#(he also has a huge train collection and MASSIVE comic cook collection that takes up easily four huge bookcases)
hauntedwoman · 11 months
this entire trip back to texas for the wedding i have realized my dad is so autistic and that's literally the only thing wrong with him
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amnachil · 5 years
To The Perfection Chapter 1 Part 4
Hope you’ll like it :)
Thomas Monday January 14
"I mean, her booty man ! There isn't more to say."
Thomas glanced at Joël, irritated. Well, he didn't show his annoyance of course. They were supposed to work out, but the man was coveting girls.
"Lara's boobs are attracting too." he continued. "But she's a bit too chubby for my taste. That's a loss."
The main concerned party smiled again. You piss me off. For real. He knew Joël and Cody since kindergarden. Unlike Raphaël, from whom the royal court had always been growing until highschool, Thomas preferred to keep only a few people around him. I don't need more crawler. But as they grew older, Joël started to be a little too confident. After all, he was tall, ripped and popular. His cocky demeanor was starting to get the best of him.
"I admit, Lara's a bit on the chubby side." Thomas eventually replied. "But isn't it a win-win, since she has bigger boobs ?"
Joël frowned.
"Fair enough." he admitted. "So... What about your preference ?"
"I would rather not talk about it." laughed the ginger. "I have no time for this."
He noticed Cody and Ilhan coming closer. Their work out session was over... What a waste of time. Jeez he's so easily distracted with his working hormones nowadays.
"Hey guys." greeted Cody. "How was training ?"
His friend stared a him. He was way more discreet than their big mouth friend. Standing at 1m80 (5'11"), he weighted a skinny 67 kg (148 pounds). He was lanky, with dark hair and eyes. Recently, he's always looking at me weirdly. Like if I was lying all the time. Thomas wasn't a liar. He only get used to his interlocutors.
"Dude to be honest we didn't do much." accepted Joël. "I'm craving soooo much for sex, it drives me crazy."
Well, at least this one was honest.
Soccer pratice started well. But after a moment, the coach decided to make them watch a game to learn some skills. A game of Raphaël, obviously. While they all admired and complimented his older brother, Thomas felt a huge rancor growing in his stomach. He already stole the person I love. Now, he will take my friends too ? Why is this world so unfair ? Analyzing his behavior, the teenager realised it was not about these useless people he called friends. It's all about Dan. Since friday's evening, it was getting harder (was it even possible) to not cross the limits. His brother's boyfriend wasn't only a kinky fantasy... He said he likes me. Why did he said that ? Of course, Dan intented to do good. But for Thomas, it was a real ordeal to resist at his drive. I want to touch him. To rub his overstuffed belly. I want to cuddle with him. To have sex with him. He wanted to be Raphaël. Consequently, he needed to keep his mind off it. Am I exactly like Joël ?
Once they finished this completely useless practice, Thomas decided to make a quick visit. He wanted to talk with someone, but he needed someone who won't repeat everything to Raphaël. He finally arrived at the sheriff's station. He entered, and went directly to the front desk.
"Hi Gregory." he smiled.
His massive friend turned towards him. His munched two donuts at once quickly.
"Thomas. What brings you here ?"
The ginger teenager's smile grew larger. Gregory was a year older than him. He was a former classmate of Raphaël who got himself right in the middle of the game this latter was teaching to Shirley Vince (Dan's sister). Point was, Thomas had fattened him during months, and he had become a true behemoth at the end of his 11th grade. During summer, his parents had sent him in a summer camp, with mixed result. Since then, Gregory had developt the physic of a wrestler. Well, a fat wrestler. He was very muscled : his arms showed strongs biceps, his pecs were brought out. But his too-tight top also revealed a huge beer gut. Gregory was 1m80 (5'11"), but he weighted around 115 kg (255 pounds approx).
"I need your help regarding Joël Davos, the son of the sheriff."
His friend nodded. Once he had graduated from highschool, he had been recruited as a trainee here. He knew he wouldn't have much career opportunities, but the police department always needed new arms anyway.
"So... He has this crush on someone, but he's always complaining he can't talk to her. Which is true, because she's already in a relationship. It's turning him crazy, and he's annoying me for counseling. But you know more than me in that department. What should I tell him ?"
No way Thomas would reveal his crush for Dan. This way, it should work.
"The sheriff's son has a crush ? That's so cute, he has a big mouth but no balls eh ? Look, if he absolutely can't reveal his love, I think he should just let it go. Find a way to get his mind off that ? Like... sleeping with another person ?"
The teenager nodded, unconvinced. I guess coming here was a bad idea after all.
When he arrived at home, Thomas came upon something he wasn't ready for. It was only early January, and they since two days, they were facing cold temperatures. And Dan seemingly didn't like cold temperature. So he had put the heating system on hot. Very hot. He was shirtless in the living room, savouring some melting ice. Not the first, judging by all the wrappers in the bean. Thomas's eyes widened. He froze with amazment. His junior friend was so handsome. He was a strapping lad, well built all over the body. But he had a little softness which made the ginger shiver. It wasn't much but some thickness around the edge. Well, except for his belly. Since three week ago, it had grew bigger. Dan soft flesh was bulging slightly, forming a tiny curve from his lower stomach to his pecs. Most people wouldn't even notice it. But Thomas wasn't most people. Sure, Dan had already been way fatter. But it was something so sexy, so appealing...
