#(he likes to eat yummy food and has terrible self discipline lol)
particlexxdealer · 3 years
🐢 for a mental health headcanon, 🦄 for a physical health headcanon
rp meme: open | 🐢 & 🦄 | @feathersofvibranium
🐢 - for a mental health headcanon
Aside from having abandonment issues and a severe dependency for his roommate Luis, Scott does have some pent up paranoia in relation to the Quantum Realm. The silence and darkness he ventured toward the first time was unbearable. If he developed lasting side effects from entering the Quantum Realm (twice if counting AaTW), he doesn’t know and that terrifies him. Witnessing Ava’s condition and Janet imprinting on his mind was enough to last him a lifetime. However, he will still to go back in order to help find a remedy for Ava’s Molecular Disequilibrium.
🦄 - for a physical health headcanon
Scott actually gets out of shape fairly quick and it got worse with age and parenting. He picks at Cassie’s plate when she doesn’t finish and Luis’ family makes really tasty, tempting food. The Ant-Man suit naturally requires alot of stamina and physicality, but if he wants to keep his agility and parkour abilities he has to exercise daily.
House arrest hindered his work-out routine slightly (had to buy a treadmill and rig some areas in his house), but thankfully he has enough discipline (and time) to adapt and continue his fitness. For sure, he has great arm and core strength. That never changed.
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