#(i assume we'll see how wrong or right i am when the second volume about his adult reign comes out)
navree · 2 years
To say that Rhaenyra died a dragons's rider death is just coping atp , does that means people in riverlands and kingslanding died a dragons's rider death? The slavers in essos died a dragons's rider death? It's screams coping and seething because rhaenyra turned into a literal dragon's poop ..
It's absolute hardcore cope to try and make her death seem more epic than it is, which is dumb because that's kind of the point? Her death isn't grand and glorious and this amazing moment of dragonrider triumph (she did not fly Syrax once in the entire war she did Nothing it's literally confirmed canon that Syrax hadn't even done so much as hunt for herself in years by the time the Dance started she was incredibly useless), because nothing about this war was grand and glorious. It was an ignominious, ugly, and painful way to die, in front of her own son, because this war was an ugly thing. Like, this war was a bad thing for House Targaryen; no one won and nobody came out of it unscathed and the entire family was weaker from that point onward until Aerys dealt the death blow by being The Worst. The only person who has a maybe cathartic death in the entire Dance is Daemon, and that's a strong maybe, every other character has one that feels unfair.
Laena had her thing about wanting a dragon rider's death in order to foreshadow the unfairness of her own situation, and she chose self immolation via Vhagar because it was either that or death by childbirth anyway, she was caught between a rock and hard place and at least chose to have a dragon involved. Not to mention that she chose it, Rhaenyra certainly didn't choose how she died. Random people getting torched by dragonfire isn't the same as a dragon reader deciding that, if she's Got to die now, she's going to die on her own terms with her dragon at least partially involved. It's hardcore cope and it's missing the literal point of this entire sad saga.
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amaya-chwan · 3 years
Therapy Game Restart Discussion: Who is Onodera?
Hello everyone! Hope you are all well~ ❤️💛💜 I've had a headscratcher of an ask/message regarding Onodera, so I figured I'll make it into one big post!
Before I begin this Q&A/discussion post (feel free to comment below if you have any thoughts), I have looked through past chapters to gather the information I will put into this post to support my predictions. Not all chapters are readily available for everyone at the moment as only one volume of TGR is out right now, so I shall put the chapter numbers for your future reference! ⚠️ Also, just a note! These opinions are my personal thoughts, conjectures, and opinions, so please don't think I am saying one idea or speculation is wrong--this is just how I see it, and of course I could very well be wrong! And I also am not fluent in Japanese, so I may have some translation errors!
⚠️ Also, a warning, this will be a long post! Keep reading if you're interested and please let me know your own thoughts!
First, in an earlier ask, I was directed to a translation group that said Onodera is a man. With the help of Google and Google Translate (because I don't understand/speak Spanish), I found that post (dated April this year) and the origin of the picture they used in that post. The image is from Hinohara-sensei's 13th August 2020 tweet here and is also below for reference:
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Now, all I can remember from first seeing that image is "Woow, so pretty! A female character? A love rival? A threat? OH it's the infamous director they're all talking about???"
This image was released around the time chapter 8 was released, i.e. the first chapter we see Onodera in full.
Looking at the image again, I can see how Onodera could be seen as a female or a male. Onodera has long hair, yet no visible breasts. There is no evidence of an Adam's apple, but that could just be because of the turtleneck as part of their outfit. Furthermore, in chapter 13, we see a view of Onodera from behind. There are no "womanly curves" visible in this view of Onodera.
After searching some Japanese blogs, some fans also had the same thoughts: no breasts = possible male, the shape of the face etc. Here are the blogs I found: [1] [2] [3] but most of these are from around chapter 8.
Just about the breast argument: there are a lot of different shapes for breasts. I learnt that when working at a department store selling bras during university. It is possible that Onodera is really flat chested or just has very little breast tissue. Not sure if that's getting too technical now, ahah, but what I want to say is that the lack of breasts isn't a definite yes to Onodera being a man.
Hinohara-sensei also has not explicitly stated throughout TGR so far (ch1-13) that Onodera is male or female.
From chapters 8-12, Onodera is always referred to as 院長 (director) by Shizuma and the nurses at the clinic. No gender-specific pronouns have been used in the story nor by any characters to refer to Onodera when speaking so far (that I have read). So confirming Onodera's gender is just misleading at the present moment.
We do find out in chapter 9 that Onodera's first name is 昌 akira. Akira is a gender neutral name in Japan. It is often given to males, but it is not uncommon for females to have this name. Which, I think, is genius on Sensei's part. It leaves us all thinking!
Q: So Amaya-chwan, what do you think Onodera's gender is?
