#(i really like a lot of the User Interface changes tumblr has made recently and I feel sorta defensive about it
sheryl-lee · 1 year
hii, do you think tumblr/staff is actively trying to discourage gifmaking? i feel like a lot of the changes tumblr has made or try to implement, put gifmakers at a disadvantage and they must be aware of this. and yet... idk if this has already been talked about but it's the feeling i get
hi, and yeah i have seen a lot of gifmakers talk about feeling this way lately, so you're definitely not alone! i'm not gonna lie, it's crossed my mind a few times. staff's decisions in recent years (most notably, their attempts to convert gifs to mp4s and now this whole beta editor bullshit) primarily impact gifmakers and our processes, and we've made so many attempts to tell them why these decisions negatively affect gifmaking, but they don't seem to give a fuck and ignore us entirely. one can't help but feel like it's not a coincidence that the majority of their "updates" harm gifmakers and other artists the most.
i don't know if staff is actively trying to "discourage" gifmaking - i just don't think they care about gifmakers at all. gifmakers are already becoming discouraged due to declining engagement and increased reposting, and staff's changes are only making us even more discouraged - so it ultimately only makes staff look worse in their user's eyes. all i really can say with confidence is that it's wildly frustrating to see a website filled with so many talented people consistently get taken advantage of, while staff looks the other way and continues to fix things that were never broken. they're fiddling around with stupid aspects of the site that don't need to be improved (aka if it ain't broke, don't fix it) and ignore genuinely irritating and demotivating aspects of their interface like porn bots, community labels, spam, anon hate, reposters, etc.
it's hard enough to go through the trouble of making gifs as it is (particularly when the objectively true sentiment that "reposting is wrong" is still controversial for some people apparently), and staff's bullshit changes only makes things much more difficult. and unfortunately, a significant proportion of tumblr users continue to steal gifs and/or refuse to reblog our work. it's shitty that gifmakers keep this site going, but a majority of non-gifmakers fail to adequately support us and speak up in solidarity with us, so of course these changes will continue to happen because there isn't enough pushback. i could definitely go on more about this, but i'll just sum it up by saying i totally get where you're coming from, and your feelings are 100% valid! i love making gifs and being part of the amazing community of gifmakers on this site, but i won't lie when i say it's becoming increasingly tedious and draining to make gifs on a site that feels largely unappreciative of what gifmakers do to keep it alive.
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the-resurrection-3d · 2 years
I feel like Elon Musk trying to buy Twitter fascinates me so much because I agree with a lot of his assessments of it -- but the more I think about it, the more I find the project of rehabbing Twitter’s reputation incredibly daunting. (and also I’m fascinated by web design and its effects on behavior.)
Tumblr partially rehabbed its image only via a mass exodus of users-- certainly staff has been making some positive changes, such as tipping and the “non rebloggable” option that allegedly will exist soon, but I think we can all agree that the reason Tumblr is seen by many as calmer than before is because of the porn ban.... whereupon all the worst users went to Twitter.
I’ve already posted about the content moderation issue that plagues most social media sites. (Fun new example from Youtube: I was watching a stream where one superchatter was asking for advice about how to comfort his elderly, COVID+ father, and another chatter was suggesting a bath of Epsom salt for aches and it got fucking deleted as COVID misinfo while the streamer was reading it out loud.)
Multiple posts/threads/videos have been about this, but I think that so much of Twitter’s user interface is designed to make you want to tell people to swallow glass that to actually tackle the harassment problem-- as Musk indicated he wanted to do very recently --you’d need to redesign the whole thing. A few “the devil is in the details” things that stand out to me personally:
the What’s Happening tab stands out the most to me because I actually recently installed a Ublock Origin filter to get rid of it. There should never, EVER under any circumstances be a trend-- especially a political trend-- that I am not able to banish to the fucking Shadow Realm. Ever. 
this feature can also amplify harassment by directing people to the Twitter Main Character of the Day. Though, to be fair, this is really a problem with the site’s users and not so much the feature in a vacuum.
Inserting random shit onto your timeline also needs to go. Part of the reason I don’t like using my professional account is because I’ll get a bunch of “liked by whoever” tweets that are about people’s family members dying or OP getting diagnosed with cancer, which obviously the person I follow liked out of sympathy. 
quote-retweets are pretty much only used for dunking on other people. Even visually, the quote-retweet is “pushing down,” as it were, on the OP, privileging their voice over OP’s. I think part of the problem with them is that they cut notifications off from the source-tweeter; this is why so many artists have “NO QRTS” in their bios. But this means that you can reap all the dopamine of a “hit tweet” by QRTing someone else. 
also worth noting that, though you’re allowed to RT things onto multiple accounts from the app, you still have to go into QRT mode to select the account you want.
oh god remember during the election when they made QRTing pretty much mandatory
Something I’ve noticed that is Twitter seems to be dealing with this trend of mass-QRTing people into oblivion by arbitrarily pretending the QRTs aren’t there. I’m sure other people have noticed this, right? The page with the parakeet with the big cut-out human eyes? Very odd. 
