more times to test your reaction. ''Look at you slut,'' she scoffs when you buck your hips forward, trying to get some friction. ''You're so wet for me, aren't you? I can see your slick on my heel,'' she smirks. ''Y-Yes mommy, can't help it,'' you whine, ''I love it when you use me. Please use me more, Give me your pussy, I'll be so good, I'll eat it so good!'' you beg, rutting your crotch against the leather heels.
''Hmm, fine,'' she decides, pulling away from you. She kicks off her heels and sits on the edge of the bed with her legs spread wide. You have a perfect view of her cunt through the large slit in her dress. To your surprise she wasn't wearing any panties and it makes your mouth water. ''Go ahead then,'' she says, pulling your head between your thighs.
You dive straight inbetween her legs, sliding your tongue between her slick folds. ''Mmh, you taste so perfect mommy,'' you moan out. Your tongue zigzags up and down to rile her up the way she likes it and then circles around her clit, not touching it just yet. ''Are you fucking teasing me, slut? You know better than that,'' she hisses, throwing her head back.
Shuhua moans when you dip your tongue into her hole, slowly fucking in and out and savouring her juices. She runs her hand through her hair and slides it down to her breast, fondling it before pulling it out of her dress. You look up at her as you fuck her pussy with your tongue, eyeing her heavenly breasts.
Eagerly, you started to lick and suck harshly at her clit, earning louder moans from Shuhua. ''Fuck, that's it my little whore, that's it!'' Your pussy aches so much, throbbing as you get hornier by the minute. Her pussy starts to get wetter and it clenches hard a few times and then she comes undone on your tongue with a loud moan. She pants heavily as you ride out your girlfriends' orgasm.
''That's a good whore... Get on the bed now.''
As you get on the bed she gets up and takes off her dress, showing off her naked body now. You sit on your knees and wait for her to untie the rope on your wrists. When she's done taking the rope off you lay down against the pillows with your lead spread wide for her.
She spreads your pussy apart with her fingers and looks at it as if she's inspecting it. ''You've got such a slutty little wet cunt babygirl,'' she smirks, ''you'll take mommy's fingers well right? If you take them well I'll fuck you.''
You nod eagerly and spread your legs even wider if you could, to which she laughs. She slips two fingers deep inside you. They glide in so easily, Shuhua notices and it makes her wonder if you've ever been this wet for her before. Her fingers slowly pump in and out of your sopping wet cunt, making a sinful squelching noise.
Shuhua moves her fingers faster gradually and makes you moan loudly when she hits your sensitive spots. ''Fuck, mommy! That feels so good!'' You whine out. Shuhua smirks and fucks them even faster and deeper into your core. ''Good girl... See, you can be good for me,'' she says, showing no mercy on your cunt.
''You seem more sensitive than usual, babydoll,'' she mentions as she rubs your clit quickly. You cry out and nodd, ''I feel it too mommy, oh my God, I'm so wet and needy for you, please, please fuck me I can't wait any longer!''
''Cum on my fingers for me and I'll fuck you, okay baby? Come on, you're my little slut, you can come for me hm?''
She rubs your clit at a fast pace as she slaps your thighs, earning louder whines and moans from you. Before you know it your orgasm washes over you and you come undone on her fingers, body spasming and squirming as she rides out your orgasm.
''Good girl,'' she smirks, pulling her fingers from you and licking them off. She then aligns her wet pussy with yours, throwing one of your legs over her shoulder. She holds onto your calf as she lightly bites into it while she rubs her pussy against yours slowly.
''You fucking like that, don't you?'' she smirks as she teases you. You whine and slide your hands up her defined thighs. ''Please, mommy, fuck me, fuck me harder, make a mess of me!''
She smirks and moves faster, rubbing your clits together, resulting in you becoming an absolute moaning mess. Shuhua is less vocal than you are but she still cannot bite back her grunts and moans as she rubs your pussies together. You on the other hand let out all the most sinful noises you can produce as you let her rock you into the new world.
''Mommy, I'm not gonna last, it's too good, mommy's pussy is too good!'' You cry. ''Come for me darling, come hard for me, you can do that right? Mommy's gonna come for you too, gonna fucking come all over you, squirt all over your pussy, you'd like that wouldn't you?'' she breathes out.
You can't form a proper sentence anymore and just moan loudly as you come for her, body trembling with pleasure. It doesn't take long before Shuhua comes as well, rubbing her clit hard against yours and squirting out her arousal onto your lower body.
She slowly stops grinding on you and caresses your cheek. ''That's a good girl for mommy... How much more can you take?''
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gidleinstagram · 2 months
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(g)i-dle instagram update
Klaxon stage on Music Bank where you can have fun on a fiery Friday night ❤‍🔥 Thanks to Neverland's love and support, we were able to create a stage full of energy 🫶 Have a happy evening, Neverland 💜
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chaelins · 3 months
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(G)I-DLE [I SWAY] - Concept Image 1
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idolsgeneration · 3 months
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kpop-locks · 3 months
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ (G)I-IDLE ; I SWAY ”♡ᵎ ꒱
concept image #1: wind
like/reblog | @exolyxions
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
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idleslover · 3 months
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idc if it was just for the intro i'm glad they're having fun
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