#(i will never get used to knowing this is a Hawley Pratt cartoon and that Friz refused to work on it)
ducktracy · 5 months
a short that woefully flies under my radar more than is moral, i rewatched Hollywood Daffy months ago and still find myself thinking about this sequence by Virgil Ross to the day. incredibly enchanted by the way this moves—i love the very inspired detail of Daffy grabbing the cop and having to physically pull him down a little to account for the height difference… love that bouncy settle after the Errol Flynn line (i feel i say this with EVERYTHING, but “DON’T ANSWER THAT” is one of my favorite line deliveries from Blanc and Daffy alike) and the head tilts give Daffy a nice nuance and dimension to his acting. it's a great contrast to the purposefully obtuse, flop-footed run cycles and general exorbitance from the cop. so stinkin' good
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