This one is probably the most obvious, but as many others have noticed, the way longer threads are displayed does the work of taking shit out of context for you. 
The character limit. Oh, the character limit. This will always be a fundamental problem with Twitter so long as people treat it as a real website and not an RSS feed.
Things I like about twitter got gov dot net that should stay: 
Allowing you to go private at any time without blocking your followers from viewing your content. This is one thing I think Twitter has over Tumblr, hands-down. 
Private bookmarking, though I think there should be some way to organize them, similar to how ao3 has bookmarking tags and collections. 
Allowing people to make lists of users to follow that’s separate from their “main” list of followed accounts. I follow one list of nothing but magazine accounts and it’s great. 
That time during the election when Twitter (at least the app) had a pop-up chiding you for retweeting a link you hadn’t opened. I think they should bring this back. Honestly, it might even be worth it to outright block you from retweeting links you haven’t opened, or at least tweaking the algorithm so that likes/RTs from people who haven’t opened the link are discounted. Musk mentioned recently that he thinks free speech and shadowbanning people can co-exist (which I find funny, because a lot of the people who complain about censorship also complain about shadowbanning), so this change would work with that idea.
downvoting replies is hilarious and I love it 
Of course, part of the problem with the site, too, is that people are trying to break its features over their knees to make it work for a ton of different communities with tons of different needs. 50+ tweet threads are the best example of this-- especially when you see one and the very first, most-liked reply is someone @ing the thread-unroller bot so that it’s in a more comprehensive and readable form. And THEN OP complains about it because it’s stealing money from them, somehow. 
Honestly, Musk should pull a Fortnite and take the site offline for a month or two while it gets revamped. All the worst users will kill themselves and the problem will have sorted itself out! 
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Hello, anon!!
I’m guessing you’re asking me this because of the post I made regarding ff the other night. The truth is, I didn’t get to read many whouffaldi fics in ff and I haven’t read a whole lot whouffaldi fics since then. I always circle back to the same authors and stories, because when I tried to read new stuff after it didn’t affect me the way they did back in the day.
So the four authors I mentioned in my early post are the ones I would recommend you to check out. They were, I dare say, the hottest whouffle writers at the time. They all started by publishing Eleven/Clara (good old souffez)  and Other Doctors/Clara fics, so if you ship “whouffle” and not only “whouffaldi” you’ll find a gold mine worth of fiction. They all ended up writing Twelve/Clara stories, but not as many with the exception of maybe C1araosw1ad who posted her last whouffaldi fic in 2019.
So that being said, here are my recomendations:
Heartlines (rated T)
An unknown threat sucks the Doctor and Clara into a parallel universe and leaves them stranded. While biding their time, they encounter the Clara of that universe and her achingly familiar husband.
This story has an especial place in my heart because Heartlines takes place in the same universe of  “Of adoration and chaos” an Eleven/Clara fic written by the same author. I’d say “Of adoration” is one of the best souffez fics out there and you don’t need to read it to understand Heartines, but you’ll be missing a great piece of fiction.  
Everest (rated T)
AU. The Doctor, recently promoted to CEO after the early passing of John Smith, enters his new job with short-lived surety. And then he meets the COO, Clara Oswald, who's just as determined to show the Doctor who's really in charge as she is to show him he'll never live up to his predecessor. Unfortunately for them, control doesn't exist in matters of the heart.
This one contains heavy subjects, so if you aren’t comfortable with high rates of smut and unhealthy coping mechanism this story isn’t for you. This fic wasn’t an easy ride, but it was worth the effort.
Banged up ( rated M)
There were many things Clara Oswald expected when she entered prison. Catching the eye of the prison's most notorious inmate was not one of them.
I remember this fic being really, really sexy, but also sad and angsty af. It is also unfinished and you might want to avoid that level of masochism, but hey, where is the fun in that?
Paper machine (rated K+)
Clara Oswald's timeless relationship with the Doctor, as seen through the eyes of her smitten student.
This fic is so precious and adorable. I love it to pieces. It contains a bit of 11/clara too, like most of frombluetored  fics.