Just for me as I've been reading TGR the past 1.5 years, I see Onodera as a woman as I have been "encouraged" to see Onodera as one by the little subtleties in the story, and Minato sees Onodera as a female, so I probably am viewing Onodera in Minato's POV.
(Please keep reading on for more insights and answers to questions! Really, this post is long! 😅)
In chapter 9, Onodera's older brother, who is also Shizuma's university professor (and his last name is not Onodera), makes small talk with Shizuma regarding the staff at his placement:
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Shizuma's professor says: By the way, Shizuma-kun, how've you been!? You haven't been bullied, have you!? // The female team here is scary, right~ You know, Nakajou-kun and I were in the same grade...
So here, I'm made to think Onodera's clinic is pretty much all female, including Onodera too.
Fun fact: His professor uses the suffix -kun for Nakajou-sensei, yet Nakajou-sensei is a female and -kun is commonly used for males these days. But, it is also used for females in very specific situations. I'm not too sure what the situations are, but I have heard them used for females before.
In the same chapter (9), while Shizuma is changing out of his scrubs in the men's locker (?) room, Onodera walks in. He is slightly flustered, and kindly reminds her that she's walked into the men's locker room. Her reaction is "Huh? Ahh..." So here, again, I am made to believe Onodera is female.
While no gender-specific pronouns have been used to address Onodera, Minato and Itsuki have referred to Onodera as a female in chapter 13.
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The kanji for "female/woman" is 女. In these two images, Minato refers to Onodera as 上司の女 female superior, and from Minato's story, Itsuki hence calls her 職場の女の人 female from (Shizuma's) workplace. This is the only time Onodera has been referred to as a female.
⚠️ Just a note going forward in this discussion, I will now call Onodera "she/her" as that is what I believe Onodera's gender is at the present moment!
Now, I did get a second ask from an Anon! Here they are below with my responses:
This one is about what's behind Onodera. I think she's a pretty interesting character. I actually think she's a trans woman or a non-binary trans woman. Sensei has been dropping so many hints to that... The name her brother calls her might be her dead name. He complains about her hair and what their father would say. She's designed to have flat breasts, perhaps she's not under hormone therapy, perhaps her "trips" and "days off" have something to do with reassignment surgeries...
She most definitely is an interesting character. I wouldn't say Onodera being transgender is out of the realm of possibility because the story is still ongoing. But regarding her name, I don't know if I'd call it a dead name since it is gender neutral already. Perhaps the kanji for a male Akira name would be different to a female one though?
About the hair comment (ch10), I just thought it was unruly? I honestly didn't think too much of it! What I will add is that the kanji for hair (髪) is used, but the reading is あたま head. Not sure why just yet, so I'll just leave that here as some extra information for the moment.
Not sure what I really think about a) her flat-chestedness and b) her insanely long business trips yet! I figured a) might be a character design, and b) she really is a top-notch veterinarian so she's probably in high demand. But I could be completely off the mark!
Also, I don't know where to add this random bit in from the story, but in chapter 12, we find out that Onodera has been calling one of the staff the wrong name for more than 10 years now. Not sure if this new piece of info affects anything?
But again, that is a very interesting prediction/thought you have about Onodera, and I wouldn't say it's not possible!
She's kind of a female Minato, psychologicallly and in appearance, which brings some challenges. And one more thing that I think hints to that: "I'll make it so your body can never be satisfied by any woman", Minato says to Shizuma. As the last chapter leaves it at that, we don't know exactly what he is talking about. [spoiler?] I haven't seen the Japanese text yet to be sure if he's clear about topping Shizuma.
That was exactly my thought when she was first introduced! That's part of the reason why I think Minato sees her as a threat, especially when he saw her for the first time and was told she is a 美人beautiful person (both in chapter 12). She and Minato definitely share some characteristics, but I find she's a bit more socially-awkward than Minato given her background (Chapter 9 & 10).
For the dialogue, the Japanese lines and the most literal translations I can give are:
今から 静真くんを抱く From now, (I'll) hold/embrace you, Shizuma-kun.
どんな女に出会っても 絶対満足できない体にしてあげる No matter the women you encounter, I will make it so your body definitely cannot be satisfied (by any of them).
Hopefully we'll find out what Minato means by that exactly in the next chapter, which I hope comes to me this week!
