#(i was planning a little fic that might include these elements so i didnt want to go too into detail about hcs)
lollytea · 2 years
mmm okay opinion (☕ emoji I guess if this counts for that game) on huntlow and pda/physical displays of affection. Are they big on it? Do they not like to do it in front of people? My personal hc is hunters too flustered to do anything other than a hand-hold/pinky-link in public but when it's just him and willow he's touch starved and even a bit clingy. But I want to hear your thoughts boy 👁️👁️
YEAH YEAH YEAH This is also my hc about it!! And it's not even just Hunter who has reservations about being overly affectionate in front of people, but Willow too. It's the vibe I'm getting from little details like her waiting until everybody else leaves the room to flirt with him in TTT or not initiating the finger link in FTF until everybody was distracted by Stringbean. Like. She is shy. She feels weird about being so open about it when people are watching.
But I also feel like, though they aren't sickeningly sentimental in front of others, they are usually touching in some capacity. So yeah. Linked fingers. Or holding hands. Willow idly resting her weight against Hunter. Subtle stuff like that. And if they're not touching, they're likely standing very close together.
I dont think they're completely devoid of PDA. Like I definitely think they do shit like this while they're out walking.
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Willow likes to have his arm. She is a gentleman. 😊
OH and while they don't dare kiss as shamelessly as Luz and Amity do...Hunter occasionally gives Willow goodbye smooches. Even if they're hanging out with the others. It be like this
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It's always her forehead he kisses cuz her forehead so perfectly aligns with where his mouth is. She is the ideal height for it. And this is calculated too. He'd be embarrassed to do this and stick around for the others to make fun of him so it's always right before he has to leave. He plants that smooch and immediately teleports off the scene. He refuses to face the repercussions of being mushy with his girlfriend!!!! It drives Willow insane because hello??? She doesn't get to leave just yet. She has to just stand here with the others and be blushy and giggly about it. Do you even care, Hunter??? Do you even care about your girlfriend??? And she hates it cuz she likes it and no matter how embarrassing it is, she doesn't not want goodbye smooches, so she just has to put up with it. Fuck this guy!!!
But yeah!!! YEAH!!! If nobody else is around, Hunter is actually really touchy. He was very hesitant at first during intimate moments and Willow had to manually guide his hands to her face, her waist, wherever she wanted his hands to be. But as he got more comfortable with the fact that he was given permission to touch her, he gradually shifted into this fervent eagerness whenever they're alone. It kinda flusters Willow actually. She wasn't entirely prepared for it. Even after she gets used to it, he still has the ability to mentally trip her up.
Like he'll usually show up at her place after a long, soul draining kind of day. And they'll barely get their "hellos" in before he's suddenly bundled her up in his arms, squeezing her tight against his chest (Willow's like "Okay...okay...this is happening...be cool, this is happening....") and pressing a light kiss against her lips. It's a nonverbal question. Like "I feel like doing a lot of kissing? Can we do that right now??" And Willow rarely says no. She can't always manage a yes either. Just a little nod because WOW!!! OKAY!!! YOURE JUST GONNA BARGE INTO HER ROOM AND SWEEP HER OFF HER FEET???? NO CONSIDERATION FOR THE FACT THAT SHE WAS DOING HER HOMEWORK AND NOW SHE CAN'T FOCUS ON ANYTHING ELSE BUT YOUR STUPID MOUTH!!!! DO YOU EVEN CARE?????
Anyway, yeah. Very subtle acts of PDA. But Hunter is an absolute menace once he gets the hang of this whole "having a girlfriend" thing. Hands all over her. He has the audacity to make her feel loved to the point of idiocy. Disgusting.
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talpup · 3 years
Ok so working theory so far (i haven't re-read everything yet,but i don't know when i'll get the chance to so here's what i have): we know the dragon king and griffon queen wanted to end the war/guarantee future peace/power so they wanted to imprint their young to secure that. The griffon king disagreed and hid Teris- but he couldn't hide a missing royal baby forever, so the dragon king/his servants tracked down teris' last known location; which was with shouta's sphinx family. The dragons attacked bc they were initially trying to get teris back-but when they couldn't find her, dragons and griffons ordered all sphinxes to be killed,not bc they didnt choose a side, but because by hiding teris they betrayed BOTH sides since she was a tool for them to unite dragons with griffons (and guarantee the survival of both royal families, with their power as rulers). This led to different factions being created in the war- some loyal to the griffon king only, some to the griffon queen and dragon king, some to the dragon king only. But eventually everyone turned on each other and the dragons and griffons were exterminated. (Orrrrr shit started getting out of whack with the elementals, so the council members banded together to secretly kill the royal familymembers on both sides, so they got the dragons and griffons to revenge murder each other).