In another life (rated M)
A collection of AU one-shots featuring Clara and the the Doctor (Ten, Eleven, and/or Twelve). These are all written in response to prompts supplied by my tumblr users, which will be displayed at the top of each story.
Listen, the second story broke me in million little pieces. I’ll never over that pain. Totally worth it tho.
Again, If you dig Eleven/Clara, I would recomend you to check out The IT guy and its sequel Postcards from New York  by the author.
Dreamcatcher (rated T)
This is supposed to be a doctor x clara but I couldn’t picture any other Doctor than Twelve. I’ll die on this hill.
Happy Endings (rated M)
The Doctor and Clara attend a Royal Wedding in the thirty-first century where they have a bit too much to drink.
They get drunk, they bang, the Doctor is a wrecked mess after, but everything turns all right. Pure bliss, my dudes.
D Veleniet
Hold onto me (rated K+)  
Clara stood frozen, reeling from too many emotions to even name. All she could do was stare. "Doctor?" She approached him slowly, carefully. "What's happened to you?" She swallowed against the grief that threatened to cloud her voice. "Why are you acting like this?"
The author wrote this fic in 2013, before series 8 aired and reader, the way she was on absolute point with Twelve’s characterization. I mean, Twelve being a grumpy old Scottish lil shit pointing out Clara’s physical “flaws” to deflect from the fact that he’s absolutely in love with her check. Twelve being a huge ass softie for Clara check. My heart being compromised by their dynamic and how much they love each other CHECK (also I’m so greatful Twelve never called Clara “wee” in the show, I would have slapped him)
Untouchable (rated M)
Clara stopped missing the touches, stopped smarting from his flinches when they would accidentally brush up against each other or bump arms. She stopped wondering what had changed so much inside him that had made her physically repulsive to him now. Then one night she agreed to a set-up on a blind date.
This is a sexy sequel for Hold onto me in which everything hurts, but also everything is very hot. So yeah, yeah.
This author wrote, problably the most famous eleven/clara fic back in the day : The other has my heart and its sequel More than you know They were litsed in every fic rec and rightly so.
The Tethers Between Hearts (rated k+)
On a quiet little planet, the Doctor shares something very important with Clara.
If I could cover myself with this achingly soft piece of writing, I would. Because I can’t, I do the second best thing which is rereading it over and over, until I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Waking Dreams (rated T)
(Doctor Who AU) Life is complicated enough for Clara after an accident puts her young daughter in a coma, but through her only means of communication with the girl - an in-dream interface system - she's meets an odd company representative who promises to help her along, quite possibly in more ways than she could ever imagine.
Welcome to Angstown, populatiom : THIS FIC
A Mirage in Time  (rated M )
After Clara, the Doctor seeks out an Echo to help him move on… and finds himself just as perplexed by her and possibly just as in love.
I love C1araoswa1d’s writing so much, specially the way she depicts Clara. IDK man, part of my undying love for the character comes from the way she characterizes Clara in her stories. So yeah, please go and read all her fics. They are amazing, specialy How to fall in love with a time traveller and A path out of the dark
Bonus track, my dudes.
Anon, I know you asked me for my favorite ff.net whouffaldi fics, but I cannot left twelveclara out of this list. Her fics are iconic and you have probably read them, but fuck it.
History, like love
There are planets orbiting her eyes and her mouth tastes like the ocean; in her head she hears a shatter, like her soul has pried her ribs apart in a desperate, aching attempt to reach his. “If I could have picked anybody,” he murmurs, “it would have been you.”
My favorite soulmate au ever written in any fandom. periodt
But we’re so happy
from the outside looking in; so, maybe river’s right. people always stare at what they can’t touch.
punk rock au. Perfection in all its unfinished magnificence.
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caustic-krana · 4 years
So I made a @pillowfort-social​ account and here’s my mini review of the site for anyone who’s looking for an ‘tumblr-like’ alternative. Right off the bat there’s a lot they’re getting right but it is still new and rough around the edges. Hopefully with time it’ll get up to speed.
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Largely it uses the same system as here. You got a home feed where you see all the posts and you can find content by searching tags or going to blogs.
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Making text posts is pretty much the same as here. Photo posting is too but pillowfort doesn’t do the thing where the images get cropped so that everything comes out aligned together. It doesn’t look to streamlined but on the other hand it doesn’t fuck with your image so for the sake of not doing the same thing as tumblr and twitter I hope it stays like this for now. I haven’t tried making video audio or link posts yet so hopefully those work fine too.
