darcyxanthonyx · 1 year
closed starter: @greengideon
where: the diner
Darcy had always been convinced that the diner in town was haunted, and she was aboslutely determined to prove that she was right. So, with her working on this ghost hunting YouTube channel of hers, she decided to go to the diner and talk to the owner.
"How would you feel about allowing me to do a real ghost investigation in your diner?" She asked the owner as though it was the best thing he could possibly allow to happen to his business. "I mean, I'll make a video about it and it'll bring in customers. You know how tourists are anyway, and we get a shit ton of tourists here, so you know there will be people who think it's super cool that you have a ghost here and they'll want to see it for themselves! I think this would be a win win for both of us. You ever seen Ghost Adventures? I'll do a whole thing like that where we do a lock down and I'll just do my investigation and I'll be out of your hair in the morning!" Darcy was practically rambling at this point.
"So what do you say?"
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blondiefortescue · 5 years
WHEN: September 17th, 3:48pm. WHERE: Third floor corridor. WHO: Alice & @prewettxgideon
"Gideon!” The name fell past her lips--- easy and familiar. Alice first started to get to know her fellow Gryffindor when a professor suggested she take him up as someone to tutor. He was the very first peer she started tutoring and he became a brilliant friend beyond that over the years. Things got a little more complicated—- things tended to over alcohol. At least that’s how she believed their...arrangement started out. Well, that wasn’t the right word for it. Friends who hooked up every now and then was a much better description. She thought they went back to just friends...until she saw him over the summer, that is. Alice never really got the chance to talk to Gideon much after she saw him last, but hoped things weren’t weird between them. “I had been meaning to find you. Did you still want me to tutor you this year? I figured with NEWTs and all...”
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maryedenmacdonalds · 5 years
closed starter for @prewettgid
With the new threat alarming everyone within the wizarding world, Mary realized her own skills were nothing compared to what was needed of her to survive. To eventually strike back, defend herself, she had to be capable of hexes, jinxes, a variety of counter and protection spells -- everything one could possibly use on the battlefield. She looked almost paranoid, relentless, as she flipped the pages of her old book, before reaching one she could use. The sat underneath a tree, hair pinned into a bun -- and, as she heard footsteps approaching, Mary immediately pressed the book against herself. “Bloody hell, you scared me, Gideon. I wasn’t expecting anyone to go as far away from school as I did.” He placed the book on top of her lap. “I-- might be a bit paranoid ever since, you know... the news.”
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