The council is hiding knowledge of the war because if people found out that they turned on the kings and queens they swore allegiance to, then they are no longer trusted/respected authority figures, and EVERYTHING they do/say will come into question... including the festivals to appease the elementals.So if fourths lost their faith/respect towards the council, they wouldnt appease the elementals, and the elementals would start fucking oblvi up again. Also fourths might see that as valid reason to start a coup against the council.
Also i know all for one has something to do with this and i am missing analysis on a lot of stuff but its late so im going to sleep zzzz
Ooo... Theories! I love theories!!!
Brief reminder. In chapter 13, Teris' remembered dream shows her father saying it was time to leave, after she and Shouta spent the day playing together, and Teris asking her father if they could stay a bit longer. Her father said he was afraid not, and when she asked if she would get to see and play with Shouta again, the Griffon King's answer was "I hope so, my dear. For all our sakes, I hope so.”
Also in the latest chapter, His Purple Highness' thoughts shared what they asked the Sphinx leader for and the agreement Teris' father and Shouta's grandfather came to: "Finding the Griffon Queen and Dragon King’s plans as abhorrent as they did, Shouta's grandfather had asked for little in exchange for preforming a block on Teris to prevent a forced imprint. The only thing the Sphinx leader had wanted was King Lheas’ word that the Griffon’s would stop killing his kind for not choosing a side and joining in the war, and a private audience with Teris."
So we know that the Griffon King didn't ask the Sphinx's to hide Teris. But your current thought is that the King didn't take Teris back home after visiting the Sphinx's but hid her somewhere, and the Dragon's came looking for her, tracking her to the Sphinx's and killing Shouta's pack? Interesting... I like it.
But here's a few hinting/leading questions to help further your theories:
If the Griffon King had gone to the Sphinx's to put a block on Teris to stop any forced imprinting, why wouldn't he just return home to his mate and Queen, secure in the knowledge that a such a terrible thing could no longer be done to his daughter?
Presumably, so long as the Griffon Queen and Dragon King didn't find out what the Griffon King had done (in having Shouta's grandfather put a block on Teris) they would have merely thought the attempt to force an imprint on Teris and Kai had failed. It's not like they would've had a lot to go on to be sure such a thing would've worked in the first place, seeing as it's such a long held illegal thing to do and there's little to no remaining ancient records of it being done.
Also, if the Griffon Queen and Dragon King's plan to force an imprint was such an abhorrent thing that the Griffon Queen's loyal and loving mate/King consort was willing to work against her for the first time ever, it stands to reason that others (whether Griffon, Dragon, or merely severing them) would turn against them for it as well. Others like say the Dragon Court for instance.?. I'm not saying Ptick was right about the Dragon Court rising up and killing the Dragon's and only wrong about why (Ptick saying it was cause the Dragon King and Griffon Queen threaded Kai and Teris, instead of them wanting to force imprint them); but this might further lean itself to the "Ptick was right" theory.
As for the Elemental's. The scene in the last chapter with His Purple Highness telling Nemuri all that was mostly just to further explain how knowledge spells work, and (needless as it currently is) let readers know Nemuri is set to be the Dryad King's successor and be Dryad Queen.
Here's a couple lines from that scene where HPH is remembering: "The aged Sphinx had warmed to him during their meeting and privately admitted to being the sole bearer of a knowledge spell that imprisoned an ancient and terrible evil. Not so ancient as the Elemental’s the elemental leader’s were imprisoning, the Sphinx leader had told him with a wink; the great Sphinx naturally aware of the knowledge spell his ancestors had helped His Purple Highness’ ancestors with."
Since the knowledge spell Shouta's grandfather passed onto a young, unknowing Teris and locked in her head is the one keeping All for One imprisoned, and Shouta's grandfather admitted to HPH (His Purple Highness) that the ancient and terrible evil the knowledge spell he carried wasn't keeping something as "ancient as the Elemental’s the elemental leader’s were imprisoning" it's safe to say that All for One isn't an Elemental and the Elemental's won't be playing a part.
Actually, I'll flat out tell you, the Elemental's won't be playing a part in this fic. One, because I got so many moving pieces in this fic that I don't wanna kill myself by adding the Elemental's. lol And two, because this fic is part of an original series, and (whether I end up making it a fanfic or original fic) I have later plans for the Elemental's and the world of Oblvi in a later book.
One last thing. Seeing as it was so small that most might have overlooked it, I will say that there is a hint at what All for One is in the opening scene of the latest chapter.
In any case, thanks for sharing your working theories! I really did love hearing them. Feel free to share any more if you get a chance and want. I hope some of my hints and leading questions helped you along. Thanks again!
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