The big gamer changer about the posting interface is you can toggle who and how people get to interact with posts. You can change who gets to see your posts on the scale of everyone, followers, mutuals, or invisible. You can also turn off reblogging and commenting. NSFW is a toggle now instead of a tag. Drafts and queuing posts are noticeably absent but hopefully in development
The bigger issue for me is that unlike tumblr you can’t add commentary visible through reblogs. What really makes tumblr good is the social piggyback options to speak through tags and comments if you want to be more subtle or through reblogs for a more public statement. I hope it’s something that gets added in later otherwise that’s the biggest deal breaker for me. If that does happen I need to stress that comments and reblog additions need to be distinct. No one or the other nonsense.
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Tags mostly the same. It’s most recent by default. A most popular option would be nice but they got it right by doing it this way first. Also I prefer tumblr’s system of cramming more posts on the screen for a more efficient spelunk.
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What Pillowfort has new to offer is something called communities. They seem to function like miniature tags/forums. Maybe they have potential as like a pseudo group chat too.
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It took me a little bit to figure out how to get to my own page. There’s a link of your username in the top right corner but imo it was pretty inconspicuous. A user icon might be helpful or change it to “Account” instead.
No custom themes here. You can change the colors your blog uses like the default tumblr theme. Blog description lets you hyperlink text and you can add images and hyperlink those too. There’s tools to change the size of images in your bio but they don’t seem to work. I really don’t like my tumblr icon being a huge eyesore. No banner option if that’s important to you.
There’s no way to view posts that you’ve liked but what makes up for that is you can filter seeing only original posts vs reblogs which is a godsend.
No sideblogs either which I miss. You gotta up and make a whole new account for that. 
Blog home pages don’t have a search bar so there is no way to search tags or keywords specific to them. If you only use your blog to reblog and post original art the original post filter mostly defeats this problem, but if you’re someone like me who likes to microblog, your art might get lost among text posts, photos and other non art orignal posts. Not to mention people who like to have tags for specific subcategorie like oc’s sand such will have a hard time making that easily accessible. So without the sideblog option, the tagging system needs to be more navigable. Otherwise you have to search the blog until you come across a post with the tag you’re looking for then click on it.
I have noticed that there’s a lack of suggested blogs or posts or any ads at all. As of now Pillowfort is a completely user curated experience. The cost is that it relies on user donations.
Overall I’m pleased and hopeful that it will continue to improve.
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musicfeedsthesoul · 7 years
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So, as I posted yesterday about my future here, I’m posting the tutorial I promised! It took me a long while to figure out how to get a Weibo account as an international fan--so I thought if I am not going to continue to share the images, videos, and such of the boys from there to here the way I was, then I could teach all of you HOW to get your own account so you can see them for yourselves!
Thank you for all of your love and support!
The tutorial is long and detailed with images...if I missed anything or you run into any trouble, let me know and I will do my best to help you! I’m no expert AT ALL but I’m good with technology, that’s all.
Feel free to share so others can use this, and of course it’s not strictly useful for Hey! Say! JUMP fans as there are tons of great resources on there! In fact, PLEASE do share this--because it has so many links in it, Tumblr will kick the post off the search pages as “spam” so the way others will see it is through sharing! (if it gets enough attention it will appear in the “popular” search section despite the links, but never in the “recent” because of the links)
First of all--Weibo requires you to give them a CELL PHONE NUMBER that can receive texts. Now, I know that a lot of people will kinda freak out about giving your cell phone number to a company you don’t know! I used my cell phone number and haven’t had any issues with it at all--but I hear you loud and clear, that can feel pretty risky--so to achieve an account on Weibo without giving your PERSONAL phone number away here is my solution.
Right now I can only provide this solution to those who live in the United States--as while I *know* there are workaround solutions for other countries to get a number--that is outside of my comfortable level of knowledge! So for this part, it will apply only to those who have a US based cell phone number.
Create a Google Voice phone number and use it.
Visit Google’s account page to get a Google account if you do not already have one.
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Click on the drop down menu to select “create account”--if you already have an account then please log into it
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Fill out the information requested--it’s okay if you’re not planning to keep this account! When you hit “next step” you’ll have to agree to the terms of use for Google--click the arrow button and agree.
Once you are logged into your account, whether new or old, go to Google Voice’s page:
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You’ll come up to this page:
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Click on the “Get Google Voice” button and it will create this screen:
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I set mine up on “web” so I am not sure what happens with the other platforms but it probably won’t be too big of a difference if you select one of the others. The next page says the following:
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You can honestly choose to get a number from ANYWHERE you want in the US...which can be pretty fun. I just clicked NYC because it was at the top lol
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It will give you three numbers to choose from or you can “Load More” to get additional choices. Pick a number you want...I didn’t care so picked the top one:
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Once you select the number this prompt appears--yes, you will give them your phone number, and no it’s nothing to be concerned with. I have had a Google Voice number for nearly five years and NEVER had any issues with them using my number for anything bad--so click “next”.