But if that's what he's talking about, it's 1. poor Minato being transphobic (besides being biphobic towards his own boyfriend)* 2. poor Minato probably foreshadowing his own fall. If Onodera happens to be a woman with a d**k, she can do whatever Minato thinks a cis man only can do. That's not what will make Shizuma stay by his side. Shizuma will stay by his side because he loves Minato. And that's that. Debunks biphobic myths, debunks transphobic myths. *He's not a bad person, he's got issues
Okay, this is probably as straight-forward as I can say this, but I just want to say that I don't know enough about the issues faced by the LGBTQI+ community. My friends have kindly answered all my questions so far as I don't want to be ignorant or rude when learning more about my friends and the community. I don't want to give off the air that I'm assuming anything since I don't want any misunderstandings. And I am fully aware that I need to educate myself more regarding this!
So about Minato, I'm not completely sure what you mean by number 2. But he definitely has his share of trauma, insecurities, and fears regarding his relationship with Shizuma. Having Onodera as a threat in this story really helps drive Minato's growth. The story is titled Therapy Game Restart, so what I gather from the title is that Minato is going to face another fear/insecurity he has, something deeply-rooted in him, and it's going to get really heavy and complicated, but he will eventually get through it and it will help him heal and grow as a character, and hopefully strengthen his faith in his relationship with Shizuma.
So far, I believe this "fear" is carrying on from +Play More, that Shizuma can be whisked away by a female at any moment.
But yes, Minato has to realise for himself that his and Shizuma's love, relationship, and bond is strong enough for him to not worry about Shizuma leaving him so abruptly. He has to learn to trust in Shizuma more, and TGR is slowly revealing that, especially in chapter 13.
I'll stop here. I have already written long analyses on this series and I think about making them public at some point. But it would be nice to hear from you! Maybe I'm completely wrong in my interpretations! I'm really sorry for being so annoying and maybe using inappropriate language. I really didn't mean to bother you. But I never see anyone making these points. I just want to know if I'm thinking unreasonably...
I love reading different analyses, opinions, story predictions, the whole lot!! So please feel free to ask me or post your own ideas. It's always a welcome thing for me to discuss stories and learn new things! Don't be sorry that you're being a bother or annoying, because it's not a bother at all!
We're all allowed to have our own ideas and opinions about stories, and these ideas will change once something is canon in the story, and ultimately is something we will have to accept too.
So yeah, just my two cents. Thank you for being so patient with my response, dear Anon!
To anyone reading at this point, thank you for reading this far! ❤️💛💜
I shall see you in our next set of takeaways~ As always, stay safe and take care of yourselves and your loved ones! 💜
(2021-05-17: Speedy proofreading is done ahah! And yes, my brain is still so full of 山河令/Word of Honor right now, so I have been VERY distracted! Highly recommend this drama, guys! It's up for free on the official Youku Youtube page! Totally not an endorsement, but I love this drama! AHHHHH!! Gong Jun [Simon] be living on my mind rent free~)
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 4 years
House Of Cards || K.SJ || 1
Pairing : Kim Seokjin X Reader
Genre : nothing specifically yet
Summary : When a war threatens the world of Mythica, the four greatest tribes are forced to work together in order to defeat the darkness. You and Jin are fr two different tribes, two different backgrounds, and are expected to stand together in order to save everyone you love. Will you two put aside your diffrences in order to save the world or will you fail?
Wordcount: 1.1k
Info Chapter | House Of Cards Masterlist | Next
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"Hyung, hurry up, the eldest called every one." Taehyung said as he popped his head trough the door before dissapearing again.
" What will they have to say?" Jin asked his Pegasus as he cleaned up the brushes he was using.
Maybe it's about the war. Sapphire shared her toughs with him.
" I hope that it's over then." Jin replied.
The war has barely started Jin, and we better prepare to run. She shared her toughs again before she went back to eating.
" Well, whatever it is, I'm about to hear it. See you later Sapphire!" Jin yelled to his light bleu pegasus before running off to the main building where everyone was currently in.
" Tae, what's all this about- Isn't that Jairzinho? The leader of the Dragon tribe?" Jin asked as Taehyung nodded.
" Yes, and I'm not sure about what it is either," Taehyung said as their tribe leader started talking.
" Silence please! " Their leader yelled as everyone calmed down. 
"Pegasus tribe members, as your soulmates all feel, war is approaching. And as natural prey, we do not stand a chance in natural survival." Hiu spoke, making everyone wishper in worry.
Jin and Taehyung exchanged worried looks.
" That is why we will be staying in the Dragon Lands, under the protection of the Dragon tribe!" Their leader yelled, trying to be above the volume of the now excited chit chatting.
Jin and Taehyung looked at each other with wide excited eyes. The Dragon lands were the most beautiful lands in the whole world, as far the maps of Bangtan would go. 
