#(honorary mention: emm gryner's 'pour some sugar on me' which i didn't add only bc it's a cover)
stillwanderingflame · 3 months
🎶 Obscure song search! List three songs you think not enough people have listened to, then pass this on! 🎶
This was difficult (but fun!) because I don't think I listen to many obscure artists, and then I got hung up on it having few listens vs "you think not enough people have listened", but I gave it my best!
Here are artists I think are somewhat obscure and the songs I think not enough people listen to:
The Twilight Singers - The Twilite Kid
Jonathon Coulton - Always The Moon (it's really special live)
Jim's Big Ego - Asshole
All the songs I thought of were sad, but my first pick for JBE was BIG SAD so I picked another favorite by them that is a delight to listen to/sing.
Thanks for the ask! <3
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