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It will ask you to enter your cell phone number, they will send a text message to you with a six digit code. Apart from if you are using your Google Voice number for REAL things, this will be the only time you will get any notifications from them. Enter your number and then click “Send Code”
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It will pop up with a window asking you to enter the code, enter the six digit code and click verify. I’ve never had any issues with the code not arriving, but if you do you can prompt it to resend the code on this screen as well.
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If everything went as planned when you click “Finish” you’ll see this screen:
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Click “Got it” and it will take you into your Google Voice account:
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Soooo...now you are all set with a new Google Voice number. I hate the new GV interface so I always change my preferences to the Legacy version. If you’d like to do that here’s how--click the three lines next to “Google Voice”. Then select “Legacy Google Voice”.
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It will open the Legacy interface in a new window, so just close the original window.
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Okay so now you have a “safe” number to sign up for Weibo! Let’s get started on creating your Weibo account! WOOT!
This is Weibo’s INTERNATIONAL sign up page. <--DO NOT GO TO THE NORMAL WEIBO PAGE! It’s important you use THIS page to sign up for your account if you are an international fan! This page allows you to select your country code!
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I’ll be honest, I have the Google Translate extension applied to my Chrome Browser (you can get it through the extensions shop for free) so I ALWAYS click the translate button to better understand what I’m seeing. It’s not perfect but it will give you the general idea of what’s needed. On the above page you’re going to enter your number, either your GV number or your normal cell phone number. You’ll need to use the drop down tab next to it to select your country code! If these do not translate for you, click on the dropdown and then hit “translate this page” again! If for some reason you can’t see them in a language you can understand let me know! I can take a pic of them for you.
Set your number and then pick a password. then select to have the activation code sent to you. Once you verify the activation code you’ll see this screen:
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Enter the information being sure to put your correct location--if you are “overseas” it will look like this--the secondary dropdown will change so you can choose your country:
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After you click the button on the bottom this screen will appear:
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Choose a few here, and then hit enter--you can unfollow these later and honestly, I can’t remember despite just doing this if this is mandatory or not, so it’s possible you can skip it. Once you hit enter the following screen will appear and you’re gonna be like “OMG THAT WAS SO EASY!!!!”
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Riiight...lol no, really, now...THIS IS WHERE IT GETS KINDA CRAZY so take a deep breath. As soon as you click on anything on that screen the following will happen:
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Hmm...What? I know, but don’t panic, really, just say “I know”. It’s gonna change the page you’re on--mind changes to us.weibo.com/gb, and it looks like this:
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I’m thinking it will change the “us” on the url to whatever country YOU entered into your registration information. At any rate, THIS is the page to bookmark so you can login in the future (and seriously, bookmark it cause it’s a complete *(&*( to find later when you forget how simple it is!)
Tap the “Login” button in the right hand corner:
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AH! This is good, right? Enter your phone number you signed up with! MAKE SURE YOU ENTER THE NUMBER WITH YOUR COUNTRY CODE!
Do not use any symbols! Enter the number like this (my country code is 001)
If you put spaces, symbols, or don’t enter the country code you’re going to get an error. 
Once you correctly enter the number and password the page will basically look the same except it will show you logged in as your new user name where the login button was before. 
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Right, but this is NOT the Weibo you’ve heard tales of with the rich wealth of fandom goodies awaiting your sighs and fangirling mayhem...fair enough: 
It’s all good! Just click your user name!
Voila! You’re now inside the coveted realm of WEIBO!
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If you want to use the site in English you’ll need to make the following adjustments; Click the little cog icon to go to your settings page. It’s nearly impossible to get that box to translate but it doesn’t matter, just pick any of the drop down items!
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On that page click on “Preferences” and then you will click on “Language Settings”
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Then select “English”
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Now, I don’t set mine for English to be honest because it doesn’t actually translate EVERYTHING into English! Instead, like I mentioned before I set my Google Translate to automatically translate each page. I’m not gonna lie, Google Translate sucks MAJORLY at translating Chinese. Like, not even kidding, it’s bad lol but you can generally get some idea of what’s being said, and there are some really good translation sites out there if you need a better translation. My favorite is this one:��Chinese Translation
To find your fandom (I’m using HSJ as my base but I feel like other international fans might appreciate this too! In that case just do your fandom here!) Put your fandom in the search and a dropdown will populate with some options
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Put your fandom in the search and a dropdown will populate with some options
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You want to choose the top option “related microblogging”
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Now, you can search for each member, and any other key words you’d like. The page is pretty self explanatory...but here’s how to create your feed--click on a person who posts things you like, on their name or profile picture either one and it will take you to their page: 
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Okay, so what’s on this page is this, if you want to be able to see this person’s post on your feed just click the orange button. (When it’s translated I think it’s something about “attention”) It will create a pop-up that will allow you place the person into a group. 