" Silence!" The booming voice of the Dragon tribe leader got them to quiet down in seconds.
" Remember that you will stay in the Dragon lands because it's dangerous here. This will mean that there'll be no partying, and no funny business. Also if one of you decide to be funny or for the youth if you try to act cool, you will directly be kicked out." Jairzinho said, everyone nodding.
"The Unicorn tribe will be traveling with us. They will arrive in five days. Pack up, because we will be leaving in one week. Don't take stuff with you what you won't need. We don't know for how long we'll stay there, so please overpack. We'll go by horse, so don't make it too heavy please. That was all." Hiu said.
Taehyung looked at Jin before both of them walked back to the stables.
" War is really approaching, huh." Taehyung sighed, breaking the silence.
" I geuss. Seems like Sapphire and Phoenix were correct."Jin said as Taehyung sighed deeply.
" Oh no, he'll press on it forever." Taehyung huffed, his shoulders sagging.
He kept mumbling as he stopped by his pegasus' stall. The pegasus nudged Taehyung with his nose and neighed just like Taegyung had expected. Jin walked over to his pegasus and started to put everything in the sadle bags.
I assume we were correct. Sapphire tough as Jin nodded.
"Yes, we're leaving in one week." He sighed.
Where are we going? She asked.
"The Dragon lands, I'm not sure which part." Jin said, Sapphire neighing in response and batted her wings as if she was ready to bolt.
Dragons?! Are you humans crazy? They will eat us! Sapphire tough, pacing around in her stable.
" They can't, we're protected by the Dragon tribe." Jin told her, which made her calm down a bit.
We better be. She neighed stubbornly.
Jin smiled as he started packing up her brushes.
"You have to be kidding me!"
All sorts of negative responses came from the Dragon tribes members. They were supposed to share their home with the Pegasus' and Unicorn tribe members? That was so unfair.
" Silence! As dragon riders we are to take responsibility of giving protection to those who need and deserve! What is wrong with all of you?!" Jairzinho screamed over them, which got them to calm down.
" And we are not the only people who will take humans and animals in. The Phoenix tribe will too. That was all, you're dismissed." He said as he stepped off the podium and walked away.
" Yoongi won't like this." Namjoon told you as soon as everyone was dismissed.
" What makes you think that?" You ask him.
" He hates babysitting. You're the only kid here who he has got a soft spot for." He said.
" Hey! I'm not a kid, I'm 24 years old." You told him offended.
" You're a kid in my eyes." A voice of your right told you. 
You both turned to see Yoongi and Jungkook walk your way. Yoongi with a grim expression while Jungkook looks rather excited.
" I take that you both heard the news." You told them as they nodded.
" I can't wait till they arrive! It'll be so fun to finally meet other people." Jungkook smiled, jumping up and down in excitement.
" Why am I the kid when he's jumping up and down?" You huffed.
" What will you do when they're girls?" Namjoon smirked at the boy.
Jungkook seemed to be deep in tough before shrugging.
" Yeet off to the Phoenix nests'." He smiled.
You shook your head.
" You're crazy. Anyway, I'm gonna go inform Beansprout of our visitors." You told them before walking off.
Beansprout was your poisonous/venomous dragon. He was black all over with green belly plates and green accents on his wings allong with two spikes which he usually used to hang upside down. He had spikes running over his spine and was unlike his appearance, a real softie. You had first met each other when you were ten and had chosen the silly name as a joke, not knowing that that would be his name until the end. You smiled as you spotted rabbits and squirrels greeting you or simply hopping by, a sign that you were close to his hoard. 
" Hey Beansprout! How was your day?" You smiled as you walked into the dark cavern.
A deep grumble was your response, signaling that you just woke him up from his beauty sleep.
" You're such a lazy butt- sorry!" You sqeuked as you almost accidentally stepped on a rabbit.
Not your fault, your dragon's cave is so deep under the ground that it's always dark there, the only light coming from the clear bleu water which had small fish in it. And yes, rabbits are a part of Beansprout's hoard. Allong with other small herbivore animals, you weren't sure why, but from what you know, he had a soft spot for small animals.
My day was fun. I slept trough it, did you do anything important? He asked as he came down from the ceiling, for some reason he always upside down, if you didn't know better you would of tough that this cave was dragon free.
" Well, you already knew that war is nearing, and you were for some reason, right. So there's a chance that we're gonna be baby sitters." You told him.
He grumbled.
" I know isn't it the greatest thing ever." You said sarcastically.
Almost as great as being stuck with you. He sassed.
" Thanks, I love you too." You smiled at him.
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