"The weather is so cold today." mumbled the junior. "And we are burning inside because the heating system is broken. It's like a heatwave in the middle of winter. Can you cook something refreshing ?"
The temperature isn't the only thing hot around here. No way Thomas could say this. For real, he really needed a distraction, because it was very hard to resist to the temptation in these conditions. But the prospect of seeing Dan pig out shirtless was obssessing the young teenager. I'll just need to hide my hard-on, and it'll be fine.
"Sure thing." he finally responded once he had collected his thought. "I'll prepare all that."
Dan Tuesday January 15
Another really cold day. Dan couldn't bear the cold. He was heading to his parent's home for lunch, after an interesting but difficult morning at the uni. He wasn't stupid, but he wouldn't qualify himself as bright either. Maybe it was a consequence to hang out with two genius most of the time ? But anyway, the cold was killing him. He was almost home when he noticed a moving van in their neighbor's driveway. Someone is moving in ?
"I must be dreamin' awake !" shouted a cheerful voice. "Dan Vince, buddy is that you in the flesh ?"
The junior turned towards the person who hailed him. It was an handsome guy with disheveled chesnut hair. He looked rather lanky, dressed with baggy pants and a flowerly jacket. His features were delicate, and he had beautiful blue eyes. Wait a second. He does look familiar.
"You're Dan, right ?" asked the lad. "I mean, it would be really awkward for me if you weren't."
"Darren ? Darren from the double D ?"
The guy nodded, enthusiastic. Oh wow. It had been so long ! Darren was his bestfriend through primary and middle school. He had moved in another state of the country after their 9th grade.
"Oh man ! My first day back in town, and I ran into you ! That must be fate !"
"Yeah, probably. Damn, it's good to see you." replied Dan, still a bit surprised.
"Do you have time ? We really need to catch up !"
"Sure. I'm gonna have lunch with my parents but I can come after if you want."
I thought I would never see you again. To be honest, it had been a long time. Maybe they had complete different interest now. But Dan was very happy to see his long gone buddy. And so they suited a meeting.
After an hearty meal, Dan came back to his neighbor's home. Darren welcomed him in the living room, apparently excited.
"I didn't eat yet." he revealed. "It would be rude to not offer you something and to eat alone, so please yourself."
The junior nodded, not really focused on the food anyway. He grabbed a plate of lasagna and a beer, and then asked his friend :
"So D one, you are coming back ?"
The chestnut lad smiled as the mention of his nickname. Back in times, they had been nicknamed the Double D. Everyone had been saying they were inseparable.
"Well, I just finished a two-year private school in Japan and now, I'm looking for a job around. I thought it would be nice to move in here, since my parents have abandonned this house for their penthouse in New York."
Rich people and their multiples homes... Well, the inhabitant of the town were wealthy for the great majority. Dan wasn't a person you would be sorry for, regarding his parent's condition.
"Japan eh... Sounds like you travelled a lot." he observed. "You look fine by the way."
"I managed to keep in shape yeah." replied Darren. "But not as much as you. I mean look at you dude ! You were all skin and bones when we were kids."
"Yeah, I guess I changed since then." chuckled Dan.
They talked for hours. It appeared their had still strong common interests. Darren was as Dan imagined : comical, acting with poise and confidence. But he was still clumsy and straight. He related his trip in Japan, but also his highschool's years. He talked about his family, the friends he made along the way and other stuff he had enjoyed. Nonetheless, he asked a lot too. Dan explained his own highschool's year have been rather annoying. He mentionned his try at soccer, but he had sucked at it. Finally, maybe because they had consummated  a lot of beer, Dan confessed he was gay. Not that he wanted absolutely to hide it but when he had done his coming out, most of his friends had abandonned him. He had been bullied, and misunderstood even by his own family. Even now, his parents were acting differently with him, like if he was in porcelain. Without Raphaël, he would have lost himself in depression.
"I have a boyfriend." he heard himself said in the middle of the conversation. "I did my coming out two years ago."
When he finished his sentence, he expected a comment. Anything. But not this reaction.
"You're in a relationship ?" exclaimed Darren. "That's so cool dude ! I don't know why, but I'm proud of you. I'm not that lucky with hearts stories at the moment."
"Well, thank you ? And I'm sure you'll find someone." assured Dan.
Now I realise how much I missed him. Darren was so understanding. He wasn't judging at all. In fact, his friend was already narrating his love stories, absolutely not troubled by Dan's sexual preference.
Dan left at dusk. He had skipped a lesson, but didn't feel guilty. It was a wonderful afternoon. They had agreed to meet again on friday's evening. Raphaël's coming back Saturday, so my weekend was booked. When he arrived home, the junior smelled a perfumed scent of pie. He was kinda bloated from all the fizzy beer, but he knew he wouldn't resist. It was to please Thomas anyway, right ?
To be continued
So little explanation : Gregory was one of the main character in The High School Game. He was a teen who craved attention, and thought he had to be at the top to do so. He ended up fattened by Thomas, Shirley and co and realised it wasn’t that bad to be spoiled and nicely fat.
Thomas isn’t kind with his friends, but only in his thoughts. Otherwise, he always keep his facade.
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