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Okay, so if you haven’t created any groups (I only have a Jump group)--then you’ll need to click the button with the + sign on it. Enter your group name and then create. Then click the orange button on the bottom to add the person to your feed.
Another feature of a person’s page to be aware of is this:
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See the tabs that say “All” and “Popular”?  A lot of times it defaults to “Popular” which means you are only seeing the posts the person made that has received a lot of notice. I always immediately click “All” so I can see their most recent posts as well.
Ah...what else is there? OH, you can follow “topics” as well. So like, obviously, I’m going to follow Ryosuke’s topic:
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To get to a super topic click on one of the links in anyone’s post that matches the person you want to follow:
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So I’ll click on Yuto’s tag there and it will take me to his super topic page:
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To add this to my feed I’ll push the +Attention button on the right.
To SEE your feed: click on the Weibo symbol on whatever page you’re on:
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And then this menu will be on the left side of the page:
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Your groups will be listed there--again I only have Jump--so if I click on it then it will show my feed that shows me ALL of the posts from the people and topics I have followed.
I’m sure there are some other details that would be helpful, and if you think of any you’d like me to add here just let me know and I’ll update this post.
For now, here’s some of my favorite Weibo users to get you started!!! 
Please note: A lot of the users there do not mind sharing of their scans and works, others are very particular about it and do not allow sharing. Now I know there’s nothing that they can do to stop you from taking their scans and sharing them BUT please consider being respectful of their wishes. PLEASE check the op’s page before you bring their scans out of Weibo because some ABSOLUTELY DO NOT ALLOW their scans to be shared. Others will sometimes say “no sharing” on certain posts, and otherwise they don’t mind, and then some of them do not mind people using their scans and sharing them with credit--and seriously, don’t be “that guy” who shares them and doesn’t give credit. You’re not losing anything other than my respect if you do that and most people will know the truth even if you don’t admit it. 
So here’s a few of my favorites!
山田千寻chihiro <--Ryosuke’s Older Sister
Johnnys_web官方 <--official Weibo account
MoMozzz32 <--if you only follow one person this is it! They’ve been around for ages and offers HQ scans that can be used for art and sharing (always give credit please!)
aliceceee <--one of my dearhearts here on Tumblr too!
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shirlleycoyle · 5 years
Slack’s New Rich Text Editor Shows That Markdown Still Scares People
Slack just updated its longtime editor for its primary interface—and the rich-text result hints at a longstanding tension over how much of a helping hand users need from their text editors and communication programs.
Power users, like programmer Arthur O’Dwyer, make the case that they don’t really need any—and the rich-text interface they added just gets in the way. “I wish Slack would provide a way to disable the WYSIWYG rich-text-input box,” he wrote in a viral blog post. “I don’t think it’s useful, and it’s extremely annoying to have to keep backspacing to fix mistakes.”
Based on its tweets in the past couple of days, Slack does not appear to be backing down, however, and it’s unclear if it will.
If the What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get editor is ticking off so many people, why change it?
At the center of the conflict is a question: Can we ever truly accept Markdown formatting—which Slack used before this—in the mainstream?
Startup Roots, Mainstream Growth
In the roughly 15 years since old-school blogger John Gruber created it for his own purposes, Markdown has become a lowkey important way of writing markup, or text in a standardized format.
Coming about in an era when the most common tool for writing was a rich text editor, it brought a programmer’s mindset to standard writing.
At its root, it simplifies HTML into something that can be easily parsed as necessary. To create a header, for example, you put a # hashtag in front of a line, which then gets parsed as an tag in HTML; and **by putting two stars around a block of text**, it bolds it. [And adding a link](https://google.com) often requires just a handful of brackets. The result of these techniques is that the text is readable—even if it’s not formatted as HTML.
This felt like a useful response to a problem that was fairly prevalent at the time—the fact that, when using a rich-text editor to edit HTML, it really messed up the code, which could result in all sorts of problems.
Since Gruber developed the original spec (which was left open enough that lots of variants have appeared), Markdown has become a key tool for writing in all sorts of contexts—with dedicated editors such as iA Writer (which I’m currently writing on), Bear, and Ulysses gaining popularity.
