#(god dkjfds now I've got them on the brain omg. I am not at all opposed)
angeltrapz ยท 3 years
๐Ÿ’‹, ๐Ÿ…, ๐ŸŠ, ๐ŸŒต, + ๐Ÿ‡ for ur SAW f/os (as many as u want if all of them is too much sjfhhdhd)
AAA ty bestie omg!!!! I'm gnna answer these w art, mallick, & gibson since I don't get to talk abt them nearly as much as I want ;v; putting this under a cut tho bc it's. very long
๐Ÿ’‹ - give us a kiss headcanon!:
he's super fond of forehead kisses! every morning before he leaves for work he makes sure to give me one. I like to kiss him on the cheek a lot + he loves that too!!
๐Ÿ… - what makes your f/o blush?:
when I wear his clothes >:3c the minute I found that out, he has not known peace since kdjsfkds
๐ŸŠ - whatโ€™s your f/oโ€™s biggest secret?:
that being tested twice got to him more than he'd ever admit. he keeps that one very close to his chest, and it was quite a while before he felt comfortable admitting that to me. I don't necessarily think that he blamed himself, persay, but I do think he definitely wonders what john could've seen in him that was so bad it warranted being tested twice (though I definitely make sure to remind him that nothing he could ever do would justify + legitimize john's little power trip). I think he also struggles with the fact that even though they parted on bad terms, he still thought of john (and jill, who I believe he meets for coffee every now and then) as a friend until he heard about the jigsaw murders.
๐ŸŒต - how long does it take for your f/o to warm up to new people?:
though he doesn't say as much, after jigsaw, I think it takes him quite a bit. he's not outwardly hostile or even distant, but there's definitely that probation period after he meets someone new where he's super cautious and maybe a bit more quiet than usual bc he's feeling things out. typically though, unless given a reason, he tries to give others a chance.
๐Ÿ‡ - does your f/o naturally give themselfย โ€œme time,โ€ or do they need reminders from time to time?:
I think he's pretty good at being able to tell when he needs to recharge a bit! every now and then he gets a bit caught up in his work, but for the most part, he's able to step away from it when he needs + recognize when he's approaching that point.
๐Ÿ’‹ - give us a kiss headcanon!:
mallick loves face kisses!! cheeks, nose, lips, forehead, eyelids, chin, everywhere! he generally moves in a circle around my face, and they're generally fluttery + super sweet, if a bit shy. he very much appreciates it when I reciprocate too <3
๐Ÿ… - what makes your f/o blush?:
a Lot of things honestly kjdkfds but like art, when I wear his clothes, which is Not hard for me to do (given that. he is 6'1'' to my 5'2'' lmao)! part of that comes from like. having a partner who Wants to steal his clothes, and part of it is just that he likes to see me in them! it just makes him happy.
๐ŸŠ - whatโ€™s your f/oโ€™s biggest secret?:
I wld have to say the fire, as we've both discussed before,, especially how it impacted him + the others who were involved, regardless of intent. I genuinely don't think he intended to hurt anyone but he feels terrible about the fact that he did, and that he technically was never caught - this gets into both mine and your interpretation of him, but as a result of this, I think what happened w jigsaw, to him, kind of felt like... righteous punishment, in a way, since he was never officially charged. it takes him a long while to unlearn that.
๐ŸŒต - how long does it take for your f/o to warm up to new people?:
a VERY long time, esp post-jigsaw. he is very, very cautious and if he gets bad vibes, he won't hesitate to remove himself from the situation (though he tries to do so politely). honestly, it takes him a while to be comfortable around people he doesn't know after that, which makes meeting new people hard, but eventually he's able to relax around new people, esp if meeting them with ppl he already knows!
๐Ÿ‡ - does your f/o naturally give themselfย โ€œme time,โ€ or do they need reminders from time to time?:
mallick definitely needs reminders. this also ties into his self-esteem issues, but he tries to like... push himself far past his limits bc he feels he doesn't deserve that sort of accommodation. over time he gets much better with it + doesn't need as many reminders, but I'm alwayd there to tell him that it's okay to take breaks when he needs them and that there's nothing wrong with setting time aside to take inventory of your mental health & how you're doing!
๐Ÿ’‹ - give us a kiss headcanon!:
matt rlly likes shoulder + temple kisses! he might not do so as often, but when he does, they're lingering + very soft. he's a bit reserved that way, but that just means that I know how much he means it when he Does do it <3
๐Ÿ… - what makes your f/o blush?:
when I flirt back lmao!! he might not engage in pda very often at all (hand-holding is typically the only thing), but he Does flirt with me - like he doesn't know how to turn it off or simply doesn't want to - and is always caught off-guard when I flirt right back. it's a surefire way to get him to blush + rigg thinks it's Hilarious when it happens around him!!
๐ŸŠ - whatโ€™s your f/oโ€™s biggest secret?:
a bit more light-hearted than art + mallick, matt's biggest secret is that he sings in the shower. the thing is, he THINKS it's a secret, but I know and simply don't tell him 'cause I know he'd stop lmao!!
๐ŸŒต - how long does it take for your f/o to warm up to new people?:
matt is typically pretty easy-going. unless you give him reason, he's generally friendly and open! he's not afraid to call people out on their bullshit + stand up for himself, so the way he sees it, he's cool with meeting new people.
๐Ÿ‡ - does your f/o naturally give themselfย โ€œme time,โ€ or do they need reminders from time to time?:
we've talked abt this a bit before, but matt is pretty good at knowing when he needs a break! he even sometimes sets aside an hour or so to chill (iirc we were talking abt him + lawrence?) in a bubble bath with music and everything, just sort of recharge. I still check in with him of course, just in case <3
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