#(i kept forgetting to post this tbh as i had like countless Thoughts per usual whoops lol)
familiaanteomnia · 2 years
(sibling brain rot per usual lmao) It was some stupid business party, which Nathan of course wanted nothing to do with and didn’t think Xav tagging along for moral support was all that reassuring. Okay, maybe a little but the risk of that trouble making spark setting fire sure existed. Not even just metaphorically; Xav would probably commit harmless arson if felt like it was needed. Thankfully his twin mostly went to raid the refreshments; specially beelining right for dessert selection. Getting slightly distracted by small talk with some adult whose name failed him. Plus an obvious whirlwind girl who was trying to be flirty but Nathan just acted really interested in the sports small talk instead. In that time Xav was trying to have an absurd amount of sweets. Was the usual nonsense; except some whirlwind girl kept trying to flirt with him. At one point this led to completely losing track of his twin. Eventually was able to go try locate wherever the other had gone. Ideally without leaving an wake of causing scenes in the process. Locating him with some other guy smoking in some side stairway. Both were laughing, at some joke that had just been made about both being bi. “Oh shit.” Causing Xav to also startle; meanwhile Nathan leaned against the wall while crossing his arms. Watching his twin stretch out his legs clearly trying to figure out if was genuinely annoyed or not. Several long quiet moments later did he finally speak up after breathing smoke out. “Hi! Why do you look so serious?” “Probably because I got stuck being flirted at by a girl and you vanished. Which if you arranged it or just ditched me that’s not cool.” “I had no idea, upon raiding the dessert table my thoughts were namely on how many cookies I could take and then bumped into this guy otherwise I’d have spared you.” Nathan could tell it was clearly genuine so just sighed; running fingers through his hair. “Pretty sure it’s rather risky to smoke up, unless you’ve magically got all your cover ups on hand.” Nathan finally took in that it likely wasn’t the case; annoyance abandoned for taking in trouble levels and older sibling instinct. “Uhhh nooo but I mean not likely to be noticed? Plus I do have a little bit to aide in the matter possibly...” The other guy was quiet, just continued smoking while clearly worried about if was going to be sold out or anything of the sort. “Dude, terrible logic.” Thinking about it he now, probably had some of the smell starting to become one with his clothes. Even at the distance and remarkable staircase airflow. Sighing as tried thinking for some solution to prevent any problems. When the still nameless guy spoke up, “I mean, we could just bail don’t know if your parents or what have you could easily be swayed by a little story telling but there is options.” “And you’re offering because?” Was being a bit too nice, in Nathan’s eyes and that of course was met with no real information or any basis of trust. “I’d like my new friend to not get eaten alive for getting high? Which is kind of my fault and also fun plus I want an excuse to go home.” “Fine.” --------- Xav had made his way for the bathrooms, wanted to loosen up the tie around his neck and relax some. Escape away from conversations that made him so badly want to cause a scene. At his fifth picturing of stepping up on some expensive furniture to shout out everybody was no more than a crumb in the universe so get off their stupid high fucking horses. Politely excused himself. Bumping into an girl who looked really upset. Her immediate apologizing; which he met with his own apology. “What’s your woe?” This was met with her clearly trying to shake the emotion off. “It’s okay, hey I’m here because this whole thing is god awful.” This was met with an little, cautious giggle. “At least you could sit.” Gesturing at her dress, “It’s kind of heavy, standing is actually getting painful.” So without too much consideration, his brain thought of how to make this random girl’s night less shitty. “My suit would probably fit you, we could swap.” Quiet consideration; probably wondering if he was serious and thinking it over while he wasn’t. “Deal!” Some changing, swapping of phone numbers and her vanishing back off to the party alter. Xav found a quiet sitting room, ungracefully plopping down onto a couch. Lighting up an cigarette; absently killing time on his phone while texting her a little compliment for the sneakers she’d been wearing. Rebellious. Sure his boots were good, but he’d toned it down as they were very visible. The dress had entirely hidden hers. Having just accepted would be wearing the dress probably home. Arrange some return situation; as per planned