This bled into the startups of the period. Markdown was a favorite of programmers writing documentation, which led them to include the functionality as an input option in their apps. Tumblr, when it was still a fancy blogging tool, supported it as far back as 2008, and massively successful programmer favorites such as Github and Stack Overflow have supported it for about as long. Jeff Atwood, the cocreator of Stack Overflow, characterized Markdown as one of three “key technology bets” the company made during the time of its launch. It’s in that general spirit that later tools have included elements of Markdown baked in, most notably the word processing tool Dropbox Paper, the content management system Ghost, and Slack.
Why Markdown? Why not?
Markdown had a few advantages over the rich-text editors of the time, including better quality control over the resulting HTML. In Slack’s case, you didn’t really need to use it if you didn’t want to.
But Markdown has always been controversial with some, because while it’s much simpler to learn than even markup tools such as HTML or CSS, it’s always been considered a power-user tool, meaning that when given a choice, many regular users prefer WYSIWYG rich-text editors. Why put stars around your text when you can simply hit command-B?
To be fair, rich text editors have gotten much better in recent years, with next generation tools like Quill.js, which Slack uses, helping to get around some of the primary weaknesses rich text has with HTML. (A counterpoint to this: Microsoft Word’s editor, also used in places like Outlook, is rough enough in terms of its HTML support that it’s the main reason why email is still developed with HTML tables.)
A Tough Sell in the Enterprise
I would argue that Markdown is a great tool and reflects the ways plain text can remain useful in a dynamic world. But try selling that to a CEO or Chief Technical Officer, as I’m sure Slack, as a public company, does.
This belies the fact that Markdown has became a major element of some major content management trends in the enterprise, such as static site generators and “headless” CMS platforms, which may have rich text interfaces but often save their data … in Markdown.
Despite the added overhead created by rich-text functionality, the added JavaScript code and such, rich text feels simpler for an end user, especially those who are less tech-savvy. And as these tools that were once developed for tech-savvy startup-friendly audiences become fully mainstream, big companies take steps to hide away or scale back the Markdown. Slack is directly competing with Microsoft Teams, which also supports Markdown, but comes from a company that built its success in rich text. In that context, I get it, even if I and some of Slack’s early-generation users find it frustrating.
Rich text editors are easy to use and easier to embrace, but for people who don’t need them, they just add extra junk in front of the process. On top of that, it could make an already heavy web app that gobbles up RAM even more resource-intensive.
I’m a Markdown stan—and I make no bones about it. All of my writing since at least 2012 has started in a Markdown editor. I think it solves a lot of problems for writers, and it could solve just as many for editors if our editing tools were built around it. It’s easy to use and it’s thoughtfully limited in ways that make it more efficient than rich text in many contexts.
But we’re in a world where Markdown doesn’t look mainstream, despite the fact it’s in so many contexts that it’s already everywhere. Good luck selling that to the boss, though.
Slack’s New Rich Text Editor Shows That Markdown Still Scares People syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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audrajobson4-blog · 6 years
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can you recommend the best whouffaldi stories on ff. net? i've only ever read on ao3!
Hello, anon!!
I’m guessing you’re asking me this because of the post I made regarding ff the other night. The truth is, I didn’t get to read many whouffaldi fics in ff and I haven’t read a whole lot whouffaldi fics since then. I always circle back to the same authors and stories, because when I tried to read new stuff after it didn’t affect me the way they did back in the day.
 So the four authors I mentioned in my early post are the ones I would recommend you to check out. They were, I dare say, the hottest whouffle writers at the time. They all started by publishing Eleven/Clara (good old souffez)  and Other Doctors/Clara fics, so if you ship “whouffle” and not only “whouffaldi” you’ll find a gold mine worth of fiction. They all ended up writing Twelve/Clara stories, but not as many with the exception of maybe C1araosw1ad who posted her last whouffaldi fic in 2019.
So that being said, here are my recomendations:
Heartlines (rated T) 
An unknown threat sucks the Doctor and Clara into a parallel universe and leaves them stranded. While biding their time, they encounter the Clara of that universe and her achingly familiar husband.
This story has an especial place in my heart because Heartlines takes place in the same universe of  “Of adoration and chaos” an Eleven/Clara fic written by the same author. I’d say “Of adoration” is one of the best souffez fics out there and you don’t need to read it to understand Heartines, but you’ll be missing a great piece of fiction.  
Everest (rated T) 
AU. The Doctor, recently promoted to CEO after the early passing of John Smith, enters his new job with short-lived surety. And then he meets the COO, Clara Oswald, who's just as determined to show the Doctor who's really in charge as she is to show him he'll never live up to his predecessor. Unfortunately for them, control doesn't exist in matters of the heart.
This one contains heavy subjects, so if you aren’t comfortable with high rates of smut and unhealthy coping mechanism this story isn’t for you. This fic wasn’t an easy ride, but it was worth the effort.
Banged up ( rated M) 
There were many things Clara Oswald expected when she entered prison. Catching the eye of the prison's most notorious inmate was not one of them. 
I remember this fic being really, really sexy, but also sad and angsty af. It is also unfinished and you might want to avoid that level of masochism, but hey, where is the fun in that?
Paper machine (rated K+) 
Clara Oswald's timeless relationship with the Doctor, as seen through the eyes of her smitten student.
This fic is so precious and adorable. I love it to pieces. It contains a bit of 11/clara too, like most of frombluetored  fics.
In another life (rated M) 
A collection of AU one-shots featuring Clara and the the Doctor (Ten, Eleven, and/or Twelve). These are all written in response to prompts supplied by my tumblr users, which will be displayed at the top of each story. 
Listen, the second story broke me in million little pieces. I’ll never over that pain. Totally worth it tho. 
Again, If you dig Eleven/Clara, I would recomend you to check out The IT guy and its sequel Postcards from New York  by the author. 
Dreamcatcher (rated T) 
This is supposed to be a doctor x clara but I couldn’t picture any other Doctor than Twelve. I’ll die on this hill.
Happy Endings (rated M) 
The Doctor and Clara attend a Royal Wedding in the thirty-first century where they have a bit too much to drink.
They get drunk, they bang, the Doctor is a wrecked mess after, but everything turns all right. Pure bliss, my dudes.
D Veleniet
Hold onto me (rated K+)  
Clara stood frozen, reeling from too many emotions to even name. All she could do was stare. "Doctor?" She approached him slowly, carefully. "What's happened to you?" She swallowed against the grief that threatened to cloud her voice. "Why are you acting like this?"
The author wrote this fic in 2013, before series 8 aired and reader, the way she was on absolute point with Twelve’s characterization. I mean, Twelve being a grumpy old Scottish lil shit pointing out Clara’s physical “flaws” to deflect from the fact that he’s absolutely in love with her check. Twelve being a huge ass softie for Clara check. My heart being compromised by their dynamic and how much they love each other CHECK (also I’m so greatful Twelve never called Clara “wee” in the show, I would have slapped him)
 Untouchable (rated M) 
Clara stopped missing the touches, stopped smarting from his flinches when they would accidentally brush up against each other or bump arms. She stopped wondering what had changed so much inside him that had made her physically repulsive to him now. Then one night she agreed to a set-up on a blind date. 
This is a sexy sequel for Hold onto me in which everything hurts, but also everything is very hot. So yeah, yeah. 
This author wrote, problably the most famous eleven/clara fic back in the day : The other has my heart and its sequel More than you know They were litsed in every fic rec and rightly so.
The Tethers Between Hearts (rated k+)
On a quiet little planet, the Doctor shares something very important with Clara.
If I could cover myself with this achingly soft piece of writing, I would. Because I can’t, I do the second best thing which is rereading it over and over, until I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Waking Dreams (rated T)
(Doctor Who AU) Life is complicated enough for Clara after an accident puts her young daughter in a coma, but through her only means of communication with the girl - an in-dream interface system - she's meets an odd company representative who promises to help her along, quite possibly in more ways than she could ever imagine.
Welcome to Angstown, populatiom : THIS FIC
A Mirage in Time  (rated M )
After Clara, the Doctor seeks out an Echo to help him move on… and finds himself just as perplexed by her and possibly just as in love.
I love C1araoswa1d’s writing so much, specially the way she depicts Clara. IDK man, part of my undying love for the character comes from the way she characterizes Clara in her stories. So yeah, please go and read all her fics. They are amazing, specialy How to fall in love with a time traveller and A path out of the dark 
Bonus track, my dudes.
Anon, I know you asked me for my favorite ff.net whouffaldi fics, but I cannot left twelveclara out of this list. Her fics are iconic and you have probably read them, but fuck it. 
History, like love
There are planets orbiting her eyes and her mouth tastes like the ocean; in her head she hears a shatter, like her soul has pried her ribs apart in a desperate, aching attempt to reach his. “If I could have picked anybody,” he murmurs, “it would have been you.”
My favorite soulmate au ever written in any fandom. periodt
But we’re so happy
from the outside looking in; so, maybe river’s right. people always stare at what they can’t touch.
punk rock au. Perfection in all its unfinished magnificence.
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