hence the swapping of numbers. It was a really cool dress, honestly he probably looked badass in it. Suddenly the doors open, well that was a problem. Until saw who it was and they immediately closed. “Huh.” Nate seeming to try processing the situation; so the noise didn’t come across judgy. “So- Dad’s ready to go home early shockingly and you are.... Probably even less inclined to polite farewells now.” His nose wrinkled briefly at likely the stench of the room overall, rather potent and hard to describe. “Cool, I will happily meet you in the car tell him it turned into an dizzy spell and uh yeah an girl’s feet were hurting from how impossible sitting in this is so we swapped...” “Ahh; how noble see you in hopefully less than an half hour.” Xav tossed a peace sign up and stuck his tongue out to which he got flipped off. Once the footfall outside got distant immediately heading for the nearby side exit. -------- “I made one of my late night impulse purchases again.” Nathan lowered his camera; the random jump start into the topic usually meant bad news but it could also just mean he was getting warned about one of those oh yeah I bought like fifty custom keychains with butts engraved from some small business this is your warning. “I’m sure the bank loves your purchase history.” “Oh that’s obvious, but I digress how would you take the news of me gifting it your way?” Not another p.illow pets situation, please not any other horrific images of too tightly compressed stuffed animals flooding out of an box. “I’d be thankful, depending on the purchase.” Was true, though of course many reasons to be cautious with this topic specifically. Lifting his camera back up to try photographing a bee flying around. “Cool, cool so uh old photographs.” Looking over at his twin, “An real accident or did you just buy something you knew I’d find cool?” “Yes, to be fair I was hunting for cool old stuff and didn’t intend to happen upon them.” Xav shyly covered his hands over with jacket sleeves, balling it up. “And uh I dunno you can call dibs; there is a fair amount of gay photos in the group.” Nathan were it anybody else probably would’ve slightly rolled his eyes about the behavior. Yet he knew the why and understood rather well it was an self protective type of thing. “Old stuff, how vague of you.” Grinning as it was met with a glare. “Given there is no way I could reject the offering, sure I’ll take some if only to save them from you.” “Hey! Rude.” Carefully knocking one of his shoes against Nathan’s. “But also cool, thank you.” “Yeah, yeah whatever.” --------- “Please tell me I don’t scream rich kid energy.” Nathan watched his twin collapse onto the couch, “That was a nice entrance, hi to you too.” Retrieving a bag of candy which he tossed gently towards his brother after opening it. Could tell it would be asked for if he hadn’t been ahead of the asking. “Also no, I don’t think so unless you were like buying somebody custom shoes when they so much as winked at you again.” Candy wrapper tossed towards him. “Gee thanks. Also in my defense she was like disarmingly smart and really beautiful.” He tossed the wrapper into the nearby trash bin before rubbing at his eyes. Grateful for the homework interruption even if it was chaos per usual. “Uh huh, didn’t she try setting you on fire?” “It was accidental! I startled her while she was burning old photos and some gasoline got splashed on me near the fire.” “Uh huh, you’re dodging explaining why the barging in and asking that of all things by the way.” Xav sighed as ate some more candy. “Somebody said I carry myself like a rich kid trying to be rebellious.” Nathan worked on closing up his textbooks, cleaning up his bed thinking of what to say. Tricky territory for the both of them. Rough subject. “So, they were talking shit but you genuinely rebel with good cause- well most of the time and you’re even more tactical by how you spend than like any of those sorts it implies.” Reaching over to steal a piece of candy from the bag. “I’ve seen you take plenty of time to make sure what you were buying, wasn’t art theft where lots of other people wouldn’t think to do so.” Eating the piece of chocolate as looked at his twin who seemed to be very carefully weighing the words. Likely trying to believe the genuine nature of them.  “I guess. Ugh it’s just so weird sometimes and I really hate that type of shit talking about me.” “Could be worst, but yeah it sucks on the bright side you are insufferable on your own merit.” “Wow thanks, how noble of you to say so.” Took all his restraint to not giggle while saying it meanwhile Nathan fully noticed. Getting up to dramatically bow which did in fact launch Xav into giggling, which set Nathan off laughing as well.
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